I Do Believe That Joe Biden Has Actually Done More Than Donald Trump

'I Do Believe That Joe Biden Has Actually Done More Than Donald Trump'​

Well, hell yeah! Just ask Joe - he'll tell you...

Joe Biden graduated at the top of his law class ... with honors ... and graduated with 3 degrees.

Joe Biden grew up in a Jewish Puerto Rican community...

He is part Italian because JILL BIDEN is Italian.

Joe Biden is widely known for his civil rights activism...

Joe Biden was arrested in Africa marching with Nelson Mandella...back at home he gave up his seat on the bus to Rosa Parks...

Despite being a civil rigts activist, in the 1960s he once confronted a gang leader named 'Corn Pop'...

Joe Biden used to ride the train to work every day as a Senator and to see his sick mother...

Joe Biden met the man who invented insulin before he died just before Biden was born...

Joe Biden was "appointed" to the Naval Academy...

Joe Biden was once a professional truck driver...

Biden has done a helluva lot more than Donald Trump ... again , if you don't believe it just ask him. Biden will be more than happy to tell you.


Food and bullet prices, DoucheLord 9000.

Electric bill prices, too; Assface.

Also the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, or have you convienently forgotten about that, hmm?

Gifted the Taliban 1000s of automatic weapons and robots and..fuck, our entire land army is compromised due to that POS!

Talk some moar shit, you fuckin' leftist turd!
You have a nothingburger fascist.

Cry us a River
Production was cut back as there was too much oil available on the market that was not selling and US stockpiles were idle on the market.
Admin restrictions on refineries and maintenance/staffing issues kept the gas prices high after we began emerging from under the wuhan flu.
Oil demand went back up as people began traveling again. Unfortunately demand can exceed supply which cause prices to go up.
Then inflation kicks in and people have to restrict their spending.....food and heating costs rise and people restrict their driving to save money for food and heat.......demand decreases, supply goes up, gas prices go down.

Biden sold the oil to boost supply to meet the increase demand which stabilized the price and that why we know have gas prices that are lower.
Biden sold off the SPR trying to stop his failing job approval ratings going into the midterms.
Biden did the right thing as I like the price of gas that we are currently enjoying.
LOL.....all due to people not having money to cover food, heat and gas. Something has to be sacrificed....like carefully spending on travel.
Admin restrictions on refineries and maintenance/staffing issues kept the gas prices high after we began emerging from under the wuhan flu.

Then inflation kicks in and people have to restrict their spending.....food and heating costs rise and people restrict their driving to save money for food and heat.......demand decreases, supply goes up, gas prices go down.

Biden sold off the SPR trying to stop his failing job approval ratings going into the midterms.

LOL.....all due to people not having money to cover food, heat and gas. Something has to be sacrificed....like carefully spending on travel.

so your statement about maintenance cost and problems effects the whole industry. Yeah funny they all had the same problem in different countries. Sorry wrong it was due to not enough on the market when people started to travel again as they cut production and had to restart again which takes time. Thus again that why he released more oil on the market to stabilize it now. This is a market that changes based on a lot of factors. To effect the whole market then it has to be something global.

simple graph Biden releases reserves in late Oct
price has dropped and I can get it now for under 2.90 where I am at.
December 26, 20223.203
December 19, 20223.234
December 12, 20223.353
December 05, 20223.504
November 28, 20223.649
November 21, 20223.763
November 14, 20223.876
November 07, 20223.909
October 31, 20223.857
October 24, 20223.887


Inflation, yeah all those guys with their large trucks were still using them when gas was crazy. People still have to get to work or drive it that what they do when working. IF you have the money you paid the price that was posted.

in the beginning they restricted their driving because of Covid 19 being spread not just because their is inflation. COVID 19 had an effect on inflation as it not only effects gas prices but a whole lot of other stuff.

He sold the oil to stabilize the prices that why for Christmas and new years people are hitting the roads like I said depending on where you go you can get gas for under 2.90. That what he did . If you think that he did it for political purposes well that may be part of it but I am still paying 2.90 for gas. Thus if you had the money could travel home and still have money to spend on presents.

He did if for politics is what republicans would thing. Still I bet a lot of them went home for Christmas and had money to spend on presents instead of high gas prices. Sometimes it not about the motive but doing the right thing. If he scores political points well its only with the group that supports him. The hard opposition will give him no credit. Its the middle roaders that have an open mind.
The demafasict have in just over a year completely screwed the entire free world and done a remarkable job of building the taliban, china and russia back better
Awww, you sound small and hurt girl.

"Remember that time Joe Biden said Inflation was at ZERO Percent ... and it was really over 8%?

That was awesome!"

"Remember that time Biden said, 'The border is CLOSED' ... for two straight years ... but more than 5 MILLION illegals entered the US?

That was awesome."

'Remember that time Joe Biden declared, 'If you don't vote for me you ain't BLACK' ... and then over 80 million Americans proved they really were black?!

That was awesome!'
That is, I think he's done more by messing up this country than Donald Trump did by making America a great place to live. In such a record time too. Does anybody else agree with me on this?
Its pretty close.
How much has it increased in the past year, faggot?
Again, how has any president set the pricing of electricity?

Also, I just paid $1.99/GAL for E88 gas in Des Monies. So, president Biden did that.
How much has it increased in the past year, faggot?
This, from day 1 of Pedo Joe's fake presidency:
Driving up the cost of fuel, which drives up the cost of power.
My electric bill has increased 50%. What I had budgeted the same for years now requires 50% more money to cover. That's fucked up.

Within 1 year, too.
Again, explain exactly how President Biden set the price of electricity.

Also, do you buy electricity from the government or a corporation?

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