I Do Not Believe in Black Racism

So what are the reparations that blacks want?

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

I know, I am asking what should the reparations be? You are asking for them and it's time to get it done.

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

I asked this question for a reason. Because you and the other stooges here seem to be of a belief that we are asking for money for no reason like whites did all this work on their own and that we are only asking for money because we are black and just for slavery. Do yo not understand how much money blacks were denied because of segregation that tasted until 1965 alone?

I didn't say you are asking for no reason. Your ancestors were brought over on boats, thousands died on the boats, you were sold into slavery, you couldn't own property, you were mistreated after the civil war. I stated all this earlier in this thread. If you don't want to have a reasonable conversation then say so. I have no clue as to what is owed, that is why I am asking.
So what are the reparations that blacks want?

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

I know, I am asking what should the reparations be? You are asking for them and it's time to get it done.

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

I asked this question for a reason. Because you and the other stooges here seem to be of a belief that we are asking for money for no reason like whites did all this work on their own and that we are only asking for money because we are black and just for slavery. Do yo not understand how much money blacks were denied because of segregation that tasted until 1965 alone?

I didn't say you are asking for no reason. Your ancestors were brought over on boats, thousands died on the boats, you were sold into slavery, you couldn't own property, you were mistreated after the civil war. I stated all this earlier in this thread. If you don't want to have a reasonable conversation then say so. I have no clue as to what is owed, that is why I am asking.

We are owed a minimum of 6.4 trillion dollars. I've said that before.
So what are the reparations that blacks want?

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

I know, I am asking what should the reparations be? You are asking for them and it's time to get it done.

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

I asked this question for a reason. Because you and the other stooges here seem to be of a belief that we are asking for money for no reason like whites did all this work on their own and that we are only asking for money because we are black and just for slavery. Do yo not understand how much money blacks were denied because of segregation that tasted until 1965 alone?

I didn't say you are asking for no reason. Your ancestors were brought over on boats, thousands died on the boats, you were sold into slavery, you couldn't own property, you were mistreated after the civil war. I stated all this earlier in this thread. If you don't want to have a reasonable conversation then say so. I have no clue as to what is owed, that is why I am asking.

We are owed a minimum of 6.4 trillion dollars. I've said that before.

I didn't know you existed before this thread, sorry apparently the USMB doesn't send me all your posts.

6.4 trillion, I had the figure much higher.
Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

I know, I am asking what should the reparations be? You are asking for them and it's time to get it done.

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

I asked this question for a reason. Because you and the other stooges here seem to be of a belief that we are asking for money for no reason like whites did all this work on their own and that we are only asking for money because we are black and just for slavery. Do yo not understand how much money blacks were denied because of segregation that tasted until 1965 alone?

I didn't say you are asking for no reason. Your ancestors were brought over on boats, thousands died on the boats, you were sold into slavery, you couldn't own property, you were mistreated after the civil war. I stated all this earlier in this thread. If you don't want to have a reasonable conversation then say so. I have no clue as to what is owed, that is why I am asking.

We are owed a minimum of 6.4 trillion dollars. I've said that before.

I didn't know you existed before this thread, sorry apparently the USMB doesn't send me all your posts.

6.4 trillion, I had the figure much higher.

That's a minimum estimate.
I have read many posts about what people are calling Black racism. I found this definition of racism: “a belief that race is the primary determinate of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.”

I realize that pointing out the existence of racism and the need to discuss it stirs up sensitivities on both sides. I also realize the need to admit that the white race in this country has historically seen itself as superior to other races, particularly the black race. If you watch the documentary, “Race, the Power of an Illusion,” you will learn that our “founding fathers” intentionally created the myth of white superiority to gain and keep control of property and lands.

While I as a white person have experienced the ugliness of being hated and mistreated for who I am, I do not consider that experiencing racism. When a black person is hostile towards me, I do not view it as racism against me. I do not like it. I do not run from it. I deal with it as best I can. But I do not consider it racism.

I do consider this. African Americans who are descendants of slaves, cross paths with descendants of slave owners every day. Descendants of the people who bought and sold their ancestors. Descendants of the people who raped, whipped and murdered their ancestors. Descendants of the very ones who owned their ancestors, and treated them like animals, considering them 3/5 human. And now these descendants are their teachers, their employers, their merchants, their neighbors and their co-workers.

And many still carry ingrained attitudes of superiority with them, consciously or unconsciously. And these attitudes are conveyed in many subtle, unspoken terms.

I believe that the biggest difficulty in race relations lies in the inability of white people to listen to black people. I mean really listen. Without criticizing. Without defending. Without interfering. Without interjecting our values, our opinions, and our view point. I believe that most of us white people still see life from the view of the oppressor. And from that standpoint, we will never fully understand the views, actions and reactions of the oppressed.

The sad truth is that most racism practiced today is not coming from white people but is directed AT them. Sorry you refuse to see that.
What I see is institutional racism, which sanctions unequal education, ....

How so?
Major cities with large minority populations have always had to fight the state to try to get adequate funding for their schools. There is a major difference in what states allot to suburban and country schools and what they give inner city schools per child. Therefore, the inner city schools are always having to cut back on programs and lay off teachers. I've watched this personally in Philly. And I have a friend who worked in the Harrisburg legislature.

I have a friend who is in real estate who tells lots of stories of black people who went to buy a house and were denied, saying it was already sold. Then the next day she would see the house being shown to a white couple. Some folks are denied simply because of their skin color. And the real estate world has long been notorious for discriminating, even though there are now laws on the books forbidding it. It still happens.

Black people often have more trouble getting a bank to loan them money, even if their credit is good.

Because the major institutions, like banks, and the government are run by whites, (not denying there may be a small number of black "tokens" allowed in), they are free to deny funding, write and change laws and put up roadblocks to success anywhere they decide to. Individual acts of racism usually effect another individual or a small group. Institutional racism effects us all.
The sad truth is that most racism practiced today is not coming from white people but is directed AT them. Sorry you refuse to see that.
What I see is institutional racism, which sanctions unequal education, ....

How so?
Major cities with large minority populations have always had to fight the state to try to get adequate funding for their schools. There is a major difference in what states allot to suburban and country schools and what they give inner city schools per child. Therefore, the inner city schools are always having to cut back on programs and lay off teachers. I've watched this personally in Philly. And I have a friend who worked in the Harrisburg legislature.

I have a friend who is in real estate who tells lots of stories of black people who went to buy a house and were denied, saying it was already sold. Then the next day she would see the house being shown to a white couple. Some folks are denied simply because of their skin color. And the real estate world has long been notorious for discriminating, even though there are now laws on the books forbidding it. It still happens.

Black people often have more trouble getting a bank to loan them money, even if their credit is good.

Because the major institutions, like banks, and the government are run by whites, (not denying there may be a small number of black "tokens" allowed in), they are free to deny funding, write and change laws and put up roadblocks to success anywhere they decide to. Individual acts of racism usually effect another individual or a small group. Institutional racism effects us all.

There is always at least 1 white person in each of these threads who doesn't seem to understand just how much whites have been given by the government since 1776.
What I see is institutional racism, which sanctions unequal education, ....

How so?
Major cities with large minority populations have always had to fight the state to try to get adequate funding for their schools. There is a major difference in what states allot to suburban and country schools and what they give inner city schools per child. Therefore, the inner city schools are always having to cut back on programs and lay off teachers. I've watched this personally in Philly. And I have a friend who worked in the Harrisburg legislature.

I have a friend who is in real estate who tells lots of stories of black people who went to buy a house and were denied, saying it was already sold. Then the next day she would see the house being shown to a white couple. Some folks are denied simply because of their skin color. And the real estate world has long been notorious for discriminating, even though there are now laws on the books forbidding it. It still happens.

Black people often have more trouble getting a bank to loan them money, even if their credit is good.

Because the major institutions, like banks, and the government are run by whites, (not denying there may be a small number of black "tokens" allowed in), they are free to deny funding, write and change laws and put up roadblocks to success anywhere they decide to. Individual acts of racism usually effect another individual or a small group. Institutional racism effects us all.

There is always at least 1 white person in each of these threads who doesn't seem to understand just how much whites have been given by the government since 1776.
So what are the reparations that blacks want?

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

I know, I am asking what should the reparations be? You are asking for them and it's time to get it done.

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any?

Yet, Southern Whites who profited more off of slavery are behind Northern Whites, while in many regions of the North many Whites are Italians, Irish Catholics, Poles, and Jews who arrived in the 20th century.
So what are the reparations that blacks want?

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?
Because you seem to believe that everything became fair after slavery and that 300 years of purposeful economic oppression was equalized immediately after the civil rights act was signed.. Or even worse you seem to believe those same 300 years has been made right after just 52 years.

The conditions for Jews, Italians, Irish Catholics, and Poles in the early 20th century, were obviously much worse than the conditions for Blacks now.
So what are the reparations that blacks want?

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?
That wasn't what he asked. What are the reparations blacks want?
Because you seem to believe that everything became fair after slavery and that 300 years of purposeful economic oppression was equalized immediately after the civil rights act was signed.. Or even worse you seem to believe those same 300 years has been made right after just 52 years.

What about Blacks who went to Northern states without segregation?
How come they suck just as much?
So what are the reparations that blacks want?

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

I know, I am asking what should the reparations be? You are asking for them and it's time to get it done.

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any?

Yet, Southern Whites who profited more off of slavery are behind Northern Whites, while in many regions of the North many Whites are Italians, Irish Catholics, Poles, and Jews who arrived in the 20th century.

The entire nation benefitted from slavery, both north and south and then from the 100 years of racial segregation afterwards.
So what are the reparations that blacks want?

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?
Because you seem to believe that everything became fair after slavery and that 300 years of purposeful economic oppression was equalized immediately after the civil rights act was signed.. Or even worse you seem to believe those same 300 years has been made right after just 52 years.

The conditions for Jews, Italians, Irish Catholics, and Poles in the early 20th century, were obviously much worse than the conditions for Blacks now.

How about comparing the conditions of blacks during that same time period instead of always trying to look for an excuse to use to deny reality?.
So what are the reparations that blacks want?

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?
That wasn't what he asked. What are the reparations blacks want?
Because you seem to believe that everything became fair after slavery and that 300 years of purposeful economic oppression was equalized immediately after the civil rights act was signed.. Or even worse you seem to believe those same 300 years has been made right after just 52 years.

What about Blacks who went to Northern states without segregation?
How come they suck just as much?

But the north was segregated dumb ass.
So what are the reparations that blacks want?

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?
That wasn't what he asked. What are the reparations blacks want?

I don't give a damn what he asked, I asked my question for very good reason. Can you answer it?

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

Because you seem to believe that everything became fair after slavery and that 300 years of purposeful economic oppression was equalized immediately after the civil rights act was signed.. Or even worse you seem to believe those same 300 years has been made right after just 52 years.
Frankly, Skippy, I could give a rat's ass about who made how much when. You seem absolutely incapable of making your proposal. So, if you have the statistics to support your claim, be my guest, toss them out and let them be discussed. Otherwise, you're shooting off you congenitally ignorant mouth.
So, just how much do you think whites owe blacks? How much would each white person be assessed? Does that include all whites, what qualifies a white person for such an assessment? Do all blacks receive a cash payout and how much would each black receive? What qualifications would a black have in order to receive his/her share of the assessed sums?
So what are the reparations that blacks want?

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

I know, I am asking what should the reparations be? You are asking for them and it's time to get it done.

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

I asked this question for a reason. Because you and the other stooges here seem to be of a belief that we are asking for money for no reason like whites did all this work on their own and that we are only asking for money because we are black and just for slavery. Do yo not understand how much money blacks were denied because of segregation that tasted until 1965 alone?

I didn't say you are asking for no reason. Your ancestors were brought over on boats, thousands died on the boats, you were sold into slavery, you couldn't own property, you were mistreated after the civil war. I stated all this earlier in this thread. If you don't want to have a reasonable conversation then say so. I have no clue as to what is owed, that is why I am asking.

We are owed a minimum of 6.4 trillion dollars. I've said that before.
Where do you expect to get that 6.4 trillion?
Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

I know, I am asking what should the reparations be? You are asking for them and it's time to get it done.

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

I asked this question for a reason. Because you and the other stooges here seem to be of a belief that we are asking for money for no reason like whites did all this work on their own and that we are only asking for money because we are black and just for slavery. Do yo not understand how much money blacks were denied because of segregation that tasted until 1965 alone?

I didn't say you are asking for no reason. Your ancestors were brought over on boats, thousands died on the boats, you were sold into slavery, you couldn't own property, you were mistreated after the civil war. I stated all this earlier in this thread. If you don't want to have a reasonable conversation then say so. I have no clue as to what is owed, that is why I am asking.

We are owed a minimum of 6.4 trillion dollars. I've said that before.
Where do you expect to get that 6.4 trillion?

Now that's the million dollar question!
So what are the reparations that blacks want?

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?
That wasn't what he asked. What are the reparations blacks want?

I don't give a damn what he asked, I asked my question for very good reason. Can you answer it?

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

Because you seem to believe that everything became fair after slavery and that 300 years of purposeful economic oppression was equalized immediately after the civil rights act was signed.. Or even worse you seem to believe those same 300 years has been made right after just 52 years.
Frankly, Skippy, I could give a rat's ass about who made how much when. You seem absolutely incapable of making your proposal. So, if you have the statistics to support your claim, be my guest, toss them out and let them be discussed. Otherwise, you're shooting off you congenitally ignorant mouth.
So, just how much do you think whites owe blacks? How much would each white person be assessed? Does that include all whites, what qualifies a white person for such an assessment? Do all blacks receive a cash payout and how much would each black receive? What qualifications would a black have in order to receive his/her share of the assessed sums?

The government that made the laws owes the money. Now shut up.
Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

I know, I am asking what should the reparations be? You are asking for them and it's time to get it done.

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

I asked this question for a reason. Because you and the other stooges here seem to be of a belief that we are asking for money for no reason like whites did all this work on their own and that we are only asking for money because we are black and just for slavery. Do yo not understand how much money blacks were denied because of segregation that tasted until 1965 alone?

I didn't say you are asking for no reason. Your ancestors were brought over on boats, thousands died on the boats, you were sold into slavery, you couldn't own property, you were mistreated after the civil war. I stated all this earlier in this thread. If you don't want to have a reasonable conversation then say so. I have no clue as to what is owed, that is why I am asking.

We are owed a minimum of 6.4 trillion dollars. I've said that before.
Where do you expect to get that 6.4 trillion?

From the various levels of the government over a specified period of time.
I know, I am asking what should the reparations be? You are asking for them and it's time to get it done.

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

I asked this question for a reason. Because you and the other stooges here seem to be of a belief that we are asking for money for no reason like whites did all this work on their own and that we are only asking for money because we are black and just for slavery. Do yo not understand how much money blacks were denied because of segregation that tasted until 1965 alone?

I didn't say you are asking for no reason. Your ancestors were brought over on boats, thousands died on the boats, you were sold into slavery, you couldn't own property, you were mistreated after the civil war. I stated all this earlier in this thread. If you don't want to have a reasonable conversation then say so. I have no clue as to what is owed, that is why I am asking.

We are owed a minimum of 6.4 trillion dollars. I've said that before.
Where do you expect to get that 6.4 trillion?

Now that's the million dollar question!

Did you really want to have a decent discussion? Or did you want to open up opportunities for trolls?
Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

I asked this question for a reason. Because you and the other stooges here seem to be of a belief that we are asking for money for no reason like whites did all this work on their own and that we are only asking for money because we are black and just for slavery. Do yo not understand how much money blacks were denied because of segregation that tasted until 1965 alone?

I didn't say you are asking for no reason. Your ancestors were brought over on boats, thousands died on the boats, you were sold into slavery, you couldn't own property, you were mistreated after the civil war. I stated all this earlier in this thread. If you don't want to have a reasonable conversation then say so. I have no clue as to what is owed, that is why I am asking.

We are owed a minimum of 6.4 trillion dollars. I've said that before.
Where do you expect to get that 6.4 trillion?

Now that's the million dollar question!

Did you really want to have a decent discussion? Or did you want to open up opportunities for trolls?

We are 20 trillion in debt. Do you think the government can afford to burden taxpayers with another 6 or 7 trillion? It is a legit concern. So do all blacks get money? Is there a pact of black you have to be to get money. Over how long of a period of time is the money distributed? If it is distributed over time, what will the interest rate? The interest alone would make the debt impossible to manage.

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