I Do Not Believe in Black Racism

Major cities with large minority populations have always had to fight the state to try to get adequate funding for their schools. There is a major difference in what states allot [sic] to suburban and country schools and what they give inner city schools per child. ....

You've got it wrong. Inner city schools get, if anything, more state and federal funding. Often very large grants for targeted programs. Wealthy suburbs have more money to work with because local funding generally comes from property taxes - which are obviously higher on more valuable property.

Most inner city schools could sure use more money, but money alone has never solved a school's problems.

In this case more money would go a long way to equalize things. And school; funding formulas maybe should be determined by something else besides property taxes. Maybe every school; gets he same amount of money? After all they are all required to meet the same standards and judged n the same standards.

Not gonna happen, comrade.

And we will continue to fall as a nation.
Major cities with large minority populations have always had to fight the state to try to get adequate funding for their schools. There is a major difference in what states allot [sic] to suburban and country schools and what they give inner city schools per child. ....

You've got it wrong. Inner city schools get, if anything, more state and federal funding. Often very large grants for targeted programs. Wealthy suburbs have more money to work with because local funding generally comes from property taxes - which are obviously higher on more valuable property.

Most inner city schools could sure use more money, but money alone has never solved a school's problems.

Having good students is obviously the most important factor, judging by the fact that Blacks coming from families making over $200,000 have almost identical SAT scores as Whites coming from families making under $20,000.

SAT scores don't mean anything.

Are the two of you comfortable down there at rock bottom?

Well given I got my masters 30 years ago and have retired after a successful career I figure the only person on the bottom are those like you.

You have a losers state of mind.
---- Even in the South, more than 80% of the white population never owned slaves. Given the fact that the majority of today’s non-black Americans descend from immigrants who arrived in this country after the War Between the States, only a tiny percentage of today’s white citizens – perhaps as few as 5% -- bear any authentic sort of generational guilt for the exploitation of slave labor. Michael Medved - Six inconvenient truths about the U.S. and slavery

Moreover, white slavery isn't even mentioned in the public discourse. But facts are that the vast majority of slaves in human history have been white. Between one-half and two-thirds of white immigrants to the American colonies between the 1630s and American Revolution were consigned to slavery--some forcibly, whereas others had to underwrite a slave contract to avoid starvation (cf. Wikipedia).

The majority of white Americans are descended from slaves. They don't like to hear that. However, Blacks like to hear about their slave heritage, because then they can put blame for their own woeful plight on the white slave descendants.

M. Winther

/---- Got anything to prove it or is it just your knee jerk reaction to dismiss anything posted that disagrees with your agenda?
---- Even in the South, more than 80% of the white population never owned slaves. Given the fact that the majority of today’s non-black Americans descend from immigrants who arrived in this country after the War Between the States, only a tiny percentage of today’s white citizens – perhaps as few as 5% -- bear any authentic sort of generational guilt for the exploitation of slave labor. Michael Medved - Six inconvenient truths about the U.S. and slavery

Moreover, white slavery isn't even mentioned in the public discourse. But facts are that the vast majority of slaves in human history have been white. Between one-half and two-thirds of white immigrants to the American colonies between the 1630s and American Revolution were consigned to slavery--some forcibly, whereas others had to underwrite a slave contract to avoid starvation (cf. Wikipedia).

The majority of white Americans are descended from slaves. They don't like to hear that. However, Blacks like to hear about their slave heritage, because then they can put blame for their own woeful plight on the white slave descendants.

M. Winther

/---- Got anything to prove it or is it just your knee jerk reaction to dismiss anything posted that disagrees with your agenda?

Why do I have to prove everything to you maggots when you male ludicrous racist comments you can't prove whatsoever.

The majority of white Americans did not descend from slaves. There is NO and I MEAN ZERO evidence supporting this clam. Given that most of the history we have read was written by whites, if this was the case it is sure enough evidence of the fact that this system complete with education and information is based upon white supremacy.
Major cities with large minority populations have always had to fight the state to try to get adequate funding for their schools. There is a major difference in what states allot to suburban and country schools and what they give inner city schools per child. Therefore, the inner city schools are always having to cut back on programs and lay off teachers. I've watched this personally in Philly. And I have a friend who worked in the Harrisburg legislature.

I have a friend who is in real estate who tells lots of stories of black people who went to buy a house and were denied, saying it was already sold. Then the next day she would see the house being shown to a white couple. Some folks are denied simply because of their skin color. And the real estate world has long been notorious for discriminating, even though there are now laws on the books forbidding it. It still happens.

Black people often have more trouble getting a bank to loan them money, even if their credit is good.

Because the major institutions, like banks, and the government are run by whites, (not denying there may be a small number of black "tokens" allowed in), they are free to deny funding, write and change laws and put up roadblocks to success anywhere they decide to. Individual acts of racism usually effect another individual or a small group. Institutional racism effects us all.

As if many Jews, Asians, and White Catholics don't have roots that went back to poverty ridden inner-city neighborhoods?
I believe the experiences of African Americans are unique. I don't know of any other group who were legally listed as property along with the cattle and branded as 3/5 human and were lynched by the thousands even after they were supposedly freed. The psychological scars passed down through the years, I believe, are theirs alone.

Contrary to your Liberal opinions, Blacks who were "Oppressed" longer tended to fare better in the long term.
Probably because the White man helped them in the long run.

If you don't deny it?
Why is it is New-World Blacks live better than those Blacks in Africa?
Except for Haiti sometimes, which Haiti were the only Blacks in the New-World to free themselves.

I mean Ethiopia, and Liberia weren't really colonized, and they're even poor, and backwards by African standards, meanwhile South Africa the longest colonized Blacks tend to be some of the richest of Africa.

This is pure ignorance.

How come New World Blacks are in better shape economically than those of Africa?
With perhaps the exception of Haiti, which were the first to free themselves.
Major cities with large minority populations have always had to fight the state to try to get adequate funding for their schools. There is a major difference in what states allot [sic] to suburban and country schools and what they give inner city schools per child. ....

You've got it wrong. Inner city schools get, if anything, more state and federal funding. Often very large grants for targeted programs. Wealthy suburbs have more money to work with because local funding generally comes from property taxes - which are obviously higher on more valuable property.

Most inner city schools could sure use more money, but money alone has never solved a school's problems.

Having good students is obviously the most important factor, judging by the fact that Blacks coming from families making over $200,000 have almost identical SAT scores as Whites coming from families making under $20,000.

SAT scores don't mean anything.

Are the two of you comfortable down there at rock bottom?

Well given I got my masters 30 years ago and have retired after a successful career I figure the only person on the bottom are those like you.

You have a losers state of mind.

Your own words put you on rock bottom with dopey there. Don't like it? Choose your words more carefully.
Major cities with large minority populations have always had to fight the state to try to get adequate funding for their schools. There is a major difference in what states allot [sic] to suburban and country schools and what they give inner city schools per child. ....

You've got it wrong. Inner city schools get, if anything, more state and federal funding. Often very large grants for targeted programs. Wealthy suburbs have more money to work with because local funding generally comes from property taxes - which are obviously higher on more valuable property.

Most inner city schools could sure use more money, but money alone has never solved a school's problems.

In this case more money would go a long way to equalize things. And school; funding formulas maybe should be determined by something else besides property taxes. Maybe every school; gets he same amount of money? After all they are all required to meet the same standards and judged n the same standards.

Not gonna happen, comrade.

And we will continue to fall as a nation.

From the OP: "While I as a white person have experienced the ugliness of being hated and mistreated for who I am, I do not consider that experiencing racism. When a black person is hostile towards me, I do not view it as racism against me. I do not like it. I do not run from it. I deal with it as best I can. But I do not consider it racism."

According to it's own opening premise, it cannot have experienced any prejudices for being black, as it claimed to be a white person. That being said, and observing some of its statements throughout this thread, it cannot possibly have any idea what black people experience, it being a white person.
I have been given insights into what black people experience because I have been married to a black man for 36 years.

Congratulations on a long and hopefully wonderful marriage. I admire anyone who manages to hold a marriage together for that length of time. It surprises me, however, that you would never have had experienced black opposition to your union.
In all those years I've only had to deal with one black girl who decided she didn't want "jungle fever" next door. Otherwise, no problems.
"Jungle Fever"?
It was a movie where a black guy and white girl got together.
That's what I thought.
A prerequisite for being a useful fool for bloody communist fantasy is the inability to see people as individuals. A clear sign that someone is not an American.

Most of those who came to America came from strongly Individualist countries like Britain, Ireland, and quite strongly Individualist countries like Germany, and Italy.... Then there's the added fact that many of those came as "Frontiers peoples" who wanted to live freely as "Individuals" in rural America away from authority, and that the U.S then from there on attracted many more "Individualist types"

I'm in fact an American, but because of my South-Eastern Polish roots, from near the border of Collectivist Ukraine,I'm simply more Collectivist than the average America.

It's a matter of biology.
Many black people were "brought" here. They did not want to come. And those who brought them decided that because of their biology, they were inferior and deserved to be treated as such.
How many black people do you know who have been "brought" here against their will. If you know some, please report them to your local authorities because enslavement is against the law and should be dealt with.
You realize, of course, exactly what I was referring to. My husband often remarks that the folks like you mention, who came here for freedom and a better life, always have a home country to go back to if they want to and probably relatives who would welcome them. He and other blacks like him, however, have little or no idea which part of Africa his ancestors were taken from and would be totally at a loss trying to find a place in Africa he could call home and return to.
OK, let's go with that "folks like you" comment: I have always been pretty clear that while European ancestors are part of my heritage, I am a native-born American (i.e. United States citizen). I have always been here, so I am already in my home country, nothing to go back to, no known relatives waiting with open arms and a sofa to sleep on. So, your assumption...or perhaps your husband's assumption about folks like me is false.
I studied and wrote about institutional racism long ago during my university days. Sorry to say, it isn't only whites who perpetrate institutional racism. There are plenty of blacks who maintain the "blacks as victims" fiction in order to further their own livelihoods. Until blacks can break the chains of their political enslavement and their almost professional victim hood, they will remain on the figurative plantation. Stop calling blacks who have made something of themselves, achieved something more than victimhood, Unka Toms or Oreos. Nothing enriches a man's soul more than playing the game using the rules set out for him and winning, despite all odds.
What I see is institutional racism, which sanctions unequal education, ....

How so?
Major cities with large minority populations have always had to fight the state to try to get adequate funding for their schools. There is a major difference in what states allot to suburban and country schools and what they give inner city schools per child. Therefore, the inner city schools are always having to cut back on programs and lay off teachers. I've watched this personally in Philly. And I have a friend who worked in the Harrisburg legislature.

I have a friend who is in real estate who tells lots of stories of black people who went to buy a house and were denied, saying it was already sold. Then the next day she would see the house being shown to a white couple. Some folks are denied simply because of their skin color. And the real estate world has long been notorious for discriminating, even though there are now laws on the books forbidding it. It still happens.

Black people often have more trouble getting a bank to loan them money, even if their credit is good.

Because the major institutions, like banks, and the government are run by whites, (not denying there may be a small number of black "tokens" allowed in), they are free to deny funding, write and change laws and put up roadblocks to success anywhere they decide to. Individual acts of racism usually effect another individual or a small group. Institutional racism effects us all.

As if many Jews, Asians, and White Catholics don't have roots that went back to poverty ridden inner-city neighborhoods?
I believe the experiences of African Americans are unique. I don't know of any other group who were legally listed as property along with the cattle and branded as 3/5 human and were lynched by the thousands even after they were supposedly freed. The psychological scars passed down through the years, I believe, are theirs alone.
A couple of hundred years ago, indeed. That's a pretty lame excuse now. The only brands I've seen on blacks lately are gang brands. Now who's responsible for that? And how many blacks have been lynched in the country in the last 20-30 years? Thousands? Hundreds? Tens? Compare that to how many others, of various races, who have been targeted and murdered.
What I see is institutional racism, which sanctions unequal education, ....

How so?
Major cities with large minority populations have always had to fight the state to try to get adequate funding for their schools. There is a major difference in what states allot to suburban and country schools and what they give inner city schools per child. Therefore, the inner city schools are always having to cut back on programs and lay off teachers. I've watched this personally in Philly. And I have a friend who worked in the Harrisburg legislature.

I have a friend who is in real estate who tells lots of stories of black people who went to buy a house and were denied, saying it was already sold. Then the next day she would see the house being shown to a white couple. Some folks are denied simply because of their skin color. And the real estate world has long been notorious for discriminating, even though there are now laws on the books forbidding it. It still happens.

Black people often have more trouble getting a bank to loan them money, even if their credit is good.

Because the major institutions, like banks, and the government are run by whites, (not denying there may be a small number of black "tokens" allowed in), they are free to deny funding, write and change laws and put up roadblocks to success anywhere they decide to. Individual acts of racism usually effect another individual or a small group. Institutional racism effects us all.

As if many Jews, Asians, and White Catholics don't have roots that went back to poverty ridden inner-city neighborhoods?
I believe the experiences of African Americans are unique. I don't know of any other group who were legally listed as property along with the cattle and branded as 3/5 human and were lynched by the thousands even after they were supposedly freed. The psychological scars passed down through the years, I believe, are theirs alone.
A couple of hundred years ago, indeed. That's a pretty lame excuse now. The only brands I've seen on blacks lately are gang brands. Now who's responsible for that? And how many blacks have been lynched in the country in the last 20-30 years? Thousands? Hundreds? Tens? Compare that to how many others, of various races, who have been targeted and murdered.

If you've only seen gang brands in blacks then you are a racist.

You don't get it. White racists are not fooling anyone with the shit you are doing. You want to ask questions about lynchings and stuff but here we have pages of unadulterated white racist opinions and you ask dumb ass questions about how many lynchings do wee see. Are you that ignorant to your racism that you can't see it?
Major cities with large minority populations have always had to fight the state to try to get adequate funding for their schools. There is a major difference in what states allot to suburban and country schools and what they give inner city schools per child. Therefore, the inner city schools are always having to cut back on programs and lay off teachers. I've watched this personally in Philly. And I have a friend who worked in the Harrisburg legislature.

I have a friend who is in real estate who tells lots of stories of black people who went to buy a house and were denied, saying it was already sold. Then the next day she would see the house being shown to a white couple. Some folks are denied simply because of their skin color. And the real estate world has long been notorious for discriminating, even though there are now laws on the books forbidding it. It still happens.

Black people often have more trouble getting a bank to loan them money, even if their credit is good.

Because the major institutions, like banks, and the government are run by whites, (not denying there may be a small number of black "tokens" allowed in), they are free to deny funding, write and change laws and put up roadblocks to success anywhere they decide to. Individual acts of racism usually effect another individual or a small group. Institutional racism effects us all.

As if many Jews, Asians, and White Catholics don't have roots that went back to poverty ridden inner-city neighborhoods?
I believe the experiences of African Americans are unique. I don't know of any other group who were legally listed as property along with the cattle and branded as 3/5 human and were lynched by the thousands even after they were supposedly freed. The psychological scars passed down through the years, I believe, are theirs alone.
A couple of hundred years ago, indeed. That's a pretty lame excuse now. The only brands I've seen on blacks lately are gang brands. Now who's responsible for that? And how many blacks have been lynched in the country in the last 20-30 years? Thousands? Hundreds? Tens? Compare that to how many others, of various races, who have been targeted and murdered.

If you've only seen gang brands in blacks then you are a racist.

You don't get it. White racists are not fooling anyone with the shit you are doing. You want to ask questions about lynchings and stuff but here we have pages of unadulterated white racist opinions and you ask dumb ass questions about how many lynchings do wee see.

Are you that ignorant to your racism that you can't see it?

That's a question for YOU.
Major cities with large minority populations have always had to fight the state to try to get adequate funding for their schools. There is a major difference in what states allot to suburban and country schools and what they give inner city schools per child. Therefore, the inner city schools are always having to cut back on programs and lay off teachers. I've watched this personally in Philly. And I have a friend who worked in the Harrisburg legislature.

I have a friend who is in real estate who tells lots of stories of black people who went to buy a house and were denied, saying it was already sold. Then the next day she would see the house being shown to a white couple. Some folks are denied simply because of their skin color. And the real estate world has long been notorious for discriminating, even though there are now laws on the books forbidding it. It still happens.

Black people often have more trouble getting a bank to loan them money, even if their credit is good.

Because the major institutions, like banks, and the government are run by whites, (not denying there may be a small number of black "tokens" allowed in), they are free to deny funding, write and change laws and put up roadblocks to success anywhere they decide to. Individual acts of racism usually effect another individual or a small group. Institutional racism effects us all.

As if many Jews, Asians, and White Catholics don't have roots that went back to poverty ridden inner-city neighborhoods?
I believe the experiences of African Americans are unique. I don't know of any other group who were legally listed as property along with the cattle and branded as 3/5 human and were lynched by the thousands even after they were supposedly freed. The psychological scars passed down through the years, I believe, are theirs alone.
A couple of hundred years ago, indeed. That's a pretty lame excuse now. The only brands I've seen on blacks lately are gang brands. Now who's responsible for that? And how many blacks have been lynched in the country in the last 20-30 years? Thousands? Hundreds? Tens? Compare that to how many others, of various races, who have been targeted and murdered.

If you've only seen gang brands in blacks then you are a racist.

You don't get it. White racists are not fooling anyone with the shit you are doing. You want to ask questions about lynchings and stuff but here we have pages of unadulterated white racist opinions and you ask dumb ass questions about how many lynchings do wee see.

Are you that ignorant to your racism that you can't see it?

That's a question for YOU.

No, actually it is not.
So what are the reparations that blacks want?

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?
As if many Jews, Asians, and White Catholics don't have roots that went back to poverty ridden inner-city neighborhoods?
I believe the experiences of African Americans are unique. I don't know of any other group who were legally listed as property along with the cattle and branded as 3/5 human and were lynched by the thousands even after they were supposedly freed. The psychological scars passed down through the years, I believe, are theirs alone.
A couple of hundred years ago, indeed. That's a pretty lame excuse now. The only brands I've seen on blacks lately are gang brands. Now who's responsible for that? And how many blacks have been lynched in the country in the last 20-30 years? Thousands? Hundreds? Tens? Compare that to how many others, of various races, who have been targeted and murdered.

If you've only seen gang brands in blacks then you are a racist.

You don't get it. White racists are not fooling anyone with the shit you are doing. You want to ask questions about lynchings and stuff but here we have pages of unadulterated white racist opinions and you ask dumb ass questions about how many lynchings do wee see.

Are you that ignorant to your racism that you can't see it?

That's a question for YOU.

No, actually it is not.

Tucking and running AGAIN.
So what are the reparations that blacks want?

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

I know, I am asking what should the reparations be? You are asking for them and it's time to get it done.
So what are the reparations that blacks want?

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?
That wasn't what he asked. What are the reparations blacks want?
So what are the reparations that blacks want?

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

I know, I am asking what should the reparations be? You are asking for them and it's time to get it done.

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

I asked this question for a reason. Because you and the other stooges here seem to be of a belief that we are asking for money for no reason like whites did all this work on their own and that we are only asking for money because we are black and just for slavery. Do yo not understand how much money blacks were denied because of segregation that tasted until 1965 alone?
So what are the reparations that blacks want?

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?
That wasn't what he asked. What are the reparations blacks want?

I don't give a damn what he asked, I asked my question for very good reason. Can you answer it?

Do you not quite understand how much money whites made during the time blacks did not get to make any? And do you not understand how much more money that created in the years after slavery until at least 1965?

Because you seem to believe that everything became fair after slavery and that 300 years of purposeful economic oppression was equalized immediately after the civil rights act was signed.. Or even worse you seem to believe those same 300 years has been made right after just 52 years.

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