I Do Not Believe in Black Racism

Most racism is not directed at white people. White people are still practicing racism in a covert manner. These forums are examples of that attitude. While you guys want to talk about how racism doesn't exist you come here and post volumes of racist drivel. Now when you go into your professions you bring the same attitudes you have here because that's who you are. So then when you are caught up and someone of color blasts you for your racism you whine about how whites are getting racism directed to them. No, that's not how it works. Quit practicing racism, you won't find people mad at you for doing it.

Lol! You believe what you posted? Lol! You cry a lot.
Most racism is not directed at white people. White people are still practicing racism in a covert manner. These forums are examples of that attitude. While you guys want to talk about how racism doesn't exist you come here and post volumes of racist drivel. Now when you go into your professions you bring the same attitudes you have here because that's who you are. So then when you are caught up and someone of color blasts you for your racism you whine about how whites are getting racism directed to them. No, that's not how it works. Quit practicing racism, you won't find people mad at you for doing it.

Lol! You believe what you posted? Lol! You cry a lot.

I'm not the one here crying . You are.
Most racism is not directed at white people. White people are still practicing racism in a covert manner. These forums are examples of that attitude. While you guys want to talk about how racism doesn't exist you come here and post volumes of racist drivel. Now when you go into your professions you bring the same attitudes you have here because that's who you are. So then when you are caught up and someone of color blasts you for your racism you whine about how whites are getting racism directed to them. No, that's not how it works. Quit practicing racism, you won't find people mad at you for doing it.

Lol! You believe what you posted? Lol! You cry a lot.

I'm not the one here crying . You are.

Sure, you are complaining, bitching and moaning and I'm good. I believe there is racism, that is this world. I'm not a racist, I agree blacks have been treated and in many areas still treated wrongly. The only person I can control in this issue is myself, I'm not responsible for anyone else.
Most racism is not directed at white people. White people are still practicing racism in a covert manner. These forums are examples of that attitude. While you guys want to talk about how racism doesn't exist you come here and post volumes of racist drivel. Now when you go into your professions you bring the same attitudes you have here because that's who you are. So then when you are caught up and someone of color blasts you for your racism you whine about how whites are getting racism directed to them. No, that's not how it works. Quit practicing racism, you won't find people mad at you for doing it.

Lol! You believe what you posted? Lol! You cry a lot.

I'm not the one here crying . You are.

Sure, you are complaining, bitching and moaning and I'm good. I believe there is racism, that is this world. I'm not a racist, I agree blacks have been treated and in many areas still treated wrongly. The only person I can control in this issue is myself, I'm not responsible for anyone else.

That's a weak excuse. You can work to be a change that affects your community and reduce the racism therein. Stating historical fact ,law and policy is not crying.. You can bitch and moan about paying taxes and the government all you want and that's not crying but when we start holding whites accountable for what they are doing we have to be crying. Not so.
Most racism is not directed at white people. White people are still practicing racism in a covert manner. These forums are examples of that attitude. While you guys want to talk about how racism doesn't exist you come here and post volumes of racist drivel. Now when you go into your professions you bring the same attitudes you have here because that's who you are. So then when you are caught up and someone of color blasts you for your racism you whine about how whites are getting racism directed to them. No, that's not how it works. Quit practicing racism, you won't find people mad at you for doing it.

Lol! You believe what you posted? Lol! You cry a lot.

I'm not the one here crying . You are.

Sure, you are complaining, bitching and moaning and I'm good. I believe there is racism, that is this world. I'm not a racist, I agree blacks have been treated and in many areas still treated wrongly. The only person I can control in this issue is myself, I'm not responsible for anyone else.

That's a weak excuse. You can work to be a change that affects your community and reduce the racism therein. Stating historical fact ,law and policy is not crying.. You can bitch and moan about paying taxes and the government all you want and that's not crying but when we start holding whites accountable for what they are doing we have to be crying. Not so.

I'm not crying either, so what do you want for reparations?
I have read many posts about what people are calling Black racism. I found this definition of racism: “a belief that race is the primary determinate of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.”

I realize that pointing out the existence of racism and the need to discuss it stirs up sensitivities on both sides. I also realize the need to admit that the white race in this country has historically seen itself as superior to other races, particularly the black race. If you watch the documentary, “Race, the Power of an Illusion,” you will learn that our “founding fathers” intentionally created the myth of white superiority to gain and keep control of property and lands.

While I as a white person have experienced the ugliness of being hated and mistreated for who I am, I do not consider that experiencing racism. When a black person is hostile towards me, I do not view it as racism against me. I do not like it. I do not run from it. I deal with it as best I can. But I do not consider it racism.

I do consider this. African Americans who are descendants of slaves, cross paths with descendants of slave owners every day. Descendants of the people who bought and sold their ancestors. Descendants of the people who raped, whipped and murdered their ancestors. Descendants of the very ones who owned their ancestors, and treated them like animals, considering them 3/5 human. And now these descendants are their teachers, their employers, their merchants, their neighbors and their co-workers.

And many still carry ingrained attitudes of superiority with them, consciously or unconsciously. And these attitudes are conveyed in many subtle, unspoken terms.

I believe that the biggest difficulty in race relations lies in the inability of white people to listen to black people. I mean really listen. Without criticizing. Without defending. Without interfering. Without interjecting our values, our opinions, and our view point. I believe that most of us white people still see life from the view of the oppressor. And from that standpoint, we will never fully understand the views, actions and reactions of the oppressed.

If someone hates you based solely on your race, that is, by definition, racism. Whether you believe in it or not does not change that fact.
White people are still practicing racism in a covert manner. .

It certainly wasn't very covert, when I was growing up as a Millennial here in Putnam County, New York.

I had a Black Jamaican friend in middle school, and when I was with him he was attacked by an Italian guy, and it was for no reason, but a Black guy went into his neighborhood, because he didn't speak to him, or even know him, but just started attacking him.

Another time I was with him, and some Italian skater kids, called him a "Sh*t skin" before shooting off fireworks at him.

But, he (The Jamaican kid) really ended up being a piece of sh*t, he ended up stabbing another Black kid, went to jail, got out and went back for raping a White girl.

Yawn. This is the problem with you millennials you don't know things and you always want to argue like you are sages.

How come you can't tell us what discrimination you've experienced in person for being Black?

I don't think it's common today, because not only do many Whites fear attacking Blacks, due to hate crimes, lawsuits, and feral attacks in response.

But, because the majority of Blacks live in Liberal areas, surrounded by Blacks, and Liberal Whites.

Because I don't have to prove to you that I have been discriminated against when you read the crap posted in paces like this.

You don't think, that's your problem. I live in a rather small conservative town where the police stop blacks at 7 times the rate they do for whites claiming they are looking for drugs. The national rate is blacks get stopped 4 times mote than whites by police who claim to be looking for drugs. The national rate of drug use between backs and whites is the same. SO I don't have to answer your dumb ass questions when these facts sit in your face.

Oh really?
Because Blacks were shown to be pulled over at a similar rate as Whites, however Blacks were more likely to be searched.

While it's true that Blacks go to jail more for drugs than Whites.
Use does not equate selling.
Do you have evidence that Blacks don't sell drugs more than Whites?

Also, there tends to be more Police in Black neighborhoods due to the fact that they are more dangerous.
They probably end up picking up more Black drug users because of that.
Meh. People are free to believe blacks aren't racist just as surely as they can believe the Earth is flat.

If they want to be an idiot, that's up to them.
If someone hates you based solely on your race, that is, by definition, racism. Whether you believe in it or not does not change that fact.

What I find amazing is the mental gymnastics of black racist losers who realize they fit the description, so indulge in reams of sophistry attempting to define the term in a way that doesn't include them.

I would venture to say there is an inverse relationship between black success and black racism. The successful blacks I have known don't engage in this bull shit, only the failures do. Blaming all one's failures on skin color in a world where skin color does not prevent a man from attaining the highest position in the land is awfully silly.
[Qwouldn't OTE="Unkotare, post: 17393727, member: 31918"]
The reasonable response to a ridiculous statement is not to make another ridiculous statement.
Come on, you know its true.

You know it's a dumb thing to say.
I w
The reasonable response to a ridiculous statement is not to make another ridiculous statement.
Come on, you know its true.

You know it's a dumb thing to say.
Not dumb, logical.

How so?

Your comments are based on irrational fear.[/QUOTE]
Fear of what?

You calling me a racist is not going to stop me from saying what I say. ....

Say what you want, racist. All the better the more you reveal yourself.

You are becoming really boring. I am no racist and you can't show any racism.

As I said, everyone can read your posts and make that call for themselves.

Well right now only you and a few white racists seem to have that impression.
Quit being a pussy.
I don't care if the guy called his gramma and baby sister syphllitic whores. NO words excuse that rotten shit those empty headed fucking little thugs were up to. It is too bad that old man didn't have a gun. I wouldn't have minded seeing the video end that way.
It's about time you warped, pathetic punks learn that freedom of speech applies to everyone in America, not just you hysterical bastards that think the appropriate response to hearing words you don't care for means you get to commit domestic terrorism.
I would spit on you.
Freedom of speech IS a wonderful thing. I have the right to say anything I choose, BUT if I choose to say something that is hateful, derogatory, spiteful, insensitive, am I using my freedom wisely? As an adult I have the right to drink, but I choose not to because I have seen the negative results of drinking and do not want to be controlled by any substance. I have the right to smoke, but I choose not to because I value my health. I have the right to own a gun, but I choose not to because I believe in a Higher Power for my protection. We should use our freedoms wisely. We should choose our words carefully, because sometimes spoken words have consequences. And the pen is mightier than the sword.
Agreed. Because you can do something doesn't mean you should. But those who choose to still have the freedom to do so. And, while the pen is mightier than the sword, sticks and stones will break bones, but words can never hurt me. Use your tools wisely, I agree. But there are too many using the "sword" unwisely, unkindly, and dangerously. Just as many use words as a cudgel to beat those with whom they disagree into submission.
I've actually never agreed that words can never hurt me. People say mean hurtful things to each other all the time and I believe they really do hurt. Maybe not in the physical sense, but in the emotional and psychological sense. That's why it's so important to be positive and supportive in our words to children. They can have a life long effect.
Dealing with your children, as a parent especially, being supportive and encouraging is your job. But you should also teach your children that it's a fact, some people are unkind and downright nasty and teach them that there are better ways to deal with words, or ideas, they may not agree with, or like than to throw temper tantrums and demand that the speaker "shut up"! Sometimes, it's best to put such people "on ignore".

I often worry about the safety of my children. Especially when they roll their eyes and talk back.
Firm discipline and guidance is also very important for a parent to exercise vis-a-vis their children. Those aspects of child-rearing balance out being supportive and encouraging. Unfortunately, parents nowadays seem to think that making excuses for every vile thing their children do passes as "supportive". Telling a child that everything they do is most excellent and they don't need to win, just be there, is "encouraging". Discipline is considered "abusive". Teaching pride in their accomplishments, even if those accomplishments mean they did better than some other child, is considered bad because those children who did not do so well will feel badly about themselves (instead of trying harder next time). You get my drift.
A prerequisite for being a useful fool for bloody communist fantasy is the inability to see people as individuals. A clear sign that someone is not an American.

Most of those who came to America came from strongly Individualist countries like Britain, Ireland, and quite strongly Individualist countries like Germany, and Italy.... Then there's the added fact that many of those came as "Frontiers peoples" who wanted to live freely as "Individuals" in rural America away from authority, and that the U.S then from there on attracted many more "Individualist types"

I'm in fact an American, but because of my South-Eastern Polish roots, from near the border of Collectivist Ukraine,I'm simply more Collectivist than the average America.

It's a matter of biology.
Many black people were "brought" here. They did not want to come. And those who brought them decided that because of their biology, they were inferior and deserved to be treated as such.
How many black people do you know who have been "brought" here against their will. If you know some, please report them to your local authorities because enslavement is against the law and should be dealt with.
Yes and I will keep refusing to answer because the evidence of white racism is here in your face in these threads.

What about in person?
How many people have mocked Black people in your face?

I was born here. I want to see this change. I have the right to demand that it does change. Therefore I don't have to go anywhere because some loser white piece of shit suffers from psychosis. So fuck off.

I asked you earlier what "Prejudices" you've experienced for being Black?
You REFUSED to answer.

It seems you just make up a bunch of cr@p about being so oppressed, but you're not.

From the OP: "While I as a white person have experienced the ugliness of being hated and mistreated for who I am, I do not consider that experiencing racism. When a black person is hostile towards me, I do not view it as racism against me. I do not like it. I do not run from it. I deal with it as best I can. But I do not consider it racism."

According to it's own opening premise, it cannot have experienced any prejudices for being black, as it claimed to be a white person. That being said, and observing some of its statements throughout this thread, it cannot possibly have any idea what black people experience, it being a white person.
I have been given insights into what black people experience because I have been married to a black man for 36 years.

Congratulations on a long and hopefully wonderful marriage. I admire anyone who manages to hold a marriage together for that length of time. It surprises me, however, that you would never have had experienced black opposition to your union.
In all those years I've only had to deal with one black girl who decided she didn't want "jungle fever" next door. Otherwise, no problems.
"Jungle Fever"?
White people are still practicing racism in a covert manner. .

It certainly wasn't very covert, when I was growing up as a Millennial here in Putnam County, New York.

I had a Black Jamaican friend in middle school, and when I was with him he was attacked by an Italian guy, and it was for no reason, but a Black guy went into his neighborhood, because he didn't speak to him, or even know him, but just started attacking him.

Another time I was with him, and some Italian skater kids, called him a "Sh*t skin" before shooting off fireworks at him.

But, he (The Jamaican kid) really ended up being a piece of sh*t, he ended up stabbing another Black kid, went to jail, got out and went back for raping a White girl.

Yawn. This is the problem with you millennials you don't know things and you always want to argue like you are sages.

How come you can't tell us what discrimination you've experienced in person for being Black?

I don't think it's common today, because not only do many Whites fear attacking Blacks, due to hate crimes, lawsuits, and feral attacks in response.

But, because the majority of Blacks live in Liberal areas, surrounded by Blacks, and Liberal Whites.
Dude, I don't know why you are still responding to this phenomenal troll moron. It's much like combat of the wits with an unarmed opponent...or fighting brain-seeking zombies. He/she/it continues to lurch along in a vain attempt to corner you and desperately suck some modicum of intelligence from your gray matter.
White people are still practicing racism in a covert manner. .

It certainly wasn't very covert, when I was growing up as a Millennial here in Putnam County, New York.

I had a Black Jamaican friend in middle school, and when I was with him he was attacked by an Italian guy, and it was for no reason, but a Black guy went into his neighborhood, because he didn't speak to him, or even know him, but just started attacking him.

Another time I was with him, and some Italian skater kids, called him a "Sh*t skin" before shooting off fireworks at him.

But, he (The Jamaican kid) really ended up being a piece of sh*t, he ended up stabbing another Black kid, went to jail, got out and went back for raping a White girl.

Yawn. This is the problem with you millennials you don't know things and you always want to argue like you are sages.

How come you can't tell us what discrimination you've experienced in person for being Black?

I don't think it's common today, because not only do many Whites fear attacking Blacks, due to hate crimes, lawsuits, and feral attacks in response.

But, because the majority of Blacks live in Liberal areas, surrounded by Blacks, and Liberal Whites.
Dude, I don't know why you are still responding to this phenomenal troll moron. ....

Kindred spirits.
I have read many posts about what people are calling Black racism. I found this definition of racism: “a belief that race is the primary determinate of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.”

I realize that pointing out the existence of racism and the need to discuss it stirs up sensitivities on both sides. I also realize the need to admit that the white race in this country has historically seen itself as superior to other races, particularly the black race. If you watch the documentary, “Race, the Power of an Illusion,” you will learn that our “founding fathers” intentionally created the myth of white superiority to gain and keep control of property and lands.

While I as a white person have experienced the ugliness of being hated and mistreated for who I am, I do not consider that experiencing racism. When a black person is hostile towards me, I do not view it as racism against me. I do not like it. I do not run from it. I deal with it as best I can. But I do not consider it racism.

I do consider this. African Americans who are descendants of slaves, cross paths with descendants of slave owners every day. Descendants of the people who bought and sold their ancestors. Descendants of the people who raped, whipped and murdered their ancestors. Descendants of the very ones who owned their ancestors, and treated them like animals, considering them 3/5 human. And now these descendants are their teachers, their employers, their merchants, their neighbors and their co-workers.

And many still carry ingrained attitudes of superiority with them, consciously or unconsciously. And these attitudes are conveyed in many subtle, unspoken terms.

I believe that the biggest difficulty in race relations lies in the inability of white people to listen to black people. I mean really listen. Without criticizing. Without defending. Without interfering. Without interjecting our values, our opinions, and our view point. I believe that most of us white people still see life from the view of the oppressor. And from that standpoint, we will never fully understand the views, actions and reactions of the oppressed.

The sad truth is that most racism practiced today is not coming from white people but is directed AT them. Sorry you refuse to see that.
What I see is institutional racism, which sanctions unequal education, ....

How so?
Major cities with large minority populations have always had to fight the state to try to get adequate funding for their schools. There is a major difference in what states allot to suburban and country schools and what they give inner city schools per child. Therefore, the inner city schools are always having to cut back on programs and lay off teachers. I've watched this personally in Philly. And I have a friend who worked in the Harrisburg legislature.

I have a friend who is in real estate who tells lots of stories of black people who went to buy a house and were denied, saying it was already sold. Then the next day she would see the house being shown to a white couple. Some folks are denied simply because of their skin color. And the real estate world has long been notorious for discriminating, even though there are now laws on the books forbidding it. It still happens.

Black people often have more trouble getting a bank to loan them money, even if their credit is good.

Because the major institutions, like banks, and the government are run by whites, (not denying there may be a small number of black "tokens" allowed in), they are free to deny funding, write and change laws and put up roadblocks to success anywhere they decide to. Individual acts of racism usually effect another individual or a small group. Institutional racism effects us all.
What about in person?
How many people have mocked Black people in your face?

I asked you earlier what "Prejudices" you've experienced for being Black?
You REFUSED to answer.

It seems you just make up a bunch of cr@p about being so oppressed, but you're not.

From the OP: "While I as a white person have experienced the ugliness of being hated and mistreated for who I am, I do not consider that experiencing racism. When a black person is hostile towards me, I do not view it as racism against me. I do not like it. I do not run from it. I deal with it as best I can. But I do not consider it racism."

According to it's own opening premise, it cannot have experienced any prejudices for being black, as it claimed to be a white person. That being said, and observing some of its statements throughout this thread, it cannot possibly have any idea what black people experience, it being a white person.
I have been given insights into what black people experience because I have been married to a black man for 36 years.

Congratulations on a long and hopefully wonderful marriage. I admire anyone who manages to hold a marriage together for that length of time. It surprises me, however, that you would never have had experienced black opposition to your union.
In all those years I've only had to deal with one black girl who decided she didn't want "jungle fever" next door. Otherwise, no problems.
"Jungle Fever"?
It was a movie where a black guy and white girl got together.
I have read many posts about what people are calling Black racism. I found this definition of racism: “a belief that race is the primary determinate of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.”

I realize that pointing out the existence of racism and the need to discuss it stirs up sensitivities on both sides. I also realize the need to admit that the white race in this country has historically seen itself as superior to other races, particularly the black race. If you watch the documentary, “Race, the Power of an Illusion,” you will learn that our “founding fathers” intentionally created the myth of white superiority to gain and keep control of property and lands.

While I as a white person have experienced the ugliness of being hated and mistreated for who I am, I do not consider that experiencing racism. When a black person is hostile towards me, I do not view it as racism against me. I do not like it. I do not run from it. I deal with it as best I can. But I do not consider it racism.

I do consider this. African Americans who are descendants of slaves, cross paths with descendants of slave owners every day. Descendants of the people who bought and sold their ancestors. Descendants of the people who raped, whipped and murdered their ancestors. Descendants of the very ones who owned their ancestors, and treated them like animals, considering them 3/5 human. And now these descendants are their teachers, their employers, their merchants, their neighbors and their co-workers.

And many still carry ingrained attitudes of superiority with them, consciously or unconsciously. And these attitudes are conveyed in many subtle, unspoken terms.

I believe that the biggest difficulty in race relations lies in the inability of white people to listen to black people. I mean really listen. Without criticizing. Without defending. Without interfering. Without interjecting our values, our opinions, and our view point. I believe that most of us white people still see life from the view of the oppressor. And from that standpoint, we will never fully understand the views, actions and reactions of the oppressed.

The sad truth is that most racism practiced today is not coming from white people but is directed AT them. Sorry you refuse to see that.
What I see is institutional racism, which sanctions unequal education, ....

How so?
Major cities with large minority populations have always had to fight the state to try to get adequate funding for their schools. There is a major difference in what states allot to suburban and country schools and what they give inner city schools per child. Therefore, the inner city schools are always having to cut back on programs and lay off teachers. I've watched this personally in Philly. And I have a friend who worked in the Harrisburg legislature.

I have a friend who is in real estate who tells lots of stories of black people who went to buy a house and were denied, saying it was already sold. Then the next day she would see the house being shown to a white couple. Some folks are denied simply because of their skin color. And the real estate world has long been notorious for discriminating, even though there are now laws on the books forbidding it. It still happens.

Black people often have more trouble getting a bank to loan them money, even if their credit is good.

Because the major institutions, like banks, and the government are run by whites, (not denying there may be a small number of black "tokens" allowed in), they are free to deny funding, write and change laws and put up roadblocks to success anywhere they decide to. Individual acts of racism usually effect another individual or a small group. Institutional racism effects us all.

As if many Jews, Asians, and White Catholics don't have roots that went back to poverty ridden inner-city neighborhoods?
A prerequisite for being a useful fool for bloody communist fantasy is the inability to see people as individuals. A clear sign that someone is not an American.

Most of those who came to America came from strongly Individualist countries like Britain, Ireland, and quite strongly Individualist countries like Germany, and Italy.... Then there's the added fact that many of those came as "Frontiers peoples" who wanted to live freely as "Individuals" in rural America away from authority, and that the U.S then from there on attracted many more "Individualist types"

I'm in fact an American, but because of my South-Eastern Polish roots, from near the border of Collectivist Ukraine,I'm simply more Collectivist than the average America.

It's a matter of biology.
Many black people were "brought" here. They did not want to come. And those who brought them decided that because of their biology, they were inferior and deserved to be treated as such.
How many black people do you know who have been "brought" here against their will. If you know some, please report them to your local authorities because enslavement is against the law and should be dealt with.
You realize, of course, exactly what I was referring to. My husband often remarks that the folks like you mention, who came here for freedom and a better life, always have a home country to go back to if they want to and probably relatives who would welcome them. He and other blacks like him, however, have little or no idea which part of Africa his ancestors were taken from and would be totally at a loss trying to find a place in Africa he could call home and return to.

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