I Do Not Believe in Black Racism

As a black person I will say Delores has got it spot on. This isn't just about slavery. What happened when slavery ended? Up until 52 years ago we were not afforded equal constitutional rights and protections because of laws made by whites. When I was born I did not have equal projection by law. And even though the law forbids overt racism now whites still practice it while enacting policies they know are targeted for people of color. Such as gutting voting rights, the attack on Affirmative action, the lies abut what affirmative action actually is, the attack on welfare and similar programs targeting poverty So I do think that when whites start whining about blacks one anyone else f color being racists they need to consider exactly what white racism has entailed first. Because it hasn't stopped and that's why Donald Trump is the president of the United States right now.
So, your answer to perceived "white racism" is to give blacks carte blanche when they practice "black racism"? Boy, yo' mamma did a poor job raisin' you if she never taught you that two wrongs don't make it right. Where's all that turn the other cheek, practice tolerance demanded of "white" people?

What my momma taught me was not to commit the first wrong then judge others when they respond to the wrong I committed. Many whites like you might want to grab that concept. We ain't talking about perceived white racism. Racism by whites has been posted in these threads as well as in the political threads I have entered on this forum. And what exactly is black racism?
When a black person perceives their race as superior and is anti white instead of judging people by their character.

Well when you are talking about continuing racism by whites you are not perceiving your race as superior nor are you judging anyone by anything.you would be stating historical fact when you say white racism has been the problem for blacks. You would also be stating fact when you show white racist housing policies hurt blacks even to right now. You would also be stating fact when you present studies showing that racist policy is the main driver behind racial inequities in wealth and you would be stating fact when you show 200 years plus of programs only whites have been allowed by the government to use to get ahead.

None of these things are stating racial superiority for blacks none of it is judging anyone not by their character. You really need to not hijack words from King because I can show you a whole lot of things King said that apply to today that you would not like to hear as a white person.

White racism went a little further than what you describe Molly. So then your definition cannot be applied to any such conversation. Until blacks have done exactly what whites did you cannot talk sanely about black racism. And it continues going farther than what you describe as racism. You are just gong to deal with the displeasure blacks feel about how whites have done things and how they continue doing them while lying about it to our faces thinking they san just say something and we believe them.

If you had proper character, you would not be here making comments about how you can't blame people of the past for things done 200 years ago. If you had proper character you would understand how those things impact us now. Because they do. We are the United States of America because of things done over 240 years ago. So don't give me that mess about how you can't blame people for the past for things today.
You apparently don't know what proper character means. It certainly does not mean taking blame for what people of your same race did in the past, none of which I am responsible for, neither did I have ancestors who did. And not doing exactly what whites did does not exempt you from being racist. I did not hijnk MLK's words, I always judge people by their character, MLK did NOT invent that word. I did not say racism does not still exist, it is wrong, regardless of who is doing it. But to blame whites and think they are responsible for any errors in the past is totally wrong.

It's not wrong when those things from the past are part of the reason why whites have so much now. It's not wrong when whites have the same attitudes and opinions as those in the past. That excuse of blaming people for the past is weak. You guys keep talking about black racism and that's a joke. Not because t's not possible, but there is a hell of a difference between saying I hate whitey and enacting laws and policies, racial profiling by police, refusal to hire people of color, underpaying people of color, etc. So I don't care how long you have been here, the way you think is wrong.
Blacks don't aim their guns sideways either but keep on believing t hat.

I don't give a fuck how big you are.

You'll understand and won't be talking with all that hubris when your ass is a minority.

No you dismissed me because I'm black and won't back down to you punks and your racism. You can't deal with a real black man. That's why you love sellouts like herman cain or ben carson.

^Evidence of black racism on display right here!

No, I don't think so.
Racists rarely admit to being racist. It must be very convenient to believe you are immune from the possibility of being a racist because of the color that your skin is not white.

That not how it goes joe. When we have done the things whites have done to us and continue doing, then we can talk about black racism.
You do not have immunity from being a racist because you are not white.

And you don't get to accuse people of being racist for pointing out racism in whites or a history of racism and the unfixed damages caused by it.
Blacks don't aim their guns sideways either but keep on believing t hat.

I don't give a fuck how big you are.

You'll understand and won't be talking with all that hubris when your ass is a minority.

No you dismissed me because I'm black and won't back down to you punks and your racism. You can't deal with a real black man. That's why you love sellouts like herman cain or ben carson.

^Evidence of black racism on display right here!

No, I don't think so.
Racists rarely admit to being racist. It must be very convenient to believe you are immune from the possibility of being a racist because of the color that your skin is not white.

That not how it goes joe. When we have done the things whites have done to us and continue doing, then we can talk about black racism.

^Flawed logic.

You have ONS.

A term I came up with years ago for the one black guy (out of many) on the crew that was reading Malcolm X for


week and didn't last long.

^Evidence of black racism on display right here!

No, I don't think so.
Racists rarely admit to being racist. It must be very convenient to believe you are immune from the possibility of being a racist because of the color that your skin is not white.

That not how it goes joe. When we have done the things whites have done to us and continue doing, then we can talk about black racism.
You do not have immunity from being a racist because you are not white.

And you don't get to accuse people of being racist for pointing out racism in whites or a history of racism and the unfixed damages caused by it.
I get to accuse you of racism, after all you are a racist. Your everything is whittie's fault attitude make's you a racist.
From a book titled "Slaves in the Family", In 1556, Sir John Hawkins sailed from London to some landing point on the West African coast, and sent 80 men on shore to trap people. Villagers fought back and the poachers took just ten captives. Sailing farther south, Hawkins tried again, succeeded in filling his ship, and headed for the Caribbean. Eventually Europeans found an easier way of procuring workers, namely, encouraging black clans to fight one another and to sell their prisoners of war.
I am well aware of what my relatives did, yet, Western Europe would also sail to Eastern Europe and get white slaves in the same manner..Is it worse for white people to obtain slaves or black, Chinese, Native American Indians, etc,etc.?
One is no worse than the other. It's just that living here in the U.S. we are still suffering the consequences of actions that subjugated certain people and I think we should find ways of righting those wrongs.

Such as?
Creating equal opportunities, equal education, equal housing, acceptance of folks instead of tolerance of folks. Removing the 3/5 human law from the books. Instituting laws that end mass incarceration. Rebuilding inner cities that have been virtually abandoned. Insisting that large corporations like Walmart and McDonalds pay higher wages so that people who work there make a decent living. Stopping corporate welfare. Ending lobbying in Washington. Ending campaigns that make it possible for only the rich folks to be represented in Washington.
Working at Walmart or McDonalds does not involve race. Whites don't make more because they are white.

White men make more than black men or Hispanic men and less than Asian men.

Asian men are paid 17% more than white men. Black men make 27% less than white men and Hispanic men make 31% less than white men. Oddly the pay

Sadly racism is still an issue in hiring, pay and housing. Corporate welfare needs to end but that isn't the reason for the pay gap.
So, your answer to perceived "white racism" is to give blacks carte blanche when they practice "black racism"? Boy, yo' mamma did a poor job raisin' you if she never taught you that two wrongs don't make it right. Where's all that turn the other cheek, practice tolerance demanded of "white" people?

What my momma taught me was not to commit the first wrong then judge others when they respond to the wrong I committed. Many whites like you might want to grab that concept. We ain't talking about perceived white racism. Racism by whites has been posted in these threads as well as in the political threads I have entered on this forum. And what exactly is black racism?
When a black person perceives their race as superior and is anti white instead of judging people by their character.

Well when you are talking about continuing racism by whites you are not perceiving your race as superior nor are you judging anyone by anything.you would be stating historical fact when you say white racism has been the problem for blacks. You would also be stating fact when you show white racist housing policies hurt blacks even to right now. You would also be stating fact when you present studies showing that racist policy is the main driver behind racial inequities in wealth and you would be stating fact when you show 200 years plus of programs only whites have been allowed by the government to use to get ahead.

None of these things are stating racial superiority for blacks none of it is judging anyone not by their character. You really need to not hijack words from King because I can show you a whole lot of things King said that apply to today that you would not like to hear as a white person.

White racism went a little further than what you describe Molly. So then your definition cannot be applied to any such conversation. Until blacks have done exactly what whites did you cannot talk sanely about black racism. And it continues going farther than what you describe as racism. You are just gong to deal with the displeasure blacks feel about how whites have done things and how they continue doing them while lying about it to our faces thinking they san just say something and we believe them.

If you had proper character, you would not be here making comments about how you can't blame people of the past for things done 200 years ago. If you had proper character you would understand how those things impact us now. Because they do. We are the United States of America because of things done over 240 years ago. So don't give me that mess about how you can't blame people for the past for things today.
You apparently don't know what proper character means. It certainly does not mean taking blame for what people of your same race did in the past, none of which I am responsible for, neither did I have ancestors who did. And not doing exactly what whites did does not exempt you from being racist. I did not hijnk MLK's words, I always judge people by their character, MLK did NOT invent that word. I did not say racism does not still exist, it is wrong, regardless of who is doing it. But to blame whites and think they are responsible for any errors in the past is totally wrong.

It's not wrong when those things from the past are part of the reason why whites have so much now. It's not wrong when whites have the same attitudes and opinions as those in the past. That excuse of blaming people for the past is weak. You guys keep talking about black racism and that's a joke. Not because t's not possible, but there is a hell of a difference between saying I hate whitey and enacting laws and policies, racial profiling by police, refusal to hire people of color, underpaying people of color, etc. So I don't care how long you have been here, the way you think is wrong.
I think correctly. I don't hold people of any color above another. I work hard, always have. I have no more opportunity to achieve what I want than anyone else. You seem to be angry at all white people. What laws or policies are exclusive to whites now? Why is there racial profiling? Look at the stats on crime. Sure, whites commit crime, they are not exempt from punishment, nor should they be. If a white person gets a free ride, it usually is a case of class favoritism, money talks. I worked at one company who fired a black man for lying about his driving record. He claimed it was because he was black, which was bullshit. A white man was also fired for the same reason.
I am well aware of what my relatives did, yet, Western Europe would also sail to Eastern Europe and get white slaves in the same manner..Is it worse for white people to obtain slaves or black, Chinese, Native American Indians, etc,etc.?
One is no worse than the other. It's just that living here in the U.S. we are still suffering the consequences of actions that subjugated certain people and I think we should find ways of righting those wrongs.

Such as?
Creating equal opportunities, equal education, equal housing, acceptance of folks instead of tolerance of folks. Removing the 3/5 human law from the books. Instituting laws that end mass incarceration. Rebuilding inner cities that have been virtually abandoned. Insisting that large corporations like Walmart and McDonalds pay higher wages so that people who work there make a decent living. Stopping corporate welfare. Ending lobbying in Washington. Ending campaigns that make it possible for only the rich folks to be represented in Washington.
Working at Walmart or McDonalds does not involve race. Whites don't make more because they are white.

White men make more than black men or Hispanic men and less than Asian men.

Asian men are paid 17% more than white men. Black men make 27% less than white men and Hispanic men make 31% less than white men. Oddly the pay

Sadly racism is still an issue in hiring, pay and housing. Corporate welfare needs to end but that isn't the reason for the pay gap.
Racism may be the reason for some of the pay gap, but how much? How much of the pay gap is due to a corresponding education gap? In general Blacks have as much access to educational opportunities as other ethnic groups. If you look at gpa and sat scores, Asians tend to do better than whites who do better than blacks and Hispanics on average.
Blacks are racist against darker skinned blacks, and blacks are extremely racist towards whites. Probably not too friendly with zipperheads either.
Molly there is much you do not know and just because I point out continuing racism by whites doesn't make me he angry back am. If you want me to be angry that is the assumption you will keep making. On top of that what males whites actually believe at we have no right o to be angry. The I was not there is an excuse,

So let me help you understand where today whites still are provided advantages.

How Chicago's White Donor Class Distorts City Policy | Demos

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters | Demos

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Reflects a History of Racism


Detroit is 83 percent African-American, and 38 percent of its population lives below the poverty line. But the older, blacker Detroit starkly contrasts with a whiter, wealthier new Detroit that's been wooed in by tax breaks and living incentives—which gives these evictions a heavily racial subtext.

These tax breaks and incentives were not given to black citizens of Detroit Molly.


Please read the information.
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One is no worse than the other. It's just that living here in the U.S. we are still suffering the consequences of actions that subjugated certain people and I think we should find ways of righting those wrongs.

Such as?
Creating equal opportunities, equal education, equal housing, acceptance of folks instead of tolerance of folks. Removing the 3/5 human law from the books. Instituting laws that end mass incarceration. Rebuilding inner cities that have been virtually abandoned. Insisting that large corporations like Walmart and McDonalds pay higher wages so that people who work there make a decent living. Stopping corporate welfare. Ending lobbying in Washington. Ending campaigns that make it possible for only the rich folks to be represented in Washington.
Working at Walmart or McDonalds does not involve race. Whites don't make more because they are white.

White men make more than black men or Hispanic men and less than Asian men.

Asian men are paid 17% more than white men. Black men make 27% less than white men and Hispanic men make 31% less than white men. Oddly the pay

Sadly racism is still an issue in hiring, pay and housing. Corporate welfare needs to end but that isn't the reason for the pay gap.
Racism may be the reason for some of the pay gap, but how much? How much of the pay gap is due to a corresponding education gap? In general Blacks have as much access to educational opportunities as other ethnic groups. If you look at gpa and sat scores, Asians tend to do better than whites who do better than blacks and Hispanics on average.

It's the entire reason. Facts show that even with the same educational level whites are paid more than backs. Entrance scores are irrelevant to anything really.

An Asian working construction as a laborer will be paid less than a white laborer. But when you compare the white construction laborer with the Asian computer programmer, Asians get paid more. .So let's stop trying to use Asians as an example.
Blacks are racist against darker skinned blacks, and blacks are extremely racist towards whites. Probably not too friendly with zipperheads either.


I'm black, can you tell me what a zipperhead is?
No, I don't think so.
Racists rarely admit to being racist. It must be very convenient to believe you are immune from the possibility of being a racist because of the color that your skin is not white.

That not how it goes joe. When we have done the things whites have done to us and continue doing, then we can talk about black racism.
You do not have immunity from being a racist because you are not white.

And you don't get to accuse people of being racist for pointing out racism in whites or a history of racism and the unfixed damages caused by it.
I get to accuse you of racism, after all you are a racist. Your everything is whittie's fault attitude make's you a racist.

You can do all the accusing you want but it does not make me a racist.
Racists rarely admit to being racist. It must be very convenient to believe you are immune from the possibility of being a racist because of the color that your skin is not white.

That not how it goes joe. When we have done the things whites have done to us and continue doing, then we can talk about black racism.
You do not have immunity from being a racist because you are not white.

And you don't get to accuse people of being racist for pointing out racism in whites or a history of racism and the unfixed damages caused by it.
I get to accuse you of racism, after all you are a racist. Your everything is whittie's fault attitude make's you a racist.

You can do all the accusing you want but it does not make me a racist.
That's one thing we can agree about; my accusing you of being a racist does not make you a racist. You maded yourself a racist long before I accused you of it.
I have read many posts about what people are calling Black racism. I found this definition of racism: “a belief that race is the primary determinate of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.”

I realize that pointing out the existence of racism and the need to discuss it stirs up sensitivities on both sides. I also realize the need to admit that the white race in this country has historically seen itself as superior to other races, particularly the black race. If you watch the documentary, “Race, the Power of an Illusion,” you will learn that our “founding fathers” intentionally created the myth of white superiority to gain and keep control of property and lands.

While I as a white person have experienced the ugliness of being hated and mistreated for who I am, I do not consider that experiencing racism. When a black person is hostile towards me, I do not view it as racism against me. I do not like it. I do not run from it. I deal with it as best I can. But I do not consider it racism.

I do consider this. African Americans who are descendants of slaves, cross paths with descendants of slave owners every day. Descendants of the people who bought and sold their ancestors. Descendants of the people who raped, whipped and murdered their ancestors. Descendants of the very ones who owned their ancestors, and treated them like animals, considering them 3/5 human. And now these descendants are their teachers, their employers, their merchants, their neighbors and their co-workers.

And many still carry ingrained attitudes of superiority with them, consciously or unconsciously. And these attitudes are conveyed in many subtle, unspoken terms.

I believe that the biggest difficulty in race relations lies in the inability of white people to listen to black people. I mean really listen. Without criticizing. Without defending. Without interfering. Without interjecting our values, our opinions, and our view point. I believe that most of us white people still see life from the view of the oppressor. And from that standpoint, we will never fully understand the views, actions and reactions of the oppressed.
bamma third term.jpeg
libs and free speech.jpeg
What a silly post-Obama mindset.

Do you really want to push for a resurgence in the Klan? Derp!

Things were fine before Obama. He has no real identity for himself and hates America, so he elected to try to divide Americans on black and white lines. It appears you swallowed the bait hook, line, and sinker.

1 more year and things will be back to normal.

I hear you calling for race war.

Newsflash: Blacks are no more than 14% of the population and many cannot own guns. Bad idea. Furthermore, for what? Americans are Americans, no matter what race they may be. Except Obama, I really think he's not an American. At least I know his people don't go back 200+ years like my friends' people.

You don't get it. Whites are going to be a minority in 20 years. Newsflash, you will be outnumbered by brown skinned folks you have historically mistreated. If you try that KKK shit you get wiped out.

Things weren't fine before Obama. We were staring down the teeth of a depression after the economy tanked.

You keep thinking that, racist slime. I ain't scared. I'm big 'nuff to go bear huntin' without a gun and been shooting since I was 8 years old.

White people don't aim their guns sideways, they get the job done.

You're dismissed for being a piece of shit, not because you're black.

Blacks don't aim their guns sideways either but keep on believing t hat.

I don't give a fuck how big you are.

You'll understand and won't be talking with all that hubris when your ass is a minority.

No you dismissed me because I'm black and won't back down to you punks and your racism. You can't deal with a real black man. That's why you love sellouts like herman cain or ben carson.

Your attitude with posts like this suggest you think whites will be inferior just because they are the minority.

No it doesn't. It suggests that all this racist garbage that is continued to be talked night not happen when whites are a minority.

When whites are a minority, we will be officially the oppressed minority in the history of mankind.

"White guilt" will be a mythological construct, and you will deal with white men who are bigger and badder than we have ever been in all of European history.

You punks couldn't handle a real white man from the past, but the white man of the future will make those white men look castrated.
:lmao: pee-wee took an extra viagra with his pudding tonight ^^^^^^^^

Too funny
Blacks don't aim their guns sideways either but keep on believing t hat.

I don't give a fuck how big you are.

You'll understand and won't be talking with all that hubris when your ass is a minority.

No you dismissed me because I'm black and won't back down to you punks and your racism. You can't deal with a real black man. That's why you love sellouts like herman cain or ben carson.

^Evidence of black racism on display right here!

No, I don't think so.
Racists rarely admit to being racist. It must be very convenient to believe you are immune from the possibility of being a racist because of the color that your skin is not white.

That not how it goes joe. When we have done the things whites have done to us and continue doing, then we can talk about black racism.
You do not have immunity from being a racist because you are not white.

When whites face all of the exact same things from us as we have faced from whites, then come talk to me about black racism.
^Evidence of black racism on display right here!

No, I don't think so.
Racists rarely admit to being racist. It must be very convenient to believe you are immune from the possibility of being a racist because of the color that your skin is not white.

That not how it goes joe. When we have done the things whites have done to us and continue doing, then we can talk about black racism.
You do not have immunity from being a racist because you are not white.

When whites face all of the exact same things from us as we have faced from whites, then come talk to me about black racism.

Talk to the white farmers of South Africa.

Where blacks are doing things like crucifying and raping toddlers in front of their parents, then burning them alive.
Drowning 12 year olds in boiling water.
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You don't get it. Whites are going to be a minority in 20 years. Newsflash, you will be outnumbered by brown skinned folks you have historically mistreated. If you try that KKK shit you get wiped out.

Things weren't fine before Obama. We were staring down the teeth of a depression after the economy tanked.

You keep thinking that, racist slime. I ain't scared. I'm big 'nuff to go bear huntin' without a gun and been shooting since I was 8 years old.

White people don't aim their guns sideways, they get the job done.

You're dismissed for being a piece of shit, not because you're black.

Blacks don't aim their guns sideways either but keep on believing t hat.

I don't give a fuck how big you are.

You'll understand and won't be talking with all that hubris when your ass is a minority.

No you dismissed me because I'm black and won't back down to you punks and your racism. You can't deal with a real black man. That's why you love sellouts like herman cain or ben carson.
Your attitude with posts like this suggest you think whites will be inferior just because they are the minority.

No it doesn't. It suggests that all this racist garbage that is continued to be talked night not happen when whites are a minority.
When whites are a minority, we will be officially the oppressed minority in the history of mankind.

"White guilt" will be a mythological construct, and you will deal with white men who are bigger and badder than we have ever been in all of European history.

You punks couldn't handle a real white man from the past, but the white man of the future will make those white men look castrated.

Junior, the real truth here is that the white man from the past could not handle us, and you, a young punk in diapers, is no match. You see, if white men are getting bigger and badder, we blacks ain't getting no smaller or weaker. And on the world scale whites are a minority. So here's some advice rookie, don't step on a field you are too soft to play on.

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