I Do Not Believe in Black Racism

No, I don't think so.
Racists rarely admit to being racist. It must be very convenient to believe you are immune from the possibility of being a racist because of the color that your skin is not white.

That not how it goes joe. When we have done the things whites have done to us and continue doing, then we can talk about black racism.
You do not have immunity from being a racist because you are not white.

When whites face all of the exact same things from us as we have faced from whites, then come talk to me about black racism.

Talk to the white farmers of South Africa.

Where blacks are doing things like crucifying and raping toddlers in front of their parents.
Drowning 12 year olds in boiling water, then burning them alive.

I'll talk to whites in America. And I won't be talking to whites in South Africa who imposed apartheid on blacks stealing the land and now cry because some blacks are getting revenge for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were murdered in Aparthied. So again, when whites face the exact same thing as backs have faced from whites then talk. That means blacks do all things whites did during apartheid. Because those blacks have not occupied white land.
Racists rarely admit to being racist. It must be very convenient to believe you are immune from the possibility of being a racist because of the color that your skin is not white.

That not how it goes joe. When we have done the things whites have done to us and continue doing, then we can talk about black racism.
You do not have immunity from being a racist because you are not white.

When whites face all of the exact same things from us as we have faced from whites, then come talk to me about black racism.

Talk to the white farmers of South Africa.

Where blacks are doing things like crucifying and raping toddlers in front of their parents.
Drowning 12 year olds in boiling water, then burning them alive.

I'll talk to whites in America. And I won't be talking to whites in South Africa who imposed apartheid on blacks stealing the land and now cry because some blacks are getting revenge for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were murdered in Aparthied. So again, when whites face the exact same thing as backs have faced from whites then talk. That means blacks do all things whites did during apartheid. Because those blacks have not occupied white land.
So the crucified toddler had it coming to him, got it.
^Evidence of black racism on display right here!

No, I don't think so.
Racists rarely admit to being racist. It must be very convenient to believe you are immune from the possibility of being a racist because of the color that your skin is not white.

That not how it goes joe. When we have done the things whites have done to us and continue doing, then we can talk about black racism.
You do not have immunity from being a racist because you are not white.

When whites face all of the exact same things from us as we have faced from whites, then come talk to me about black racism.
It's obvious we have nothing to talk about. Just keep on being the poster child of black racism on this forum for all to see. I'm just going to set back and laugh at you as you continue to deny your racism.
No, I don't think so.
Racists rarely admit to being racist. It must be very convenient to believe you are immune from the possibility of being a racist because of the color that your skin is not white.

That not how it goes joe. When we have done the things whites have done to us and continue doing, then we can talk about black racism.
You do not have immunity from being a racist because you are not white.

When whites face all of the exact same things from us as we have faced from whites, then come talk to me about black racism.

Talk to the white farmers of South Africa.

Where blacks are doing things like crucifying and raping toddlers in front of their parents.
Drowning 12 year olds in boiling water, then burning them alive.
Fuck the white farmers of S. Africa. They deserve what they get and 10x more after what they did to Black Africans.
Ol Delores is just as racist as her black buddies. She is white but hates the white race and now considers herself black because she married a black man. She, too, is a troll.
Call me what you like. I do not hate the white race and I do not consider myself black. As a matter of fact, when we got married, Pete said, "I'll stay black and you stay white." That's what we did and many interracial couples have not been able to remain who they are individually together.
I have read many posts about what people are calling Black racism. I found this definition of racism: “a belief that race is the primary determinate of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.”

I realize that pointing out the existence of racism and the need to discuss it stirs up sensitivities on both sides. I also realize the need to admit that the white race in this country has historically seen itself as superior to other races, particularly the black race. If you watch the documentary, “Race, the Power of an Illusion,” you will learn that our “founding fathers” intentionally created the myth of white superiority to gain and keep control of property and lands.

While I as a white person have experienced the ugliness of being hated and mistreated for who I am, I do not consider that experiencing racism. When a black person is hostile towards me, I do not view it as racism against me. I do not like it. I do not run from it. I deal with it as best I can. But I do not consider it racism.

I do consider this. African Americans who are descendants of slaves, cross paths with descendants of slave owners every day. Descendants of the people who bought and sold their ancestors. Descendants of the people who raped, whipped and murdered their ancestors. Descendants of the very ones who owned their ancestors, and treated them like animals, considering them 3/5 human. And now these descendants are their teachers, their employers, their merchants, their neighbors and their co-workers.

And many still carry ingrained attitudes of superiority with them, consciously or unconsciously. And these attitudes are conveyed in many subtle, unspoken terms.

I believe that the biggest difficulty in race relations lies in the inability of white people to listen to black people. I mean really listen. Without criticizing. Without defending. Without interfering. Without interjecting our values, our opinions, and our view point. I believe that most of us white people still see life from the view of the oppressor. And from that standpoint, we will never fully understand the views, actions and reactions of the oppressed.
Your a dummy
Thank you SO much!
I believe that the biggest difficulty in race relations lies in the inability of white people to listen to black people.

Look, Del, the very definition of racism is judging others based on skin color and no one does that more than Blacks! As for listening, I am SICK of listening, I've heard them bitch for 60 years and I'm tired of hearing their whining. I'm tired of their getting in people's faces demanding. The more they get the more they want. I'm not their problem and their solution isn't my "really" listening to them. I've tuned them out and now I'm tuning you out. The solution to every black's problems begins and ends with THEM and it is about time more of them get up, get off their ass and take stock in themselves rather than sitting around being the "victim" of something feeling sorry for themself waiting for someone to come along and KISS THEIR ASS.

It won't be me.
I have read many posts about what people are calling Black racism. I found this definition of racism: “a belief that race is the primary determinate of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.”

I realize that pointing out the existence of racism and the need to discuss it stirs up sensitivities on both sides. I also realize the need to admit that the white race in this country has historically seen itself as superior to other races, particularly the black race. If you watch the documentary, “Race, the Power of an Illusion,” you will learn that our “founding fathers” intentionally created the myth of white superiority to gain and keep control of property and lands.

While I as a white person have experienced the ugliness of being hated and mistreated for who I am, I do not consider that experiencing racism. When a black person is hostile towards me, I do not view it as racism against me. I do not like it. I do not run from it. I deal with it as best I can. But I do not consider it racism.

I do consider this. African Americans who are descendants of slaves, cross paths with descendants of slave owners every day. Descendants of the people who bought and sold their ancestors. Descendants of the people who raped, whipped and murdered their ancestors. Descendants of the very ones who owned their ancestors, and treated them like animals, considering them 3/5 human. And now these descendants are their teachers, their employers, their merchants, their neighbors and their co-workers.

And many still carry ingrained attitudes of superiority with them, consciously or unconsciously. And these attitudes are conveyed in many subtle, unspoken terms.

I believe that the biggest difficulty in race relations lies in the inability of white people to listen to black people. I mean really listen. Without criticizing. Without defending. Without interfering. Without interjecting our values, our opinions, and our view point. I believe that most of us white people still see life from the view of the oppressor. And from that standpoint, we will never fully understand the views, actions and reactions of the oppressed.
Your a dummy
Thank you SO much!
Your welcome
I believe that the biggest difficulty in race relations lies in the inability of white people to listen to black people.

Look, Del, the very definition of racism is judging others based on skin color and no one does that more than Blacks! As for listening, I am SICK of listening, I've heard them bitch for 60 years and I'm tired of hearing their whining. I'm tired of their getting in people's faces demanding. The more they get the more they want. I'm not their problem and their solution isn't my "really" listening to them. I've tuned them out and now I'm tuning you out. The solution to every black's problems begins and ends with THEM and it is about time more of them get up, get off their ass and take stock in themselves rather than sitting around being the "victim" of something feeling sorry for themself waiting for someone to come along and KISS THEIR ASS.

It won't be me.
No one cares what you are sick of. No one cares what you are tired of. You cant to do shit to stop Blacks from speaking out. If you dont like it move your punk ass back to Norway.
Racists rarely admit to being racist. It must be very convenient to believe you are immune from the possibility of being a racist because of the color that your skin is not white.

That not how it goes joe. When we have done the things whites have done to us and continue doing, then we can talk about black racism.
You do not have immunity from being a racist because you are not white.

When whites face all of the exact same things from us as we have faced from whites, then come talk to me about black racism.

Talk to the white farmers of South Africa.

Where blacks are doing things like crucifying and raping toddlers in front of their parents.
Drowning 12 year olds in boiling water, then burning them alive.
Fuck the white farmers of S. Africa. They deserve what they get and 10x more after what they did to Black Africans.
What did the farmers today do to black Africans?
No, I don't think so.
Racists rarely admit to being racist. It must be very convenient to believe you are immune from the possibility of being a racist because of the color that your skin is not white.

That not how it goes joe. When we have done the things whites have done to us and continue doing, then we can talk about black racism.
You do not have immunity from being a racist because you are not white.

When whites face all of the exact same things from us as we have faced from whites, then come talk to me about black racism.

Talk to the white farmers of South Africa.

Where blacks are doing things like crucifying and raping toddlers in front of their parents, then burning them alive.
Drowning 12 year olds in boiling water.

I will not justify what is being done.

But if you think equal or worse atrocities were not committed against native populations in South Africa, you are naive.

IM2 simply pointed out that white have not faced what most people of color have faced. Especially those over 50. But even those under 50 know what their parents and grandparents faced. It is not ancient history.
That not how it goes joe. When we have done the things whites have done to us and continue doing, then we can talk about black racism.
You do not have immunity from being a racist because you are not white.

When whites face all of the exact same things from us as we have faced from whites, then come talk to me about black racism.

Talk to the white farmers of South Africa.

Where blacks are doing things like crucifying and raping toddlers in front of their parents.
Drowning 12 year olds in boiling water, then burning them alive.
Fuck the white farmers of S. Africa. They deserve what they get and 10x more after what they did to Black Africans.
What did the farmers today do to black Africans?
Occupy land stolen from their ancestors and refuse to give it back.
  • Thanks
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I believe that the biggest difficulty in race relations lies in the inability of white people to listen to black people.

Look, Del, the very definition of racism is judging others based on skin color and no one does that more than Blacks! As for listening, I am SICK of listening, I've heard them bitch for 60 years and I'm tired of hearing their whining. I'm tired of their getting in people's faces demanding. The more they get the more they want. I'm not their problem and their solution isn't my "really" listening to them. I've tuned them out and now I'm tuning you out. The solution to every black's problems begins and ends with THEM and it is about time more of them get up, get off their ass and take stock in themselves rather than sitting around being the "victim" of something feeling sorry for themself waiting for someone to come along and KISS THEIR ASS.

It won't be me.
No one cares what you are sick of. No one cares what you are tired of. You cant to do shit to stop Blacks from speaking out. If you dont like it move your punk ass back to Norway.

Don't need to. You punks are doing it all on your own.
The only voice of reason on this board who is black. Winterborn. Then again...the dregs probably call him an Uncle Tom too.
You do not have immunity from being a racist because you are not white.

When whites face all of the exact same things from us as we have faced from whites, then come talk to me about black racism.

Talk to the white farmers of South Africa.

Where blacks are doing things like crucifying and raping toddlers in front of their parents.
Drowning 12 year olds in boiling water, then burning them alive.
Fuck the white farmers of S. Africa. They deserve what they get and 10x more after what they did to Black Africans.
What did the farmers today do to black Africans?
Occupy land stolen from their ancestors and refuse to give it back.
Dont you occupy land stolen from the Native Americans?
I have read many posts about what people are calling Black racism. I found this definition of racism: “a belief that race is the primary determinate of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.”

I realize that pointing out the existence of racism and the need to discuss it stirs up sensitivities on both sides. I also realize the need to admit that the white race in this country has historically seen itself as superior to other races, particularly the black race. If you watch the documentary, “Race, the Power of an Illusion,” you will learn that our “founding fathers” intentionally created the myth of white superiority to gain and keep control of property and lands.

While I as a white person have experienced the ugliness of being hated and mistreated for who I am, I do not consider that experiencing racism. When a black person is hostile towards me, I do not view it as racism against me. I do not like it. I do not run from it. I deal with it as best I can. But I do not consider it racism.

I do consider this. African Americans who are descendants of slaves, cross paths with descendants of slave owners every day. Descendants of the people who bought and sold their ancestors. Descendants of the people who raped, whipped and murdered their ancestors. Descendants of the very ones who owned their ancestors, and treated them like animals, considering them 3/5 human. And now these descendants are their teachers, their employers, their merchants, their neighbors and their co-workers.

And many still carry ingrained attitudes of superiority with them, consciously or unconsciously. And these attitudes are conveyed in many subtle, unspoken terms.

I believe that the biggest difficulty in race relations lies in the inability of white people to listen to black people. I mean really listen. Without criticizing. Without defending. Without interfering. Without interjecting our values, our opinions, and our view point. I believe that most of us white people still see life from the view of the oppressor. And from that standpoint, we will never fully understand the views, actions and reactions of the oppressed.
My Italian American co worker was walking towards home from the Walmart plaza through Mohegan Lake, New York..... When a group of Blacks yelled "Hey White boy what cha doing here"
when they chased him down.

If that's not racism, what is it?
But They Don't Think They Are Racially Superior To Your Italian Friend
So That's Merely Criminality Based On Racial Bigotry

Got It ??
IM2 simply pointed out that white have not faced what most people of color have faced. Especially those over 50. But even those under 50 know what their parents and grandparents faced. It is not ancient history.

America was a different country 1/2 century ago

IM2 simply pointed out that white have not faced what most people of color have faced. Especially those over 50. But even those under 50 know what their parents and grandparents faced. It is not ancient history.

America was a different country 1/2 century ago


For some people, yes it was.

Maybe a bit over 50 years, but still. Protesters had fire hoses turned on them. A church was bombed. The public school system in Tuscaloosa AL was only desegregated in 1968.

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