I do not blame Wilson. Worst play call in the history OF SPORTS.

Lynch had 102 yards on 24 carriers...or about 4 yards a carrier. Not too shabby. The guy is a load. The chances of stopping him from getting one yard, has to be very low.

Now the throw that was intercepted, chases of failure has to be a lot higher. Why risk it in the biggest game and biggest play of the year.
you don't unless you are paid off to throw the game and with carrols shady history at USC,I NOW think since he has his superbowl ring,he didn't care and took the payoff.

I think you're right, 9/11. You don't throw away a Superbowl game championship like that. You just don't. There is something more to this story. I believe it will come out one day.
They have a time out, 26 seconds from the one yard line. The Pats and Belichick mysteriously not calling a time out. Basically representing that they are going to let them score, keep their time outs for Brady to have a shot to get into FG range.

Hey Carroll, double tight ends, run it 3 times from one yard with beast. Not really hard and no time to call for a pass into the center where ALL THE FUCKING DEFENDERS ARE.

Holy shit. It was not a bad pass, it was a good play by the DB. Wilson was not off target, the DB jumped the route.

Has to be the stupidest play call in the history of sports. Not the super bowl. Not in football. In all of sports. Considering the situation, what the other team is representing, and what the Seahawks have (the best short yardage back in the NFL).

I need you to answer this one, Owl. Last night I didn't watch the game but midway through I checked the online update report and it said Seahawks had a 10 point lead. 24-14 - I checked again and it was still 24- 14. At that time there was less than 8 minutes left in the game I believe. So tell me this. Is it possible that the game was fixed? You say the Pats & their coachj mysteriously didn't call a time out. The next guy here says they purposely made the worst decision - a decision no professional obviously would have made - yet they make it and lose the game. On purpose? The NFL. Is it that crooked and how many team members would it take to do such a thing? Two? Three? Would the coach have to know about it? I'm praying the truth comes out about this because I do not believe what happened was on the up and up last night. Not by a long shot.

No you Moron..the game wasn't fixed. Why are you trying to fuck up a perfectly good tragedy? Go back under your rock and your tin foil hat you fucking nitwit!

and you know this to be a fact because............. that's right. You don't. You're assuming the game wasn't fixed. Huge difference.
Let's get a grip guys, the Seahawks gave up. A 10 point lead in six minutes. Brady was on fire.

Seattle gets to the one yard line with 26 seconds left, Brady is on fire. They have three plays to punch it into the end zone. They are concerned with three time outs Brady will get New England in to field goal range, remember Seattle's game in the playoffs in Atlanta. They game Atlanta to much time and lost the game.

So, you take one play and if it falls into the end zone, they have eaten time off the clock and give it to Lynch on the next play to punch it in, leaving less time on the clock for Brady to work with.

If Seattle completes the pass, this would have been a great call, just like the pass at halftime to Matthews. Great call because it worked. terrible call if it doesn't.

On Thursday the Patriots practiced defense for that EXACT same play and Butler got burned. When the time came, Browner reminded Butler about the Thursday practice, this time Butler did it right.

All you people complaining about the bad play call don't understand the game and are very emotional. The fact is the play call was not bad, the result was. Had it been caught, had it not been intercepted, had it fallen in the end zone, nobody, not a one of you would ever question it. You would have watched Lynch march in a play later and Brady would have had less time to march down the field. Butler made a great play, he help seal what was a great game for the Patriots, they dominated for three quarters and Seattle almost won.

Belichick love him or hate him, I hate him, but he is a great coach.

You think you know so much about the game, when virtually every prognosticator (including ex NFL players like Steve Young) say it was a ridiculous call. Utterly and completely inexcusable to risk that play with that throw in that situation with Marshawn Lynch who was having an outstanding game against a defense that was indeed gassed considering the time of the game.

BTW, the Patriots defense was ranked 32nd in the NFL in that situation.

You want to battle football wits with me nits? Lets go at it. Better bring a gun. Cause so far you are using a knife in a gun fight.

yeah that was an understatement that it was a ridiculous call.It was easily the most asinine call I have ever seen carrol make..al michales and chris Collingsworth were flabbergasted,they could not believe it.it makes perfect sense though if he threw the game and knowing carrols history at USC,I don't put it past him.

don't forget as I talked about over on my thread,he also stopped sending the house blitzing everyone which was working and did not throw the red flag on that obvious pass interference call against them when he had plenty of timeouts left.He would have easily won the challenge as well.that was a momentum change for them that would have kept a drive of theirs going.

Wilson should have done the jim harbaugh thing he did with the bears,ignore ditkas call and call for Lynch to run it up the middle.

this is the superbowl for god sakes,they were clearly not going to stop him as they were tired at the end like opposing defenses always get when he wears them down.If Im Lynch,i don't come back and play for that asshole carrol next year.I tell myself I got my ring,I'll take a lot more money somewhere else now.

btw owl,take my advise,dont waste your breath on pooper troll,you just end up talking to a brick wall.

I believe he wanted his own team to lose. Why? I do not know but his actions reveal the truth. It wasn't a mistake. It wasn't a bad call. It was done on purpose. That is what I believe. I'd like to know why he did it.
I can see the logic of the pass play call in that instance. Your squad just wasted 2 timeouts getting to the 1. You have 1 timeout and 20 seconds on the clock. If you run a pass play and someone is wide open you get a touchdown, else you throw the ball away and the clock stops. You can then run and if you don't get in, call a timeout. Then you can either run or pass on final play. I put the blame on Russell Wilson for not throwing the ball away. Bad decision.
They have a time out, 26 seconds from the one yard line. The Pats and Belichick mysteriously not calling a time out. Basically representing that they are going to let them score, keep their time outs for Brady to have a shot to get into FG range.

Hey Carroll, double tight ends, run it 3 times from one yard with beast. Not really hard and no time to call for a pass into the center where ALL THE FUCKING DEFENDERS ARE.

Holy shit. It was not a bad pass, it was a good play by the DB. Wilson was not off target, the DB jumped the route.

Has to be the stupidest play call in the history of sports. Not the super bowl. Not in football. In all of sports. Considering the situation, what the other team is representing, and what the Seahawks have (the best short yardage back in the NFL).

I need you to answer this one, Owl. Last night I didn't watch the game but midway through I checked the online update report and it said Seahawks had a 10 point lead. 24-14 - I checked again and it was still 24- 14. At that time there was less than 8 minutes left in the game I believe. So tell me this. Is it possible that the game was fixed? You say the Pats & their coachj mysteriously didn't call a time out. The next guy here says they purposely made the worst decision - a decision no professional obviously would have made - yet they make it and lose the game. On purpose? The NFL. Is it that crooked and how many team members would it take to do such a thing? Two? Three? Would the coach have to know about it? I'm praying the truth comes out about this because I do not believe what happened was on the up and up last night. Not by a long shot.

No you Moron..the game wasn't fixed. Why are you trying to fuck up a perfectly good tragedy? Go back under your rock and your tin foil hat you fucking nitwit!

and you know this to be a fact because............. that's right. You don't. You're assuming the game wasn't fixed. Huge difference.

Your babble is FIXED!!! The Romans made it to control the stupid Christians. They couldn't feed em to the lions fast enough so they came up with a plan to keep them stupid by their own devices. The only thing dumber than THAT call is you retards thinking that your god calls ALL the plays. Stop trying to contaminate a perfectly good sport with your stupid make believe sky fairies. Religion IS THE BIG SCAM. Football is a HUMAN team sport. No gods need apply.
I can see the logic of the pass play call in that instance. Your squad just wasted 2 timeouts getting to the 1. You have 1 timeout and 20 seconds on the clock. If you run a pass play and someone is wide open you get a touchdown, else you throw the ball away and the clock stops. You can then run and if you don't get in, call a timeout. Then you can either run or pass on final play. I put the blame on Russell Wilson for not throwing the ball away. Bad decision.

There were 30 seconds on the clock Dummy.
They have a time out, 26 seconds from the one yard line. The Pats and Belichick mysteriously not calling a time out. Basically representing that they are going to let them score, keep their time outs for Brady to have a shot to get into FG range.

Hey Carroll, double tight ends, run it 3 times from one yard with beast. Not really hard and no time to call for a pass into the center where ALL THE FUCKING DEFENDERS ARE.

Holy shit. It was not a bad pass, it was a good play by the DB. Wilson was not off target, the DB jumped the route.

Has to be the stupidest play call in the history of sports. Not the super bowl. Not in football. In all of sports. Considering the situation, what the other team is representing, and what the Seahawks have (the best short yardage back in the NFL).

I need you to answer this one, Owl. Last night I didn't watch the game but midway through I checked the online update report and it said Seahawks had a 10 point lead. 24-14 - I checked again and it was still 24- 14. At that time there was less than 8 minutes left in the game I believe. So tell me this. Is it possible that the game was fixed? You say the Pats & their coachj mysteriously didn't call a time out. The next guy here says they purposely made the worst decision - a decision no professional obviously would have made - yet they make it and lose the game. On purpose? The NFL. Is it that crooked and how many team members would it take to do such a thing? Two? Three? Would the coach have to know about it? I'm praying the truth comes out about this because I do not believe what happened was on the up and up last night. Not by a long shot.

No you Moron..the game wasn't fixed. Why are you trying to fuck up a perfectly good tragedy? Go back under your rock and your tin foil hat you fucking nitwit!

and you know this to be a fact because............. that's right. You don't. You're assuming the game wasn't fixed. Huge difference.

You don't even WATCH football. What are you doing here? Get out.
They have a time out, 26 seconds from the one yard line. The Pats and Belichick mysteriously not calling a time out. Basically representing that they are going to let them score, keep their time outs for Brady to have a shot to get into FG range.

Hey Carroll, double tight ends, run it 3 times from one yard with beast. Not really hard and no time to call for a pass into the center where ALL THE FUCKING DEFENDERS ARE.

Holy shit. It was not a bad pass, it was a good play by the DB. Wilson was not off target, the DB jumped the route.

Has to be the stupidest play call in the history of sports. Not the super bowl. Not in football. In all of sports. Considering the situation, what the other team is representing, and what the Seahawks have (the best short yardage back in the NFL).

I need you to answer this one, Owl. Last night I didn't watch the game but midway through I checked the online update report and it said Seahawks had a 10 point lead. 24-14 - I checked again and it was still 24- 14. At that time there was less than 8 minutes left in the game I believe. So tell me this. Is it possible that the game was fixed? You say the Pats & their coachj mysteriously didn't call a time out. The next guy here says they purposely made the worst decision - a decision no professional obviously would have made - yet they make it and lose the game. On purpose? The NFL. Is it that crooked and how many team members would it take to do such a thing? Two? Three? Would the coach have to know about it? I'm praying the truth comes out about this because I do not believe what happened was on the up and up last night. Not by a long shot.

No you Moron..the game wasn't fixed. Why are you trying to fuck up a perfectly good tragedy? Go back under your rock and your tin foil hat you fucking nitwit!

and you know this to be a fact because............. that's right. You don't. You're assuming the game wasn't fixed. Huge difference.

Your babble is FIXED!!! The Romans made it to control the stupid Christians. They couldn't feed em to the lions fast enough so they came up with a plan to keep them stupid by their own devices. The only thing dumber than THAT call is you retards thinking that your god calls ALL the plays. Stop trying to contaminate a perfectly good sport with your stupid make believe sky fairies. Religion IS THE BIG SCAM. Football is a HUMAN team sport. No gods need apply.

I am a Christian, but I think it is very arrogant to claim that God cares about the outcome of a football game. Makes the game interviews almost insufferable when athletes go on making these claims and praising God for giving them victory. Makes folks listening wonder what may have pissed God off so much that their own circumstances may suck, like a little kid with cancer. I think Jeremiah was claiming that God told him the Seahawks were going to win by some margin because the Patriots were cheaters. If the game turned out the way he claimed it would, I was going to ask him to put in a word to God to lift the curse on the Vikings.

I was rooting for the Seahawks and thought they had it in the bag when they got down to the 1. Then the inexplicable pass to the heart of the defense. You know, maybe Bevell brought the Viking's curse with him to the Seahawks...
They have a time out, 26 seconds from the one yard line. The Pats and Belichick mysteriously not calling a time out. Basically representing that they are going to let them score, keep their time outs for Brady to have a shot to get into FG range.

Hey Carroll, double tight ends, run it 3 times from one yard with beast. Not really hard and no time to call for a pass into the center where ALL THE FUCKING DEFENDERS ARE.

Holy shit. It was not a bad pass, it was a good play by the DB. Wilson was not off target, the DB jumped the route.

Has to be the stupidest play call in the history of sports. Not the super bowl. Not in football. In all of sports. Considering the situation, what the other team is representing, and what the Seahawks have (the best short yardage back in the NFL).

Yup, the Pats won fair and square, didn't they? :D They won the Superbowl. Guess what that means?

No. I don't think they could have beat the Seahawks in a fair and square game without the NFL stepping in to fix it for them. Something isn't right about last night. I think the Seahawks layed down at the end because they were told to. Who knows how dirty the NFL is? I do not believe that they made a wrong decision on that play - I believe they were forced into it.
I wonder if Satan was working behind the scenes?
They have a time out, 26 seconds from the one yard line. The Pats and Belichick mysteriously not calling a time out. Basically representing that they are going to let them score, keep their time outs for Brady to have a shot to get into FG range.

Hey Carroll, double tight ends, run it 3 times from one yard with beast. Not really hard and no time to call for a pass into the center where ALL THE FUCKING DEFENDERS ARE.

Holy shit. It was not a bad pass, it was a good play by the DB. Wilson was not off target, the DB jumped the route.

Has to be the stupidest play call in the history of sports. Not the super bowl. Not in football. In all of sports. Considering the situation, what the other team is representing, and what the Seahawks have (the best short yardage back in the NFL).

Yup, the Pats won fair and square, didn't they? :D They won the Superbowl. Guess what that means?

No. I don't think they could have beat the Seahawks in a fair and square game without the NFL stepping in to fix it for them. Something isn't right about last night. I think the Seahawks layed down at the end because they were told to. Who knows how dirty the NFL is? I do not believe that they made a wrong decision on that play - I believe they were forced into it.
I wonder if Satan was working behind the scenes?

No, it was God. I asked God to make the Patriots win, and he listened to me. :D Lol.
They have a time out, 26 seconds from the one yard line. The Pats and Belichick mysteriously not calling a time out. Basically representing that they are going to let them score, keep their time outs for Brady to have a shot to get into FG range.

Hey Carroll, double tight ends, run it 3 times from one yard with beast. Not really hard and no time to call for a pass into the center where ALL THE FUCKING DEFENDERS ARE.

Holy shit. It was not a bad pass, it was a good play by the DB. Wilson was not off target, the DB jumped the route.

Has to be the stupidest play call in the history of sports. Not the super bowl. Not in football. In all of sports. Considering the situation, what the other team is representing, and what the Seahawks have (the best short yardage back in the NFL).

Yup, the Pats won fair and square, didn't they? :D They won the Superbowl. Guess what that means?

No. I don't think they could have beat the Seahawks in a fair and square game without the NFL stepping in to fix it for them. Something isn't right about last night. I think the Seahawks layed down at the end because they were told to. Who knows how dirty the NFL is? I do not believe that they made a wrong decision on that play - I believe they were forced into it.
I wonder if Satan was working behind the scenes?

I think he was on the sideline deflating balls.
They have a time out, 26 seconds from the one yard line. The Pats and Belichick mysteriously not calling a time out. Basically representing that they are going to let them score, keep their time outs for Brady to have a shot to get into FG range.

Hey Carroll, double tight ends, run it 3 times from one yard with beast. Not really hard and no time to call for a pass into the center where ALL THE FUCKING DEFENDERS ARE.

Holy shit. It was not a bad pass, it was a good play by the DB. Wilson was not off target, the DB jumped the route.

Has to be the stupidest play call in the history of sports. Not the super bowl. Not in football. In all of sports. Considering the situation, what the other team is representing, and what the Seahawks have (the best short yardage back in the NFL).

Yup, the Pats won fair and square, didn't they? :D They won the Superbowl. Guess what that means?

No. I don't think they could have beat the Seahawks in a fair and square game without the NFL stepping in to fix it for them. Something isn't right about last night. I think the Seahawks layed down at the end because they were told to. Who knows how dirty the NFL is? I do not believe that they made a wrong decision on that play - I believe they were forced into it.
I wonder if Satan was working behind the scenes?

No, it was God. I asked God to make the Patriots win, and he listened to me. :D Lol.
I didn't want them to win because I hate them almost as much as Tim Tebow. But something happened at the start of the game and made me cheer for them after all. God or the Devil? I just don't know....
They have a time out, 26 seconds from the one yard line. The Pats and Belichick mysteriously not calling a time out. Basically representing that they are going to let them score, keep their time outs for Brady to have a shot to get into FG range.

Hey Carroll, double tight ends, run it 3 times from one yard with beast. Not really hard and no time to call for a pass into the center where ALL THE FUCKING DEFENDERS ARE.

Holy shit. It was not a bad pass, it was a good play by the DB. Wilson was not off target, the DB jumped the route.

Has to be the stupidest play call in the history of sports. Not the super bowl. Not in football. In all of sports. Considering the situation, what the other team is representing, and what the Seahawks have (the best short yardage back in the NFL).

Yup, the Pats won fair and square, didn't they? :D They won the Superbowl. Guess what that means?

No. I don't think they could have beat the Seahawks in a fair and square game without the NFL stepping in to fix it for them. Something isn't right about last night. I think the Seahawks layed down at the end because they were told to. Who knows how dirty the NFL is? I do not believe that they made a wrong decision on that play - I believe they were forced into it.
I wonder if Satan was working behind the scenes?

No, it was God. I asked God to make the Patriots win, and he listened to me. :D Lol.

Chris, your faith is obviously much greater and deeper than Jeremiah and Russell Wilson's. Nice work.
They have a time out, 26 seconds from the one yard line. The Pats and Belichick mysteriously not calling a time out. Basically representing that they are going to let them score, keep their time outs for Brady to have a shot to get into FG range.

Hey Carroll, double tight ends, run it 3 times from one yard with beast. Not really hard and no time to call for a pass into the center where ALL THE FUCKING DEFENDERS ARE.

Holy shit. It was not a bad pass, it was a good play by the DB. Wilson was not off target, the DB jumped the route.

Has to be the stupidest play call in the history of sports. Not the super bowl. Not in football. In all of sports. Considering the situation, what the other team is representing, and what the Seahawks have (the best short yardage back in the NFL).

Yup, the Pats won fair and square, didn't they? :D They won the Superbowl. Guess what that means?

No. I don't think they could have beat the Seahawks in a fair and square game without the NFL stepping in to fix it for them. Something isn't right about last night. I think the Seahawks layed down at the end because they were told to. Who knows how dirty the NFL is? I do not believe that they made a wrong decision on that play - I believe they were forced into it.
I wonder if Satan was working behind the scenes?

I think he was on the sideline deflating balls.

Nope, wrong. God told me that the Patriots are his favorite team. :D
They have a time out, 26 seconds from the one yard line. The Pats and Belichick mysteriously not calling a time out. Basically representing that they are going to let them score, keep their time outs for Brady to have a shot to get into FG range.

Hey Carroll, double tight ends, run it 3 times from one yard with beast. Not really hard and no time to call for a pass into the center where ALL THE FUCKING DEFENDERS ARE.

Holy shit. It was not a bad pass, it was a good play by the DB. Wilson was not off target, the DB jumped the route.

Has to be the stupidest play call in the history of sports. Not the super bowl. Not in football. In all of sports. Considering the situation, what the other team is representing, and what the Seahawks have (the best short yardage back in the NFL).

Yup, the Pats won fair and square, didn't they? :D They won the Superbowl. Guess what that means?

No. I don't think they could have beat the Seahawks in a fair and square game without the NFL stepping in to fix it for them. Something isn't right about last night. I think the Seahawks layed down at the end because they were told to. Who knows how dirty the NFL is? I do not believe that they made a wrong decision on that play - I believe they were forced into it.
I wonder if Satan was working behind the scenes?

No, it was God. I asked God to make the Patriots win, and he listened to me. :D Lol.
I didn't want them to win because I hate them almost as much as Tim Tebow. But something happened at the start of the game and made me cheer for them after all. God or the Devil? I just don't know....

Huggy is in denial to no surprise.I believe Reggie Bush now in everything he said about carrol.
9/11 did you hear about this? It is a comment from one of the readers on this news article about Carroll throwing the SB win away.

Pete Carroll threw away Super Bowl with one awful decision New York Post

2 hours ago

There needs to be some changes to coaching. This is as much Russell Wilson's fault. These young new quarterbacks can't even fart on the field without the permission from the offensive coordinator. In the old days a quarterback would have read the signal from the sideline, come back to the huddle and said "Screw these arm chair quarterbacks upstairs....Lynch I'm giving you the ball.....can you get it in so we can end this thing?" Then after winning if he got S---t for this he could publicly say "If they don't like what I did then they can trade me to another team" That would show some balls. Too much of the game is puppeted by the powers at be that won't let a quarterback truly run the show even for one moment and so the lesson is learned through the loss.....or is it?


Casey3 hours ago

You can see when you play back the game he gets handed a cell phone by someone in a black hoodie just before he directs this play. Right after that quick phone call he changes this to a pass play and the guy with the phone disappears.


T T3 hours ago

Id fire him

Note the comment by the one guy - Casey? He says he witnessed Carroll being handed a cell phone by someone dressed in a black hoodie right before he made that bad call - and the person with hoodie disappears. If you have recorded the game - play it back and see if you can see that. What could be so important that you'd take a phone call at a time like that?
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