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I don't care anymore either.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
I did not write this. But everything this guy said...I nodded my head. So...here is a different "MeToo".This also applies to Latino's.
(Link to author is at the bottom).

Iā€™m going to come out and say itā€¦the same thing thousands, probably millions of people in this country are feeling, at this point.

I donā€™t care about black peopleā€™s problems anymore.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I care very much for the black people I known personally. I care about them as people, as much as whites, Asians, Latinos, and every other human being on earth.

But I no longer care about the special set of issues that many black people hold so near and dear, and that seem to define them as a groupā€¦though thankfully, not as individuals.

Iā€™m simply worn out with them. Exhausted by their constant demands, their neediness, their helplessness, their hypocrisy, their never ending problems, their inability to take advantage of the myriad opportunities practically delivered to them, their ungratefulness, their refusal to take responsibility for their own lives or accept the consequences of their actions.

Iā€™ve just thrown in the towel. I canā€™t keep caring about problems that I obviously canā€™t do anything about. Especially when they have brought at least some of it on themselves, or when they wonā€™t make the lifestyle changes necessary to succeed or to overcome or avoid their problems.

There comes a point, where I just quit listening. When racist graffiti is discovered on a college campus, or on a black personā€™s house, my reaction is no longer outrage, disgust, and sympathy for a victim of a hate crime. Itā€™s outrage and disgust alright, and it comes a few days later when it is almost always revealed to be yet another racial hoax perpetrated by black people. I really donā€™t want to hear them tearfully recounting that heartrending moment when they ā€œdiscoveredā€ some mean white KKK member had snuck into their laundry room, completely unseen and invisible to video cameras, to scribbleā€œTrump ā€™16ā€ and ā€œDie n*ggersā€ on the wall. At this point, Iā€™ll turn the channel.

I applaud those who are successful, and overcome challenges, and I wish them well. But just like my white colleagues, if they make poor decisions, spend their money foolishly, refuse the free education available to them, have children they canā€™t afford, get involved in drugs and criminality, I have little sympathy. And Iā€™m not likely to make an effort to be friendly with them or get to know them. Iā€™ll be polite, but I donā€™t particularly care to associate with them, white or black.

I no longer excuse or rationalize violence, criminality, laziness, indolence, careless babymaking, willful dependency or degeneracy among blacks, any more than I do with whites. If youā€™re a thief who doesnā€™t support his child, and spends his days drinking and whining about how his life sucks, your black skin doesnā€™t get you a pass from me. Youā€™re just as much of a piece of garbage as your fellow white bum. Doesnā€™t equality feel good?

Perhaps itā€™s the hyper-sensitivity, the arrogant and unabashed racism toward other races, and the self-entitlement. Could be the willingness to drop everything to riot, loot, burn and destroy personal and public property, menace, threaten and physically attack innocent white people. Or the propensity towards cowardly mob attacks on vulnerable whites, especially the elderly, women, any white person they catch alone and defenseless.

70 years ago or more, white men did beat up or occasionally murder blacks they suspected of wrongdoingā€¦just as they did to other whites who ā€œneeded killin'ā€. Vigilante ā€œjusticeā€ was an injustice, nobody argues the point. It was wrong, and the civil rights era exposed these as shameful and reprehensible acts. Black and whites marched together and lobbied their political leaders to put a stop to racial injustice, to shame those guilty of racism, and to codify and enforce equal rights for all. A noble and righteous cause, one which was long overdue.

But here it is 50 years later, the president, attorney general, and a disproportionate percentage of the top government executives are black. The mayors, commissioners, police chiefs, and other local adminstrators in most, if not all, major cities are also black. Black Run America has not brought prosperity to its constituents, rather, its Democratic policies, programs and spending have driven once majestic and prosperous cities into bankruptcy, decay and abandonment.

I just canā€™t bring myself to feel for the people who scrawl vulgar graffiti on the sides of stately brownstones, or who break the subtly rippled glass that a craftsman, white or black, had carefully glazed in an ornate linteled window a hundred thirty years ago. Thereā€™s no part of me that yearns to reach out to people throwing garbage onto what had been a tidy, manicured patch of decorative greenery flanking a grand marble entrance with exquisitely carved doors. I just donā€™t have it in me, anymore. I do wonder what has become of the respectable, genteel families who were displaced by the social engineering policies of the New Deal, leaving their architectural legacy to the ravages of neglect and deliberate defacement.

Iā€™ve left the ā€œdialogueā€, which turned out to be nothing more than a one-sided, accusatory tirade, berating me for unspecified harm I am to bear responsibility for, and denying me the right to respond with my own, civil point of view. Thereā€™s simply no point having ā€œthe conversationā€ any longer. You smugly assert that I have no right to my views because I canā€™t possibly know what itā€™s like to be black. Yet you claim in the same breath, to be the arbiter, the expert on my own race, and therefore I have no right to speak for myself. So, have your own ā€œdialogueā€ with yourself. Iā€™m out.

No matter what I do, no matter what I say, you say my whiteness makes me racist. So there is no longer any point in considering it. Fine, you say Iā€™m ā€œracistā€. I donā€™t care anymore.

Iā€™m sure there are those who will say in rebuttal that they are ā€œtired ofā€ being the victims of racism every walking minute of their lives. And to this, I sayā€¦ā€Ok, I am willing to accept that you are being victimized by the inherent racism absorbed by simply being in proximity to white people. But you must accept that my response will be to avoid you, and to decline to involve myself in your issues, lest my whiteness somehow damage you further.ā€

I don't care about blacks anymore. - The Race Card Project
I did not write this. But everything this guy said...I nodded my head. So...here is a different "MeToo".This also applies to Latino's.
(Link to author is at the bottom).

Iā€™m going to come out and say itā€¦the same thing thousands, probably millions of people in this country are feeling, at this point.

I donā€™t care about black peopleā€™s problems anymore.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I care very much for the black people I known personally. I care about them as people, as much as whites, Asians, Latinos, and every other human being on earth.

But I no longer care about the special set of issues that many black people hold so near and dear, and that seem to define them as a groupā€¦though thankfully, not as individuals.

Iā€™m simply worn out with them. Exhausted by their constant demands, their neediness, their helplessness, their hypocrisy, their never ending problems, their inability to take advantage of the myriad opportunities practically delivered to them, their ungratefulness, their refusal to take responsibility for their own lives or accept the consequences of their actions.

Iā€™ve just thrown in the towel. I canā€™t keep caring about problems that I obviously canā€™t do anything about. Especially when they have brought at least some of it on themselves, or when they wonā€™t make the lifestyle changes necessary to succeed or to overcome or avoid their problems.

There comes a point, where I just quit listening. When racist graffiti is discovered on a college campus, or on a black personā€™s house, my reaction is no longer outrage, disgust, and sympathy for a victim of a hate crime. Itā€™s outrage and disgust alright, and it comes a few days later when it is almost always revealed to be yet another racial hoax perpetrated by black people. I really donā€™t want to hear them tearfully recounting that heartrending moment when they ā€œdiscoveredā€ some mean white KKK member had snuck into their laundry room, completely unseen and invisible to video cameras, to scribbleā€œTrump ā€™16ā€ and ā€œDie n*ggersā€ on the wall. At this point, Iā€™ll turn the channel.

I applaud those who are successful, and overcome challenges, and I wish them well. But just like my white colleagues, if they make poor decisions, spend their money foolishly, refuse the free education available to them, have children they canā€™t afford, get involved in drugs and criminality, I have little sympathy. And Iā€™m not likely to make an effort to be friendly with them or get to know them. Iā€™ll be polite, but I donā€™t particularly care to associate with them, white or black.

I no longer excuse or rationalize violence, criminality, laziness, indolence, careless babymaking, willful dependency or degeneracy among blacks, any more than I do with whites. If youā€™re a thief who doesnā€™t support his child, and spends his days drinking and whining about how his life sucks, your black skin doesnā€™t get you a pass from me. Youā€™re just as much of a piece of garbage as your fellow white bum. Doesnā€™t equality feel good?

Perhaps itā€™s the hyper-sensitivity, the arrogant and unabashed racism toward other races, and the self-entitlement. Could be the willingness to drop everything to riot, loot, burn and destroy personal and public property, menace, threaten and physically attack innocent white people. Or the propensity towards cowardly mob attacks on vulnerable whites, especially the elderly, women, any white person they catch alone and defenseless.

70 years ago or more, white men did beat up or occasionally murder blacks they suspected of wrongdoingā€¦just as they did to other whites who ā€œneeded killin'ā€. Vigilante ā€œjusticeā€ was an injustice, nobody argues the point. It was wrong, and the civil rights era exposed these as shameful and reprehensible acts. Black and whites marched together and lobbied their political leaders to put a stop to racial injustice, to shame those guilty of racism, and to codify and enforce equal rights for all. A noble and righteous cause, one which was long overdue.

But here it is 50 years later, the president, attorney general, and a disproportionate percentage of the top government executives are black. The mayors, commissioners, police chiefs, and other local adminstrators in most, if not all, major cities are also black. Black Run America has not brought prosperity to its constituents, rather, its Democratic policies, programs and spending have driven once majestic and prosperous cities into bankruptcy, decay and abandonment.

I just canā€™t bring myself to feel for the people who scrawl vulgar graffiti on the sides of stately brownstones, or who break the subtly rippled glass that a craftsman, white or black, had carefully glazed in an ornate linteled window a hundred thirty years ago. Thereā€™s no part of me that yearns to reach out to people throwing garbage onto what had been a tidy, manicured patch of decorative greenery flanking a grand marble entrance with exquisitely carved doors. I just donā€™t have it in me, anymore. I do wonder what has become of the respectable, genteel families who were displaced by the social engineering policies of the New Deal, leaving their architectural legacy to the ravages of neglect and deliberate defacement.

Iā€™ve left the ā€œdialogueā€, which turned out to be nothing more than a one-sided, accusatory tirade, berating me for unspecified harm I am to bear responsibility for, and denying me the right to respond with my own, civil point of view. Thereā€™s simply no point having ā€œthe conversationā€ any longer. You smugly assert that I have no right to my views because I canā€™t possibly know what itā€™s like to be black. Yet you claim in the same breath, to be the arbiter, the expert on my own race, and therefore I have no right to speak for myself. So, have your own ā€œdialogueā€ with yourself. Iā€™m out.

No matter what I do, no matter what I say, you say my whiteness makes me racist. So there is no longer any point in considering it. Fine, you say Iā€™m ā€œracistā€. I donā€™t care anymore.

Iā€™m sure there are those who will say in rebuttal that they are ā€œtired ofā€ being the victims of racism every walking minute of their lives. And to this, I sayā€¦ā€Ok, I am willing to accept that you are being victimized by the inherent racism absorbed by simply being in proximity to white people. But you must accept that my response will be to avoid you, and to decline to involve myself in your issues, lest my whiteness somehow damage you further.ā€

I don't care about blacks anymore. - The Race Card Project

Okay that's Blacks, tell us how you feel about Asians, Mexicans , Cubans , Arabs and Chinese.
A lot of truth there. In the minds of some, being white means you are a racist. That is entirely illogical but as the author states, it makes many whites just say f**k it.
When Obama was elected as president, it was the culmination of decades of struggle for black people in their quest for racial equality. Blacks can now live anywhere they want, enter all career fields, and achieve any goals they set for themselves. They can even become president! There are no longer any barriers for blacks; career, educational, political, economic, etc.

So when I hear black's moaning and griping about racism and white people holding them down. It just goes in one ear and out the other. It's time to take personal responsibility for yourself and make better choices. And don't look to me to solve your problems. ...... :cool:
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I did not write this. But everything this guy said...I nodded my head. So...here is a different "MeToo".This also applies to Latino's.
(Link to author is at the bottom).

Iā€™m going to come out and say itā€¦the same thing thousands, probably millions of people in this country are feeling, at this point.

I donā€™t care about black peopleā€™s problems anymore.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I care very much for the black people I known personally. I care about them as people, as much as whites, Asians, Latinos, and every other human being on earth.

But I no longer care about the special set of issues that many black people hold so near and dear, and that seem to define them as a groupā€¦though thankfully, not as individuals.

Iā€™m simply worn out with them. Exhausted by their constant demands, their neediness, their helplessness, their hypocrisy, their never ending problems, their inability to take advantage of the myriad opportunities practically delivered to them, their ungratefulness, their refusal to take responsibility for their own lives or accept the consequences of their actions.

Iā€™ve just thrown in the towel. I canā€™t keep caring about problems that I obviously canā€™t do anything about. Especially when they have brought at least some of it on themselves, or when they wonā€™t make the lifestyle changes necessary to succeed or to overcome or avoid their problems.

There comes a point, where I just quit listening. When racist graffiti is discovered on a college campus, or on a black personā€™s house, my reaction is no longer outrage, disgust, and sympathy for a victim of a hate crime. Itā€™s outrage and disgust alright, and it comes a few days later when it is almost always revealed to be yet another racial hoax perpetrated by black people. I really donā€™t want to hear them tearfully recounting that heartrending moment when they ā€œdiscoveredā€ some mean white KKK member had snuck into their laundry room, completely unseen and invisible to video cameras, to scribbleā€œTrump ā€™16ā€ and ā€œDie n*ggersā€ on the wall. At this point, Iā€™ll turn the channel.

I applaud those who are successful, and overcome challenges, and I wish them well. But just like my white colleagues, if they make poor decisions, spend their money foolishly, refuse the free education available to them, have children they canā€™t afford, get involved in drugs and criminality, I have little sympathy. And Iā€™m not likely to make an effort to be friendly with them or get to know them. Iā€™ll be polite, but I donā€™t particularly care to associate with them, white or black.

I no longer excuse or rationalize violence, criminality, laziness, indolence, careless babymaking, willful dependency or degeneracy among blacks, any more than I do with whites. If youā€™re a thief who doesnā€™t support his child, and spends his days drinking and whining about how his life sucks, your black skin doesnā€™t get you a pass from me. Youā€™re just as much of a piece of garbage as your fellow white bum. Doesnā€™t equality feel good?

Perhaps itā€™s the hyper-sensitivity, the arrogant and unabashed racism toward other races, and the self-entitlement. Could be the willingness to drop everything to riot, loot, burn and destroy personal and public property, menace, threaten and physically attack innocent white people. Or the propensity towards cowardly mob attacks on vulnerable whites, especially the elderly, women, any white person they catch alone and defenseless.

70 years ago or more, white men did beat up or occasionally murder blacks they suspected of wrongdoingā€¦just as they did to other whites who ā€œneeded killin'ā€. Vigilante ā€œjusticeā€ was an injustice, nobody argues the point. It was wrong, and the civil rights era exposed these as shameful and reprehensible acts. Black and whites marched together and lobbied their political leaders to put a stop to racial injustice, to shame those guilty of racism, and to codify and enforce equal rights for all. A noble and righteous cause, one which was long overdue.

But here it is 50 years later, the president, attorney general, and a disproportionate percentage of the top government executives are black. The mayors, commissioners, police chiefs, and other local adminstrators in most, if not all, major cities are also black. Black Run America has not brought prosperity to its constituents, rather, its Democratic policies, programs and spending have driven once majestic and prosperous cities into bankruptcy, decay and abandonment.

I just canā€™t bring myself to feel for the people who scrawl vulgar graffiti on the sides of stately brownstones, or who break the subtly rippled glass that a craftsman, white or black, had carefully glazed in an ornate linteled window a hundred thirty years ago. Thereā€™s no part of me that yearns to reach out to people throwing garbage onto what had been a tidy, manicured patch of decorative greenery flanking a grand marble entrance with exquisitely carved doors. I just donā€™t have it in me, anymore. I do wonder what has become of the respectable, genteel families who were displaced by the social engineering policies of the New Deal, leaving their architectural legacy to the ravages of neglect and deliberate defacement.

Iā€™ve left the ā€œdialogueā€, which turned out to be nothing more than a one-sided, accusatory tirade, berating me for unspecified harm I am to bear responsibility for, and denying me the right to respond with my own, civil point of view. Thereā€™s simply no point having ā€œthe conversationā€ any longer. You smugly assert that I have no right to my views because I canā€™t possibly know what itā€™s like to be black. Yet you claim in the same breath, to be the arbiter, the expert on my own race, and therefore I have no right to speak for myself. So, have your own ā€œdialogueā€ with yourself. Iā€™m out.

No matter what I do, no matter what I say, you say my whiteness makes me racist. So there is no longer any point in considering it. Fine, you say Iā€™m ā€œracistā€. I donā€™t care anymore.

Iā€™m sure there are those who will say in rebuttal that they are ā€œtired ofā€ being the victims of racism every walking minute of their lives. And to this, I sayā€¦ā€Ok, I am willing to accept that you are being victimized by the inherent racism absorbed by simply being in proximity to white people. But you must accept that my response will be to avoid you, and to decline to involve myself in your issues, lest my whiteness somehow damage you further.ā€

I don't care about blacks anymore. - The Race Card Project

I feel the same about jews who scream anti-Semitism.
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When Obama was elected as president, it was the culmination of decades of struggle for black people in their quest for racial equality. Blacks can now live anywhere they want, enter all career fields, and achieve any goals they set for themselves. They can even become president! There are no longer any barriers for blacks; career, educational, political, economic, etc.

So when I hear black's moaning and griping about racism and white people holding them down. It just goes in one ear and out the other. It's time to take personal responsibility for yourself and make better choices. And don't look to me to solve your problems. ...... :cool:

They have come a long way since the civil rights movement of the 60's, and the same as women in the US. White men another story. White men, centuries of supremacy.
As a journalist manquƩ, I was fascinated by something the article writer said.

It immediately reminded me of something that I had once read and have never forgotten:

The [name of a certain newspaper in the South] "gives many incompetent and corrupt black politicians a free pass because it's afraid it will be called racist."

(That was written by one John Sugg on the website of the Columbia Journalism Review, July 22, 2008.)
I did not write this. But everything this guy said...I nodded my head. So...here is a different "MeToo".This also applies to Latino's.
(Link to author is at the bottom).

Iā€™m going to come out and say itā€¦the same thing thousands, probably millions of people in this country are feeling, at this point.

I donā€™t care about black peopleā€™s problems anymore.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I care very much for the black people I known personally. I care about them as people, as much as whites, Asians, Latinos, and every other human being on earth.

But I no longer care about the special set of issues that many black people hold so near and dear, and that seem to define them as a groupā€¦though thankfully, not as individuals.

Iā€™m simply worn out with them. Exhausted by their constant demands, their neediness, their helplessness, their hypocrisy, their never ending problems, their inability to take advantage of the myriad opportunities practically delivered to them, their ungratefulness, their refusal to take responsibility for their own lives or accept the consequences of their actions.

Iā€™ve just thrown in the towel. I canā€™t keep caring about problems that I obviously canā€™t do anything about. Especially when they have brought at least some of it on themselves, or when they wonā€™t make the lifestyle changes necessary to succeed or to overcome or avoid their problems.

There comes a point, where I just quit listening. When racist graffiti is discovered on a college campus, or on a black personā€™s house, my reaction is no longer outrage, disgust, and sympathy for a victim of a hate crime. Itā€™s outrage and disgust alright, and it comes a few days later when it is almost always revealed to be yet another racial hoax perpetrated by black people. I really donā€™t want to hear them tearfully recounting that heartrending moment when they ā€œdiscoveredā€ some mean white KKK member had snuck into their laundry room, completely unseen and invisible to video cameras, to scribbleā€œTrump ā€™16ā€ and ā€œDie n*ggersā€ on the wall. At this point, Iā€™ll turn the channel.

I applaud those who are successful, and overcome challenges, and I wish them well. But just like my white colleagues, if they make poor decisions, spend their money foolishly, refuse the free education available to them, have children they canā€™t afford, get involved in drugs and criminality, I have little sympathy. And Iā€™m not likely to make an effort to be friendly with them or get to know them. Iā€™ll be polite, but I donā€™t particularly care to associate with them, white or black.

I no longer excuse or rationalize violence, criminality, laziness, indolence, careless babymaking, willful dependency or degeneracy among blacks, any more than I do with whites. If youā€™re a thief who doesnā€™t support his child, and spends his days drinking and whining about how his life sucks, your black skin doesnā€™t get you a pass from me. Youā€™re just as much of a piece of garbage as your fellow white bum. Doesnā€™t equality feel good?

Perhaps itā€™s the hyper-sensitivity, the arrogant and unabashed racism toward other races, and the self-entitlement. Could be the willingness to drop everything to riot, loot, burn and destroy personal and public property, menace, threaten and physically attack innocent white people. Or the propensity towards cowardly mob attacks on vulnerable whites, especially the elderly, women, any white person they catch alone and defenseless.

70 years ago or more, white men did beat up or occasionally murder blacks they suspected of wrongdoingā€¦just as they did to other whites who ā€œneeded killin'ā€. Vigilante ā€œjusticeā€ was an injustice, nobody argues the point. It was wrong, and the civil rights era exposed these as shameful and reprehensible acts. Black and whites marched together and lobbied their political leaders to put a stop to racial injustice, to shame those guilty of racism, and to codify and enforce equal rights for all. A noble and righteous cause, one which was long overdue.

But here it is 50 years later, the president, attorney general, and a disproportionate percentage of the top government executives are black. The mayors, commissioners, police chiefs, and other local adminstrators in most, if not all, major cities are also black. Black Run America has not brought prosperity to its constituents, rather, its Democratic policies, programs and spending have driven once majestic and prosperous cities into bankruptcy, decay and abandonment.

I just canā€™t bring myself to feel for the people who scrawl vulgar graffiti on the sides of stately brownstones, or who break the subtly rippled glass that a craftsman, white or black, had carefully glazed in an ornate linteled window a hundred thirty years ago. Thereā€™s no part of me that yearns to reach out to people throwing garbage onto what had been a tidy, manicured patch of decorative greenery flanking a grand marble entrance with exquisitely carved doors. I just donā€™t have it in me, anymore. I do wonder what has become of the respectable, genteel families who were displaced by the social engineering policies of the New Deal, leaving their architectural legacy to the ravages of neglect and deliberate defacement.

Iā€™ve left the ā€œdialogueā€, which turned out to be nothing more than a one-sided, accusatory tirade, berating me for unspecified harm I am to bear responsibility for, and denying me the right to respond with my own, civil point of view. Thereā€™s simply no point having ā€œthe conversationā€ any longer. You smugly assert that I have no right to my views because I canā€™t possibly know what itā€™s like to be black. Yet you claim in the same breath, to be the arbiter, the expert on my own race, and therefore I have no right to speak for myself. So, have your own ā€œdialogueā€ with yourself. Iā€™m out.

No matter what I do, no matter what I say, you say my whiteness makes me racist. So there is no longer any point in considering it. Fine, you say Iā€™m ā€œracistā€. I donā€™t care anymore.

Iā€™m sure there are those who will say in rebuttal that they are ā€œtired ofā€ being the victims of racism every walking minute of their lives. And to this, I sayā€¦ā€Ok, I am willing to accept that you are being victimized by the inherent racism absorbed by simply being in proximity to white people. But you must accept that my response will be to avoid you, and to decline to involve myself in your issues, lest my whiteness somehow damage you further.ā€

I don't care about blacks anymore. - The Race Card Project
What relief you must feel. Such a heavy burden you carried your entire life :rolleyes:
I did not write this. But everything this guy said...I nodded my head. So...here is a different "MeToo".This also applies to Latino's.
(Link to author is at the bottom).

Iā€™m going to come out and say itā€¦the same thing thousands, probably millions of people in this country are feeling, at this point.

I donā€™t care about black peopleā€™s problems anymore.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I care very much for the black people I known personally. I care about them as people, as much as whites, Asians, Latinos, and every other human being on earth.

But I no longer care about the special set of issues that many black people hold so near and dear, and that seem to define them as a groupā€¦though thankfully, not as individuals.

Iā€™m simply worn out with them. Exhausted by their constant demands, their neediness, their helplessness, their hypocrisy, their never ending problems, their inability to take advantage of the myriad opportunities practically delivered to them, their ungratefulness, their refusal to take responsibility for their own lives or accept the consequences of their actions.

Iā€™ve just thrown in the towel. I canā€™t keep caring about problems that I obviously canā€™t do anything about. Especially when they have brought at least some of it on themselves, or when they wonā€™t make the lifestyle changes necessary to succeed or to overcome or avoid their problems.

There comes a point, where I just quit listening. When racist graffiti is discovered on a college campus, or on a black personā€™s house, my reaction is no longer outrage, disgust, and sympathy for a victim of a hate crime. Itā€™s outrage and disgust alright, and it comes a few days later when it is almost always revealed to be yet another racial hoax perpetrated by black people. I really donā€™t want to hear them tearfully recounting that heartrending moment when they ā€œdiscoveredā€ some mean white KKK member had snuck into their laundry room, completely unseen and invisible to video cameras, to scribbleā€œTrump ā€™16ā€ and ā€œDie n*ggersā€ on the wall. At this point, Iā€™ll turn the channel.

I applaud those who are successful, and overcome challenges, and I wish them well. But just like my white colleagues, if they make poor decisions, spend their money foolishly, refuse the free education available to them, have children they canā€™t afford, get involved in drugs and criminality, I have little sympathy. And Iā€™m not likely to make an effort to be friendly with them or get to know them. Iā€™ll be polite, but I donā€™t particularly care to associate with them, white or black.

I no longer excuse or rationalize violence, criminality, laziness, indolence, careless babymaking, willful dependency or degeneracy among blacks, any more than I do with whites. If youā€™re a thief who doesnā€™t support his child, and spends his days drinking and whining about how his life sucks, your black skin doesnā€™t get you a pass from me. Youā€™re just as much of a piece of garbage as your fellow white bum. Doesnā€™t equality feel good?

Perhaps itā€™s the hyper-sensitivity, the arrogant and unabashed racism toward other races, and the self-entitlement. Could be the willingness to drop everything to riot, loot, burn and destroy personal and public property, menace, threaten and physically attack innocent white people. Or the propensity towards cowardly mob attacks on vulnerable whites, especially the elderly, women, any white person they catch alone and defenseless.

70 years ago or more, white men did beat up or occasionally murder blacks they suspected of wrongdoingā€¦just as they did to other whites who ā€œneeded killin'ā€. Vigilante ā€œjusticeā€ was an injustice, nobody argues the point. It was wrong, and the civil rights era exposed these as shameful and reprehensible acts. Black and whites marched together and lobbied their political leaders to put a stop to racial injustice, to shame those guilty of racism, and to codify and enforce equal rights for all. A noble and righteous cause, one which was long overdue.

But here it is 50 years later, the president, attorney general, and a disproportionate percentage of the top government executives are black. The mayors, commissioners, police chiefs, and other local adminstrators in most, if not all, major cities are also black. Black Run America has not brought prosperity to its constituents, rather, its Democratic policies, programs and spending have driven once majestic and prosperous cities into bankruptcy, decay and abandonment.

I just canā€™t bring myself to feel for the people who scrawl vulgar graffiti on the sides of stately brownstones, or who break the subtly rippled glass that a craftsman, white or black, had carefully glazed in an ornate linteled window a hundred thirty years ago. Thereā€™s no part of me that yearns to reach out to people throwing garbage onto what had been a tidy, manicured patch of decorative greenery flanking a grand marble entrance with exquisitely carved doors. I just donā€™t have it in me, anymore. I do wonder what has become of the respectable, genteel families who were displaced by the social engineering policies of the New Deal, leaving their architectural legacy to the ravages of neglect and deliberate defacement.

Iā€™ve left the ā€œdialogueā€, which turned out to be nothing more than a one-sided, accusatory tirade, berating me for unspecified harm I am to bear responsibility for, and denying me the right to respond with my own, civil point of view. Thereā€™s simply no point having ā€œthe conversationā€ any longer. You smugly assert that I have no right to my views because I canā€™t possibly know what itā€™s like to be black. Yet you claim in the same breath, to be the arbiter, the expert on my own race, and therefore I have no right to speak for myself. So, have your own ā€œdialogueā€ with yourself. Iā€™m out.

No matter what I do, no matter what I say, you say my whiteness makes me racist. So there is no longer any point in considering it. Fine, you say Iā€™m ā€œracistā€. I donā€™t care anymore.

Iā€™m sure there are those who will say in rebuttal that they are ā€œtired ofā€ being the victims of racism every walking minute of their lives. And to this, I sayā€¦ā€Ok, I am willing to accept that you are being victimized by the inherent racism absorbed by simply being in proximity to white people. But you must accept that my response will be to avoid you, and to decline to involve myself in your issues, lest my whiteness somehow damage you further.ā€

I don't care about blacks anymore. - The Race Card Project
What relief you must feel. Such a heavy burden you carried your entire life :rolleyes:
Donā€™t be stupid. Ops too late.
I did not write this. But everything this guy said...I nodded my head. So...here is a different "MeToo".This also applies to Latino's.
(Link to author is at the bottom).

Iā€™m going to come out and say itā€¦the same thing thousands, probably millions of people in this country are feeling, at this point.

I donā€™t care about black peopleā€™s problems anymore.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I care very much for the black people I known personally. I care about them as people, as much as whites, Asians, Latinos, and every other human being on earth.

But I no longer care about the special set of issues that many black people hold so near and dear, and that seem to define them as a groupā€¦though thankfully, not as individuals.

Iā€™m simply worn out with them. Exhausted by their constant demands, their neediness, their helplessness, their hypocrisy, their never ending problems, their inability to take advantage of the myriad opportunities practically delivered to them, their ungratefulness, their refusal to take responsibility for their own lives or accept the consequences of their actions.

Iā€™ve just thrown in the towel. I canā€™t keep caring about problems that I obviously canā€™t do anything about. Especially when they have brought at least some of it on themselves, or when they wonā€™t make the lifestyle changes necessary to succeed or to overcome or avoid their problems.

There comes a point, where I just quit listening. When racist graffiti is discovered on a college campus, or on a black personā€™s house, my reaction is no longer outrage, disgust, and sympathy for a victim of a hate crime. Itā€™s outrage and disgust alright, and it comes a few days later when it is almost always revealed to be yet another racial hoax perpetrated by black people. I really donā€™t want to hear them tearfully recounting that heartrending moment when they ā€œdiscoveredā€ some mean white KKK member had snuck into their laundry room, completely unseen and invisible to video cameras, to scribbleā€œTrump ā€™16ā€ and ā€œDie n*ggersā€ on the wall. At this point, Iā€™ll turn the channel.

I applaud those who are successful, and overcome challenges, and I wish them well. But just like my white colleagues, if they make poor decisions, spend their money foolishly, refuse the free education available to them, have children they canā€™t afford, get involved in drugs and criminality, I have little sympathy. And Iā€™m not likely to make an effort to be friendly with them or get to know them. Iā€™ll be polite, but I donā€™t particularly care to associate with them, white or black.

I no longer excuse or rationalize violence, criminality, laziness, indolence, careless babymaking, willful dependency or degeneracy among blacks, any more than I do with whites. If youā€™re a thief who doesnā€™t support his child, and spends his days drinking and whining about how his life sucks, your black skin doesnā€™t get you a pass from me. Youā€™re just as much of a piece of garbage as your fellow white bum. Doesnā€™t equality feel good?

Perhaps itā€™s the hyper-sensitivity, the arrogant and unabashed racism toward other races, and the self-entitlement. Could be the willingness to drop everything to riot, loot, burn and destroy personal and public property, menace, threaten and physically attack innocent white people. Or the propensity towards cowardly mob attacks on vulnerable whites, especially the elderly, women, any white person they catch alone and defenseless.

70 years ago or more, white men did beat up or occasionally murder blacks they suspected of wrongdoingā€¦just as they did to other whites who ā€œneeded killin'ā€. Vigilante ā€œjusticeā€ was an injustice, nobody argues the point. It was wrong, and the civil rights era exposed these as shameful and reprehensible acts. Black and whites marched together and lobbied their political leaders to put a stop to racial injustice, to shame those guilty of racism, and to codify and enforce equal rights for all. A noble and righteous cause, one which was long overdue.

But here it is 50 years later, the president, attorney general, and a disproportionate percentage of the top government executives are black. The mayors, commissioners, police chiefs, and other local adminstrators in most, if not all, major cities are also black. Black Run America has not brought prosperity to its constituents, rather, its Democratic policies, programs and spending have driven once majestic and prosperous cities into bankruptcy, decay and abandonment.

I just canā€™t bring myself to feel for the people who scrawl vulgar graffiti on the sides of stately brownstones, or who break the subtly rippled glass that a craftsman, white or black, had carefully glazed in an ornate linteled window a hundred thirty years ago. Thereā€™s no part of me that yearns to reach out to people throwing garbage onto what had been a tidy, manicured patch of decorative greenery flanking a grand marble entrance with exquisitely carved doors. I just donā€™t have it in me, anymore. I do wonder what has become of the respectable, genteel families who were displaced by the social engineering policies of the New Deal, leaving their architectural legacy to the ravages of neglect and deliberate defacement.

Iā€™ve left the ā€œdialogueā€, which turned out to be nothing more than a one-sided, accusatory tirade, berating me for unspecified harm I am to bear responsibility for, and denying me the right to respond with my own, civil point of view. Thereā€™s simply no point having ā€œthe conversationā€ any longer. You smugly assert that I have no right to my views because I canā€™t possibly know what itā€™s like to be black. Yet you claim in the same breath, to be the arbiter, the expert on my own race, and therefore I have no right to speak for myself. So, have your own ā€œdialogueā€ with yourself. Iā€™m out.

No matter what I do, no matter what I say, you say my whiteness makes me racist. So there is no longer any point in considering it. Fine, you say Iā€™m ā€œracistā€. I donā€™t care anymore.

Iā€™m sure there are those who will say in rebuttal that they are ā€œtired ofā€ being the victims of racism every walking minute of their lives. And to this, I sayā€¦ā€Ok, I am willing to accept that you are being victimized by the inherent racism absorbed by simply being in proximity to white people. But you must accept that my response will be to avoid you, and to decline to involve myself in your issues, lest my whiteness somehow damage you further.ā€

I don't care about blacks anymore. - The Race Card Project

One of the problems with this persons views is that they seem mostly driven by media events. If I wanted to understand why there is tension in the Middle East, would the media be the best place to learn......or a library (research)? If I wanted to understand the economy, would the news be the best source......or the library (research)? If I wanted to understand the root causes of global terrorism, would the news be the best source or the library (research)?

One should never seek understanding from the media (especially evening news) nor anecdotal experiences. If people really cared or were really interested.....they would RESEARCH to see if there is anything real triggering or shaping the conditions in the black community that we see in the media. The problem is, however, people don't want or don't care enough to do the research and hence are mostly ill-informed.

Here is the thing. There are approximately 310 million people in this country of which there are about 200 million whites and 42 million blacks. Regardless of what race we are, we at best only know about .0001 percent of the people in our own race. We only get to bear witness directly to .0001 percent of the people in this country. We are not tapped in to what 99.9999999% of the people think or what they do on a daily bases. For that, we erroneously rely on media snippets.

The reality is that you cannot understand anything without doing research. There is a reason that anything is the way it currently is and to study why something is the way it is a particular point in time you have to examine previous points in time that lead up to the current point in time. That is what America does not want to do when it comes to blacks. The reason being is that they are pretty sure they are going to find evidence to support the story that black people have been telling.

I mean, when we hear people who were sent to jail for crimes that they have not committed, being exonerated by DNA evidence or a new trial, do people like the author no longer care about law enforcement and the court system....or do they still fundamentally believe it gets things right most of the time? The police departments have been plagued with corruption, false imprisonment, bad apples, etc. However, I have yet to hear from people who think like the author that crime, therefore, is discredited as a social concern. When blacks falsely accuse whites of racism, however, that is enough to discredit racism from being a valid social concern.

When I read or hear arguments like the authors, I think that the person never had a solid foundation of truth to begin with. To me his or her views, when they favored blacks, were not based upon really understanding blacks and their experiences. When his or her opinion favored blacks, they likely did not validate their opinion via research, but was just going by the media or anecdotal experience.

If you want to understand the black condition.....study history and use current studies on discrimination and racial attitudes to form an opinion/understanding. Don't simply rely on the media or a circle of people that you know.
Last edited:
I did not write this. But everything this guy said...I nodded my head. So...here is a different "MeToo".This also applies to Latino's.
(Link to author is at the bottom).

Iā€™m going to come out and say itā€¦the same thing thousands, probably millions of people in this country are feeling, at this point.

I donā€™t care about black peopleā€™s problems anymore.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I care very much for the black people I known personally. I care about them as people, as much as whites, Asians, Latinos, and every other human being on earth.

But I no longer care about the special set of issues that many black people hold so near and dear, and that seem to define them as a groupā€¦though thankfully, not as individuals.

Iā€™m simply worn out with them. Exhausted by their constant demands, their neediness, their helplessness, their hypocrisy, their never ending problems, their inability to take advantage of the myriad opportunities practically delivered to them, their ungratefulness, their refusal to take responsibility for their own lives or accept the consequences of their actions.

Iā€™ve just thrown in the towel. I canā€™t keep caring about problems that I obviously canā€™t do anything about. Especially when they have brought at least some of it on themselves, or when they wonā€™t make the lifestyle changes necessary to succeed or to overcome or avoid their problems.

There comes a point, where I just quit listening. When racist graffiti is discovered on a college campus, or on a black personā€™s house, my reaction is no longer outrage, disgust, and sympathy for a victim of a hate crime. Itā€™s outrage and disgust alright, and it comes a few days later when it is almost always revealed to be yet another racial hoax perpetrated by black people. I really donā€™t want to hear them tearfully recounting that heartrending moment when they ā€œdiscoveredā€ some mean white KKK member had snuck into their laundry room, completely unseen and invisible to video cameras, to scribbleā€œTrump ā€™16ā€ and ā€œDie n*ggersā€ on the wall. At this point, Iā€™ll turn the channel.

I applaud those who are successful, and overcome challenges, and I wish them well. But just like my white colleagues, if they make poor decisions, spend their money foolishly, refuse the free education available to them, have children they canā€™t afford, get involved in drugs and criminality, I have little sympathy. And Iā€™m not likely to make an effort to be friendly with them or get to know them. Iā€™ll be polite, but I donā€™t particularly care to associate with them, white or black.

I no longer excuse or rationalize violence, criminality, laziness, indolence, careless babymaking, willful dependency or degeneracy among blacks, any more than I do with whites. If youā€™re a thief who doesnā€™t support his child, and spends his days drinking and whining about how his life sucks, your black skin doesnā€™t get you a pass from me. Youā€™re just as much of a piece of garbage as your fellow white bum. Doesnā€™t equality feel good?

Perhaps itā€™s the hyper-sensitivity, the arrogant and unabashed racism toward other races, and the self-entitlement. Could be the willingness to drop everything to riot, loot, burn and destroy personal and public property, menace, threaten and physically attack innocent white people. Or the propensity towards cowardly mob attacks on vulnerable whites, especially the elderly, women, any white person they catch alone and defenseless.

70 years ago or more, white men did beat up or occasionally murder blacks they suspected of wrongdoingā€¦just as they did to other whites who ā€œneeded killin'ā€. Vigilante ā€œjusticeā€ was an injustice, nobody argues the point. It was wrong, and the civil rights era exposed these as shameful and reprehensible acts. Black and whites marched together and lobbied their political leaders to put a stop to racial injustice, to shame those guilty of racism, and to codify and enforce equal rights for all. A noble and righteous cause, one which was long overdue.

But here it is 50 years later, the president, attorney general, and a disproportionate percentage of the top government executives are black. The mayors, commissioners, police chiefs, and other local adminstrators in most, if not all, major cities are also black. Black Run America has not brought prosperity to its constituents, rather, its Democratic policies, programs and spending have driven once majestic and prosperous cities into bankruptcy, decay and abandonment.

I just canā€™t bring myself to feel for the people who scrawl vulgar graffiti on the sides of stately brownstones, or who break the subtly rippled glass that a craftsman, white or black, had carefully glazed in an ornate linteled window a hundred thirty years ago. Thereā€™s no part of me that yearns to reach out to people throwing garbage onto what had been a tidy, manicured patch of decorative greenery flanking a grand marble entrance with exquisitely carved doors. I just donā€™t have it in me, anymore. I do wonder what has become of the respectable, genteel families who were displaced by the social engineering policies of the New Deal, leaving their architectural legacy to the ravages of neglect and deliberate defacement.

Iā€™ve left the ā€œdialogueā€, which turned out to be nothing more than a one-sided, accusatory tirade, berating me for unspecified harm I am to bear responsibility for, and denying me the right to respond with my own, civil point of view. Thereā€™s simply no point having ā€œthe conversationā€ any longer. You smugly assert that I have no right to my views because I canā€™t possibly know what itā€™s like to be black. Yet you claim in the same breath, to be the arbiter, the expert on my own race, and therefore I have no right to speak for myself. So, have your own ā€œdialogueā€ with yourself. Iā€™m out.

No matter what I do, no matter what I say, you say my whiteness makes me racist. So there is no longer any point in considering it. Fine, you say Iā€™m ā€œracistā€. I donā€™t care anymore.

Iā€™m sure there are those who will say in rebuttal that they are ā€œtired ofā€ being the victims of racism every walking minute of their lives. And to this, I sayā€¦ā€Ok, I am willing to accept that you are being victimized by the inherent racism absorbed by simply being in proximity to white people. But you must accept that my response will be to avoid you, and to decline to involve myself in your issues, lest my whiteness somehow damage you further.ā€

I don't care about blacks anymore. - The Race Card Project

Okay that's Blacks, tell us how you feel about Asians, Mexicans , Cubans , Arabs and Chinese.
Can you not read???? Try again.
If you want to understand the black condition
I didn't read your whole post. But I saw this and decided to respond ^.

Um...no, I don't want to understand. It is way past that now. Fuck them. I don't care anymore.
I did not write this. But everything this guy said...I nodded my head. So...here is a different "MeToo".This also applies to Latino's.
(Link to author is at the bottom).

Iā€™m going to come out and say itā€¦the same thing thousands, probably millions of people in this country are feeling, at this point.

I donā€™t care about black peopleā€™s problems anymore.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I care very much for the black people I known personally. I care about them as people, as much as whites, Asians, Latinos, and every other human being on earth.

But I no longer care about the special set of issues that many black people hold so near and dear, and that seem to define them as a groupā€¦though thankfully, not as individuals.

Iā€™m simply worn out with them. Exhausted by their constant demands, their neediness, their helplessness, their hypocrisy, their never ending problems, their inability to take advantage of the myriad opportunities practically delivered to them, their ungratefulness, their refusal to take responsibility for their own lives or accept the consequences of their actions.

Iā€™ve just thrown in the towel. I canā€™t keep caring about problems that I obviously canā€™t do anything about. Especially when they have brought at least some of it on themselves, or when they wonā€™t make the lifestyle changes necessary to succeed or to overcome or avoid their problems.

There comes a point, where I just quit listening. When racist graffiti is discovered on a college campus, or on a black personā€™s house, my reaction is no longer outrage, disgust, and sympathy for a victim of a hate crime. Itā€™s outrage and disgust alright, and it comes a few days later when it is almost always revealed to be yet another racial hoax perpetrated by black people. I really donā€™t want to hear them tearfully recounting that heartrending moment when they ā€œdiscoveredā€ some mean white KKK member had snuck into their laundry room, completely unseen and invisible to video cameras, to scribbleā€œTrump ā€™16ā€ and ā€œDie n*ggersā€ on the wall. At this point, Iā€™ll turn the channel.

I applaud those who are successful, and overcome challenges, and I wish them well. But just like my white colleagues, if they make poor decisions, spend their money foolishly, refuse the free education available to them, have children they canā€™t afford, get involved in drugs and criminality, I have little sympathy. And Iā€™m not likely to make an effort to be friendly with them or get to know them. Iā€™ll be polite, but I donā€™t particularly care to associate with them, white or black.

I no longer excuse or rationalize violence, criminality, laziness, indolence, careless babymaking, willful dependency or degeneracy among blacks, any more than I do with whites. If youā€™re a thief who doesnā€™t support his child, and spends his days drinking and whining about how his life sucks, your black skin doesnā€™t get you a pass from me. Youā€™re just as much of a piece of garbage as your fellow white bum. Doesnā€™t equality feel good?

Perhaps itā€™s the hyper-sensitivity, the arrogant and unabashed racism toward other races, and the self-entitlement. Could be the willingness to drop everything to riot, loot, burn and destroy personal and public property, menace, threaten and physically attack innocent white people. Or the propensity towards cowardly mob attacks on vulnerable whites, especially the elderly, women, any white person they catch alone and defenseless.

70 years ago or more, white men did beat up or occasionally murder blacks they suspected of wrongdoingā€¦just as they did to other whites who ā€œneeded killin'ā€. Vigilante ā€œjusticeā€ was an injustice, nobody argues the point. It was wrong, and the civil rights era exposed these as shameful and reprehensible acts. Black and whites marched together and lobbied their political leaders to put a stop to racial injustice, to shame those guilty of racism, and to codify and enforce equal rights for all. A noble and righteous cause, one which was long overdue.

But here it is 50 years later, the president, attorney general, and a disproportionate percentage of the top government executives are black. The mayors, commissioners, police chiefs, and other local adminstrators in most, if not all, major cities are also black. Black Run America has not brought prosperity to its constituents, rather, its Democratic policies, programs and spending have driven once majestic and prosperous cities into bankruptcy, decay and abandonment.

I just canā€™t bring myself to feel for the people who scrawl vulgar graffiti on the sides of stately brownstones, or who break the subtly rippled glass that a craftsman, white or black, had carefully glazed in an ornate linteled window a hundred thirty years ago. Thereā€™s no part of me that yearns to reach out to people throwing garbage onto what had been a tidy, manicured patch of decorative greenery flanking a grand marble entrance with exquisitely carved doors. I just donā€™t have it in me, anymore. I do wonder what has become of the respectable, genteel families who were displaced by the social engineering policies of the New Deal, leaving their architectural legacy to the ravages of neglect and deliberate defacement.

Iā€™ve left the ā€œdialogueā€, which turned out to be nothing more than a one-sided, accusatory tirade, berating me for unspecified harm I am to bear responsibility for, and denying me the right to respond with my own, civil point of view. Thereā€™s simply no point having ā€œthe conversationā€ any longer. You smugly assert that I have no right to my views because I canā€™t possibly know what itā€™s like to be black. Yet you claim in the same breath, to be the arbiter, the expert on my own race, and therefore I have no right to speak for myself. So, have your own ā€œdialogueā€ with yourself. Iā€™m out.

No matter what I do, no matter what I say, you say my whiteness makes me racist. So there is no longer any point in considering it. Fine, you say Iā€™m ā€œracistā€. I donā€™t care anymore.

Iā€™m sure there are those who will say in rebuttal that they are ā€œtired ofā€ being the victims of racism every walking minute of their lives. And to this, I sayā€¦ā€Ok, I am willing to accept that you are being victimized by the inherent racism absorbed by simply being in proximity to white people. But you must accept that my response will be to avoid you, and to decline to involve myself in your issues, lest my whiteness somehow damage you further.ā€

I don't care about blacks anymore. - The Race Card Project
When Obama was elected as president, it was the culmination of decades of struggle for black people in their quest for racial equality. Blacks can now live anywhere they want, enter all career fields, and achieve any goals they set for themselves. They can even become president! There are no longer any barriers for blacks; career, educational, political, economic, etc.

So when I hear black's moaning and griping about racism and white people holding them down. It just goes in one ear and out the other. It's time to take personal responsibility for yourself and make better choices. And don't look to me to solve your problems. ...... :cool:

They have come a long way since the civil rights movement of the 60's, and the same as women in the US. White men another story. White men, centuries of supremacy.
And ???
I did not write this. But everything this guy said...I nodded my head. So...here is a different "MeToo".This also applies to Latino's.
(Link to author is at the bottom).

Iā€™m going to come out and say itā€¦the same thing thousands, probably millions of people in this country are feeling, at this point.

I donā€™t care about black peopleā€™s problems anymore.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I care very much for the black people I known personally. I care about them as people, as much as whites, Asians, Latinos, and every other human being on earth.

But I no longer care about the special set of issues that many black people hold so near and dear, and that seem to define them as a groupā€¦though thankfully, not as individuals.

Iā€™m simply worn out with them. Exhausted by their constant demands, their neediness, their helplessness, their hypocrisy, their never ending problems, their inability to take advantage of the myriad opportunities practically delivered to them, their ungratefulness, their refusal to take responsibility for their own lives or accept the consequences of their actions.

Iā€™ve just thrown in the towel. I canā€™t keep caring about problems that I obviously canā€™t do anything about. Especially when they have brought at least some of it on themselves, or when they wonā€™t make the lifestyle changes necessary to succeed or to overcome or avoid their problems.

There comes a point, where I just quit listening. When racist graffiti is discovered on a college campus, or on a black personā€™s house, my reaction is no longer outrage, disgust, and sympathy for a victim of a hate crime. Itā€™s outrage and disgust alright, and it comes a few days later when it is almost always revealed to be yet another racial hoax perpetrated by black people. I really donā€™t want to hear them tearfully recounting that heartrending moment when they ā€œdiscoveredā€ some mean white KKK member had snuck into their laundry room, completely unseen and invisible to video cameras, to scribbleā€œTrump ā€™16ā€ and ā€œDie n*ggersā€ on the wall. At this point, Iā€™ll turn the channel.

I applaud those who are successful, and overcome challenges, and I wish them well. But just like my white colleagues, if they make poor decisions, spend their money foolishly, refuse the free education available to them, have children they canā€™t afford, get involved in drugs and criminality, I have little sympathy. And Iā€™m not likely to make an effort to be friendly with them or get to know them. Iā€™ll be polite, but I donā€™t particularly care to associate with them, white or black.

I no longer excuse or rationalize violence, criminality, laziness, indolence, careless babymaking, willful dependency or degeneracy among blacks, any more than I do with whites. If youā€™re a thief who doesnā€™t support his child, and spends his days drinking and whining about how his life sucks, your black skin doesnā€™t get you a pass from me. Youā€™re just as much of a piece of garbage as your fellow white bum. Doesnā€™t equality feel good?

Perhaps itā€™s the hyper-sensitivity, the arrogant and unabashed racism toward other races, and the self-entitlement. Could be the willingness to drop everything to riot, loot, burn and destroy personal and public property, menace, threaten and physically attack innocent white people. Or the propensity towards cowardly mob attacks on vulnerable whites, especially the elderly, women, any white person they catch alone and defenseless.

70 years ago or more, white men did beat up or occasionally murder blacks they suspected of wrongdoingā€¦just as they did to other whites who ā€œneeded killin'ā€. Vigilante ā€œjusticeā€ was an injustice, nobody argues the point. It was wrong, and the civil rights era exposed these as shameful and reprehensible acts. Black and whites marched together and lobbied their political leaders to put a stop to racial injustice, to shame those guilty of racism, and to codify and enforce equal rights for all. A noble and righteous cause, one which was long overdue.

But here it is 50 years later, the president, attorney general, and a disproportionate percentage of the top government executives are black. The mayors, commissioners, police chiefs, and other local adminstrators in most, if not all, major cities are also black. Black Run America has not brought prosperity to its constituents, rather, its Democratic policies, programs and spending have driven once majestic and prosperous cities into bankruptcy, decay and abandonment.

I just canā€™t bring myself to feel for the people who scrawl vulgar graffiti on the sides of stately brownstones, or who break the subtly rippled glass that a craftsman, white or black, had carefully glazed in an ornate linteled window a hundred thirty years ago. Thereā€™s no part of me that yearns to reach out to people throwing garbage onto what had been a tidy, manicured patch of decorative greenery flanking a grand marble entrance with exquisitely carved doors. I just donā€™t have it in me, anymore. I do wonder what has become of the respectable, genteel families who were displaced by the social engineering policies of the New Deal, leaving their architectural legacy to the ravages of neglect and deliberate defacement.

Iā€™ve left the ā€œdialogueā€, which turned out to be nothing more than a one-sided, accusatory tirade, berating me for unspecified harm I am to bear responsibility for, and denying me the right to respond with my own, civil point of view. Thereā€™s simply no point having ā€œthe conversationā€ any longer. You smugly assert that I have no right to my views because I canā€™t possibly know what itā€™s like to be black. Yet you claim in the same breath, to be the arbiter, the expert on my own race, and therefore I have no right to speak for myself. So, have your own ā€œdialogueā€ with yourself. Iā€™m out.

No matter what I do, no matter what I say, you say my whiteness makes me racist. So there is no longer any point in considering it. Fine, you say Iā€™m ā€œracistā€. I donā€™t care anymore.

Iā€™m sure there are those who will say in rebuttal that they are ā€œtired ofā€ being the victims of racism every walking minute of their lives. And to this, I sayā€¦ā€Ok, I am willing to accept that you are being victimized by the inherent racism absorbed by simply being in proximity to white people. But you must accept that my response will be to avoid you, and to decline to involve myself in your issues, lest my whiteness somehow damage you further.ā€

I don't care about blacks anymore. - The Race Card Project

I feel the same about jews who scream anti-Semitism.
That's a more complicated problem -- vocal Jews.
I did not write this. But everything this guy said...I nodded my head. So...here is a different "MeToo".This also applies to Latino's.
(Link to author is at the bottom).

Iā€™m going to come out and say itā€¦the same thing thousands, probably millions of people in this country are feeling, at this point.

I donā€™t care about black peopleā€™s problems anymore.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I care very much for the black people I known personally. I care about them as people, as much as whites, Asians, Latinos, and every other human being on earth.

But I no longer care about the special set of issues that many black people hold so near and dear, and that seem to define them as a groupā€¦though thankfully, not as individuals.

Iā€™m simply worn out with them. Exhausted by their constant demands, their neediness, their helplessness, their hypocrisy, their never ending problems, their inability to take advantage of the myriad opportunities practically delivered to them, their ungratefulness, their refusal to take responsibility for their own lives or accept the consequences of their actions.

Iā€™ve just thrown in the towel. I canā€™t keep caring about problems that I obviously canā€™t do anything about. Especially when they have brought at least some of it on themselves, or when they wonā€™t make the lifestyle changes necessary to succeed or to overcome or avoid their problems.

There comes a point, where I just quit listening. When racist graffiti is discovered on a college campus, or on a black personā€™s house, my reaction is no longer outrage, disgust, and sympathy for a victim of a hate crime. Itā€™s outrage and disgust alright, and it comes a few days later when it is almost always revealed to be yet another racial hoax perpetrated by black people. I really donā€™t want to hear them tearfully recounting that heartrending moment when they ā€œdiscoveredā€ some mean white KKK member had snuck into their laundry room, completely unseen and invisible to video cameras, to scribbleā€œTrump ā€™16ā€ and ā€œDie n*ggersā€ on the wall. At this point, Iā€™ll turn the channel.

I applaud those who are successful, and overcome challenges, and I wish them well. But just like my white colleagues, if they make poor decisions, spend their money foolishly, refuse the free education available to them, have children they canā€™t afford, get involved in drugs and criminality, I have little sympathy. And Iā€™m not likely to make an effort to be friendly with them or get to know them. Iā€™ll be polite, but I donā€™t particularly care to associate with them, white or black.

I no longer excuse or rationalize violence, criminality, laziness, indolence, careless babymaking, willful dependency or degeneracy among blacks, any more than I do with whites. If youā€™re a thief who doesnā€™t support his child, and spends his days drinking and whining about how his life sucks, your black skin doesnā€™t get you a pass from me. Youā€™re just as much of a piece of garbage as your fellow white bum. Doesnā€™t equality feel good?

Perhaps itā€™s the hyper-sensitivity, the arrogant and unabashed racism toward other races, and the self-entitlement. Could be the willingness to drop everything to riot, loot, burn and destroy personal and public property, menace, threaten and physically attack innocent white people. Or the propensity towards cowardly mob attacks on vulnerable whites, especially the elderly, women, any white person they catch alone and defenseless.

70 years ago or more, white men did beat up or occasionally murder blacks they suspected of wrongdoingā€¦just as they did to other whites who ā€œneeded killin'ā€. Vigilante ā€œjusticeā€ was an injustice, nobody argues the point. It was wrong, and the civil rights era exposed these as shameful and reprehensible acts. Black and whites marched together and lobbied their political leaders to put a stop to racial injustice, to shame those guilty of racism, and to codify and enforce equal rights for all. A noble and righteous cause, one which was long overdue.

But here it is 50 years later, the president, attorney general, and a disproportionate percentage of the top government executives are black. The mayors, commissioners, police chiefs, and other local adminstrators in most, if not all, major cities are also black. Black Run America has not brought prosperity to its constituents, rather, its Democratic policies, programs and spending have driven once majestic and prosperous cities into bankruptcy, decay and abandonment.

I just canā€™t bring myself to feel for the people who scrawl vulgar graffiti on the sides of stately brownstones, or who break the subtly rippled glass that a craftsman, white or black, had carefully glazed in an ornate linteled window a hundred thirty years ago. Thereā€™s no part of me that yearns to reach out to people throwing garbage onto what had been a tidy, manicured patch of decorative greenery flanking a grand marble entrance with exquisitely carved doors. I just donā€™t have it in me, anymore. I do wonder what has become of the respectable, genteel families who were displaced by the social engineering policies of the New Deal, leaving their architectural legacy to the ravages of neglect and deliberate defacement.

Iā€™ve left the ā€œdialogueā€, which turned out to be nothing more than a one-sided, accusatory tirade, berating me for unspecified harm I am to bear responsibility for, and denying me the right to respond with my own, civil point of view. Thereā€™s simply no point having ā€œthe conversationā€ any longer. You smugly assert that I have no right to my views because I canā€™t possibly know what itā€™s like to be black. Yet you claim in the same breath, to be the arbiter, the expert on my own race, and therefore I have no right to speak for myself. So, have your own ā€œdialogueā€ with yourself. Iā€™m out.

No matter what I do, no matter what I say, you say my whiteness makes me racist. So there is no longer any point in considering it. Fine, you say Iā€™m ā€œracistā€. I donā€™t care anymore.

Iā€™m sure there are those who will say in rebuttal that they are ā€œtired ofā€ being the victims of racism every walking minute of their lives. And to this, I sayā€¦ā€Ok, I am willing to accept that you are being victimized by the inherent racism absorbed by simply being in proximity to white people. But you must accept that my response will be to avoid you, and to decline to involve myself in your issues, lest my whiteness somehow damage you further.ā€

I don't care about blacks anymore. - The Race Card Project
You betcha. And proud of it.
I did not write this. But everything this guy said...I nodded my head. So...here is a different "MeToo".This also applies to Latino's.
(Link to author is at the bottom).

Iā€™m going to come out and say itā€¦the same thing thousands, probably millions of people in this country are feeling, at this point.

I donā€™t care about black peopleā€™s problems anymore.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I care very much for the black people I known personally. I care about them as people, as much as whites, Asians, Latinos, and every other human being on earth.

But I no longer care about the special set of issues that many black people hold so near and dear, and that seem to define them as a groupā€¦though thankfully, not as individuals.

Iā€™m simply worn out with them. Exhausted by their constant demands, their neediness, their helplessness, their hypocrisy, their never ending problems, their inability to take advantage of the myriad opportunities practically delivered to them, their ungratefulness, their refusal to take responsibility for their own lives or accept the consequences of their actions.

Iā€™ve just thrown in the towel. I canā€™t keep caring about problems that I obviously canā€™t do anything about. Especially when they have brought at least some of it on themselves, or when they wonā€™t make the lifestyle changes necessary to succeed or to overcome or avoid their problems.

There comes a point, where I just quit listening. When racist graffiti is discovered on a college campus, or on a black personā€™s house, my reaction is no longer outrage, disgust, and sympathy for a victim of a hate crime. Itā€™s outrage and disgust alright, and it comes a few days later when it is almost always revealed to be yet another racial hoax perpetrated by black people. I really donā€™t want to hear them tearfully recounting that heartrending moment when they ā€œdiscoveredā€ some mean white KKK member had snuck into their laundry room, completely unseen and invisible to video cameras, to scribbleā€œTrump ā€™16ā€ and ā€œDie n*ggersā€ on the wall. At this point, Iā€™ll turn the channel.

I applaud those who are successful, and overcome challenges, and I wish them well. But just like my white colleagues, if they make poor decisions, spend their money foolishly, refuse the free education available to them, have children they canā€™t afford, get involved in drugs and criminality, I have little sympathy. And Iā€™m not likely to make an effort to be friendly with them or get to know them. Iā€™ll be polite, but I donā€™t particularly care to associate with them, white or black.

I no longer excuse or rationalize violence, criminality, laziness, indolence, careless babymaking, willful dependency or degeneracy among blacks, any more than I do with whites. If youā€™re a thief who doesnā€™t support his child, and spends his days drinking and whining about how his life sucks, your black skin doesnā€™t get you a pass from me. Youā€™re just as much of a piece of garbage as your fellow white bum. Doesnā€™t equality feel good?

Perhaps itā€™s the hyper-sensitivity, the arrogant and unabashed racism toward other races, and the self-entitlement. Could be the willingness to drop everything to riot, loot, burn and destroy personal and public property, menace, threaten and physically attack innocent white people. Or the propensity towards cowardly mob attacks on vulnerable whites, especially the elderly, women, any white person they catch alone and defenseless.

70 years ago or more, white men did beat up or occasionally murder blacks they suspected of wrongdoingā€¦just as they did to other whites who ā€œneeded killin'ā€. Vigilante ā€œjusticeā€ was an injustice, nobody argues the point. It was wrong, and the civil rights era exposed these as shameful and reprehensible acts. Black and whites marched together and lobbied their political leaders to put a stop to racial injustice, to shame those guilty of racism, and to codify and enforce equal rights for all. A noble and righteous cause, one which was long overdue.

But here it is 50 years later, the president, attorney general, and a disproportionate percentage of the top government executives are black. The mayors, commissioners, police chiefs, and other local adminstrators in most, if not all, major cities are also black. Black Run America has not brought prosperity to its constituents, rather, its Democratic policies, programs and spending have driven once majestic and prosperous cities into bankruptcy, decay and abandonment.

I just canā€™t bring myself to feel for the people who scrawl vulgar graffiti on the sides of stately brownstones, or who break the subtly rippled glass that a craftsman, white or black, had carefully glazed in an ornate linteled window a hundred thirty years ago. Thereā€™s no part of me that yearns to reach out to people throwing garbage onto what had been a tidy, manicured patch of decorative greenery flanking a grand marble entrance with exquisitely carved doors. I just donā€™t have it in me, anymore. I do wonder what has become of the respectable, genteel families who were displaced by the social engineering policies of the New Deal, leaving their architectural legacy to the ravages of neglect and deliberate defacement.

Iā€™ve left the ā€œdialogueā€, which turned out to be nothing more than a one-sided, accusatory tirade, berating me for unspecified harm I am to bear responsibility for, and denying me the right to respond with my own, civil point of view. Thereā€™s simply no point having ā€œthe conversationā€ any longer. You smugly assert that I have no right to my views because I canā€™t possibly know what itā€™s like to be black. Yet you claim in the same breath, to be the arbiter, the expert on my own race, and therefore I have no right to speak for myself. So, have your own ā€œdialogueā€ with yourself. Iā€™m out.

No matter what I do, no matter what I say, you say my whiteness makes me racist. So there is no longer any point in considering it. Fine, you say Iā€™m ā€œracistā€. I donā€™t care anymore.

Iā€™m sure there are those who will say in rebuttal that they are ā€œtired ofā€ being the victims of racism every walking minute of their lives. And to this, I sayā€¦ā€Ok, I am willing to accept that you are being victimized by the inherent racism absorbed by simply being in proximity to white people. But you must accept that my response will be to avoid you, and to decline to involve myself in your issues, lest my whiteness somehow damage you further.ā€

I don't care about blacks anymore. - The Race Card Project

I feel the same about jews who scream anti-Semitism.
That's a more complicated problem -- vocal Jews.
I did not write this. But everything this guy said...I nodded my head. So...here is a different "MeToo".This also applies to Latino's.
(Link to author is at the bottom).

Iā€™m going to come out and say itā€¦the same thing thousands, probably millions of people in this country are feeling, at this point.

I donā€™t care about black peopleā€™s problems anymore.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I care very much for the black people I known personally. I care about them as people, as much as whites, Asians, Latinos, and every other human being on earth.

But I no longer care about the special set of issues that many black people hold so near and dear, and that seem to define them as a groupā€¦though thankfully, not as individuals.

Iā€™m simply worn out with them. Exhausted by their constant demands, their neediness, their helplessness, their hypocrisy, their never ending problems, their inability to take advantage of the myriad opportunities practically delivered to them, their ungratefulness, their refusal to take responsibility for their own lives or accept the consequences of their actions.

Iā€™ve just thrown in the towel. I canā€™t keep caring about problems that I obviously canā€™t do anything about. Especially when they have brought at least some of it on themselves, or when they wonā€™t make the lifestyle changes necessary to succeed or to overcome or avoid their problems.

There comes a point, where I just quit listening. When racist graffiti is discovered on a college campus, or on a black personā€™s house, my reaction is no longer outrage, disgust, and sympathy for a victim of a hate crime. Itā€™s outrage and disgust alright, and it comes a few days later when it is almost always revealed to be yet another racial hoax perpetrated by black people. I really donā€™t want to hear them tearfully recounting that heartrending moment when they ā€œdiscoveredā€ some mean white KKK member had snuck into their laundry room, completely unseen and invisible to video cameras, to scribbleā€œTrump ā€™16ā€ and ā€œDie n*ggersā€ on the wall. At this point, Iā€™ll turn the channel.

I applaud those who are successful, and overcome challenges, and I wish them well. But just like my white colleagues, if they make poor decisions, spend their money foolishly, refuse the free education available to them, have children they canā€™t afford, get involved in drugs and criminality, I have little sympathy. And Iā€™m not likely to make an effort to be friendly with them or get to know them. Iā€™ll be polite, but I donā€™t particularly care to associate with them, white or black.

I no longer excuse or rationalize violence, criminality, laziness, indolence, careless babymaking, willful dependency or degeneracy among blacks, any more than I do with whites. If youā€™re a thief who doesnā€™t support his child, and spends his days drinking and whining about how his life sucks, your black skin doesnā€™t get you a pass from me. Youā€™re just as much of a piece of garbage as your fellow white bum. Doesnā€™t equality feel good?

Perhaps itā€™s the hyper-sensitivity, the arrogant and unabashed racism toward other races, and the self-entitlement. Could be the willingness to drop everything to riot, loot, burn and destroy personal and public property, menace, threaten and physically attack innocent white people. Or the propensity towards cowardly mob attacks on vulnerable whites, especially the elderly, women, any white person they catch alone and defenseless.

70 years ago or more, white men did beat up or occasionally murder blacks they suspected of wrongdoingā€¦just as they did to other whites who ā€œneeded killin'ā€. Vigilante ā€œjusticeā€ was an injustice, nobody argues the point. It was wrong, and the civil rights era exposed these as shameful and reprehensible acts. Black and whites marched together and lobbied their political leaders to put a stop to racial injustice, to shame those guilty of racism, and to codify and enforce equal rights for all. A noble and righteous cause, one which was long overdue.

But here it is 50 years later, the president, attorney general, and a disproportionate percentage of the top government executives are black. The mayors, commissioners, police chiefs, and other local adminstrators in most, if not all, major cities are also black. Black Run America has not brought prosperity to its constituents, rather, its Democratic policies, programs and spending have driven once majestic and prosperous cities into bankruptcy, decay and abandonment.

I just canā€™t bring myself to feel for the people who scrawl vulgar graffiti on the sides of stately brownstones, or who break the subtly rippled glass that a craftsman, white or black, had carefully glazed in an ornate linteled window a hundred thirty years ago. Thereā€™s no part of me that yearns to reach out to people throwing garbage onto what had been a tidy, manicured patch of decorative greenery flanking a grand marble entrance with exquisitely carved doors. I just donā€™t have it in me, anymore. I do wonder what has become of the respectable, genteel families who were displaced by the social engineering policies of the New Deal, leaving their architectural legacy to the ravages of neglect and deliberate defacement.

Iā€™ve left the ā€œdialogueā€, which turned out to be nothing more than a one-sided, accusatory tirade, berating me for unspecified harm I am to bear responsibility for, and denying me the right to respond with my own, civil point of view. Thereā€™s simply no point having ā€œthe conversationā€ any longer. You smugly assert that I have no right to my views because I canā€™t possibly know what itā€™s like to be black. Yet you claim in the same breath, to be the arbiter, the expert on my own race, and therefore I have no right to speak for myself. So, have your own ā€œdialogueā€ with yourself. Iā€™m out.

No matter what I do, no matter what I say, you say my whiteness makes me racist. So there is no longer any point in considering it. Fine, you say Iā€™m ā€œracistā€. I donā€™t care anymore.

Iā€™m sure there are those who will say in rebuttal that they are ā€œtired ofā€ being the victims of racism every walking minute of their lives. And to this, I sayā€¦ā€Ok, I am willing to accept that you are being victimized by the inherent racism absorbed by simply being in proximity to white people. But you must accept that my response will be to avoid you, and to decline to involve myself in your issues, lest my whiteness somehow damage you further.ā€

I don't care about blacks anymore. - The Race Card Project
You betcha. And proud of it.
Be careful or you might grow a swastika between your eyes like Charlie Manson.
I did not write this. But everything this guy said...I nodded my head. So...here is a different "MeToo".This also applies to Latino's.
(Link to author is at the bottom).

Iā€™m going to come out and say itā€¦the same thing thousands, probably millions of people in this country are feeling, at this point.

I donā€™t care about black peopleā€™s problems anymore.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I care very much for the black people I known personally. I care about them as people, as much as whites, Asians, Latinos, and every other human being on earth.

But I no longer care about the special set of issues that many black people hold so near and dear, and that seem to define them as a groupā€¦though thankfully, not as individuals.

Iā€™m simply worn out with them. Exhausted by their constant demands, their neediness, their helplessness, their hypocrisy, their never ending problems, their inability to take advantage of the myriad opportunities practically delivered to them, their ungratefulness, their refusal to take responsibility for their own lives or accept the consequences of their actions.

Iā€™ve just thrown in the towel. I canā€™t keep caring about problems that I obviously canā€™t do anything about. Especially when they have brought at least some of it on themselves, or when they wonā€™t make the lifestyle changes necessary to succeed or to overcome or avoid their problems.

There comes a point, where I just quit listening. When racist graffiti is discovered on a college campus, or on a black personā€™s house, my reaction is no longer outrage, disgust, and sympathy for a victim of a hate crime. Itā€™s outrage and disgust alright, and it comes a few days later when it is almost always revealed to be yet another racial hoax perpetrated by black people. I really donā€™t want to hear them tearfully recounting that heartrending moment when they ā€œdiscoveredā€ some mean white KKK member had snuck into their laundry room, completely unseen and invisible to video cameras, to scribbleā€œTrump ā€™16ā€ and ā€œDie n*ggersā€ on the wall. At this point, Iā€™ll turn the channel.

I applaud those who are successful, and overcome challenges, and I wish them well. But just like my white colleagues, if they make poor decisions, spend their money foolishly, refuse the free education available to them, have children they canā€™t afford, get involved in drugs and criminality, I have little sympathy. And Iā€™m not likely to make an effort to be friendly with them or get to know them. Iā€™ll be polite, but I donā€™t particularly care to associate with them, white or black.

I no longer excuse or rationalize violence, criminality, laziness, indolence, careless babymaking, willful dependency or degeneracy among blacks, any more than I do with whites. If youā€™re a thief who doesnā€™t support his child, and spends his days drinking and whining about how his life sucks, your black skin doesnā€™t get you a pass from me. Youā€™re just as much of a piece of garbage as your fellow white bum. Doesnā€™t equality feel good?

Perhaps itā€™s the hyper-sensitivity, the arrogant and unabashed racism toward other races, and the self-entitlement. Could be the willingness to drop everything to riot, loot, burn and destroy personal and public property, menace, threaten and physically attack innocent white people. Or the propensity towards cowardly mob attacks on vulnerable whites, especially the elderly, women, any white person they catch alone and defenseless.

70 years ago or more, white men did beat up or occasionally murder blacks they suspected of wrongdoingā€¦just as they did to other whites who ā€œneeded killin'ā€. Vigilante ā€œjusticeā€ was an injustice, nobody argues the point. It was wrong, and the civil rights era exposed these as shameful and reprehensible acts. Black and whites marched together and lobbied their political leaders to put a stop to racial injustice, to shame those guilty of racism, and to codify and enforce equal rights for all. A noble and righteous cause, one which was long overdue.

But here it is 50 years later, the president, attorney general, and a disproportionate percentage of the top government executives are black. The mayors, commissioners, police chiefs, and other local adminstrators in most, if not all, major cities are also black. Black Run America has not brought prosperity to its constituents, rather, its Democratic policies, programs and spending have driven once majestic and prosperous cities into bankruptcy, decay and abandonment.

I just canā€™t bring myself to feel for the people who scrawl vulgar graffiti on the sides of stately brownstones, or who break the subtly rippled glass that a craftsman, white or black, had carefully glazed in an ornate linteled window a hundred thirty years ago. Thereā€™s no part of me that yearns to reach out to people throwing garbage onto what had been a tidy, manicured patch of decorative greenery flanking a grand marble entrance with exquisitely carved doors. I just donā€™t have it in me, anymore. I do wonder what has become of the respectable, genteel families who were displaced by the social engineering policies of the New Deal, leaving their architectural legacy to the ravages of neglect and deliberate defacement.

Iā€™ve left the ā€œdialogueā€, which turned out to be nothing more than a one-sided, accusatory tirade, berating me for unspecified harm I am to bear responsibility for, and denying me the right to respond with my own, civil point of view. Thereā€™s simply no point having ā€œthe conversationā€ any longer. You smugly assert that I have no right to my views because I canā€™t possibly know what itā€™s like to be black. Yet you claim in the same breath, to be the arbiter, the expert on my own race, and therefore I have no right to speak for myself. So, have your own ā€œdialogueā€ with yourself. Iā€™m out.

No matter what I do, no matter what I say, you say my whiteness makes me racist. So there is no longer any point in considering it. Fine, you say Iā€™m ā€œracistā€. I donā€™t care anymore.

Iā€™m sure there are those who will say in rebuttal that they are ā€œtired ofā€ being the victims of racism every walking minute of their lives. And to this, I sayā€¦ā€Ok, I am willing to accept that you are being victimized by the inherent racism absorbed by simply being in proximity to white people. But you must accept that my response will be to avoid you, and to decline to involve myself in your issues, lest my whiteness somehow damage you further.ā€

I don't care about blacks anymore. - The Race Card Project
You betcha. And proud of it.
Be careful or you might grow a swastika between your eyes like Charlie Manson.
The swastika is an ancient symbol that was stolen by nazis. And I don't need a symbol. Why? Because...drumroll...I DON'T CARE ANY MORE. Don't you people read?

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