I Don't Consider Myself A Trump Supporter Anymore

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Yeah, they're looking for excuses to jump ship.

After selling their soul to this con man.
There could be yet an unknown jump into the repub primary seeing as there is almost no support for any of the current crop of amoral animals except trump. Likely? Probably not. Why waste resources going against trump and just save it for next time.
There could be yet an unknown jump into the repub primary seeing as there is almost no support for any of the current crop of amoral animals except trump. Likely? Probably not. Why waste resources going against trump and just save it for next time.
/——-/ My man…
Don't get me wrong, I'd vote for him if I absolutely had to, but this whole entire trading card thing pushed me over the edge and DeSantis is still is my top pick for the next president of the United States as he always has been, it's just that I'm really starting to despise Trump's ego. Humility is a really important factor to have for me.

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And Desantis is no criminal.
And Desantis is no criminal.
/——/ Oh, just wait until DeSantis becomes a threat to the democRATs. They will indict him over and over on bogus charges knowing he doesn’t have the resources to defend himself like Trump does. It’s how they got Sarah Palin out of office. democRATs are pure evil.
Don't get me wrong, I'd vote for him if I absolutely had to, but this whole entire trading card thing pushed me over the edge and DeSantis is still is my top pick for the next president of the United States as he always has been, it's just that I'm really starting to despise Trump's ego. Humility is a really important factor to have for me.

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I am voting for DeSantis in the primary. I will hold my nose and vote for Trump when he's the GOP Nominee but not before. The lies he and his followers have told about DeSantis is childish, unnecessary, and totally false. I can't abide liars.
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