I Don't Consider Myself A Trump Supporter Anymore

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Looks like Desantis is the man,,,,,Trump did a lot but he is way too nice. Dont forget that if Desantis wins, he has got the Deep States green light.
I,'ve heard trump called a lot of things but never " nice ".
She was laughing at the stupidity of Baker's Zionist shilling.

Well, because it isn't supported by the whole clip. What I heard is Baker doing what the Republican Zionists Puppets do best, want to get us into a war with another scary Islamic country. And Hillary treating it as a joke because she and Obama found a peaceful solution.

Oh puleez! She is a warmonger / interventionist, just like the rest of them!

Yeah, she really sounds like someone who wants to find a "peaceful" solution here.... :rolleyes:
Oh puleez! She is a warmonger / interventionist, just like the rest of them!

Yeah, she really sounds like someone who wants to find a "peaceful" solution here.... :rolleyes:

This is the video you posted to try to make her out as a warmonger ? Hillary gave a very reasonable response to the question, " If Iran launched a nuclear attack on Israel and she were president the US would attack Iran. " You find that unreasonable ? It's what our response should be. To do otherwise is not an option.
This is the video you posted to try to make her out as a warmonger ? Hillary gave a very reasonable response to the question, " If Iran launched a nuclear attack on Israel and she were president the US would attack Iran. " You find that unreasonable ? It's what our response should be. To do otherwise is not an option.

I was responding to Joe's post which made her sound like she was against Baker's "zionist shilling" and against getting into war with an Islamic country. Obviously that wasn't true. That was the point, don't add more to it.
I was responding to Joe's post which made her sound like she was against Baker's "zionist shilling" and against getting into war with an Islamic country. Obviously that wasn't true. That was the point, don't add more to it.
If we are to have any legitimate claim in the world community, we must trustworthy to our allies. We cannot abandon the Kurds like trump did or the Afghan people like trump did. That didn't help US at all.
If we are to have any legitimate claim in the world community, we must trustworthy to our allies. We cannot abandon the Kurds like trump did or the Afghan people like trump did. That didn't help US at all.

Well then you are a neocon just like Hillary. I don't believe it is constitutional or right for us to be the world's busybody policeman.... But again, that is besides the point and not what we were talking about. I was simply responding to Joe's comment that Hillary was against Baker's willingness to "take out" Iran.
Well then you are a neocon just like Hillary. I don't believe it is constitutional or right for us to be the world's busybody policeman.... But again, that is besides the point and not what we were talking about. I was simply responding to Joe's comment that Hillary was against Baker's willingness to "take out" Iran.
You are In American, are you a Iranian or Russian plant. The world isn't going to change. We must remain on the right side of history, against the terrorist states in the world. Also Joe is correct, you are ridiculous.
Well then you are a neocon just like Hillary. I don't believe it is constitutional or right for us to be the world's busybody policeman.... But again, that is besides the point and not what we were talking about. I was simply responding to Joe's comment that Hillary was against Baker's willingness to "take out" Iran.
Hillary clarified her answer very definitely. I'm sorry you can't comprehend that significance. War as a last resort. Nuclear warfare has to be dealt with like that. It's beyond any diplomatic solution at that point.
Oh puleez! She is a warmonger / interventionist, just like the rest of them!

Yeah, she really sounds like someone who wants to find a "peaceful" solution here....

Wow... so her "Warmongering" position is that we would protect Israel if Iran launced a nuclear attack.
I despise Israel's existence, and even I don't consider that an unreasonable position.

I mean, it's funny to watch you guys act like a hippy drum circle because you can claim the only thing Trump didn't fuck up was getting us into a war (although not for lack of trying).
You are In American, are you a Iranian or Russian plant. The world isn't going to change. We must remain on the right side of history, against the terrorist states in the world. Also Joe is correct, you are ridiculous.

LOL. I don't even know where to begin here. Actually, there's too much to get into, it's off topic, and I have a meeting at 3:15, which is in less than 10 minutes, so I don't have time to get into an off-topic discussion on foreign policy right now.
Wow... so her "Warmongering" position is that we would protect Israel if Iran launced a nuclear attack.
I despise Israel's existence, and even I don't consider that an unreasonable position.

I mean, it's funny to watch you guys act like a hippy drum circle because you can claim the only thing Trump didn't fuck up was getting us into a war (although not for lack of trying).

I'm not a Trumper, if you had read this thread you'd know that. And even many on the left call Hillary a warmonger, so it seems that you can't see that because you too are an interventionist who never saw a war he didn't like, just as someone else said to you on another thread recently.
LOL. I don't even know where to begin here. Actually, there's too much to get into, it's off topic, and I have a meeting at 3:15, which is in less than 10 minutes, so I don't have time to get into an off-topic discussion on foreign policy right now.
I agree we cannot be the policeman of the world. We aren't anymore. It is a united effort of US and our allies. Today's enemies are the terrorist states. You allowed posting on here to interfere with your personal life, I'd call that a problem. Your priorities are not realistic, like your position here.
Wow... so her "Warmongering" position is that we would protect Israel if Iran launced a nuclear attack.
I despise Israel's existence, and even I don't consider that an unreasonable position.

I mean, it's funny to watch you guys act like a hippy drum circle because you can claim the only thing Trump didn't fuck up was getting us into a war (although not for lack of trying).
The establishment of Israel after WWII seemed like a good idea at the time. They did not take into consideration all of the repercussions of doing that. Same can be said of the creation of Iraq and most of the Middle East for that matter. Western powers decided their fate ( Britain and France ) and that was a mistake. It left the Kurds without a country. Threw 3 antagonist groups in Iraq. Etc. Etc.
I'm not a Trumper, if you had read this thread you'd know that. And even many on the left call Hillary a warmonger, so it seems that you can't see that because you too are an interventionist who never saw a war he didn't like, just as someone else said to you on another thread recently.
Again, yes, I am amazed that the GOP has suddenly become a bunch of hippies who are suddenly against war. Forgetting the fact that every Republican President from Ike to George W. Bush was an "interventionist". I'd like to say that this is because a neo-isolationist thread has developed in the party, but it's really because Trump and the military establishment never got along.

It's amazing how quickly the GOP sold out all its principles to promote the orange con man and what he's done to your party.
Again, yes, I am amazed that the GOP has suddenly become a bunch of hippies who are suddenly against war. Forgetting the fact that every Republican President from Ike to George W. Bush was an "interventionist". I'd like to say that this is because a neo-isolationist thread has developed in the party, but it's really because Trump and the military establishment never got along.

It's amazing how quickly the GOP sold out all its principles to promote the orange con man and what he's done to your party.
A world power that wants to be in isolation. They don't realize how idiotic that is.
Don't get me wrong, I'd vote for him if I absolutely had to, but this whole entire trading card thing pushed me over the edge and DeSantis is still is my top pick for the next president of the United States as he always has been, it's just that I'm really starting to despise Trump's ego. Humility is a really important factor to have for me.

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Have you tossed InSantis under the bus yet?

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