I dont give a shit!

Sorry.... fuck them

Are home loans forgiven after 10 or 20 years.... oh hell no.

I don't care of the loan is for their whole lives.... they should be made to pay it back.

an a house, or car, or new nintendo is not an education. Education improves this country. Nothing else you've brought up so far does.

You think people make payments for 20 years aren't paying back loans? You think the taxpayers pick up the slack when ridiculous interest rates cause a $50k loan to become over $100k? OK let's say taxpayers are footing the bill for education. Again, this is what makes our country better. Why wouldn't we want to incentivize education?

Hey man, you going to take advantage of that IBR? I know I am. It's free money dude! All these suckers are going to finance our education and we just have to drink beer and stonewall the government for 20 years and it all goes away!

In fact, I heard that Obama is actually going to give us the money in 20 years so we will vote for him!

Screw medicine, I am just going to hang out for 20 years so I don't have to draw an income and can have all my debt forgiven! I mean, the last four years sucked and now I have the opportunity to make a nice income, but screw that! I get my loans paid off for free, yo!

You wanna hang out on your street corner or mine?

My stepdaughter wanted to be a doctor, but due to the stress of medical school, followed by the stress of residency, and given that she is type 1 diabetic (juvenile onset) - she couldn't do it.

It's like signing up for hell on purpose.
Sorry.... fuck them

Are home loans forgiven after 10 or 20 years.... oh hell no.

I don't care of the loan is for their whole lives.... they should be made to pay it back.

an a house, or car, or new nintendo is not an education. Education improves this country. Nothing else you've brought up so far does.

You think people make payments for 20 years aren't paying back loans? You think the taxpayers pick up the slack when ridiculous interest rates cause a $50k loan to become over $100k? OK let's say taxpayers are footing the bill for education. Again, this is what makes our country better. Why wouldn't we want to incentivize education?

If you take out a loan on a house or car and default... they take back the house or car. What they bought is an education. Its not as if you can reposes and education. It is something they keep regardless if they pay up or not.

Life would be a joy if you only have to pay back the principal on a loan. That is not how loans work however. You know it, i know it, and so do these "educated" people. Life sucks. If you take out a loan you pay interest on that loan. It doesn't take an "education" to understand that. And if they do have an "education" it shouldn't be hard to understand.

I have no problem with them paying for their loans for the rest of their lives. I do have a problem when the loans are forgiven even after 20 IE... not paying back the loan. Getting a free ride. Letting the taxpayers pay for THEIR loan, education.

Do 30 mortgages get forgiven after 20 years of payments becasue the interest is more then the loan? I think not.

How about credit cards? Are you forgiven the interest once the principal cost is paid. I think not.
So, to play devil's advocate here. We promote lower tax rates so that folks have more discretionary income to spend in the economy, which I think we can all agree, is better for the economy.

So, this, which is not really a forgiveness of default, is not much different. The government cuts their payments so that they have more discretionary income.

So, the difference is?

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So, to play devil's advocate here. We promote lower tax rates so that folks have more discretionary income to spend in the economy, which I think we can all agree, is better for the economy.

So, this, which is not really a forgiveness of default, is not much different. The government cuts their payments so that they have more discretionary income.

So, the difference is?

Now, cut that out! ;)
AND, if the student goes into certain kinds of government work, at least for a little while, any balance after TEN YEARS is forgiven. I don't believe there is any specification on how long the person must remain in that government job either. Just taking one gets the loan forgiven.

All I ask is that the government use my money with the same care and respect and integrity that I would.
The average american doesn't use their money with care or respect, as judged by the overflowing debt and credit card misuse that runs rampant. What makes you think the government will? Elect a Jew for president if you're so interested in good finances. Or an Asian. Or a halfsie.

But no, it's 10 full years of service. You can't work for the gov for a week and then get all your loans forgiven 10 years later.
AND, if the student goes into certain kinds of government work, at least for a little while, any balance after TEN YEARS is forgiven. I don't believe there is any specification on how long the person must remain in that government job either. Just taking one gets the loan forgiven.

All I ask is that the government use my money with the same care and respect and integrity that I would.
The average american doesn't use their money with care or respect, as judged by the overflowing debt and credit card misuse that runs rampant. What makes you think the government will? Elect a Jew for president if you're so interested in good finances. Or an Asian. Or a halfsie.

But no, it's 10 full years of service. You can't work for the gov for a week and then get all your loans forgiven 10 years later.

Hang on... shouldn't the credit card debt be forgiven just like student loans?
an a house, or car, or new nintendo is not an education. Education improves this country. Nothing else you've brought up so far does.

You think people make payments for 20 years aren't paying back loans? You think the taxpayers pick up the slack when ridiculous interest rates cause a $50k loan to become over $100k? OK let's say taxpayers are footing the bill for education. Again, this is what makes our country better. Why wouldn't we want to incentivize education?

Hey man, you going to take advantage of that IBR? I know I am. It's free money dude! All these suckers are going to finance our education and we just have to drink beer and stonewall the government for 20 years and it all goes away!

In fact, I heard that Obama is actually going to give us the money in 20 years so we will vote for him!

Screw medicine, I am just going to hang out for 20 years so I don't have to draw an income and can have all my debt forgiven! I mean, the last four years sucked and now I have the opportunity to make a nice income, but screw that! I get my loans paid off for free, yo!

You wanna hang out on your street corner or mine?

My stepdaughter wanted to be a doctor, but due to the stress of medical school, followed by the stress of residency, and given that she is type 1 diabetic (juvenile onset) - she couldn't do it.

It's like signing up for hell on purpose.

It oscillates between sucking and being magical (seriously). It's been worth it to me. Of course, I am just coming out of the barrel.

As long as you aren't wound too tightly, you'll probably come out of the experience sane or without a personality disorder.
Sorry.... fuck them

Are home loans forgiven after 10 or 20 years.... oh hell no.

I don't care of the loan is for their whole lives.... they should be made to pay it back.

an a house, or car, or new nintendo is not an education. Education improves this country. Nothing else you've brought up so far does.

You think people make payments for 20 years aren't paying back loans? You think the taxpayers pick up the slack when ridiculous interest rates cause a $50k loan to become over $100k? OK let's say taxpayers are footing the bill for education. Again, this is what makes our country better. Why wouldn't we want to incentivize education?

Hey man, you going to take advantage of that IBR? I know I am. It's free money dude! All these suckers are going to finance our education and we just have to drink beer and stonewall the government for 20 years and it all goes away!

In fact, I heard that Obama is actually going to give us the money in 20 years so we will vote for him!

Screw medicine, I am just going to hang out for 20 years so I don't have to draw an income and can have all my debt forgiven! I mean, the last four years sucked and now I have the opportunity to make a nice income, but screw that! I get my loans paid off for free, yo!

You wanna hang out on your street corner or mine?
I'm going to take out another $50,000 in loans just before graduation just because. I'll come to your corner, cuz I heard you have better hookers. Actually, I bet we could go to prison for beating prostitutes as per that life guide, Grand Theft Auto - Vegas, and get out in about 10 years. By doing so, we will be "working" for the government, AND get three hot meals and a warm bed every day, to come out and have all our loans forgiven! Oh and I'll get a mortgage just before incarceration too, just to further screw over taxpayers and banks. You bring the crack.
AND, if the student goes into certain kinds of government work, at least for a little while, any balance after TEN YEARS is forgiven. I don't believe there is any specification on how long the person must remain in that government job either. Just taking one gets the loan forgiven.

All I ask is that the government use my money with the same care and respect and integrity that I would.
The average american doesn't use their money with care or respect, as judged by the overflowing debt and credit card misuse that runs rampant. What makes you think the government will? Elect a Jew for president if you're so interested in good finances. Or an Asian. Or a halfsie.

But no, it's 10 full years of service. You can't work for the gov for a week and then get all your loans forgiven 10 years later.

Hang on... shouldn't the credit card debt be forgiven just like student loans?

It's apples and oranges. You are talking about the government versus private companies and banks.
an a house, or car, or new nintendo is not an education. Education improves this country. Nothing else you've brought up so far does.

You think people make payments for 20 years aren't paying back loans? You think the taxpayers pick up the slack when ridiculous interest rates cause a $50k loan to become over $100k? OK let's say taxpayers are footing the bill for education. Again, this is what makes our country better. Why wouldn't we want to incentivize education?

Hey man, you going to take advantage of that IBR? I know I am. It's free money dude! All these suckers are going to finance our education and we just have to drink beer and stonewall the government for 20 years and it all goes away!

In fact, I heard that Obama is actually going to give us the money in 20 years so we will vote for him!

Screw medicine, I am just going to hang out for 20 years so I don't have to draw an income and can have all my debt forgiven! I mean, the last four years sucked and now I have the opportunity to make a nice income, but screw that! I get my loans paid off for free, yo!

You wanna hang out on your street corner or mine?
I'm going to take out another $50,000 in loans just before graduation just because. I'll come to your corner, cuz I heard you have better hookers. Actually, I bet we could go to prison for beating prostitutes as per that life guide, Grand Theft Auto - Vegas, and get out in about 10 years. By doing so, we will be "working" for the government, AND get three hot meals and a warm bed every day, to come out and have all our loans forgiven! Oh and I'll get a mortgage just before incarceration too, just to further screw over taxpayers and banks. You bring the crack.

The hookers and the crack are both better over here, yo! Screw medicine! I am sick of dealing with junkies who crap themselves. I want to be one of those junkies!

I am signing up for as much loan money as I can. Free money after 20 years baby! I am going to go and stick half of it into the Caymans and the other half I am going to lay down on the powerball draw on Saturday HOLLA! SCREW THE TAXPAYERS!

If they ever come after me, I've got a little something for them:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CzocBkrWpA]Chappelle I plead the Fif - YouTube[/ame]

In all seriousness, after we got screwed by the GOP with the whole "no deferments in residency" deal, I am going with the IBR. It's a good deal.

Hope the interviews are rolling in for you.
Yes, that is why I didn't indicate that I was sure of the length of 'public service' required and have since looked it up and ya'll are right that it does require 10 years of public service.

So, a kid enters a fancy smancy expensive college at age 18, earns a degree at age 22, perhaps goes on to lawschool or whatever, he or she will still be in his/her 20's when entering that public sector job and in his/her 30's when s/he completes the mandatory term of service in order to get the loan forgiven. And then the tax payer pays the mega thousands likely to still be owed on the loans and the person is free to move into a cushy private sector job unencumbered by his/her college debt. Maybe even into the despised 1%.

Of course those who did it the hard way and are already working in the public and private sector don't get any kind of break but do get the privilege of paying for somebody else to get an education that provides the sky as a limit.

It's the same deal for people who took advantage of little or no down payments and super low interest rates on ARMS to buy a house at top dollar and now find that they owe a whole lot more than what they can sell the house for. The government now wants to lower the interest rates and refinance those houses with the loans covered by Fannie and Freddie. That means the rest of us who worked and saved up a standard down paymet and bought our houses on fixed rates so that we KNEW what our costs would be and who have been paying our mortgages every month will be on the hook as taxpayers to all those who did it the less responsible way and are still likely to default and/or just walk away from a house they can't sell. They don't have anything invested in the house to protect, and their credit is shot already, so why not let the government, i.e. the other taxpayers, pick up the tab?

If government would get out of education AND healthcare, it is a safe bet that we would see costs coming dramatically down in both.

If government would get out of the business of encouraging irresponsible loans and banking practices, it is an even safer bet that the whole thing would bottom out and then straighten out and be put back on sound financial footing that won't happen as long as the government keeps dickering with it.
Truth is, education is MUCH more expensive than it was when I was a student. It's not surprising recent graduates are shocked by the loan repayment. Quite a number of them are not finding the jobs they thought their education had qualified them for.

They're working in retail at minimum wage.

The idea that the college graduates are complaining because they are so spoiled is ridiculous.

Too many posters watching Fox News.
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Truth is, education is MUCH more expensive than it was when I was a student. It's not surprising recent graduates are shocked by the loan repayment. Quite a number of them are not finding the jobs they thought their education had qualified them for.

They're working in retail at minimum wage.

The idea that the college graduates are complaining because they are so spoiled is ridiculous.

Too many posters watching Fox News.

But you know exactly how much you are borrowing BEFORE you sign off on the loan....how can you be surprised?

When I was 18 i did the math and realized that if I went to Bently or Babson I would have over $100,000 in loans to repay which I didn't want to have to pay...so I went to state college instead because I didn't want to be saddled with that much debt when my employment and compensation level after college was not guarateed.

I call B.S. on this specific post.
Truth is, education is MUCH more expensive than it was when I was a student. It's not surprising recent graduates are shocked by the loan repayment. Quite a number of them are not finding the jobs they thought their education had qualified them for.

They're working in retail at minimum wage.

The idea that the college graduates are complaining because they are so spoiled is ridiculous.

Too many posters watching Fox News.

Combining the spiraling cost of education with the usurious interest rates, late fees and finance charges, the people administering these debts should be ashamed of themselves. Just another way the poor take it up the ass.
Truth is, education is MUCH more expensive than it was when I was a student. It's not surprising recent graduates are shocked by the loan repayment. Quite a number of them are not finding the jobs they thought their education had qualified them for.

They're working in retail at minimum wage.

The idea that the college graduates are complaining because they are so spoiled is ridiculous.

Too many posters watching Fox News.
Not spoiled necessarily, just haven't grown up at all.
Truth is, education is MUCH more expensive than it was when I was a student. It's not surprising recent graduates are shocked by the loan repayment. Quite a number of them are not finding the jobs they thought their education had qualified them for.

They're working in retail at minimum wage.

The idea that the college graduates are complaining because they are so spoiled is ridiculous.

Too many posters watching Fox News.

Combining the spiraling cost of education with the usurious interest rates, late fees and finance charges, the people administering these debts should be ashamed of themselves. Just another way the poor take it up the ass.

If it was up to folks like Sy the poor wouldn't be able to get loans. She's into doing away with student loans altogether.

Let's just educate the upper classes.
Truth is, education is MUCH more expensive than it was when I was a student. It's not surprising recent graduates are shocked by the loan repayment. Quite a number of them are not finding the jobs they thought their education had qualified them for.

They're working in retail at minimum wage.

The idea that the college graduates are complaining because they are so spoiled is ridiculous.

Too many posters watching Fox News.
Not spoiled necessarily, just haven't grown up at all.

They are feeling growing pains. They are paying off their loans and feeling the pain of that growing up.

Why bash them?

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