I dont give a shit!

I'm saying the same thing. They should repay their loans. I do not object to them having smaller payments. Why do you?

I do not object to smaller payments either.... However that will not stop interest from being added on for that privilege.

I DO object to having it all forgiven after 20 years. As i have said and maintain... i don't give a fuck if they pay till the day they die. But PAY for it.

For the principle, right? Not all the late fees, finance charges, usurious interest. Right?

No.. then need to pay all late fees, finance charges and interest......all of it. All of that is part of the loan agreement.
You can object all you like but it's now the law. Blame congress, don't bash the kids.

The they should stop whining.... and wanting MORE.

What would be very grown up of all of you, would be to acknowledge the immensity of the loans these kids have to pay off and the unlikelihood of their secure employment.

The cost of college has QUADRUPLED in the last thirty years and the job market is in the worst shape it's been in since the Great Depression.

Stop acting like these are spoiled brats. They are hard working kids and they are in deep shit economically. Have some compassion.

I had student loans too and it took me a LONG time to pay them off. Even so, the economy was in much better shape than it is now.

Of course, the only ones who've ever paid off loans or who've had to work for a living or pay taxes are you RWers. Poor dears.

Sorry.... they know what they are signing up for when they take out the loan. They know exactly how much they have borrowed. If they did not want the the debt, they did not have to borrow or sign for it.
I remember a decade ago buying a Gateway computer. Month after month, I paid $72. Two years later, I was losing ground.

There is now a judgement against me for $5000, regarding a $700 computer.

No. I won't be honoring it.

Why aren't these RW chumps talking about fraudulent practices by colleges like predatory recruiting and degree misrepresentation? Take a look at WHY the defaults are happening.

Have you ever been on a time share tour?

GREAT DEAL... sign here.
Higher education is becoming beyond the reach of all but the rich. That ought to make the RW happy.

No its not, that is why there are loans. You just have to pay them back. Realistic sites are a good idea too.... State college wont hurt you.

Aren't YOU the same poster who said "do away with student loans"?

I went to a state college and still had to work many many years to pay back my loans. Of course, only Foxfyre ever had work or be "honorable and ethical".

My family wasn't able to help AT ALL. I worked full time every summer and breaks and part time during school.

I can honestly say I put myself through college.

YOU assume these kids won't pay back their loans. You seem to ignore the fact that the cost has quadrupled and the economy is in the toliet.

BTW if any of those bozos I have on ignore ever get back to the topic let me know.

Yep.. i sure was. How about i say it again. How about we stop all student loans. If they whine about the cost. Whine about paying it back. Whine about everything not being free. Whine about "unfair" debt. Whine about "drowning". Whine about no jobs. A simple solution would be to no longer give out student loans.

That would stop the problem wouldn't it? No more young people in debt.

I assume nothing. I do see where el presidante is pointing us as he bows to the ows crap. And that is pointing to loan forgiveness.... a free ride.
For the principle, right? Not all the late fees, finance charges, usurious interest. Right?

No.. then need to pay all late fees, finance charges and interest......all of it. All of that is part of the loan agreement.

No it wasn't. They tacked $50k onto my sister's account when it went to collections. There was no agreement.

Once it is turned over to collections its no longer part of the loan. They have defaulted. What you get after that is tough. The loan agreement is to pay up.... she didnt.
No.. then need to pay all late fees, finance charges and interest......all of it. All of that is part of the loan agreement.

No it wasn't. They tacked $50k onto my sister's account when it went to collections. There was no agreement.

Fraudulent practices by big business, but who cares?

Standard practice of taking out a loan and defaulting on it. Remember, there is no house to take back or a car to repossess.

And that's right.... i don't give a shit. I said that in the OP
Well that part is unethical. So no I AM saying that this portion is unethical and anyone who agrees that you shouldn't have to pay back what you agreed to borrow has a dishonorable opinion.

It's one thing to pay back what you borrowed. It's another to pay two to four times the amount you borrowed for education and see that as "ethical." GTH already discussed the reasons loans are forgiven for those in government.

I wonder if these people even realize how stupid all this bickering is going to seem when the financial sphere shifts from Wall Street to Beijing and New Delhi.

We are sitting here trying to impede our country's own economic well being.

It's idiotic.

Maybe if colleges stopped giving scholarships to people from beijing and new delhi... life would be a bit better for some of our students who need to take out loans.
YOU aren't. Fox, Sy and Si are. Under current law, former students are allowed to cap repayments of federal loans at 15 percent of discretionary income. Last year, Congress approved legislation that would reduce the amount to 10 percent in 2014.

Obama is using his executive authority to create a separate provision that would offer the same program in 2012.

They bash the President, college students and me.

The President is moving in the right direction, but as usual, it's only a half measure.

Yes... discretionary income. I said that sky. And what stops one of them from buying a milliion home and eating steak and lobster for dinner every night? That is food and housing. Clothing and cars are also covered.... most people dont have much left after that as .... discretionary income. So 15% of nothing... is still nothing.

Do i get to have my credit card bills capped at 15% of my "discretionary" income and then forgiven after 20 years?

The president is moving us into greece.

I make NO claim right or left. I make no political statements AT ALL. I say nothing for OR AGAINST obama.

I DO say FUCK THEM i don't give a SHIT about the money they owe on THEIR student loans. Something they signed for. Something they wanted.

I DO say pay it back. I DO say i don't care if they are in debt ill the day they die paying it back. I do say that forgiving the student loans is bullshit.

What in the hell are you talking about? You think the taxpayer defines "discretionary income". You guys are a trip.

Here. Some education for your troubled mind. It was super hard to track down:

Income based repayment is similar to income-contingent repayment. Both cap the monthly payments at a percentage of your discretionary income, albeit with different percentages and different definitions of discretionary income. Income-based repayment caps monthly payments at 15% of your monthly discretionary income, where discretionary income is the difference between adjusted gross income (AGI) and 150% of the federal poverty line that corresponds to your family size and the state in which you reside. There is no minimum monthly payment. Unlike income-contingent repayment, which is available only in the Direct Loan program, income-based repayment is available in both the Direct Loan program and the federally-guaranteed student loan program, and loan consolidation is not required.

Income-based repayment is based on the adjusted gross income during the prior tax year. In some cases the prior year's income figures may not be reflective of your financial circumstances. For example, your income may be lower this year due to job loss or a salary reduction. In such a circumstance you can file an alternative documentation of income form to get an adjustment to your monthly payment. A draft version of the form is currently available; the final version of the form with a valid OMB approval number can be obtained from your lender. (The Direct Loan Program version of the alternative documentation of income form is available now.)

FinAid | Loans | Repayment Plans | Income-Based Repayment

Discretionary income.

What Does Discretionary Income Mean?
The amount of an individual's income that is left for spending, investing or saving after taxes and personal necessities (such as food, shelter, and clothing) have been paid. Discretionary income includes money spent on luxury items, vacations and non-essential goods and services.

Discretionary Income Definition

You can spend your entire pay check on food, shelter and clothing..... no matter how much you make. Its all about the choices.
I'm saying the same thing. They should repay their loans. I do not object to them having smaller payments. Why do you?

I do not object to smaller payments either.... However that will not stop interest from being added on for that privilege.

I DO object to having it all forgiven after 20 years. As i have said and maintain... i don't give a fuck if they pay till the day they die. But PAY for it.

You are assuming they won't pay back their loans. Why is that? Most of us who had students loans have repaid them.

pay attention sky.... listen to the ows me a lifestyle crowd....
And I do say, in all honesty, you sound like the worst kind of troll, Syrenn. And now, you're a boring troll because you just keep repeating yourself.

Why is that boop?

Because i say its you need to pay for what you borrow? Because i say i don't give a shit?

Yep, how very trollish of me...

In my own tread.
They can find jobs, just not the jobs they want.........
Ah. The jobs they think they are 'entitled' to because of their 'womens studies' or other-type major?


I graduated with a BBA and ended up working a cash register for my first 6 months out of college...then they made me a manager :).

The girls across the street. One is babysitting, the other is in sales. The point is ...they are working.

The other point is ....they didn't need expensive college educations for that.
And now its time for a message from Herman Cain...i see the behavior he talks about being played out in the last 1/4 of this thread.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJPm9XLG97k]Herman Cain says Stupid people are ruining America - YouTube[/ame]

Maybe if colleges stopped giving scholarships to people from beijing and new delhi... life would be a bit better for some of our students who need to take out loans.
That's only a problem combined with conservative xenophobia that kicks those scholars out of our country after we've educated them, instead of enticing them to stay.

Interest is part of taking a loan. If you take out that big of a loan that it takes you so long that you pay 2-4 times the amount you borrowed, with interest rates under 10%, then you are either making too small of payments or got too expensive of an education for the field you chose to work in.
Yes, it does come from having an education that is too expensive. Because education is too expensive. As someone else pointed out, tuition skyrockets faster than inflation. Every doctor, lawyer, or other paying graduate student comes out with really expensive education. And even if the field is not as lucrative as the ones I just mentioned, should we really be blaming students for their educations being too expensive? Should we really be disencentivizing education in this country for any reason?

I do not object to smaller payments either.... However that will not stop interest from being added on for that privilege.

I DO object to having it all forgiven after 20 years. As i have said and maintain... i don't give a fuck if they pay till the day they die. But PAY for it.
You mean, pay for it several times over because of interest? Or did you think the 7-10% interest rate for education is a smart move?

Maybe if colleges stopped giving scholarships to people from beijing and new delhi... life would be a bit better for some of our students who need to take out loans.
That's only a problem combined with conservative xenophobia that kicks those scholars out of our country after we've educated them, instead of enticing them to stay.

Interest is part of taking a loan. If you take out that big of a loan that it takes you so long that you pay 2-4 times the amount you borrowed, with interest rates under 10%, then you are either making too small of payments or got too expensive of an education for the field you chose to work in.
Yes, it does come from having an education that is too expensive. Because education is too expensive. As someone else pointed out, tuition skyrockets faster than inflation. Every doctor, lawyer, or other paying graduate student comes out with really expensive education. And even if the field is not as lucrative as the ones I just mentioned, should we really be blaming students for their educations being too expensive? Should we really be disencentivizing education in this country for any reason?

I do not object to smaller payments either.... However that will not stop interest from being added on for that privilege.

I DO object to having it all forgiven after 20 years. As i have said and maintain... i don't give a fuck if they pay till the day they die. But PAY for it.
You mean, pay for it several times over because of interest? Or did you think the 7-10% interest rate for education is a smart move?

All loans carry interest. Nothing new there.

They took out the loans, they knew the interest rate going in.

A smart move would be not taking out a loan you cant afford.

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