I dont give a shit!


The best teachers are rarely the favs of the majority.

OMG... i had this one teacher... tough as nails...mean as hell....i dont think anyone ever got 100% on anything from her. Everyone hated her! She got really sick of us one day and asked why everyone hated her. Everyone was shaking in their boots.

So i told her... she was a total bitch. She and i got on quite well after that....she was still a bitch but i liked her none the less. Best teacher i EVER had.

The best I ever had were the toughest.

Yep.... me to! It was a love/hate thing. You dont just "get by" you have to earn everything.
From the WSJ:

" The default rate for federal student loans rose to 13.8% from 11.8% for students beginning repayment in fiscal 2008 compared with those starting a year earlier, according to new data released Friday by the Department of Education. "

What do you suppose the default rate is now? Who do you think picks up the tab for that?

Defaulting on student loans carries the same consequences as defaulting on any other loan. I don't hear you guys bitching about that. Either way, the bank is going to win.
That is the most disgusting bosum I've ever seen, aqua.

So, is this one of those conservative rant threads?

No. It's a sanity rant Sky. Did you pay off your student loans? Do you think people should be bound by loan contracts?

Yes, I paid off my loans. These kids will too. Yes, I agree the kids should pay them back.

What I disagree with, is thinking they don't have a right to complain about it.
I find it ironic that now we are going to evolve from bitching about the "lazy welfare recipients" who are out of work to the people who are actually trying to better themselves and realize that they are getting screwed.

Bost the cost of education and interest rates have increased exponentially in the last ten years, but God forbid the students complain. They should just take it up the keester and be greatful that the benevolent taxpayer class, they they are striving go be a part of, has imparted a fraction of their income to their ventures. They should just stop bitching, pick up a weapon and go join the military.

Dear Lord. This thread really is about boobs. Literal and figerative. Some of you boobs wonder why the middle class is eroding? People like you are the reason the middle class is eroding. To see the younger generation do better used to be the basic wish of Americans. Now it's just "screw you, assholes!". Ironically, when you are all geezers, and some of you are rapidly approaching that stage, the people you will need to have an income to help cover your costs are the very people you are bitching about right now.

Stupidity is painful and sometimes I think we deserve to suffer.
That is the most disgusting bosum I've ever seen, aqua.

So, is this one of those conservative rant threads?

No. It's a sanity rant Sky. Did you pay off your student loans? Do you think people should be bound by loan contracts?

Yes, I paid off my loans. These kids will too. Yes, I agree the kids should pay them back.

What I disagree with, is thinking they don't have a right to complain about it.

If they are trying to get their loans forgiven... that is not complaining... that is wanting something for nothing.
That is the most disgusting bosum I've ever seen, aqua.

So, is this one of those conservative rant threads?

No. It's a sanity rant Sky. Did you pay off your student loans? Do you think people should be bound by loan contracts?

Yes, I paid off my loans. These kids will too. Yes, I agree the kids should pay them back.

What I disagree with, is thinking they don't have a right to complain about it.
No one said they don't have that right.

They do.

Just as we have a right to call them irresponsible shits for not wanting to accept responsibility for their choices.
From the WSJ:

" The default rate for federal student loans rose to 13.8% from 11.8% for students beginning repayment in fiscal 2008 compared with those starting a year earlier, according to new data released Friday by the Department of Education. "

What do you suppose the default rate is now? Who do you think picks up the tab for that?

Defaulting on student loans carries the same consequences as defaulting on any other loan. I don't hear you guys bitching about that. Either way, the bank is going to win.
Just how the hell is a bank going to win when people default on syudent loans? It's not like they can repossess your education and sell it to someone else.
No. It's a sanity rant Sky. Did you pay off your student loans? Do you think people should be bound by loan contracts?

Yes, I paid off my loans. These kids will too. Yes, I agree the kids should pay them back.

What I disagree with, is thinking they don't have a right to complain about it.
No one said they don't have that right.

They do.

Just as we have a right to call them irresponsible shits for not wanting to accept responsibility for their choices.

Syrenn more or less said so in the OP. The kids have a right to complain. They still have to pay off the loans.
these bleeding heart libs really do get annoying. Where the hell does all the fricking guilt come from?
From the WSJ:

" The default rate for federal student loans rose to 13.8% from 11.8% for students beginning repayment in fiscal 2008 compared with those starting a year earlier, according to new data released Friday by the Department of Education. "

What do you suppose the default rate is now? Who do you think picks up the tab for that?

Defaulting on student loans carries the same consequences as defaulting on any other loan. I don't hear you guys bitching about that. Either way, the bank is going to win.
Just how the hell is a bank going to win when people default on syudent loans? It's not like they can repossess your education and sell it to someone else.

You have to clear it via repayment or bankruptcy just like everything else. Is your complaint that most students don't have collateral to secure a loan? So what? You are going to limit student loans to people that don't really need them anyways?

If this was such a screw job for the banks, they wouldn't be in the lending business. As it stands, banks are more then happy to lend to students. They know it's a relatively safe investment. Much more safe then a home or small business loan.

Funny. People default on loans every day in this country and have everything they own liquidated and still come up far short. Most of the borrowers have acted in bad faith. You guys never bitch about them. You bitch about students, because they are an easy target and (frankly) some people on here simply hate/resent those who have gone on to try and obtain a higher education.

Nice of you guys to look out for the banker's interest though. They certainly need all the help they can get. I mean times are hard. Bank of America is now going to charge me every month to access my own money in my own checking account.

Like I said, "and you wonder why the middle class in this country is eroding". We have turned on ourselves so that the uber wealthy can become even wealthier.
That is the most disgusting bosum I've ever seen, aqua.

So, is this one of those conservative rant threads?

No. It's a sanity rant Sky. Did you pay off your student loans? Do you think people should be bound by loan contracts?

Yes, I paid off my loans. These kids will too. Yes, I agree the kids should pay them back.

What I disagree with, is thinking they don't have a right to complain about it.

I guess they have the right to complain as much as I have the right to call them whiners. They took on the obligation. SUCK IT UP, KIDS! STFU and pay back what you owe.
And yes, most will pay off their loans at lower interest and arrears will be forgiven in 20 years if they can extend repayment that long.
Remember that this deal obama is pushing through without Congressional approval, applies only to government loans. How do you suppose a guy that borrowed a couple hundred grand from a bank is going to feel when his colleagues Suddenly get their interest rates cut and, if they can avoid collection for 20 years, have their obligations forgiven at their expense?
Yes, I paid off my loans. These kids will too. Yes, I agree the kids should pay them back.

What I disagree with, is thinking they don't have a right to complain about it.
No one said they don't have that right.

They do.

Just as we have a right to call them irresponsible shits for not wanting to accept responsibility for their choices.

Syrenn more or less said so in the OP. The kids have a right to complain. They still have to pay off the loans.

Ya know what, i really don't give a flying shit about your college debts!

I am sick of their whining about the money THEY borrowed. No one forced them to go to college. No one forced them to borrow money.

They signed on the bottom line knowing full well how much they borrowed and that they would have to pay it back.... tough damn shit. It sucks paying your bills.

I did not say they don't have the right to complain. I said.... to fucking bad they have to pay it back. To damn bad they sighend a loan and now they are in debt and have to pay it back.

I said... i don't give a shit about their college debt. THEY however what us to care that they are IN debt.

and i don't give a shit.
Defaulting on student loans carries the same consequences as defaulting on any other loan. I don't hear you guys bitching about that. Either way, the bank is going to win.
Just how the hell is a bank going to win when people default on syudent loans? It's not like they can repossess your education and sell it to someone else.

You have to clear it via repayment or bankruptcy just like everything else. Is your complaint that most students don't have collateral to secure a loan? So what? You are going to limit student loans to people that don't really need them anyways?

If this was such a screw job for the banks, they wouldn't be in the lending business. As it stands, banks are more then happy to lend to students. They know it's a relatively safe investment. Much more safe then a home or small business loan.

Funny. People default on loans every day in this country and have everything they own liquidated and still come up far short. Most of the borrowers have acted in bad faith. You guys never bitch about them. You bitch about students, because they are an easy target and (frankly) some people on here simply hate/resent those who have gone on to try and obtain a higher education.

Nice of you guys to look out for the banker's interest though. They certainly need all the help they can get. I mean times are hard. Bank of America is now going to charge me every month to access my own money in my own checking account.

Like I said, "and you wonder why the middle class in this country is eroding". We have turned on ourselves so that the uber wealthy can become even wealthier.

I will and I have bitched about people defaulting on car loans mortgages, student loans and Small Business loans. I happen to think that if you borrow money and sign a contract promising to pay it back, you damned well should STFU and pay it back
It's not so much looking out for the banks' interests as demanding that people live up to their obligations.
If I borrow money to expand my business, I pay interest. Part of the rate is a certain percentage to cover bad loans. Deadbeats cost me money at the bank and if you default on a debt to the government, you cost me money in taxes. I have every right, more right than people with student loans, to bitch quite loudly.
Yes, I paid off my loans. These kids will too. Yes, I agree the kids should pay them back.

What I disagree with, is thinking they don't have a right to complain about it.
No one said they don't have that right.

They do.

Just as we have a right to call them irresponsible shits for not wanting to accept responsibility for their choices.

Syrenn more or less said so in the OP.

No she didn't.

Funny. People default on loans every day in this country and have everything they own liquidated and still come up far short. Most of the borrowers have acted in bad faith. You guys never bitch about them. You bitch about students, because they are an easy target and (frankly) some people on here simply hate/resent those who have gone on to try and obtain a higher education.

Nice of you guys to look out for the banker's interest though. They certainly need all the help they can get. I mean times are hard. Bank of America is now going to charge me every month to access my own money in my own checking account.

Like I said, "and you wonder why the middle class in this country is eroding". We have turned on ourselves so that the uber wealthy can become even wealthier.
It has nothing to do with students.

It has everything to do with responsibility - personal responsibility to be exact. They know what they signed. They made that choice to sign it.

Irrespective of what the purpose of the loan is. So, you are mistaken that folks just don't like welshers who are students. Folks just don't like welshers. It's an integrity thing.

And, the Banks won't suffer much at all. Most student loans are government guaranteed. And those that aren't, the loss will be passed to the customer, as losses always are.

Funny. People default on loans every day in this country and have everything they own liquidated and still come up far short. Most of the borrowers have acted in bad faith. You guys never bitch about them. You bitch about students, because they are an easy target and (frankly) some people on here simply hate/resent those who have gone on to try and obtain a higher education.

Nice of you guys to look out for the banker's interest though. They certainly need all the help they can get. I mean times are hard. Bank of America is now going to charge me every month to access my own money in my own checking account.

Like I said, "and you wonder why the middle class in this country is eroding". We have turned on ourselves so that the uber wealthy can become even wealthier.
It has nothing to do with students.

It has everything to do with responsibility - personal responsibility to be exact. They know what they signed. They made that choice to sign it.

Irrespective of what the purpose of the loan is. So, you are mistaken that folks just don't like welshers who are students. Folks just don't like welshers. It's an integrity thing.

And, the Banks won't suffer much at all. Most student loans are government guaranteed. And those that aren't, the loss will be passed to the customer, as losses always are.


I buy a car... and take out a loan. Do i like paying for it... hell no
I bought a house. I signed a mortgage... Do i LIKE paying for it.... hell no
I use a credit card... i sign on the bottom. Do i LIKE paying for it.... hell no

My loans. My signature..... MY problem and mine alone.
On the subject now about the "little fucks" and paying back their student loans.......I am going to be one parent to stand up and defend my son, because first of all, he is not a "little fuck".
He pretty much got a full ride scholarship into college, a basketball scholarship, he did however take out a small student loan to pay for some extras.
He paid every penny back, on his own.
Now are we talking about something that's gonna happen in 20 years or is this something Obama is saying he's gonna do if all of these college students vote for him.

That's an expensive vote. Obama is saying he'll give students hundreds of thousands of dollars. Dollars that won't cost him a dime. It'll be you and me who foots the bill for Obama's re-election.

Okay, let's look at this closer:

He promises to forgive hundreds of thousands in government backed student loans.
He may not even live to see it ever come to pass.
But anyone who argues against this ridiculous BS gets fingered as a bad guy.
We're already in debt. Somewhere around $15 trillion.
We're in the middle of several wars and we can't even pay for those.
Figure the odds on this promise ever happening.

It's perfect for Obama.

He sets everyone at each others' throats and he comes off as the only good guy.

If you're thinking like a responsible human-being this is just about as irresponsible a proposal as I've ever heard, but then again Obama doesn't really care about the turmoil it's about to cause for the next year or so. When it all comes to a conclusion after the 2012 election I predict that the fine-print will prove to a great deal different from the rhetoric that we're hearing today.

Bottom line.....don't trust Obama. Wake up and smell the coffee. The guy is bad for this country. It shouldn't matter what he promises because the costs are too great to even consider it.
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