I Don't Need Anyone Here Lecturing Me On How To Behave Right Now

I Don't Need Anyone Here Lecturing Me On How To Behave Right Now

And the easiest way to avoid that is....

.....not to post here.

Duh, fucking duh.
You are definitely right. Find a message board where the liberals are coloring and crying in the alcohol they looted.
It sure is quaint trying to take some non-existent moral high ground in this situation. If doing the whole schoolmarm lecture thing makes you feel better then have at it. Thatā€™s your experience, thatā€™s your truth right now, maybe thatā€™s how youā€™re dealing with the news that Trump has Covid.

But donā€™t come in here lecturing everyone else on how to feel or labeling them as jerks in reaction to a madman, a literal evil maniac getting his due justice. Do you think youā€™re scoring points with your god by coming off this way, this so, so pious way?

If you have a problem with It is what it is as a reaction to Trumpā€™s Covid then you havenā€™t been paying attention to the last 4 miserable years. Never forget what this vile man is. Never forget what he has done.

200,000 dead (and counting)

children separated from their families

radical supreme court nominees veering from alcoholic rapists to witch burners

innocent protestors gassed, shot and killed, run over by cars

mainstreaming white supremacy

a planet heā€™s purposefully loading up with carbon, methane, polluted waters, land and air

calling racial sensitivity training ā€œan attack on Americaā€

making conspiracy theories and lies an American Value

Rudy Guliani (need I say anything more?)



Lyndsey Graham

attacks on democracy, voting, and freedom of the press

Don Trump Jr (yeah, he built that)

inviting hostile foreign governments to attack our democracy

pulling us out of UN Human Rights Council, Nuclear Arms Treaty

attacking our allies, the EU, the UN, etc

his racist, misogynist attacks on everyone he disagrees with

ā€œthere are good people on both sidesā€

There are a thousand other things this POS has done that I canā€™t remember because in his purposeful chaotic environment itā€™s nearly impossible to keep track of it all. Thatā€™s the point with wannabe dictators. Thatā€™s the plan. To create so much chaos you just give in and give up.

And here we are just learning about Trump and now several other despicable republicans testing positive and you want me to be nice right now?

You want me to genuflect in response?

You want me to give 2 f*cks that he caught a virus heā€™s been telling us DOESNā€™T EVEN EXIST?

Get real.

Here's your fucking karma

If he was a democrat and doing exactly all of the things heā€™s doing now youā€™d think heā€™s the best thing since sliced bread.

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