I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

There are laws, so unless he broke them, they don't arrest anyone.

He did break a law. He killed someone.
He killed someone, but he did NOT break the law in Florida.

He had nothing to fear from Martin. The police found a man, with a gun, that outweighed the dead man on the ground by 100 pounds. The dead man had candy, tea, and a cell phone. It was murder, plain and simple. That's against the law. Trying to use that ridiculous law on the books in Florida is a joke and you know it. Zimmerman was the one that broke the law and should have been arrested.

Even Zimmerman's lawyer has said said Florida's "stand your ground" law doesn't apply to the shooting that killed the unarmed teen.

"In my legal opinion, that's not really applicable to this case. The statute on 'stand your ground' is primarily when you're in your house," said Craig Sonner, attorney for George Zimmerman.

Zimmerman's lawyer: 'Stand your ground' doesn't apply in Trayvon Martin case - CNN.com
Fellow Citizens:

There has been a lot of media attention to the recent incident where George Zimmerman shot and
killed Trayvon Martin. This is indeed a tragic situation and has caused a flood of questions and
strong emotions from within our community, the region and nation. On behalf of the employees
of the City of Sanford, Our deepest sympathy and prayers go out to the family and friends of
Trayvon Martin. As a father, I can only image the pain Trayvon’s family must be going though.
In an effort to continue to be as responsive as possible to the public seeking information on the
incident, I have asked Chief Lee to provide answers to some of the most frequently asked
questions regarding this matter. Below are his responses. Please understand that since this is
still an ongoing investigation, the Police Department is limited in what information it can
publicly release.

The City of Sanford is committed to insuring that justice is served and, therefore, the City of
Sanford has contacted the United States Attorney General’s Office for assistance in this matter.
The men and women of the Sanford Police Department extend our heartfelt sympathies to the
Martin family. This is indeed a tragic situation. The death of anyone due to violence, especially a
17 year old young man, is morally appalling. As this incident has generated a lot of media
attention, we wanted to provide answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

Why was George Zimmerman not arrested the night of the shooting?

When the Sanford Police Department arrived at the scene of the incident, Mr. Zimmerman
provided a statement claiming he acted in self defense which at the time was supported by
physical evidence and testimony. By Florida Statute, law enforcement was PROHIBITED from
making an arrest based on the facts and circumstances they had at the time. Additionally, when
any police officer makes an arrest for any reason, the officer MUST swear and affirm that he/she
is making the arrest in good faith and with probable cause. If the arrest is done maliciously and
in bad faith, the officer and the City may be held liable.

According to Florida Statute 776.032 :

776.032 Immunity from criminal prosecution and civil action for justifiable use of

(1) A person who uses force as permitted in s. 776.012, s. 776.013, or s. 776.031 is
justified in using such force and is immune from criminal prosecution and civil action for
the use of such force, unless the person against whom force was used is a law
enforcement officer, as defined in s. 943.10(14), who was acting in the performance of
his or her official duties and the officer identified himself or herself in accordance with
any applicable law or the person using force knew or reasonably should have known that
the person was a law enforcement officer. As used in this subsection, the term “criminal
prosecution” includes arresting, detaining in custody, and charging or prosecuting the

(2) A law enforcement agency may use standard procedures for investigating the use of
force as described in subsection (1), but the agency may not arrest the person for using
force unless it determines that there is probable cause that the force that was used was


Thank you,

Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr., ICMA-CM
City Manager
March 19, 2012​


I don't like that little twit Bonaparte. I give no credence to anything he says.
Latest is Zimmerman has a broken nose and lacerations on his head.
I am sure he did those to himself later to make it appear Martin did it.
All the police report stated was he had a bloody nose and blood on the back of his head, and it was treated immediately and quickly by the Fire Dept. on the scene.

If you have further information than that, please show it.

We know is there was blood. Hell, it could have even been the victims. Gun shot wounds draw blood. So does a punch that a 250 pound man might have whopped on Trayvon.

We don't know though cause the stupid assed cops here didn't bother to get a blood sample or do most of the basics you do when a homicide happens.

No. They let him go.

"didn't bother to get a blood sample or do most of the basics you do when a homicide happens"
Where did you get your POST training?
How many homicide investigations have you conducted.
I have over 200 and counting.
You do not know what they did or didn't do and have no training in any of this.
Your opinion is noted and you have a right to one but all you have is opinion only.
The Stand Your Ground statute will not apply in this case is my opinion but I have read and reviewed the statute and the applicable standing with other rulings and case law and I believe Zimmerman has NO standing of immunity under that statute. PERIOD.
He will not need to.
Zimmerman's statement to police has also been leaked. He stated that as he was returning to his truck after giving up his following of Martin as Martin had evaded him he was all of a sudden attacked out of no where and hit in the back of the head with an object and also the nose.
Not claiming any of this is true but this tells me the defense WILL NOT be the stand your ground defense.
The case will be defended SOLEY on self defense, period.
Watch and see.
Not claiming that it was self defense or that anything he claims is true but wait and see.
That will be the defense and if the physical evidence at the scene matches this and there is no other evidence to dispute it then this is a jury material fact issue of reasonable doubt.
I still see this as a plea to voluntary manslaughter-some form of a lesser homicide.
Those that claim this is a Murder 1 gunslinging do not have much experience in these matters and are shooting from the hip because of emotion, no pun intended.
Of course this is ALL speculation no matter what all you amateur jurists and junior detectives claim here.
The black always had the option of running, if not ignoring Zimmerman.

1. He did run away, and Zimmerman caught up to him again.

2. You just proved my point. How can the same FL law allow Zimmerman to chase after Martin and then use deadly force, but then require Martin to run away? You're completely ignoring Martin's rights.
Martin either ran away or walked away ? Big difference in the two, and this all depending on what is trying to be implied... Setting the scene without witnesses to coaberate these little introduced points, can lead the audience astray, and feed the mob mentality if that is what the results are due to speaking in these ways.

Did Martin run away or walk away, and did Zimmerman run after him or walk to keep up with him, in order to keep survielance on him until the cops got there ??? Did Martin Run, and did Zimmerman give chase (i.e. as in run also) ?
It is my belief, based solely on a hunch, that the State Attourney will announce that after extensive investigation, Zimmerman's story isthe only one that fits the facts and the witness testimony, and there for the state will not be pressing charges.

I think that that is the reason Zimmerman has still not been arrested, and right now they are trying to figure out how to tell Al Sharpton and his lynch mob this without causeing rioting in the streets.
It is my belief, based solely on a hunch, that the State Attourney will announce that after extensive investigation, Zimmerman's story isthe only one that fits the facts and the witness testimony, and there for the state will not be pressing charges.

I think that that is the reason Zimmerman has still not been arrested, and right now they are trying to figure out how to tell Al Sharpton and his lynch mob this without causeing rioting in the streets.

The VICTIM'S friends statements about the VICTIM:

Slain teen

Yes, I am off topic but the life of Trayvon Martin seems to matter less than the "history" of the KILLER.
He chased down an unarmed black teen who, while being taped begging for his life was shot dead.

"Black" makes it not a crime? That your point?

Conclusions are up to the Grand Jury.

Yes, if and when a grand jury is called to hear this. The Police Dept showed up and upon preliminary investigation concluded no crime was committed. In the OP: "...the letter, signed by Sanford City Manager Norton Bonaparte Jr., says. “By Florida Statute, law enforcement was PROHIBITED from making an arrest based on the facts and circumstances they had at the time.” (Caps are theirs.)"

Do you know for a fact where things stand with the city, state, and the feds - if at all? I'm looking to discuss facts and legal issues raised by credible authorities and figures.

About the Prosecutor who will present the case to the Grand Jury:

Prosecutor in Trayvon Martin case vows 'blank slate' - CNN.com
The Stand Your Ground statute will not apply in this case is my opinion but I have read and reviewed the statute and the applicable standing with other rulings and case law and I believe Zimmerman has NO standing of immunity under that statute. PERIOD.
He will not need to.
Zimmerman's statement to police has also been leaked. He stated that as he was returning to his truck after giving up his following of Martin as Martin had evaded him he was all of a sudden attacked out of no where and hit in the back of the head with an object and also the nose.
Not claiming any of this is true but this tells me the defense WILL NOT be the stand your ground defense.
The case will be defended SOLEY on self defense, period.
Watch and see.
Not claiming that it was self defense or that anything he claims is true but wait and see.
That will be the defense and if the physical evidence at the scene matches this and there is no other evidence to dispute it then this is a jury material fact issue of reasonable doubt.
I still see this as a plea to voluntary manslaughter-some form of a lesser homicide.
Those that claim this is a Murder 1 gunslinging do not have much experience in these matters and are shooting from the hip because of emotion, no pun intended.
Of course this is ALL speculation no matter what all you amateur jurists and junior detectives claim here.
Yep, when it all enters the justice system and the court room, all points will be investigated thoroughly and entirely hopefully... What will be interesting, is when the facts of the case are found to be different from the mob mentality's ideas or thinking on the case to some degree right now, what will be said then?, The mob may have a broader purpose and agenda involved here (or) is just as confused as anyone, but if their ideas and accusations were to somehow stick, in which they have prior to a courtroom showdown, and it were all to go it's way somehow, then where will justice on that day be for America ?

What is the bigger picture here I wonder, when accusations fly according to a possible bigger and broader agenda to be involved, where as a case may have enough fotter to fan the flames of an overall agenda, so it is now looked at to be used as such by those who are looking for more than actually exist within the evidence of the case, and all for their agenda ? Becareful America, and stick to the evidence and facts found within the case only, and not let yourself be led into a confused period, where a bigger agenda could be involved by some whom have an agenda related to a bigger picture. I do hope that justice is served always, and that Martins death will be settled properly and righteously in the case, or even that Zimmermans innocence due to his claim of self defense will be found in the case as well also maybe. The main thing is that justice be served for the situation, and not for an agenda if so be the case as is orchastrated by some, whom do hope to sway the mob or fan the flames of a mob mentality.
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But one man's testimony could be key for the police.

"The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: 'help, help…and I told him to stop and I was calling 911," he said.
Trayvon Martin was in a hoodie; Zimmerman was in red.
The witness only wanted to be identified as "John," and didn't not want to be shown on camera.

His statements to police were instrumental, because police backed up Zimmerman's claims, saying those screams on the 911 call are those of Zimmerman.

"When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point," John said.

Sanford police on Thursday also challenged a WFTV-Channel 9 report, in which Mary Cutcher said police largely ignored her even though she told them, "I know this was not self-defense. There was no punching, no hitting going on at the time, no wrestling."

Police said they twice tried to interview her without success, and the third time, she wrote a very short sworn statement for her roommate that was consistent with Zimmerman's account.

George Zimmerman's father on Trayvon Martin: My son is not racist, did not confront Trayvon Martin - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

"I asked the subject in the red jacket, later identified as George Zimmerman (who was original caller for the suspicious person complaint), if he had seen the subject. Zimmerman stated that he had shot the subject and was still armed. Zimmerman complied with all of my verbal commands and was secured in handcuffs. Located on the inside of Zimmerman's waist band, I removed a black Kel Tek 9mm PF9 semi auto handgun and holster. While I was in such close contact with Zimmerman, I could observe that his back appeared to be wet and was covered in grass, as if he had been laying on his back on the ground. Zimmerman was also bleeding from the nose and back of his head."

"Zimmerman was placed in the rear of my police vehicle and was given first aid by the SFD. While the SFD was attending to Zimmerman, I over heard[sic] him state "I was yelling for someone to help me, but no one would help me." At no point did I question Zimmerman about the incident that had taken place. Once Zimmerman was cleared by the SFD, he was transported to the Sanford Police Department."

we have three sources from media that show Zimmerman's version on things to be credible versus the version of distraught parents and busybodies like Ravi and other whack-a-doodles @ USMB
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"At no point did I question Zimmerman about the incident that had taken place."

How is this a credible version?
It is my belief, based solely on a hunch, that the State Attourney will announce that after extensive investigation, Zimmerman's story isthe only one that fits the facts and the witness testimony, and there for the state will not be pressing charges.

I think that that is the reason Zimmerman has still not been arrested, and right now they are trying to figure out how to tell Al Sharpton and his lynch mob this without causeing rioting in the streets.

The VICTIM'S friends statements about the VICTIM:

Slain teen

Yes, I am off topic but the life of Trayvon Martin seems to matter less than the "history" of the KILLER.

Every thug I have ever seen on TV has 'friends' and 'family' who will go on camera and vouch for 'what a good boy' he was! You are too simple minded to be on a discussion forum, and you have no command of the English language.
It is my belief, based solely on a hunch, that the State Attourney will announce that after extensive investigation, Zimmerman's story isthe only one that fits the facts and the witness testimony, and there for the state will not be pressing charges.

I think that that is the reason Zimmerman has still not been arrested, and right now they are trying to figure out how to tell Al Sharpton and his lynch mob this without causeing rioting in the streets.

It is my belief, based solely on a hunch, that the State Attourney will announce that after extensive investigation, Zimmerman's story isthe only one that fits the facts and the witness testimony, and there for the state will not be pressing charges.

I think that that is the reason Zimmerman has still not been arrested, and right now they are trying to figure out how to tell Al Sharpton and his lynch mob this without causeing rioting in the streets.


This office handled the autopsy which will also be evidence:

Medical Examiner
It is my belief, based solely on a hunch, that the State Attourney will announce that after extensive investigation, Zimmerman's story isthe only one that fits the facts and the witness testimony, and there for the state will not be pressing charges.

I think that that is the reason Zimmerman has still not been arrested, and right now they are trying to figure out how to tell Al Sharpton and his lynch mob this without causeing rioting in the streets.

The VICTIM'S friends statements about the VICTIM:

Slain teen

Yes, I am off topic but the life of Trayvon Martin seems to matter less than the "history" of the KILLER.

Every thug I have ever seen on TV has 'friends' and 'family' who will go on camera and vouch for 'what a good boy' he was! You are too simple minded to be on a discussion forum, and you have no command of the English language.

Thank you for this critique. My typing skills are as bad as my spelling.:D
It is my belief, based solely on a hunch, that the State Attourney will announce that after extensive investigation, Zimmerman's story isthe only one that fits the facts and the witness testimony, and there for the state will not be pressing charges.

I think that that is the reason Zimmerman has still not been arrested, and right now they are trying to figure out how to tell Al Sharpton and his lynch mob this without causeing rioting in the streets.

The VICTIM'S friends statements about the VICTIM:

Slain teen

Yes, I am off topic but the life of Trayvon Martin seems to matter less than the "history" of the KILLER.

friends? :lol: every time somebody gets in trouble their friends are revealed to be clueless
It is my belief, based solely on a hunch, that the State Attourney will announce that after extensive investigation, Zimmerman's story isthe only one that fits the facts and the witness testimony, and there for the state will not be pressing charges.

I think that that is the reason Zimmerman has still not been arrested, and right now they are trying to figure out how to tell Al Sharpton and his lynch mob this without causeing rioting in the streets.

The VICTIM'S friends statements about the VICTIM:

Slain teen

Yes, I am off topic but the life of Trayvon Martin seems to matter less than the "history" of the KILLER.

friends? :lol: every time somebody gets in trouble their friends are revealed to be clueless

The fact that victim had no criminal record is also irrelevant? The killer's record is deemed "clean" because he had no convictions?
It is my belief, based solely on a hunch, that the State Attourney will announce that after extensive investigation, Zimmerman's story isthe only one that fits the facts and the witness testimony, and there for the state will not be pressing charges.

I think that that is the reason Zimmerman has still not been arrested, and right now they are trying to figure out how to tell Al Sharpton and his lynch mob this without causeing rioting in the streets.


This office handled the autopsy which will also be evidence:

Medical Examiner

State Attorney Angela B. Corey's team was scheduled to arrive Friday and begin seeking facts in a case that has garnered national attention, drawing comments from President Barack Obama.

"We don't worry about backlash from cases," Corey said Thursday after Gov. Rick Scott announced that she would lead the state investigation. "What we worry about is seeking the truth. That is our mission."

Zimmerman better hope this SA is not out to get a resume enhancer - conviction, regardless of truth. Justice is blind...
The fact that victim had no criminal record is also irrelevant? The killer's record is deemed "clean" because he had no convictions?

you do know you are acting like the 911 conspiracists? every answer leads to another question.

Occam's razor: Occam's razor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Zimmerman knows the police are on the way. He knows he has a weapon on his person. The young man does not. Both know assaulting the other is a crime. Who is most likely to start a fight thinking hey can then run away free? an older guy hitting a young man or a young man?
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