I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

Gun queer accidently on purpose shoots a little boy.

There's your whole story in a nutshell.
Zimmerman would have to have to have a special prioritization of his personal right to "self defense" that allowed him to chase down and corner other people,

Shit-for-brains lynch mob thinks Zimmerman chased down and cornered the black? How could a fat slob chase down a 6' black buck in his prime? Cornered where, in the wide open? Regardless of how stupid your speculation is, it's still only your speculation.

The victim, Mr. Zimmerman, says he was attacked from behind. All the physical evidence and statements from the witnesses support that. In this country, unlike black shit-hole countries, we've got something called Innocent Until Proven Guilty. Now, if you want to find someone to lynch, find someone casing your neighborhood.

Zimmerman admitted that he was following Martin. He chased him down, don't you think a 17 year old kid would be feel threatened?

And, what would that black animal do, after feeling threatened? He didn't run, obviously. What does that leave? Attacking the person he thinks is following him.

Even if we assume that Martin threw the first proverbial punch, the idea that Zimmerman's actions were justified as self defense would require that we condemn Martin's actions as wrong and legally unjustified. Which, then, means that we are not applying stand your ground rights to Martin, only to Zimmerman.

Attacking someone for following you is far from shooting someone who is physically assaulting you. The black always had the option of running, if not ignoring Zimmerman. You can't ignore someone physically assaulting you and Zimmerman didn't have the option to run.
True enough, but that doesn't really change the fact that Zimmerman was the aggressor, if it happened that Zimmerman was following Martin, then Martin had every right to go on the offensive.

So far, what we know for a fact is Trayvon Martin initiated a verbal confrontation.

There are quite a few more facts than that. Like Zimmerman being asked not to follow the kid and him lying saying he won't. So now it is a fact that Zimmerman is a liar.
I just listened to recordings of Zimmerman on the phone with 911. I do not hear him telling the operator that he will not pursue Martin.

I hear this:

911 Operator: Are you following him?

Zimmerman: Yeah.

911 Operator: OK. We don't need you to do that.

Zimmerman (delayed): OK.

I don't see that as Zimmerman telling the 911 operator that he will not pursue Martin.
What I find amazing is the ignorance people here have on the law.
Arresting someone does not mean a damn thing. An arrest is nothing as they can make bail without an indictment fairly easily especially when the investigation is not complete where the crime lab reports are not back.
The grand jury indictment is what matters sports. Time for all of you to go back to 8th grade and learn just a little bit about civics, the law and The Constitution.
He was never told NOT to persue him and he NEVER told the 911 operator he wasn't going to.
Those were media reports and statements from the lawyers.
And guess what, they were lies.
Imagine that, people getting their information from media and it is incorrect.
Best to leave these things to the professionals.
The fact that it's not clear that he DID break the law is the reason for the outrage.


outrage? do you know how many black teenagers are purposefully gunned down in the streets in American cities? Where the fuck is the outrage there?

People are making this out like it is an injustice perpetrated by the system. It isn't. It was a dispute between two citizens that ended in tragedy.


Why does MarcATL want a lynch mob before all evidence is in? Is his mind affected by some kind of mental illness? This is a serious question. MarcATL and a few other people have become completely unhinged over a tragedy that is not theirs.

What is it about lonely shut-ins with internet service that makes them so angry and irrational?

A dispute?

Chasing down a teenager because you have issues with black men is a dispute?One person tracking and one person fleeing is not a dispute.

Try again.

First of all, during the 9-11 call, Zimmerman only made note of the person's identity, be it his clothes worn and etc. (including his color) to the 9-11 operator, when the supspicious person began walking toward Zimmerman (coming closer and closer to him), and I guess this was in order to check Zimmerman out as well when he (Trayvon) had noticed Zimmerman watching him and his actions in the area, whom Zimmerman was observing this individual whom looked suspicious while walking in the area. Infact Zimmerman made the call to 9-11 before knowing the color of the individual, because when the 9-11 operator asked Zimmerman the description of the individual, Zimmerman had to wait until the person began to come toward him to give it to the operator..

Can you help me understand your statement above, about Zimmerman having "issues with black men" ? Do we know for sure that the results wouldnot have been the same, if it would had been a white kid walking in a hoodie, and looking suspicious to Zimmerman by his actions as well (i.e. Zimmerman operating in the area, because there had been known break in's recently) so he was there on watch to look for supsicious individuals, that may fit a profile in his mind that meets the standards of a suspicious looking individual, and then here comes Trayvon sadly looking suspect and fitting the profile in his mind.

Sadly a large majority of citizens whom number many, do have also in their minds in America, the same thinking, but why ???? I will try and answer as best I can next..

Could it be that it's because when crimes are committed, there seems to be a dress code for criminals in which they adopt in large part of, and because MTV and other shows glorify a culture of thugs, drugs and unethical behaviours being found within our youth these days, in which is drilled deep into the mind (skewing the ability for average citizens to just trust anyone anymore)??? It all makes for a traggic situation in America, that then leads in so many instances, to mis-perceptions and mis-interpretations, and then on to cases just like this one sadly enough.... Once teens take on that rebellion or rebellious look, in which a majority of criminals love to sport about when committing crime in America, then the mis-trust created in it all can have traggic and dire consequences sadly enough if not careful.

The devil is the author of confusion, and he is doing a splended job in confusing and skewing the lines so badly these days, that it is inevitable that these kinds of situations will be on the rise in America, insteaded of on the decline in America, that's if America doesn't get a handle on what is making America a ticking time bomb anymore, thus leaning backwards and not leaning foward.

America, just look at yourself, and then just ask yourself, what have you done that has created this situation and many others we are now dealing with ???

I think that glorifying thug wear in America is a major fail, and notice how we see the pic of the kid wearing the football jersy, instead of a hoodie ? Now why do you think they had to put that apple pie pic up after the traggic event? It's because it is something that all in America can relate to, and then see as a positive, thus pulling on America's heart string for the boy in the case instantly, in which is good and very smart thinking on the families part, but what if they would have put a pic up of the boy wearing thug wear, would the results and sympothy's upon first learning of the case be the same you reckon ? Just think about that for a second or two.

This is why so many cases in America go wrong, and sometimes for some get buried, because all depending on how these cases are presented, it defintley can determin the outcomes and sympothy's of the public in each case, especially if it is done just right....

Note how Zimmerman looks so shifty and suspect in his pic's, and the boy looks the part of such an innocent kid in that jersy (even had Obama saying that the kid looked like he could be his son) ? Does not Zimmerman have any family who would be representing him, and for whom would be wanting to create a profile of their boy in a positive light, just as the family has done for the victim here ? Undoubtedly not..

I am not siding with Zimmerman at all (trust me), because I am one who looks at the evidence and not the wear in which the two have been presented in for specific reasoning.. I am just one who has a problem with blanket statements, that throw racist accusations into the mix, when they might not apply according to the evidence... Do you have evidence that Zimmerman had problems with blackmen in general as you have stated ? :confused:
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outrage? do you know how many black teenagers are purposefully gunned down in the streets in American cities? Where the fuck is the outrage there?

People are making this out like it is an injustice perpetrated by the system. It isn't. It was a dispute between two citizens that ended in tragedy.


Why does MarcATL want a lynch mob before all evidence is in? Is his mind affected by some kind of mental illness? This is a serious question. MarcATL and a few other people have become completely unhinged over a tragedy that is not theirs.

What is it about lonely shut-ins with internet service that makes them so angry and irrational?

A dispute?

Chasing down a teenager because you have issues with black men is a dispute?One person tracking and one person fleeing is not a dispute.

Try again.

First of all, during the 9-11 call, Zimmerman only made note of the person's identity, be it his clothes worn and etc. (including his color) to the 9-11 operator, when the supspicious person began walking toward Zimmerman (coming closer and closer to him), and I guess this was in order to check Zimmerman out as well when he had noticed Zimmerman watching him and his actions in the area, whom Zimmerman was observing this individual whom looked suspicious while walking in the area.

Can you help me understand your statement above, about Zimmerman having "issues with black men" ? Do we know for sure that the results wouldnot have been the same, if it would had been a white kid walking in a hoodie, and looking suspicious to Zimmerman by his actions as well (i.e. Zimmerman operating in the area, because there had been known break in's recently) so he was there on watch to look for supsicious individuals, that may fit a profile in his mind that meets the standards of a suspicious looking individual, and then here comes Trayvon sadly looking suspect and fitting the profile in his mind.

Sadly a large majority of citizens whom number many, do have also in their minds in America, the same thinking, but why ???? I will try and answer as best I can next..

Could it be that it's because when crimes are committed, there seems to be a dress code for criminals in which they adopt in large part of, and because MTV and other shows glorify a culture of thugs, drugs and unethical behaviours being found within our youth these days, in which is drilled deep into the mind (skewing the ability for average citizens to just trust anyone anymore)??? It all makes for a traggic situation in America, that then leads in so many instances, to mis-perceptions and mis-interpretations, and then on to cases just like this one sadly enough.... Once teens take on that rebellion or rebellious look, in which a majority of criminals love to sport about when committing crime in America, then the mis-trust created in it all can have traggic and dire consequences sadly enough if not careful.

The devil is the author of confusion, and he is doing a splended job in confusing and skewing the lines so badly these days, that it is inevitable that these kinds of situations will be on the rise in America, insteaded of on the decline in America, that's if America doesn't get a handle on what is making America a ticking time bomb anymore leaning backwards and not leaning foward ?

America, just look at yourself, and then just ask yourself, what have you done that has created this situation and many others we are now dealing with ???

I think that gorifying thug wear in America is a major fail, and notice how we see the pic of the kid wearing the football jersy, instead of a hoodie ? Now why do you think they had to put that apple pie pic up after the traggic event? It's because it is something that all in America can relate to, and then see as a positive, thus pulling on America's heart string for the boy in the case instantly, in which is good and very smart thinking in the families part, but what if they would have put a pic up of the boy wearing thug wear, would the results and sympothy's upon first learning of the case be the same you reckon ? Just think about that for a second or two.

This is why so many cases in America go wrong, and sometimes for some get buried, because all depending on how these cases are presented, it defintley can determin the outcomes and sympothy's of the public in each case, especially if it is done just right....

Note how Zimmerman looks the so shifty and suspect in his pic's, and the boy looks the part of such an innocent kid in that jersy ? Does not Zimmerman have any family who would be representing him, and for whom would be wanting to create a profile of their boy in a positive light, just as the family has done for the victim here ? Undoubtedly not..

I am not siding with Zimmerman at all (trust me), because I am one who looks at the evidence and not the wear in which the two have been presented in for specific reasoning, and I am one who has a problem with blanket statements, that throw racist accusations into the mix, when they might not apply according to the evidence... Do you have evidence that Zimmerman had problems with blackmen in general as you have stated ? :confused:

You are speaking reason and common sense.
But since you do not side with Al Sharpton, the train wreck media and mob promoters you are a racist.
Latest is Zimmerman has a broken nose and lacerations on his head.
I am sure he did those to himself later to make it appear Martin did it.
Latest is Zimmerman has a broken nose and lacerations on his head.
I am sure he did those to himself later to make it appear Martin did it.
All the police report stated was he had a bloody nose and blood on the back of his head, and it was treated immediately and quickly by the Fire Dept. on the scene.

If you have further information than that, please show it.

We know is there was blood. Hell, it could have even been the victims. Gun shot wounds draw blood. So does a punch that a 250 pound man might have whopped on Trayvon.

We don't know though cause the stupid assed cops here didn't bother to get a blood sample or do most of the basics you do when a homicide happens.

No. They let him go.
So far, what we know for a fact is Trayvon Martin initiated a verbal confrontation.

There are quite a few more facts than that. Like Zimmerman being asked not to follow the kid and him lying saying he won't. So now it is a fact that Zimmerman is a liar.
I just listened to recordings of Zimmerman on the phone with 911. I do not hear him telling the operator that he will not pursue Martin.

I hear this:

911 Operator: Are you following him?

Zimmerman: Yeah.

911 Operator: OK. We don't need you to do that.

Zimmerman (delayed): OK.

I don't see that as Zimmerman telling the 911 operator that he will not pursue Martin.
Did the (((Ok))) mean that Zimmerman stopped following at that point ? If he did (inwhich we don't know that), then did Trayvon turn and walk towards Zimmerman again, thus the physical struggle part of it began? You see, we don't know these things until the indictment and then the trial right ?
A dispute?

Chasing down a teenager because you have issues with black men is a dispute?One person tracking and one person fleeing is not a dispute.

Try again.

First of all, during the 9-11 call, Zimmerman only made note of the person's identity, be it his clothes worn and etc. (including his color) to the 9-11 operator, when the supspicious person began walking toward Zimmerman (coming closer and closer to him), and I guess this was in order to check Zimmerman out as well when he had noticed Zimmerman watching him and his actions in the area, whom Zimmerman was observing this individual whom looked suspicious while walking in the area.

Can you help me understand your statement above, about Zimmerman having "issues with black men" ? Do we know for sure that the results wouldnot have been the same, if it would had been a white kid walking in a hoodie, and looking suspicious to Zimmerman by his actions as well (i.e. Zimmerman operating in the area, because there had been known break in's recently) so he was there on watch to look for supsicious individuals, that may fit a profile in his mind that meets the standards of a suspicious looking individual, and then here comes Trayvon sadly looking suspect and fitting the profile in his mind.

Sadly a large majority of citizens whom number many, do have also in their minds in America, the same thinking, but why ???? I will try and answer as best I can next..

Could it be that it's because when crimes are committed, there seems to be a dress code for criminals in which they adopt in large part of, and because MTV and other shows glorify a culture of thugs, drugs and unethical behaviours being found within our youth these days, in which is drilled deep into the mind (skewing the ability for average citizens to just trust anyone anymore)??? It all makes for a traggic situation in America, that then leads in so many instances, to mis-perceptions and mis-interpretations, and then on to cases just like this one sadly enough.... Once teens take on that rebellion or rebellious look, in which a majority of criminals love to sport about when committing crime in America, then the mis-trust created in it all can have traggic and dire consequences sadly enough if not careful.

The devil is the author of confusion, and he is doing a splended job in confusing and skewing the lines so badly these days, that it is inevitable that these kinds of situations will be on the rise in America, insteaded of on the decline in America, that's if America doesn't get a handle on what is making America a ticking time bomb anymore leaning backwards and not leaning foward ?

America, just look at yourself, and then just ask yourself, what have you done that has created this situation and many others we are now dealing with ???

I think that gorifying thug wear in America is a major fail, and notice how we see the pic of the kid wearing the football jersy, instead of a hoodie ? Now why do you think they had to put that apple pie pic up after the traggic event? It's because it is something that all in America can relate to, and then see as a positive, thus pulling on America's heart string for the boy in the case instantly, in which is good and very smart thinking in the families part, but what if they would have put a pic up of the boy wearing thug wear, would the results and sympothy's upon first learning of the case be the same you reckon ? Just think about that for a second or two.

This is why so many cases in America go wrong, and sometimes for some get buried, because all depending on how these cases are presented, it defintley can determin the outcomes and sympothy's of the public in each case, especially if it is done just right....

Note how Zimmerman looks the so shifty and suspect in his pic's, and the boy looks the part of such an innocent kid in that jersy ? Does not Zimmerman have any family who would be representing him, and for whom would be wanting to create a profile of their boy in a positive light, just as the family has done for the victim here ? Undoubtedly not..

I am not siding with Zimmerman at all (trust me), because I am one who looks at the evidence and not the wear in which the two have been presented in for specific reasoning, and I am one who has a problem with blanket statements, that throw racist accusations into the mix, when they might not apply according to the evidence... Do you have evidence that Zimmerman had problems with blackmen in general as you have stated ? :confused:

You are speaking reason and common sense.
But since you do not side with Al Sharpton, the train wreck media and mob promoters you are a racist.
I had to do some spell checking and a few corrections, and adds to the original...Hmmmm I may want to re-post if read again my original posting...Thanks, and yes I do agree with there being a mob mentaility now, that is being found in this case, and it is a problem, where as people don't allow the case to be reviewed properly when have this mentality, and the accusations are just all over the place by so many now, that how will a fair trial ever ensue as a result of ??
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outrage? do you know how many black teenagers are purposefully gunned down in the streets in American cities? Where the fuck is the outrage there?

People are making this out like it is an injustice perpetrated by the system. It isn't. It was a dispute between two citizens that ended in tragedy.


Why does MarcATL want a lynch mob before all evidence is in? Is his mind affected by some kind of mental illness? This is a serious question. MarcATL and a few other people have become completely unhinged over a tragedy that is not theirs.

What is it about lonely shut-ins with internet service that makes them so angry and irrational?

A dispute?

Chasing down a teenager because you have issues with black men is a dispute?One person tracking and one person fleeing is not a dispute.

Try again.

First of all, during the 9-11 call, Zimmerman only made note of the person's identity, be it his clothes worn and etc. (including his color) to the 9-11 operator, when the supspicious person began walking toward Zimmerman (coming closer and closer to him), and I guess this was in order to check Zimmerman out as well when he (Trayvon) had noticed Zimmerman watching him and his actions in the area, whom Zimmerman was observing this individual whom looked suspicious while walking in the area. Infact Zimmerman made the call to 9-11 before knowing the color of the individual, because when the 9-11 operator asked Zimmerman the description of the individual, Zimmerman had to wait until the person began to come toward him to give it to the operator..

Can you help me understand your statement above, about Zimmerman having "issues with black men" ? Do we know for sure that the results wouldnot have been the same, if it would had been a white kid walking in a hoodie, and looking suspicious to Zimmerman by his actions as well (i.e. Zimmerman operating in the area, because there had been known break in's recently) so he was there on watch to look for supsicious individuals, that may fit a profile in his mind that meets the standards of a suspicious looking individual, and then here comes Trayvon sadly looking suspect and fitting the profile in his mind.

Sadly a large majority of citizens whom number many, do have also in their minds in America, the same thinking, but why ???? I will try and answer as best I can next..

Could it be that it's because when crimes are committed, there seems to be a dress code for criminals in which they adopt in large part of, and because MTV and other shows glorify a culture of thugs, drugs and unethical behaviours being found within our youth these days, in which is drilled deep into the mind (skewing the ability for average citizens to just trust anyone anymore)??? It all makes for a traggic situation in America, that then leads in so many instances, to mis-perceptions and mis-interpretations, and then on to cases just like this one sadly enough.... Once teens take on that rebellion or rebellious look, in which a majority of criminals love to sport about when committing crime in America, then the mis-trust created in it all can have traggic and dire consequences sadly enough if not careful.

The devil is the author of confusion, and he is doing a splended job in confusing and skewing the lines so badly these days, that it is inevitable that these kinds of situations will be on the rise in America, insteaded of on the decline in America, that's if America doesn't get a handle on what is making America a ticking time bomb anymore, thus leaning backwards and not leaning foward.

America, just look at yourself, and then just ask yourself, what have you done that has created this situation and many others we are now dealing with ???

I think that glorifying thug wear in America is a major fail, and notice how we see the pic of the kid wearing the football jersy, instead of a hoodie ? Now why do you think they had to put that apple pie pic up after the traggic event? It's because it is something that all in America can relate to, and then see as a positive, thus pulling on America's heart string for the boy in the case instantly, in which is good and very smart thinking on the families part, but what if they would have put a pic up of the boy wearing thug wear, would the results and sympothy's upon first learning of the case be the same you reckon ? Just think about that for a second or two.

This is why so many cases in America go wrong, and sometimes for some get buried, because all depending on how these cases are presented, it defintley can determin the outcomes and sympothy's of the public in each case, especially if it is done just right....

Note how Zimmerman looks so shifty and suspect in his pic's, and the boy looks the part of such an innocent kid in that jersy (even had Obama saying that the kid looked like he could be his son) ? Does not Zimmerman have any family who would be representing him, and for whom would be wanting to create a profile of their boy in a positive light, just as the family has done for the victim here ? Undoubtedly not..

I am not siding with Zimmerman at all (trust me), because I am one who looks at the evidence and not the wear in which the two have been presented in for specific reasoning.. I am just one who has a problem with blanket statements, that throw racist accusations into the mix, when they might not apply according to the evidence... Do you have evidence that Zimmerman had problems with blackmen in general as you have stated ? :confused:
This was directed at the person who made the statement about Zimmerman having problems with blackmen in general...
I had to re-post due to spelling and some add on's...Thanks
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You open a thread. People are going to post.

Of course. But asking people to stay somewhat close to on topic. Going off topic can be grounds for...

but that isn't what I desire. What about the law, and legal/justice system debate about this very public exercise in democracy?

Ah Dante starts threatening. How clever! How cute! :lmao: It is clear your objective here is nothing more than to paint blacks as victims of the white man's law. :rolleyes:
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The Federal investigation will center on a possible civil rights violation/hate crime, likely under the Matthew Shepard/James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009.

The alleged racial epithet would be key to such an investigation.

The people who founded our nation were often mob-ish in action, but believed the system they set up would keep their not so better natures from running rough shod over the rights of individuals, and over the rule of law: Principles over personalities and emotions.

The rule of law and due process – with regard to both civil and criminal cases – ensures no civil liberties are violated in the ‘heat of the moment.’

So tell me, when a bunch of blacks in Nashville brutally raped a white teacher when they broke in her house to rob her, did it become a 'hate crime' when one of them said 'I'm not leaving until I get me some of that white pussy?' I guess that was a LUV crime!
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Pretty sickening that the President of the United States has latched onto this in order to try to gain public support and to stir up public outrage.

I'm not taking sides on Zimmerman being guilty or not guilty, but at this point I don't see how he can get a fair trial when the President has obviously taken sides and the Feds are working as his personal lynchmob with badges.
He answered a question posed to him by reporters. As did Santorum and Mittens, with basically the same answer.

I guess you won't support them either.

The difference is they aren't trying to benefit off a black kid's death.

Remember the motto of the Hussein administration is: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." - Rahm Emanuel.

All Obama sees is an opportunity, to stir up the black voters and get them to think he is on their side, even though he has done nothing for them as they still have the highest unemployment rate in decades.

Its right out of the community agitator playbook. Its the only thing Obama has since he cannot run on his own record of absolute failure.
The black always had the option of running, if not ignoring Zimmerman.

1. He did run away, and Zimmerman caught up to him again.

2. You just proved my point. How can the same FL law allow Zimmerman to chase after Martin and then use deadly force, but then require Martin to run away? You're completely ignoring Martin's rights.
So far, what we know for a fact is Trayvon Martin initiated a verbal confrontation.

There are quite a few more facts than that. Like Zimmerman being asked not to follow the kid and him lying saying he won't. So now it is a fact that Zimmerman is a liar.
I just listened to recordings of Zimmerman on the phone with 911. I do not hear him telling the operator that he will not pursue Martin.

I hear this:

911 Operator: Are you following him?

Zimmerman: Yeah.

911 Operator: OK. We don't need you to do that.

Zimmerman (delayed): OK.

I don't see that as Zimmerman telling the 911 operator that he will not pursue Martin.

Do you see now that Zimmerman did indeed chase after Martin, and that according to Zimmerman's own words Martin was trying to evade Zimmerman?
There are quite a few more facts than that. Like Zimmerman being asked not to follow the kid and him lying saying he won't. So now it is a fact that Zimmerman is a liar.
I just listened to recordings of Zimmerman on the phone with 911. I do not hear him telling the operator that he will not pursue Martin.

I hear this:

911 Operator: Are you following him?

Zimmerman: Yeah.

911 Operator: OK. We don't need you to do that.

Zimmerman (delayed): OK.

I don't see that as Zimmerman telling the 911 operator that he will not pursue Martin.

Do you see now that Zimmerman did indeed chase after Martin, and that according to Zimmerman's own words Martin was trying to evade Zimmerman?
Ummmm, yeah. I've known that for days.

Your point?

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