I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

Oh yeah, I dont see what the problem is with Sharpton bringing light to this. If he didnt it most likely would have not gone anywhere even tho everyone agrees this was handled badly.

But say Sharpton and some people black out and starts being against whatever it is. Just because Sharpton said or did something.

Sharpton soils anything he touches. You're right. He's an opportunist and everyone knows it. It didn't take him to do squat man.

If I remember correctly the story was reported and then Sharpton slicked his hair, put on a suit, and took off down there as soon as he heard it was a white guy involved.

Actually he took off when he heard how the police handled the situation but dont let that stop you from making up shit.

The guy lives to agitate. The best way to get people turned off is to have a huckster like him speak on behalf of your cause.

Uh, no...you believe he soils anything he touches but if it were not for him and others the story would have stayed local.

Ahh, so the old I dont care because...line. Either you care or you dont. Many people who dont care are holding Sharpton up as the reason for their feelings. Sharpton doesnt control your feelings, you do.

Sharpton has gotten this attention that wouldnt have been there if he didnt. What is wrong with spotlighting something that is wrong?

Sharpton does that and people are mad that he does it. How about no one put it on the national stage? Would that make it better?

No...only for you. Not the family
The problem was the police work. They didn't take a statement at the scene. They didn't take evidence. They let Zimmerman go. And this despite the fact a child was shot in the chest and killed.

Really, really bad police work.
Oh yeah, I dont see what the problem is with Sharpton bringing light to this. If he didnt it most likely would have not gone anywhere even tho everyone agrees this was handled badly.

But say Sharpton and some people black out and starts being against whatever it is. Just because Sharpton said or did something.

Sharpton soils anything he touches. You're right. He's an opportunist and everyone knows it. It didn't take him to do squat man.

If I remember correctly the story was reported and then Sharpton slicked his hair, put on a suit, and took off down there as soon as he heard it was a white guy involved. The guy lives to agitate. The best way to get people turned off is to have a huckster like him speak on behalf of your cause.

The family asked him to get involved.
The problem was the police work. They didn't take a statement at the scene. They didn't take evidence. They let Zimmerman go. And this despite the fact a child was shot in the chest and killed.

Really, really bad police work.

They let Zimmerman go? That is the general process if there is no evidence of a crime. You're making far too many assumptions - including the assumption of guilt. That is not our process. Trial by media is a very dangerous precedent to set... and yet you seem determined to support it.
Oh yeah, I dont see what the problem is with Sharpton bringing light to this. If he didnt it most likely would have not gone anywhere even tho everyone agrees this was handled badly.

But say Sharpton and some people black out and starts being against whatever it is. Just because Sharpton said or did something.

Sharpton soils anything he touches. You're right. He's an opportunist and everyone knows it. It didn't take him to do squat man.

If I remember correctly the story was reported and then Sharpton slicked his hair, put on a suit, and took off down there as soon as he heard it was a white guy involved.

Actually he took off when he heard how the police handled the situation but dont let that stop you from making up shit.

The guy lives to agitate. The best way to get people turned off is to have a huckster like him speak on behalf of your cause.

Uh, no...you believe he soils anything he touches but if it were not for him and others the story would have stayed local.

Ahh, so the old I dont care because...line. Either you care or you dont. Many people who dont care are holding Sharpton up as the reason for their feelings. Sharpton doesnt control your feelings, you do.

Sharpton has gotten this attention that wouldnt have been there if he didnt. What is wrong with spotlighting something that is wrong?

Sharpton does that and people are mad that he does it. How about no one put it on the national stage? Would that make it better?

No...only for you. Not the family

Al Sharpton had nothing to do with this going on national news, CC.

He had and has nothing to do with anything more than fanning the flames.
You're just blind to reality with your race-colored glasses on. Your worship of Sharpton is disappointing.
Sharpton soils anything he touches. You're right. He's an opportunist and everyone knows it. It didn't take him to do squat man.

If I remember correctly the story was reported and then Sharpton slicked his hair, put on a suit, and took off down there as soon as he heard it was a white guy involved.

Actually he took off when he heard how the police handled the situation but dont let that stop you from making up shit.

The guy lives to agitate. The best way to get people turned off is to have a huckster like him speak on behalf of your cause.

Uh, no...you believe he soils anything he touches but if it were not for him and others the story would have stayed local.

Ahh, so the old I dont care because...line. Either you care or you dont. Many people who dont care are holding Sharpton up as the reason for their feelings. Sharpton doesnt control your feelings, you do.

Sharpton has gotten this attention that wouldnt have been there if he didnt. What is wrong with spotlighting something that is wrong?

Sharpton does that and people are mad that he does it. How about no one put it on the national stage? Would that make it better?

No...only for you. Not the family

Al Sharpton had nothing to do with this going on national news, CC.

He had and has nothing to do with anything more than fanning the flames.
You're just blind to reality with your race-colored glasses on. Your worship of Sharpton is disappointing.

Fanning what flames...The flames of a dead kid? Your trolling use of the word worship is disappointing. Cant you have a serious discussion without making accusations?
Oh yeah, I dont see what the problem is with Sharpton bringing light to this. If he didnt it most likely would have not gone anywhere even tho everyone agrees this was handled badly.

But say Sharpton and some people black out and starts being against whatever it is. Just because Sharpton said or did something.

Sharpton soils anything he touches. You're right. He's an opportunist and everyone knows it. It didn't take him to do squat man.

If I remember correctly the story was reported and then Sharpton slicked his hair, put on a suit, and took off down there as soon as he heard it was a white guy involved. The guy lives to agitate. The best way to get people turned off is to have a huckster like him speak on behalf of your cause.

The family asked him to get involved.

That was a mistake then. All Sharpton does is turn people off.

It's a shame the family didn't think of that before calling the Huckster. Here comes a poorly written book about this tragedy from the people's champion, Al Sharpton. $19.95 at your local bookstore, coming soon.

The problem was the police work. They didn't take a statement at the scene. They didn't take evidence. They let Zimmerman go. And this despite the fact a child was shot in the chest and killed.

Really, really bad police work.

They let Zimmerman go? That is the general process if there is no evidence of a crime. You're making far too many assumptions - including the assumption of guilt. That is not our process. Trial by media is a very dangerous precedent to set... and yet you seem determined to support it.

Uh, why did they drug test the dead kid and not the shooter? Ever watched CSI? Can you at least say that that is a strange thing to do? Or are you rendered speechless until after a judge has banged his gavel?
The problem was the police work. They didn't take a statement at the scene. They didn't take evidence. They let Zimmerman go. And this despite the fact a child was shot in the chest and killed.

Really, really bad police work.

They let Zimmerman go? That is the general process if there is no evidence of a crime. You're making far too many assumptions - including the assumption of guilt. That is not our process. Trial by media is a very dangerous precedent to set... and yet you seem determined to support it.

Uh, why did they drug test the dead kid and not the shooter? Ever watched CSI? Can you at least say that that is a strange thing to do? Or are you rendered speechless until after a judge has banged his gavel?

You are aware that CSI is fiction, right? :lol:

It is SOP to drug test - that's police procedure. Nothing to do with anything other than process.
Actually he took off when he heard how the police handled the situation but dont let that stop you from making up shit.

Uh, no...you believe he soils anything he touches but if it were not for him and others the story would have stayed local.

Ahh, so the old I dont care because...line. Either you care or you dont. Many people who dont care are holding Sharpton up as the reason for their feelings. Sharpton doesnt control your feelings, you do.

Sharpton has gotten this attention that wouldnt have been there if he didnt. What is wrong with spotlighting something that is wrong?

Sharpton does that and people are mad that he does it. How about no one put it on the national stage? Would that make it better?

No...only for you. Not the family

Al Sharpton had nothing to do with this going on national news, CC.

He had and has nothing to do with anything more than fanning the flames.
You're just blind to reality with your race-colored glasses on. Your worship of Sharpton is disappointing.

Fanning what flames...The flames of a dead kid? Your trolling use of the word worship is disappointing. Cant you have a serious discussion without making accusations?
Would "praise" be a better word for you? The guy is a damn clown out to make a buck and get some tv face time off of someone else's misery.

You'll see.
The way people are politicizing this tragedy that never shouldve happened is sickening. With the evidence we as those on the outside looking in should, to any reasonable person, show you Zimmerman should at the very least be charged and put on trial. You've got Al Sharptongue out there leeching off the situation and a bunch of assholes trying to link this to the Stand Your Ground law in FL and bringing up the banning of guns. The guy obviously went after the kid and started the whole thing. I don't have any respect for these people trying to promote their pet causes piggy backing off the unnecessary death of a young man.

I feel for the family and believe that they are right in demanding he be charged and tried, I wouldn't blame them for wanting Zimmerman put to death. But these marching idiots making it a racial issue are nothing more than agitators. I can understand Trayvon's family, friends, neighbors protesting. But alot these people making speeches and marching and commenting on the news who don't know him are just out to promote their causes, they didn't know this young man, nor do they genuinely care about his death in general, and it shows when they turn it into a race issue.

I don't believe in hate crime legislation. Murder is murder, the reasoning for the murder should only count if it proves intent. As far as sentencing it should have no bearing. No life is worth more than another. So let's knock off the bullshit and just let what happens happen. If Zimmerman faces trial, as I believe he should, it shouldnt be because of marches, tv comments, and peoples feelings.

It should be because of the evidence.

Alright.... Done ranting. I had to get that off my chest. Spent a good hour arguing with my father over this this morning.

As far as I'm concerned, if Sharpton is involved, Zimmerman should get off just on principle. Sharpton never did apologize for what he did to the Duke Lacross players.

Seriously, I haven't followed this case very closely so I don't know if Zimmerman is guilty or not, but with Sharpton defending Travon Martin, and me not knowing all the facts, I have to side with Zimmerman.

The blacks should get rid of that guy if they want to be taken seriously.
the slippery slope. the fact that I feel you are being irrational about an incident that is far removed from our pathetic little lives...but an incident that goes to how we view each other as human beings...

jesus christ, don't you see what is happening...how people are transforming themselves into warriors for right vs wrong? shit, what is happening here is the American version of what we criticize in the extremist Muslim world

some of us have become ideological purists who would hang another human being because we perceive him as representing evil

George Zimmerman is NOT evil. He is a poor sucker caught up in a whirlwind of societal retribution
It may be far removed from your pathetic little life, but many in florida would like the ability to walk around with out being followed and killed with impunity because of a bad law.

Ravi the law does not protect what this zimmerman guy did, how is it a bad law?

People claiming the law protects this do not understand the law itself. Or they are intentionally misrepresenting it to use this tragedy as a vehicle to attack the law, which had nothing to do with zimmerman murdering the kid and doesn't protect zimmerman.

In fact there is language in this law that specifically says what zimmerman did isn't protected.
Because it's subjective. A reasonable fear is different for different people. If for instance, Mitt Romney walked into JoeB's airspace, JoeB would feel a reasonable fear of Romney as he is terrified of mormons. That's a joke, but close enough to the truth of the matter.
I add this to the list of terrible things that we humans do to each other...This poor kid should be alive. But, all the hollering and childish tantrums being thrown on this issue by blacks are counter productive. I think most whites and certainly the media are overly sensitive to events like this... If this had this been a white kid murdered by blacks, it would be ignored and downplayed. Any one here doubt that for a second? Whites get victimized by blacks all the time. I can speak from personal experience. What about that high black crime rate? What about black crime against whites? They can construed as racial /hate crimes. But that rarely happens. If we are going to be realistic here, everyone everywhere should be an activist to stop any hate crimes, not just blacks. But there is only concern when it happens to a black person, but blacks should be just as pissed off when innocent whites are killed by a black person. Then we might a have solidarity on this issue.
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The way people are politicizing this tragedy that never shouldve happened is sickening. With the evidence we as those on the outside looking in should, to any reasonable person, show you Zimmerman should at the very least be charged and put on trial. You've got Al Sharptongue out there leeching off the situation and a bunch of assholes trying to link this to the Stand Your Ground law in FL and bringing up the banning of guns. The guy obviously went after the kid and started the whole thing. I don't have any respect for these people trying to promote their pet causes piggy backing off the unnecessary death of a young man.

I feel for the family and believe that they are right in demanding he be charged and tried, I wouldn't blame them for wanting Zimmerman put to death. But these marching idiots making it a racial issue are nothing more than agitators. I can understand Trayvon's family, friends, neighbors protesting. But alot these people making speeches and marching and commenting on the news who don't know him are just out to promote their causes, they didn't know this young man, nor do they genuinely care about his death in general, and it shows when they turn it into a race issue.

I don't believe in hate crime legislation. Murder is murder, the reasoning for the murder should only count if it proves intent. As far as sentencing it should have no bearing. No life is worth more than another. So let's knock off the bullshit and just let what happens happen. If Zimmerman faces trial, as I believe he should, it shouldnt be because of marches, tv comments, and peoples feelings.

It should be because of the evidence.

Alright.... Done ranting. I had to get that off my chest. Spent a good hour arguing with my father over this this morning.

As far as I'm concerned, if Sharpton is involved, Zimmerman should get off just on principle. Sharpton never did apologize for what he did to the Duke Lacross players.

Seriously, I haven't followed this case very closely so I don't know if Zimmerman is guilty or not, but with Sharpton defending Travon Martin, and me not knowing all the facts, I have to side with Zimmerman.

The blacks should get rid of that guy if they want to be taken seriously.

Sharpton does this to people as I said. However Sharpton being involved shouldn't have any bearing on this case. There is enough evidence to bring Zimmerman up on charges. Since I wasn't there I don't know any more than the next guy, but what I know is damning of Zimmerman.

Read up on the case, you won't be on his side with all the circumstantial evidence along with the fact he isn't denying he shot him. Unless of course you just hate black folks, which I'm not claiming or trying to insinuate, don't get me wrong.

Reading up on Trayvon, he had never been arrested(ofcourse he is a minor so the courts can't confirm, but I'll take his fathers word for it), devoted a lot of time to community service alongside his father. Things just don't add up.
Zimmerman had wounds on his head and grass stains on his back, according to the report by the cops first on the scene. Are you saying there is evidence that he got them some other way other than Martin? By someone else who may have been there? Self-inflicted?

Zimmerman can legally pursue anyone he wants for any reason, unless there is a court ordering him not to do so. So, he was legally in that area for legal reasons, unless you have some law to indicate otherwise.

Finally, you can SAY that the statute does not apply to him, but I am not seeing the part of the statute that says that. Where in the statute does it say this cannot apply to someone who follows another? And, where in the statute does it say that this cannot apply to someone who 'starts it'?

I may agree with your words as it pertains to my personal beleifs, but the law is what matters here, not my personal opinion of what the law should mean.

So, if you could, that would be great.

And the law, as i have already shown, does not protect him at all. The 911 call backs up what I am saying perfectly.

He was instructed to not intiate a confontation and did anyway, by intiating a confrontation with the other person he lost all protection under the law according to the language of the law. This law is worded to protect those defending themselves, not to protect those initiating a situation.
Where have you shown where the law doesn't apply? That's what I am asking.

The 9/11 call doesn't back that up at all, either. What the 9/11 operator says is not legally binding. Show me the law that says it is, please.

Show me where in the law that it says someone who initiates this is no longer covered.

Show me the law, please.
It isn't binding, but it does show that he wasn't acting from a fear of Martin, but rather for some other reason, notably, not letting the assholes get away (based on what he said on tape during the 911 call). That is perhaps what PP is trying to say.
I add this to the list of terrible things that we humans do to each other...This poor kid should be alive. But, all the hollering and childish tantrums being thrown on this issue by blacks are counter productive. I think most whites and certainly the media are overly sensitive to events like this... If this had this been a white kid murdered by blacks, it would be ignored and downplayed. Any one here doubt that for a second? Whites get victimized by blacks all the time. I can speak from personal experience. What about that high black crime rate? What about black crime against whites. They can construed as racial /hate crimes. But that rarely happens. If we are going to be realistic here, everyone everywhere should be an activist to stop any hate crimes, not just blacks. But there is only concern when it happens to a black person., but blacks should be just as pissed off when innocent whites are killed by a black person. Then we might a have solidarity on this issue.
Family Of Tulsa Couple Victimized In Home Invasion Speak Out - NewsOn6.com - Tulsa, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports - KOTV.com |
An 85 year old woman was raped and killed and her husband severely beaten by a young black man in Tulsa around the time this happened. No Al Sharpton for the elderly white victims, I wonder why that is? No rally, no national news coverage, nothing. Just as horrible of a tragedy. 65 years of marriage, this old man is going to have to deal with losing his soulmate and he'll probably die from it.

You're right. Until the media stops with the hypocrisy we'll never get past this stuff.
Si what does that even mean? I can grab my 9 MM and start chasing people down in the street I deem suspicious? I thought the only people allowed to "pursue" others were police or other law enforcement types.
I'm pretty sure I can legally follow anyone I want to follow. I've done it as a matter of fact. I've even hired a PI to do it.

Whether I have a gun on me or not when I do it doesn't matter, unless I don't have a permit.

And, IF the law - that's an IF, because I haven't seen any law quoted that says so - says that I can only defend myself with deadly force if I don't instigate something, then that law is bad as well. For example, if I simply shove someone for some reason - accidentally or just because I think the person is ugly - and then they attack me and attack me hard, that would mean I cannot use deadly force to defend myself. I would be a goner.

The law is bad. It needs to go.

But I thought stalking laws were made to prevent that? what If I lose my mind and start following a woman home from the bar because she won't talk to me? I thought there were laws agains that?:confused:

Stalking is different than following someone. Stalking is more than one time. Stalking involves harrasment and events that put someone in fear. JUst following someone is not stalking. There has to be documented unwarranted contact directly threatening to someone for it to fit the legal definition of stalking. The legal definition involves motive where there is an inventiveness, a persistence of many times, an obsessive nature that was pre-planned and thought about before the event.
Zimmerman never knew this kid before he saw him so this is not stalking.
Not condoning what he did in any way if there was no attack from the kid.
Pretty sickening that the President of the United States has latched onto this in order to try to gain public support and to stir up public outrage.

I'm not taking sides on Zimmerman being guilty or not guilty, but at this point I don't see how he can get a fair trial when the President has obviously taken sides and the Feds are working as his personal lynchmob with badges.
He answered a question posed to him by reporters. As did Santorum and Mittens, with basically the same answer.

I guess you won't support them either.

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