I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

But I thought stalking laws were made to prevent that? what If I lose my mind and start following a woman home from the bar because she won't talk to me? I thought there were laws agains that?:confused:
Sure, stalking laws prevent that. But stalking is a long pattern, not a single action.

And, charges have to be pressed for a stalking law to apply.

You can follow a woman home from a bar. No law prevents you from doing that. She can call the cops and report you as suspicious and I'm sure they will talk to you and ask you to move on. If you don't, then you have a problem.

If you follow her as a habit, then she can probably seek remedy under stalking laws.

Hmm so you are only allowed to follow someone until they call the cops and report you?
Pretty much. That's my understanding.

I have been involved in a nasty legal situation (not criminal and only because of an association of mine) where I WAS followed and followed regularly. I finally noticed it when my fiancee pointed it out. He and I have close association with the local cops (on the citizen advisory council) and we asked about it. The dop said that there is no law to prevent them from following me, BUT, they said that IF I were creeped out about it, I can call 9/11 and tell them that some suspicious person (or vehicle) is following me. They will come and have a talk with the person and likely ask them to move along. This was all presented in a hypothetical, of course.

And, once the person refuses to follow the order of a LEO, then they are violating the law.

And, that's just what I did. It took one time, then the following stopped, until they hired a PI. Same thing. But, the PI has more rights to refuse to cease following, if they are licensed. That sucked.

Thanks but that wasn't quite it. The article I read said he had very close family members who were black. I took it at the time I read it to mean "related by blood", that article doesn't say that.

Still, it pretty much points to Zimmerman as not being white at all.

He's not white, he doesn't look white in his pics at least.

What will CNN & NBC do if it turns out he's not White. Their shameful Race-Baiting is now 24/7 programming for them. It's their Rodney King Redux. If he does turn out not to be White, they're screwed. Their regular programming is an abomination. They desperately need this farce to last longer. And that's just very sad.
Thanks but that wasn't quite it. The article I read said he had very close family members who were black. I took it at the time I read it to mean "related by blood", that article doesn't say that.

Still, it pretty much points to Zimmerman as not being white at all.

He's not white, he doesn't look white in his pics at least.

What will CNN & NBC do if it turns out he's not White. Their shameful Race-Baiting is now 24/7 programming for them. It's their Rodney King Redux. If he does turn out not to be White, they're screwed. Their regular programming is an abomination. They desperately need this farce to last longer. And that's just very sad.

I guarantee you that they will shift the racism prism that they view the world through to the police department instead. In fact you don't hear the family calling him white anymore. It's now about the supposed racism of the Sanford Police Department. Even the black officers apparently.
Thanks but that wasn't quite it. The article I read said he had very close family members who were black. I took it at the time I read it to mean "related by blood", that article doesn't say that.

Still, it pretty much points to Zimmerman as not being white at all.

He's not white, he doesn't look white in his pics at least.

What will CNN & NBC do if it turns out he's not White. Their shameful Race-Baiting is now 24/7 programming for them. It's their Rodney King Redux. If he does turn out not to be White, they're screwed. Their regular programming is an abomination. They desperately need this farce to last longer. And that's just very sad.

I don't really care about Zimmermans race to be honest.
i dont understand why this "story" is so goddamn important. people die all the time...shit happens. this is not special.

Shit happens? A kid is dead and it appears - certainly on the face of it - that little, if any, investigation took place as to why he is dead... you don't have to be a parent to understand why this is not 'shit happens'. Your comment was pathetic.

The police report stated that the back of Zimmerman's shirt was wet and had grass stains. He (Zimmerman) was treated by the EMT's at the scene for a bloody nose and a laceration on the back of his head. He was also cuffed and relieved of his gun. Then taken downtown for further questioning.

My take is Zimmerman was attacked by Martin, knocked on his ass by this football playing 17 year old, and retaliated by shooting him.
He's not white, he doesn't look white in his pics at least.

What will CNN & NBC do if it turns out he's not White. Their shameful Race-Baiting is now 24/7 programming for them. It's their Rodney King Redux. If he does turn out not to be White, they're screwed. Their regular programming is an abomination. They desperately need this farce to last longer. And that's just very sad.

I guarantee you that they will shift the racism prism that they view the world through to the police department instead. In fact you don't hear the family calling him white anymore. It's now about the supposed racism of the Sanford Police Department. Even the black officers apparently.

Yeah, sadly that is very predictable. CNN & NBC are shameful Race-Baiting assholes. They need this farce to continue. Shame on them.
He's not white, he doesn't look white in his pics at least.

What will CNN & NBC do if it turns out he's not White. Their shameful Race-Baiting is now 24/7 programming for them. It's their Rodney King Redux. If he does turn out not to be White, they're screwed. Their regular programming is an abomination. They desperately need this farce to last longer. And that's just very sad.

I don't really care about Zimmermans race to be honest.

I hear ya. I feel the same way.
The favorite chant of blacks:

"No justice, no peace."

They don't want justice here, and if they don't get injustice, they're promising violence.

I agree with you. Whenever the left (I was part of an original group of OCCUPY before it went berzerk - one month :lol:) calls for social or any other justice, my eyes glaze over. Even when I agree with them.
:lol: (I am glad someone sees the same thing I do.)
Yeah, I had that half-second debate with myself as to whether I was the crazy one in this equation or not.

The voices in my head assured me that I'm sane, so we're good. :D

And I STILL believe a Grand Jury presentment is the correct course of action. VARIOUS "witnesses", various conclusions.

no harm in a grand jury, except when an investigator is on a witch hunt. Grand juries are notorious for delivering indictments that later pan out to be horrible, but that's our system. It's open to abuse like everything else is.

that said, I fear the Justice Department here more than my peers (I distrust my peers) on a grand jury, even one being manipulated by an overzealous inestigator
Yeah, I had that half-second debate with myself as to whether I was the crazy one in this equation or not.

The voices in my head assured me that I'm sane, so we're good. :D

And I STILL believe a Grand Jury presentment is the correct course of action. VARIOUS "witnesses", various conclusions.

no harm in a grand jury, except when an investigator is on a witch hunt. Grand juries are notorious for delivering indictments that later pan out to be horrible, but that's our system. It's open to abuse like everything else is.

that said, I fear the Justice Department here more than my peers (I distrust my peers) on a grand jury, even one being manipulated by an overzealous inestigator

The SA will be from the 4th Circuit (Duval, Clay and Nassau counties); the actual SA for the 18th Circuit removed himself from the case Wednesday.

Trayvon Martin Case: State Attorney Quits Investigation As State Studies 'Stand Your Ground' Law
What will CNN & NBC do if it turns out he's not White. Their shameful Race-Baiting is now 24/7 programming for them. It's their Rodney King Redux. If he does turn out not to be White, they're screwed. Their regular programming is an abomination. They desperately need this farce to last longer. And that's just very sad.

I don't really care about Zimmermans race to be honest.

I hear ya. I feel the same way.
All WE need care about is another HUMAN lost his life. Let the State figure it out sans this Racial yaksqueeze.
Yeah. And if I kill her because she's black, the law defines it as a hate crime. According to LockeJaw, those things shouldn't matter.
I said in terms of SENTENCING. If it involves things like dismemberment, for example, that is where the heavier sentencing should come in. I'm saying race should only be relevant as far as evidence of intent.

Yeah, I get it. A white man who kills a black man because the black man slept with his wife should get the same sentence as a white man who kills a black man because he hates all blacks and wants to terrorize every single one of them.

Yeah pretty much. Im black by the way.:D
They might have a hard time finding a judge. If he doesn't find Zimmerman guilty, he could be responsible for nationwide riots. No matter what the evidence is.

So far, it doesn't look the best for Trayvon Martin.

That jibes with what Cheryl Brown's teenage son witnessed while walking his dog that night. Thirteen-year-old Austin stepped out his front door and heard people fighting, he told the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday.

"I heard screaming and crying for help," he said. "I heard, 'Help me.' "

It was dark, and the boy did not see how the fight started, in fact, he only saw one person, a man in a red shirt — Zimmerman — who was on the ground.

The boy said he is not sure who called for help. After a moment, his dog escaped, and he turned to catch it and a few seconds later heard a gunshot, he said.

"When I heard the shot, the screaming stopped," he said.

He then rushed inside and told his sister to call police.

In his letter, Robert Zimmerman wrote that what happened that night was "tragic … and very sad for all concerned. The Martin family, our family and the entire community have been forever changed."

George Zimmerman has not talked publicly about what happened, his father said, because that's the advice police gave him. Both Zimmerman families have moved out of their homes, at least temporarily, Robert Zimmerman said, because they've received death threats.

Police on Tuesday turned the case over to the State Attorney's Office, saying they did not have evidence to justify George Zimmerman's arrest on a charge of manslaughter.

Cut on the back of the head, bloody broken nose, it sure looks like it's building towards self-defense.
Apparently so. More should notice.

More should value the process.

This shit is scary. Cons, libs, progressives, all get nutso where race is concerned. People forget process.

I want to start a fund for George even if he is a racist fuck. Which I don't believe.

I'm ashamed to be a member of the human race today. :eusa_shifty:

George is a murderer. I can't believe this is how you see things. He was a right wing extremist with guns and racism.

Now, on the other hand, I also agree with Geraldo and Fox that black people need to stop dressing like criminals. If the kid was dressed in dockers and a polo shirt, he would not have gotten shot. Kids, and that goes for you Wiggers too, stop dressing like gangstas. If George would have shot a kid wearing polo and pants that don't show his underwear, he'd be in jail. Dress appropriately. You aren't impressing any of us. But you are scaring the shit out of some of us.

Again, George should go to jail for stalking and chasing that kid and murdering him in cold blood.

Read the police report and then apologize for being a racist prick.
Pretty sickening that the President of the United States has latched onto this in order to try to gain public support and to stir up public outrage.

I'm not taking sides on Zimmerman being guilty or not guilty, but at this point I don't see how he can get a fair trial when the President has obviously taken sides and the Feds are working as his personal lynchmob with badges.
I know this how the police took his story at face value
I know this how and armed civilian who just killed a kid was never brought in for questioning
I know this how Zimmerman was allowed to leave the scene with the murder weapon
I know this how the guy was never clearly established as part of a neighborhood watch or involved in a formal patrol at the time

If not for the family raising a stink......nothing would have been done. Given the delay, nothing will probably get done

I heard they gave the Victim a drug and alcohol test and not the shooter. :confused: Yeah, it's Sharptons fault for bringing light to this issue. How is this a bad thing? I dunno...People say Sharpton and turn on the auto-hate feature in their brains

You heard :rolleyes:

Well.. that's all the proof I need :rolleyes:

What are you mad about?

zimmerman never drug tested - Google Search

Pick a link and you'll see the they did drug test Trevons dead body but not Zimmerman. You guys seem mad for no reason :confused:
Oh yeah, I dont see what the problem is with Sharpton bringing light to this. If he didnt it most likely would have not gone anywhere even tho everyone agrees this was handled badly.

But say Sharpton and some people black out and starts being against whatever it is. Just because Sharpton said or did something.
Oh yeah, I dont see what the problem is with Sharpton bringing light to this. If he didnt it most likely would have not gone anywhere even tho everyone agrees this was handled badly.

But say Sharpton and some people black out and starts being against whatever it is. Just because Sharpton said or did something.

Complete garbage. I live in Orlando, which is 5 miles south of Sanford. This has been boiling over down here since it happened. Sharpton only got involved when it broke national news.
Oh yeah, I dont see what the problem is with Sharpton bringing light to this. If he didnt it most likely would have not gone anywhere even tho everyone agrees this was handled badly.

But say Sharpton and some people black out and starts being against whatever it is. Just because Sharpton said or did something.

Complete garbage. I live in Orlando, which is 5 miles south of Sanford. This has been boiling over down here since it happened. Sharpton only got involved when it broke national news.


BTW...how does that dispute anything I said? :confused: (Garbage?!)
Oh yeah, I dont see what the problem is with Sharpton bringing light to this. If he didnt it most likely would have not gone anywhere even tho everyone agrees this was handled badly.

But say Sharpton and some people black out and starts being against whatever it is. Just because Sharpton said or did something.

Sharpton soils anything he touches. You're right. He's an opportunist and everyone knows it. It didn't take him to do squat man.

If I remember correctly the story was reported and then Sharpton slicked his hair, put on a suit, and took off down there as soon as he heard it was a white guy involved. The guy lives to agitate. The best way to get people turned off is to have a huckster like him speak on behalf of your cause.

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