I Feel Sorry For Democrats

By the way, thanks for the votes. People look at bedwetters like you and don't want to be associated with anything you have to do with.

I think you're grossly underestimating just how powerful a motivator fear can be. If these attacks continue that is exactly the kind of unique environment that could usher someone like Donald Trump into the White House.
Our government goodies don't come from FICA, State taxes, City taxes and so on. Nearly your entire social program system is out of federal income taxes, just like our military is from federal income taxes, and roads, and bridges and.......

And you're wrong about one-third. Nearly half of Americans pay no federal income taxes. In essence, one half of our country is supporting the other half. Yet when you complain about who's paying what, you want the half that is paying to pay even more.
I said 1/3 don't work, therefore, don't pay income taxes. That's not wrong. I said nothing about the total number of people paying no federal taxes. Who do you expect to pay income taxes if not those earning money?

The conversation is about the 49% of all American earners who pay no federal personal income tax (as opposed to the top 25% who carry 86% of that tax load).

I believe you to be bright enough to know that figure does not include non-filers - the 2/3 of Americans who don't work, so I'm forced to conclude you are trying to fudge the facts and derail the discussion.

Faun has fudged the issue a bit. It isn't that half of all Americans pay no federal income tax but rather that 49% of all earners - those filing tax returns - pay none.
I said 1/3 of Americans don't work, and therefore, pay no taxes. What part of that do you imagine is fudged?

Actually over 2/3 of all Americans don't work but again you attempt to fudge the topic.

The discussion, as you well know, was about just those who work, file tax returns, and pay no federal personal income tax. As Ray correctly noted, nearly half of all filers pay no fed income tax.

None ... Zilch ... Nada ... while "the rich" - the top 25% of filers - carry 86% of the load.

So what would satisfy you?


First, it was Ray who said half of Americans don't pay taxes. Secondly, with 100 million not working out of a civilian noninstitutional population of 250 million is 40%. Thirdly, while the top 50% of income workers pay 97%, they don't pay all of the taxes. Fourthly, who should pay the bulk of the taxes if not the highest wage earners? Fifthly, the answer to your question is about 96%.

Actually it's more like 47% of wage earners in this country pay no income tax. Add in all the people not working, it's certainly much, much more.
Why did Republicans slash taxes on the 47% so they paid nothing?

So they could get bigger cuts for billionaires

Why don't you explain to us how Hillary is able to spend $1.7 Billion dollars on her campaign from her Wall Street donors?
I said 1/3 don't work, therefore, don't pay income taxes. That's not wrong. I said nothing about the total number of people paying no federal taxes. Who do you expect to pay income taxes if not those earning money?

The conversation is about the 49% of all American earners who pay no federal personal income tax (as opposed to the top 25% who carry 86% of that tax load).

I believe you to be bright enough to know that figure does not include non-filers - the 2/3 of Americans who don't work, so I'm forced to conclude you are trying to fudge the facts and derail the discussion.

I said 1/3 of Americans don't work, and therefore, pay no taxes. What part of that do you imagine is fudged?

Actually over 2/3 of all Americans don't work but again you attempt to fudge the topic.

The discussion, as you well know, was about just those who work, file tax returns, and pay no federal personal income tax. As Ray correctly noted, nearly half of all filers pay no fed income tax.

None ... Zilch ... Nada ... while "the rich" - the top 25% of filers - carry 86% of the load.

So what would satisfy you?


First, it was Ray who said half of Americans don't pay taxes. Secondly, with 100 million not working out of a civilian noninstitutional population of 250 million is 40%. Thirdly, while the top 50% of income workers pay 97%, they don't pay all of the taxes. Fourthly, who should pay the bulk of the taxes if not the highest wage earners? Fifthly, the answer to your question is about 96%.

Actually it's more like 47% of wage earners in this country pay no income tax. Add in all the people not working, it's certainly much, much more.
Why did Republicans slash taxes on the 47% so they paid nothing?

So they could get bigger cuts for billionaires

Why don't you explain to us how Hillary is able to spend $1.7 Billion dollars on her campaign from her Wall Street donors?
I don't know....what did Romney spend in 2012?
By the way, thanks for the votes. People look at bedwetters like you and don't want to be associated with anything you have to do with.

I think you're grossly underestimating just how powerful a motivator fear can be. If these attacks continue that is exactly the kind of unique environment that could usher someone like Donald Trump into the White House.

Yes, we Conservatives are well aware of it. Voters always choose a Republican in matters of national defense.
The conversation is about the 49% of all American earners who pay no federal personal income tax (as opposed to the top 25% who carry 86% of that tax load).

I believe you to be bright enough to know that figure does not include non-filers - the 2/3 of Americans who don't work, so I'm forced to conclude you are trying to fudge the facts and derail the discussion.

Actually over 2/3 of all Americans don't work but again you attempt to fudge the topic.

The discussion, as you well know, was about just those who work, file tax returns, and pay no federal personal income tax. As Ray correctly noted, nearly half of all filers pay no fed income tax.

None ... Zilch ... Nada ... while "the rich" - the top 25% of filers - carry 86% of the load.

So what would satisfy you?


First, it was Ray who said half of Americans don't pay taxes. Secondly, with 100 million not working out of a civilian noninstitutional population of 250 million is 40%. Thirdly, while the top 50% of income workers pay 97%, they don't pay all of the taxes. Fourthly, who should pay the bulk of the taxes if not the highest wage earners? Fifthly, the answer to your question is about 96%.

Actually it's more like 47% of wage earners in this country pay no income tax. Add in all the people not working, it's certainly much, much more.
Why did Republicans slash taxes on the 47% so they paid nothing?

So they could get bigger cuts for billionaires

Why don't you explain to us how Hillary is able to spend $1.7 Billion dollars on her campaign from her Wall Street donors?
I don't know....what did Romney spend in 2012?

I don't really care. Romney is not currently in a race for the Presidency. Neither is George Bush, U S Grant, JFK, George Washington, FDR, Bill Clinton, Obama, Carter, etc. Hillary is running though.
I said 1/3 don't work, therefore, don't pay income taxes. That's not wrong. I said nothing about the total number of people paying no federal taxes. Who do you expect to pay income taxes if not those earning money?

The conversation is about the 49% of all American earners who pay no federal personal income tax (as opposed to the top 25% who carry 86% of that tax load).

I believe you to be bright enough to know that figure does not include non-filers - the 2/3 of Americans who don't work, so I'm forced to conclude you are trying to fudge the facts and derail the discussion.

I said 1/3 of Americans don't work, and therefore, pay no taxes. What part of that do you imagine is fudged?

Actually over 2/3 of all Americans don't work but again you attempt to fudge the topic.

The discussion, as you well know, was about just those who work, file tax returns, and pay no federal personal income tax. As Ray correctly noted, nearly half of all filers pay no fed income tax.

None ... Zilch ... Nada ... while "the rich" - the top 25% of filers - carry 86% of the load.

So what would satisfy you?


First, it was Ray who said half of Americans don't pay taxes. Secondly, with 100 million not working out of a civilian noninstitutional population of 250 million is 40%. Thirdly, while the top 50% of income workers pay 97%, they don't pay all of the taxes. Fourthly, who should pay the bulk of the taxes if not the highest wage earners? Fifthly, the answer to your question is about 96%.

Actually it's more like 47% of wage earners in this country pay no income tax. Add in all the people not working, it's certainly much, much more.
Why did Republicans slash taxes on the 47% so they paid nothing?

So they could get bigger cuts for billionaires

Why don't you explain to us how Hillary is able to spend $1.7 Billion dollars on her campaign from her Wall Street donors?

soft money ... you need to get out more.

you don't care what Willard spent, but you care what Clinton spent.

you partisan hack.
The conversation is about the 49% of all American earners who pay no federal personal income tax (as opposed to the top 25% who carry 86% of that tax load).

I believe you to be bright enough to know that figure does not include non-filers - the 2/3 of Americans who don't work, so I'm forced to conclude you are trying to fudge the facts and derail the discussion.

Actually over 2/3 of all Americans don't work but again you attempt to fudge the topic.

The discussion, as you well know, was about just those who work, file tax returns, and pay no federal personal income tax. As Ray correctly noted, nearly half of all filers pay no fed income tax.

None ... Zilch ... Nada ... while "the rich" - the top 25% of filers - carry 86% of the load.

So what would satisfy you?


First, it was Ray who said half of Americans don't pay taxes. Secondly, with 100 million not working out of a civilian noninstitutional population of 250 million is 40%. Thirdly, while the top 50% of income workers pay 97%, they don't pay all of the taxes. Fourthly, who should pay the bulk of the taxes if not the highest wage earners? Fifthly, the answer to your question is about 96%.

Actually it's more like 47% of wage earners in this country pay no income tax. Add in all the people not working, it's certainly much, much more.
Why did Republicans slash taxes on the 47% so they paid nothing?

So they could get bigger cuts for billionaires

Why don't you explain to us how Hillary is able to spend $1.7 Billion dollars on her campaign from her Wall Street donors?

soft money ... you need to get out more.

you don't care what Willard spent, but you care what Clinton spent.

you partisan hack.

Exactly. The past is prologue. I live in the year 2015 you stupid idiot.
By the way, thanks for the votes. People look at bedwetters like you and don't want to be associated with anything you have to do with.

I think you're grossly underestimating just how powerful a motivator fear can be. If these attacks continue that is exactly the kind of unique environment that could usher someone like Donald Trump into the White House.

Yes, we Conservatives are well aware of it. Voters always choose a Republican in matters of national defense.
They elected FDR four times
Here's Ted Cruz's tax plan. Unlike Hillary, he actually has his tax plan posted for all to see on his web site. A family of four pays zero on a $36,000.00 income, the Earned Income Credit is intact. The thing is a win for everyone and create some 4.5 million jobs.

The Simple Flat Tax Plan | Cruz for President
CBO rates the Cruz plan as losing $1 trillion

Jobs are a fantasy

By the way, thanks for the votes. People look at bedwetters like you and don't want to be associated with anything you have to do with.

I think you're grossly underestimating just how powerful a motivator fear can be. If these attacks continue that is exactly the kind of unique environment that could usher someone like Donald Trump into the White House.

Yes, we Conservatives are well aware of it. Voters always choose a Republican in matters of national defense.
They elected FDR four times

Is FDR running for President again? Cheeze!!
Here's Ted Cruz's tax plan. Unlike Hillary, he actually has his tax plan posted for all to see on his web site. A family of four pays zero on a $36,000.00 income, the Earned Income Credit is intact. The thing is a win for everyone and create some 4.5 million jobs.

The Simple Flat Tax Plan | Cruz for President
CBO rates the Cruz plan as losing $1 trillion

Jobs are a fantasy

Put it up here. While you're at it put Hillary's tax plan up here - not her talking points but her actual tax plan.
By the way, thanks for the votes. People look at bedwetters like you and don't want to be associated with anything you have to do with.

I think you're grossly underestimating just how powerful a motivator fear can be. If these attacks continue that is exactly the kind of unique environment that could usher someone like Donald Trump into the White House.

Yes, we Conservatives are well aware of it. Voters always choose a Republican in matters of national defense.
They elected FDR four times

Is FDR running for President again? Cheeze!!
Didn't you just say voters always choose a Republican in matters of national defense?
By the way, thanks for the votes. People look at bedwetters like you and don't want to be associated with anything you have to do with.

I think you're grossly underestimating just how powerful a motivator fear can be. If these attacks continue that is exactly the kind of unique environment that could usher someone like Donald Trump into the White House.

Yes, we Conservatives are well aware of it. Voters always choose a Republican in matters of national defense.
They elected FDR four times

Is FDR running for President again? Cheeze!!
Didn't you just say voters always choose a Republican in matters of national defense?

They will. Your candidates are certainly not Commander-in-Chief material.
I think you're grossly underestimating just how powerful a motivator fear can be. If these attacks continue that is exactly the kind of unique environment that could usher someone like Donald Trump into the White House.

Yes, we Conservatives are well aware of it. Voters always choose a Republican in matters of national defense.
They elected FDR four times

Is FDR running for President again? Cheeze!!
Didn't you just say voters always choose a Republican in matters of national defense?

They will. Your candidates are certainly not Commander-in-Chief material.

Trump and Carson?
Commander in Chief material?

Be serious...even you can't honestly believe that
Yes, we Conservatives are well aware of it. Voters always choose a Republican in matters of national defense.
They elected FDR four times

Is FDR running for President again? Cheeze!!
Didn't you just say voters always choose a Republican in matters of national defense?

They will. Your candidates are certainly not Commander-in-Chief material.

Trump and Carson?
Commander in Chief material?

Be serious...even you can't honestly believe that

Neither could possibly perform any worse than what we now have.
They elected FDR four times

Is FDR running for President again? Cheeze!!
Didn't you just say voters always choose a Republican in matters of national defense?

They will. Your candidates are certainly not Commander-in-Chief material.

Trump and Carson?
Commander in Chief material?

Be serious...even you can't honestly believe that

Neither could possibly perform any worse than what we now have.
In all honesty.....Republicans have some legitimate candidates who could handle Commander in Chief.......Bush, Christie, Kasich,

But hearing the responses from Trump and Carson about Paris last week was just scary. Even more scary is that there are Americans who would put them in charge
"I Read the Daily Intelligence Reports and ISIS is Not "Contained," It's Expanding"-Dianne Feinstein
I don't recall if any candidate has put forward a plan for a national sales tax which would make a lot of sense. Ted Cruz has posted on his web site his plan for a 10% flat tax which makes good sense and would result in practically gutting the corrupt IRS. His flat tax would let everyone above a set income level have skin in the game.
It's moronic ideas like that which is why Cruz will never be president of the United States. Such a foolish tax plan would produce about $1.5 trillion in revenue -- not even enough to cover current expenditures for military, non-discretionary items, and debt service. Even worse for such an idiotic plan ... is that we currently spend about $3.5 trillion per year, meaning Cruz will immediately skyrocket the national budget deficit to around $2 trillion.

More evidence that rightards shriek before they think. :rolleyes:

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