I Feel Sorry For Democrats

I do. I really do feel sorry for Democrats. The last couple of days have been devastating to the Democrat Party. On Saturday night, their candidates came off silly, inept, and without substance in their national debate, which only drew a viewership of 8.5 million. Although the debate was geared toward ISIS and the Paris attacks, none of the Democrat candidates came off as being a viable candidate for Commander-in-Chief.

France, today launched an attack upon the very stronghold of ISIS, something our impotent President has either failed or refused to do. Russia's Putin is in Syria alongside Iran's military shoring up the Assad regime which our President spent millions of our tax dollars trying to oust.

Coupled with the Democrat candidates' failures to offer the American voter anything other than job killing policies and the same old boogeymen they trot out at every election and the total lack of a candidate that exhibits any real qualities of leadership as required and becoming of an aspirant to hold authority over the world's most powerful military, I see the American people turning yet again to a Republican President to put a final end to ISIS. The American people have done it before and will do it again.

There is more to being President than tax and spend.

Oh, by the way. I really DON'T feel sorry for the Democrats. I lied.

Don't give in to that impulse…they don't feel sorry for you…they want to crush you…..
Either one of them is far better than your two leading candidates. At least they have more going for them than tax and spend.

Hillary is beatable in 2016 by the right Republican with a moderate platform

This may be the last best chance for Republicans in the next generation. Instead they go all batshit crazy with Trump, Carson and Cruz

Are Republicans TRYING to blow it

Again, how about putting some actual substance from one of your candidates up here for discussion. Just smearing people doesn't cut it anymore. Your candidate must have a platform to run on. Put it up here.

Go for it

Hillary Clinton on the issues

Here you go: Hillary and Bernie's plans: Tax the wealthy more. Raise the taxes on corporations and close their tax loopholes. The wealthy are already paying the lion's share of the federal income tax. Taxing corporations more and closing their tax loopholes will only lead to more corporations moving out of the country, job loss, and result in lower returns on investments of our elderly and many others who invest in the stocks of corporations. Hillary and Bernie's plans will kill off more jobs in an already depressed economy. Bernie did admit that the actual unemployment rate was 10% - not 5.6% as is touted by the Obama Administration. Bernie also stated that the unemployment rate in the Black community was 15% and that the unemployment rate among Black males with a high school education was 51%. So much for the two leading candidates of the Democrat Party's plans for jobs creation and the overall economy.

Tax the wealthy more....Our wealthy are paying the lowest tax rates in the last 70 years and it has not resulted in the proseperity and jobs that were promised. Why should we continue tax incentives that obviously are not doing what we thought they would?
We have had upper tax rates of 70-90% before and it did not kill jobs. In fact, we had great prosperity

The only reason we had prosperity under the 90% tax rate was that the rest of the world's industrial base was destroyed in World War 2………..and then Kennedy lowered the tax rate and we had an economic boom……...
Hillary is beatable in 2016 by the right Republican with a moderate platform

This may be the last best chance for Republicans in the next generation. Instead they go all batshit crazy with Trump, Carson and Cruz

Are Republicans TRYING to blow it

Again, how about putting some actual substance from one of your candidates up here for discussion. Just smearing people doesn't cut it anymore. Your candidate must have a platform to run on. Put it up here.

Go for it

Hillary Clinton on the issues

Here you go: Hillary and Bernie's plans: Tax the wealthy more. Raise the taxes on corporations and close their tax loopholes. The wealthy are already paying the lion's share of the federal income tax. Taxing corporations more and closing their tax loopholes will only lead to more corporations moving out of the country, job loss, and result in lower returns on investments of our elderly and many others who invest in the stocks of corporations. Hillary and Bernie's plans will kill off more jobs in an already depressed economy. Bernie did admit that the actual unemployment rate was 10% - not 5.6% as is touted by the Obama Administration. Bernie also stated that the unemployment rate in the Black community was 15% and that the unemployment rate among Black males with a high school education was 51%. So much for the two leading candidates of the Democrat Party's plans for jobs creation and the overall economy.

Tax the wealthy more....Our wealthy are paying the lowest tax rates in the last 70 years and it has not resulted in the proseperity and jobs that were promised. Why should we continue tax incentives that obviously are not doing what we thought they would?
We have had upper tax rates of 70-90% before and it did not kill jobs. In fact, we had great prosperity

The only reason we had prosperity under the 90% tax rate was that the rest of the world's industrial base was destroyed in World War 2………..and then Kennedy lowered the tax rate and we had an economic boom……...

Kennedy lowered the rate to 70%

I'm willing to go with Kennedy's lowered rate....are you?
Either one of them is far better than your two leading candidates. At least they have more going for them than tax and spend.

Hillary is beatable in 2016 by the right Republican with a moderate platform

This may be the last best chance for Republicans in the next generation. Instead they go all batshit crazy with Trump, Carson and Cruz

Are Republicans TRYING to blow it

Again, how about putting some actual substance from one of your candidates up here for discussion. Just smearing people doesn't cut it anymore. Your candidate must have a platform to run on. Put it up here.

Go for it

Hillary Clinton on the issues

Here you go: Hillary and Bernie's plans: Tax the wealthy more. Raise the taxes on corporations and close their tax loopholes. The wealthy are already paying the lion's share of the federal income tax. Taxing corporations more and closing their tax loopholes will only lead to more corporations moving out of the country, job loss, and result in lower returns on investments of our elderly and many others who invest in the stocks of corporations. Hillary and Bernie's plans will kill off more jobs in an already depressed economy. Bernie did admit that the actual unemployment rate was 10% - not 5.6% as is touted by the Obama Administration. Bernie also stated that the unemployment rate in the Black community was 15% and that the unemployment rate among Black males with a high school education was 51%. So much for the two leading candidates of the Democrat Party's plans for jobs creation and the overall economy.

Tax the wealthy more....Our wealthy are paying the lowest tax rates in the last 70 years and it has not resulted in the proseperity and jobs that were promised. Why should we continue tax incentives that obviously are not doing what we thought they would?
We have had upper tax rates of 70-90% before and it did not kill jobs. In fact, we had great prosperity

The tax rates are not the lowest in 70 years. That's a liberal liar talking point. The taxes were actually lower when Reagan was in office.
Regarding the Democrats, I'm enjoying a giant bowl of Shadenfreude topped with chocolate sauce, whipped cream and a cherry on top.

The Special Snowflake meltdown at Prog-managed Universities is Quite Special. And all their own widdle faults.
Hillary is beatable in 2016 by the right Republican with a moderate platform

This may be the last best chance for Republicans in the next generation. Instead they go all batshit crazy with Trump, Carson and Cruz

Are Republicans TRYING to blow it

Again, how about putting some actual substance from one of your candidates up here for discussion. Just smearing people doesn't cut it anymore. Your candidate must have a platform to run on. Put it up here.

Go for it

Hillary Clinton on the issues

Here you go: Hillary and Bernie's plans: Tax the wealthy more. Raise the taxes on corporations and close their tax loopholes. The wealthy are already paying the lion's share of the federal income tax. Taxing corporations more and closing their tax loopholes will only lead to more corporations moving out of the country, job loss, and result in lower returns on investments of our elderly and many others who invest in the stocks of corporations. Hillary and Bernie's plans will kill off more jobs in an already depressed economy. Bernie did admit that the actual unemployment rate was 10% - not 5.6% as is touted by the Obama Administration. Bernie also stated that the unemployment rate in the Black community was 15% and that the unemployment rate among Black males with a high school education was 51%. So much for the two leading candidates of the Democrat Party's plans for jobs creation and the overall economy.

Tax the wealthy more....Our wealthy are paying the lowest tax rates in the last 70 years and it has not resulted in the proseperity and jobs that were promised. Why should we continue tax incentives that obviously are not doing what we thought they would?
We have had upper tax rates of 70-90% before and it did not kill jobs. In fact, we had great prosperity

The tax rates are not the lowest in 70 years. That's a liberal liar talking point. The taxes were actually lower when Reagan was in office.

Show us
I feel sorry for Republicans

After eight years, it is "their turn" to return to the White House
The best they can come up with is Trump, Carson and Cruz

As I have said before....the next Republican President hasn't been born yet

I don't feel sorry for Democrats. You've been told time after time that you're idiots, how to stop being idiots, yet you continue to be idiots.
I feel sorry for Republicans

After eight years, it is "their turn" to return to the White House
The best they can come up with is Trump, Carson and Cruz

As I have said before....the next Republican President hasn't been born yet

I don't feel sorry for Democrats. You've been told time after time that you're idiots, how to stop being idiots, yet you continue to be idiots.

What passes for political analysis for conservatives
I feel sorry for Republicans

After eight years, it is "their turn" to return to the White House
The best they can come up with is Trump, Carson and Cruz

As I have said before....the next Republican President hasn't been born yet

I don't feel sorry for Democrats. You've been told time after time that you're idiots, how to stop being idiots, yet you continue to be idiots.

What passes for political analysis for conservatives

Something on a much higher level than you Democrat idiots will ever be capable of understanding.
I would also feel sorry for Democrats until I saw the occupants of the GOP clown car

Their leading candidate is a birther
Number 2 is a creationist

Your leading candidate is under investigation by the FBI. Your second in line is an admitted Socialist. And you want to compare these two to ours?

A birther and a religious nut who says he tried to hit his mother with a hammer?

At least Republicans admit their faults

"I did not have sex with that woman...........................................Mz Lewinsky."

I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky...The war in Iraq was a noble cause....what difference does it make?
If you are going to quote Bill Clinton --- at least get it right --- oh yeah you eighties much prefer mis-quotes to change the meaning don't you?

Clinton actually said " I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

Sexual relations = sexual intercourse.

He had a sex act performed on him by a willing adult who told her friends as she was packing to go to Washington " I packed my Presidential kneepads ".
They testified to that.

Proves she intended to seduce Bill from the get go.

Clinton parsed his words carefully ----yes he did --- but that is not lying.
He used technically correct phrasing and, of course, the right wingers have no idea what he actually said. Their heads were / are so full of fantasies about being a 14th century Lord of the Manor with serfs and peons after they have brought this country down that they are jizzing down their legs.

If a BJ is not a sexual relation, then WTF is it? And can you tell me what the word "is" is?

This is a prime example why no Democrat can be trusted. Every time they get caught, they start with the word play nonsense.

At this point, we Americans don't have time for childish word games. We need a leader that's going to be straight forward with the American people, and not "phrasing correctly" some lie.
Your leading candidate is under investigation by the FBI. Your second in line is an admitted Socialist. And you want to compare these two to ours?

A birther and a religious nut who says he tried to hit his mother with a hammer?

At least Republicans admit their faults

"I did not have sex with that woman...........................................Mz Lewinsky."

I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky...The war in Iraq was a noble cause....what difference does it make?
If you are going to quote Bill Clinton --- at least get it right --- oh yeah you eighties much prefer mis-quotes to change the meaning don't you?

Clinton actually said " I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

Sexual relations = sexual intercourse.

He had a sex act performed on him by a willing adult who told her friends as she was packing to go to Washington " I packed my Presidential kneepads ".
They testified to that.

Proves she intended to seduce Bill from the get go.

Clinton parsed his words carefully ----yes he did --- but that is not lying.
He used technically correct phrasing and, of course, the right wingers have no idea what he actually said. Their heads were / are so full of fantasies about being a 14th century Lord of the Manor with serfs and peons after they have brought this country down that they are jizzing down their legs.

If a BJ is not a sexual relation, then WTF is it? And can you tell me what the word "is" is?

This is a prime example why no Democrat can be trusted. Every time they get caught, they start with the word play nonsense.

At this point, we Americans don't have time for childish word games. We need a leader that's going to be straight forward with the American people, and not "phrasing correctly" some lie.

A BJ is a sexual act

You can't get pregnant from a BJ, therefore it is not "sexual relations"

sexual relation

Last edited:
The problem is half of our country is not paying. In fact, the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay close to 70% of all collected income taxes.

If 70% is not enough for them to pay, then what is?
That's your problem? :eusa_doh:

You said paying taxes is "robbery." Are you saying now it's only robbery depending on who pays taxes? Roughly 1/3 of people in the U.S. don't work and don't pay income tax. The vast majority of folks pay taxes as most states charge sales tax. Some pay more than others.

Our government goodies don't come from FICA, State taxes, City taxes and so on. Nearly your entire social program system is out of federal income taxes, just like our military is from federal income taxes, and roads, and bridges and.......

And you're wrong about one-third. Nearly half of Americans pay no federal income taxes. In essence, one half of our country is supporting the other half. Yet when you complain about who's paying what, you want the half that is paying to pay even more.
I said 1/3 don't work, therefore, don't pay income taxes. That's not wrong. I said nothing about the total number of people paying no federal taxes. Who do you expect to pay income taxes if not those earning money?

We're not talking about just those that earn money. If that was the case, I would have no objection. We're talking about people with a lot of money--people that have been supporting the rest of the country for many years now.

Personally I'm for a progressive consumption tax, that way everybody pays. When our politicians spend more, our consumption tax increases. Everybody has skin in the game.

That's what we have in the county I live in. In Cuyahoga County, we pay 7.75 cents on every dollar that changes hands. The rich pay this tax, the middle-class pay this tax, and the poor pay this tax.

It's so invitingly easy when government says "I'm going to give you this, I'm going to give you that, I'm going to give you a lot of between" and then foots the bill to somebody else.
A consumption tax is not an awful idea, but it does shift too much of the overall tax burden upon the lower income workers.

It's working over here. Our poor are not any poorer than anywhere else.
The problem is half of our country is not paying. In fact, the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay close to 70% of all collected income taxes.

If 70% is not enough for them to pay, then what is?
That's your problem? :eusa_doh:

You said paying taxes is "robbery." Are you saying now it's only robbery depending on who pays taxes? Roughly 1/3 of people in the U.S. don't work and don't pay income tax. The vast majority of folks pay taxes as most states charge sales tax. Some pay more than others.

Our government goodies don't come from FICA, State taxes, City taxes and so on. Nearly your entire social program system is out of federal income taxes, just like our military is from federal income taxes, and roads, and bridges and.......

And you're wrong about one-third. Nearly half of Americans pay no federal income taxes. In essence, one half of our country is supporting the other half. Yet when you complain about who's paying what, you want the half that is paying to pay even more.
I said 1/3 don't work, therefore, don't pay income taxes. That's not wrong. I said nothing about the total number of people paying no federal taxes. Who do you expect to pay income taxes if not those earning money?

The conversation is about the 49% of all American earners who pay no federal personal income tax (as opposed to the top 25% who carry 86% of that tax load).

I believe you to be bright enough to know that figure does not include non-filers - the 2/3 of Americans who don't work, so I'm forced to conclude you are trying to fudge the facts and derail the discussion.

That's your problem? :eusa_doh:

You said paying taxes is "robbery." Are you saying now it's only robbery depending on who pays taxes? Roughly 1/3 of people in the U.S. don't work and don't pay income tax. The vast majority of folks pay taxes as most states charge sales tax. Some pay more than others.

Our government goodies don't come from FICA, State taxes, City taxes and so on. Nearly your entire social program system is out of federal income taxes, just like our military is from federal income taxes, and roads, and bridges and.......

And you're wrong about one-third. Nearly half of Americans pay no federal income taxes. In essence, one half of our country is supporting the other half. Yet when you complain about who's paying what, you want the half that is paying to pay even more.

Faun has fudged the issue a bit. It isn't that half of all Americans pay no federal income tax but rather that 49% of all earners - those filing tax returns - pay none.
I said 1/3 of Americans don't work, and therefore, pay no taxes. What part of that do you imagine is fudged?

Actually over 2/3 of all Americans don't work but again you attempt to fudge the topic.

The discussion, as you well know, was about just those who work, file tax returns, and pay no federal personal income tax. As Ray correctly noted, nearly half of all filers pay no fed income tax.

None ... Zilch ... Nada ... while "the rich" - the top 25% of filers - carry 86% of the load.

So what would satisfy you?


First, it was Ray who said half of Americans don't pay taxes. Secondly, with 100 million not working out of a civilian noninstitutional population of 250 million is 40%. Thirdly, while the top 50% of income workers pay 97%, they don't pay all of the taxes. Fourthly, who should pay the bulk of the taxes if not the highest wage earners? Fifthly, the answer to your question is about 96%.

Actually it's more like 47% of wage earners in this country pay no income tax. Add in all the people not working, it's certainly much, much more.
A birther and a religious nut who says he tried to hit his mother with a hammer?

At least Republicans admit their faults

"I did not have sex with that woman...........................................Mz Lewinsky."

I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky...The war in Iraq was a noble cause....what difference does it make?
If you are going to quote Bill Clinton --- at least get it right --- oh yeah you eighties much prefer mis-quotes to change the meaning don't you?

Clinton actually said " I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

Sexual relations = sexual intercourse.

He had a sex act performed on him by a willing adult who told her friends as she was packing to go to Washington " I packed my Presidential kneepads ".
They testified to that.

Proves she intended to seduce Bill from the get go.

Clinton parsed his words carefully ----yes he did --- but that is not lying.
He used technically correct phrasing and, of course, the right wingers have no idea what he actually said. Their heads were / are so full of fantasies about being a 14th century Lord of the Manor with serfs and peons after they have brought this country down that they are jizzing down their legs.

If a BJ is not a sexual relation, then WTF is it? And can you tell me what the word "is" is?

This is a prime example why no Democrat can be trusted. Every time they get caught, they start with the word play nonsense.

At this point, we Americans don't have time for childish word games. We need a leader that's going to be straight forward with the American people, and not "phrasing correctly" some lie.

A BJ is a sexual act

You can't get pregnant from a BJ, therefore it is not "sexual relations"

sexual relation

Sexual relations includes sexual activity. It was an outright lie and you are trying to use pointless spin to justify idiocy. At no time has the general population considered blow jobs non-sexual.

sexual relations
Sexual Relations Law & Legal Definition
the definition of sexual-relations
Our government goodies don't come from FICA, State taxes, City taxes and so on. Nearly your entire social program system is out of federal income taxes, just like our military is from federal income taxes, and roads, and bridges and.......

And you're wrong about one-third. Nearly half of Americans pay no federal income taxes. In essence, one half of our country is supporting the other half. Yet when you complain about who's paying what, you want the half that is paying to pay even more.
I said 1/3 don't work, therefore, don't pay income taxes. That's not wrong. I said nothing about the total number of people paying no federal taxes. Who do you expect to pay income taxes if not those earning money?

We're not talking about just those that earn money. If that was the case, I would have no objection. We're talking about people with a lot of money--people that have been supporting the rest of the country for many years now.

Personally I'm for a progressive consumption tax, that way everybody pays. When our politicians spend more, our consumption tax increases. Everybody has skin in the game.

That's what we have in the county I live in. In Cuyahoga County, we pay 7.75 cents on every dollar that changes hands. The rich pay this tax, the middle-class pay this tax, and the poor pay this tax.

It's so invitingly easy when government says "I'm going to give you this, I'm going to give you that, I'm going to give you a lot of between" and then foots the bill to somebody else.
A consumption tax is not an awful idea, but it does shift too much of the overall tax burden upon the lower income workers.

If they're such low income, it means they can't consume as much, therefore, not paying as much.
Learn to read. I didn't say they'd be paying as much. I said too much of the tax burden would be shifted to them.
Most consumption tax proposals have built in stipends to offset the impact to those with lower incomes making the bulk of their purchases essentially tax free.
A birther and a religious nut who says he tried to hit his mother with a hammer?

At least Republicans admit their faults

"I did not have sex with that woman...........................................Mz Lewinsky."

I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky...The war in Iraq was a noble cause....what difference does it make?
If you are going to quote Bill Clinton --- at least get it right --- oh yeah you eighties much prefer mis-quotes to change the meaning don't you?

Clinton actually said " I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

Sexual relations = sexual intercourse.

He had a sex act performed on him by a willing adult who told her friends as she was packing to go to Washington " I packed my Presidential kneepads ".
They testified to that.

Proves she intended to seduce Bill from the get go.

Clinton parsed his words carefully ----yes he did --- but that is not lying.
He used technically correct phrasing and, of course, the right wingers have no idea what he actually said. Their heads were / are so full of fantasies about being a 14th century Lord of the Manor with serfs and peons after they have brought this country down that they are jizzing down their legs.

If a BJ is not a sexual relation, then WTF is it? And can you tell me what the word "is" is?

This is a prime example why no Democrat can be trusted. Every time they get caught, they start with the word play nonsense.

At this point, we Americans don't have time for childish word games. We need a leader that's going to be straight forward with the American people, and not "phrasing correctly" some lie.

A BJ is a sexual act

You can't get pregnant from a BJ, therefore it is not "sexual relations"

sexual relation

Nice try:

the definition of relations
I feel sorry for Republicans

After eight years, it is "their turn" to return to the White House
The best they can come up with is Trump, Carson and Cruz

As I have said before....the next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Either one of them is far better than your two leading candidates. At least they have more going for them than tax and spend.
Better than being a DEADBEAT Republican who refuses to pay any taxes to pay the bills for the wars they started or for their FREE STUFF GIVEAWAY ( like they always accuse the Democrats of doing ) the unfunded Medicare Prescription Benefit.

Either one of them is far better than your two leading candidates. At least they have more going for them than tax and spend.

Hillary is beatable in 2016 by the right Republican with a moderate platform

This may be the last best chance for Republicans in the next generation. Instead they go all batshit crazy with Trump, Carson and Cruz

Are Republicans TRYING to blow it

Again, how about putting some actual substance from one of your candidates up here for discussion. Just smearing people doesn't cut it anymore. Your candidate must have a platform to run on. Put it up here.

Go for it

Hillary Clinton on the issues

Here you go: Hillary and Bernie's plans: Tax the wealthy more. Raise the taxes on corporations and close their tax loopholes. The wealthy are already paying the lion's share of the federal income tax. Taxing corporations more and closing their tax loopholes will only lead to more corporations moving out of the country, job loss, and result in lower returns on investments of our elderly and many others who invest in the stocks of corporations. Hillary and Bernie's plans will kill off more jobs in an already depressed economy. Bernie did admit that the actual unemployment rate was 10% - not 5.6% as is touted by the Obama Administration. Bernie also stated that the unemployment rate in the Black community was 15% and that the unemployment rate among Black males with a high school education was 51%. So much for the two leading candidates of the Democrat Party's plans for jobs creation and the overall economy.

Tax the wealthy more....Our wealthy are paying the lowest tax rates in the last 70 years and it has not resulted in the proseperity and jobs that were promised. Why should we continue tax incentives that obviously are not doing what we thought they would?
We have had upper tax rates of 70-90% before and it did not kill jobs. In fact, we had great prosperity

Just proves what kind of person you really are. Personally, I'm not jealous nor envious of someone else's success and prosperity. I've always been able to take care of myself and my family and pay the taxes imposed upon me. I suppose though, there are many like you who are simply angry that someone has made a success of his/her life.

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