I Feel Sorry For Democrats

Taxes are robbery now.


They always were.

Let's say we have a vote right here and now. We vote to take your money to give to the rest of us. You call that an accomplishment?
Better yet, let's say people in America pay the cost to live in America. That's not robbery. No one is forcing you to live here.

The problem is half of our country is not paying. In fact, the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay close to 70% of all collected income taxes.

If 70% is not enough for them to pay, then what is?
That's your problem? :eusa_doh:

You said paying taxes is "robbery." Are you saying now it's only robbery depending on who pays taxes? Roughly 1/3 of people in the U.S. don't work and don't pay income tax. The vast majority of folks pay taxes as most states charge sales tax. Some pay more than others.

Our government goodies don't come from FICA, State taxes, City taxes and so on. Nearly your entire social program system is out of federal income taxes, just like our military is from federal income taxes, and roads, and bridges and.......

And you're wrong about one-third. Nearly half of Americans pay no federal income taxes. In essence, one half of our country is supporting the other half. Yet when you complain about who's paying what, you want the half that is paying to pay even more.
I said 1/3 don't work, therefore, don't pay income taxes. That's not wrong. I said nothing about the total number of people paying no federal taxes. Who do you expect to pay income taxes if not those earning money?
I believe there were similar results before Republicans expanded their leadership in Congress and took leadership of the Senate as well.

Dems here are increasingly whistling past the graveyard. :beer:

The electoral results since 2010 - a direct reflection of Obama's "leadership" - have been catastrophic for the Dems. They have lost seats in State and Federal legislatures as well as governorships. Both 2014 and 2015 elections were bloodbaths and virtually every Dem that didn't manage to distance himself/herself from the Prez and his policies lost.

If the Repubs nominate an electable candidate the trend should continue in 2016 as it will be difficult to stop or turn a Dem careening ship on a dime (see: Titanic).

Unfortunately Repubs haven't exactly exhibited "leadership" in the House and Senate despite their majorities.
The beautiful thing about politics in the U.S. is that it swings like a pendulum. The left won in 2008; the right won in 2010; the left won in 2012; the right won in 2014. Who will win in 2016 remains to be seen.

Except for the fact there are few times in our history where a candidate from a two-term President of the same party ever won an election.

What does our elections show? It shows that people liked DumBama on a personal basis, but hated his policies. Hillary is not very well liked on a personal level. Good luck!
She's liked better than Trump, the GOP's current leader in the polls.
Taxes are robbery now.


They always were.

Let's say we have a vote right here and now. We vote to take your money to give to the rest of us. You call that an accomplishment?
Better yet, let's say people in America pay the cost to live in America. That's not robbery. No one is forcing you to live here.

The problem is half of our country is not paying. In fact, the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay close to 70% of all collected income taxes.

If 70% is not enough for them to pay, then what is?
That's your problem? :eusa_doh:

You said paying taxes is "robbery." Are you saying now it's only robbery depending on who pays taxes? Roughly 1/3 of people in the U.S. don't work and don't pay income tax. The vast majority of folks pay taxes as most states charge sales tax. Some pay more than others.

The point remains that 49% of all American filers pay no federal personal income tax while the top 25% carry 86% of that load.

As currently configured, state and sales taxes do not cover any of the federal budget and, as already noted, neither do the bottom 49% of American earners.

So what % should "the rich" be made to carry?


I'm fine with the current levels of 39.6% for the top bracket.
They always were.

Let's say we have a vote right here and now. We vote to take your money to give to the rest of us. You call that an accomplishment?
Better yet, let's say people in America pay the cost to live in America. That's not robbery. No one is forcing you to live here.

The problem is half of our country is not paying. In fact, the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay close to 70% of all collected income taxes.

If 70% is not enough for them to pay, then what is?
That's your problem? :eusa_doh:

You said paying taxes is "robbery." Are you saying now it's only robbery depending on who pays taxes? Roughly 1/3 of people in the U.S. don't work and don't pay income tax. The vast majority of folks pay taxes as most states charge sales tax. Some pay more than others.

Our government goodies don't come from FICA, State taxes, City taxes and so on. Nearly your entire social program system is out of federal income taxes, just like our military is from federal income taxes, and roads, and bridges and.......

And you're wrong about one-third. Nearly half of Americans pay no federal income taxes. In essence, one half of our country is supporting the other half. Yet when you complain about who's paying what, you want the half that is paying to pay even more.

Faun has fudged the issue a bit. It isn't that half of all Americans pay no federal income tax but rather that 49% of all earners - those filing tax returns - pay none.
I said 1/3 of Americans don't work, and therefore, pay no taxes. What part of that do you imagine is fudged?
You are counting your chickens before they have hatched.
The right has a bad habit of doing that .
Romney did and look how that turned out.
Everyone has a bad habit of doing that. The right is only in focus because they lost to Obama. Go back to Bush and you would have the exact same statements on the left.

By all means, go back to Bush, maybe Lincoln, maybe Carter, then JFK, then George Washington. Try to focus the attention on anyone except your current candidates. LOL!!
Did you even follow the conversation?

It appears that you have no idea what we were talking about.
I'm not certain English is his first language.

Or his second.
Just how many of these desperate weepy threads are you going to make?

By the way, thanks for the votes. People look at bedwetters like you and don't want to be associated with anything you have to do with.

Scared??? You should be. We're going to take this country back.

Take it back from who?
From Americans.

And give it to whom? Republicans??


Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Republicans in Congress are handling their job?

Approve: 12%
Disapprove: 83%

Congress: Republicans
And why do you think that matters?

Legislators enjoy an 80%+ reelection rate. They have hovered around that approval rating for a decade. IOW, that particular figure is utterly meaningless. It is, essentially, an outright lie by those taking the poll.
Actually, around election time in 2014, Republicans and Democrats polled evenly. Currently, Democrats enjoy a higher approval rating by a factor of 2 to 1.
They always were.

Let's say we have a vote right here and now. We vote to take your money to give to the rest of us. You call that an accomplishment?
Better yet, let's say people in America pay the cost to live in America. That's not robbery. No one is forcing you to live here.

The problem is half of our country is not paying. In fact, the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay close to 70% of all collected income taxes.

If 70% is not enough for them to pay, then what is?
That's your problem? :eusa_doh:

You said paying taxes is "robbery." Are you saying now it's only robbery depending on who pays taxes? Roughly 1/3 of people in the U.S. don't work and don't pay income tax. The vast majority of folks pay taxes as most states charge sales tax. Some pay more than others.

Our government goodies don't come from FICA, State taxes, City taxes and so on. Nearly your entire social program system is out of federal income taxes, just like our military is from federal income taxes, and roads, and bridges and.......

And you're wrong about one-third. Nearly half of Americans pay no federal income taxes. In essence, one half of our country is supporting the other half. Yet when you complain about who's paying what, you want the half that is paying to pay even more.
I said 1/3 don't work, therefore, don't pay income taxes. That's not wrong. I said nothing about the total number of people paying no federal taxes. Who do you expect to pay income taxes if not those earning money?

The conversation is about the 49% of all American earners who pay no federal personal income tax (as opposed to the top 25% who carry 86% of that tax load).

I believe you to be bright enough to know that figure does not include non-filers - the 2/3 of Americans who don't work, so I'm forced to conclude you are trying to fudge the facts and derail the discussion.

Better yet, let's say people in America pay the cost to live in America. That's not robbery. No one is forcing you to live here.

The problem is half of our country is not paying. In fact, the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay close to 70% of all collected income taxes.

If 70% is not enough for them to pay, then what is?
That's your problem? :eusa_doh:

You said paying taxes is "robbery." Are you saying now it's only robbery depending on who pays taxes? Roughly 1/3 of people in the U.S. don't work and don't pay income tax. The vast majority of folks pay taxes as most states charge sales tax. Some pay more than others.

Our government goodies don't come from FICA, State taxes, City taxes and so on. Nearly your entire social program system is out of federal income taxes, just like our military is from federal income taxes, and roads, and bridges and.......

And you're wrong about one-third. Nearly half of Americans pay no federal income taxes. In essence, one half of our country is supporting the other half. Yet when you complain about who's paying what, you want the half that is paying to pay even more.

Faun has fudged the issue a bit. It isn't that half of all Americans pay no federal income tax but rather that 49% of all earners - those filing tax returns - pay none.
I said 1/3 of Americans don't work, and therefore, pay no taxes. What part of that do you imagine is fudged?

Actually over 2/3 of all Americans don't work but again you attempt to fudge the topic.

The discussion, as you well know, was about just those who work, file tax returns, and pay no federal personal income tax. As Ray correctly noted, nearly half of all filers pay no fed income tax.

None ... Zilch ... Nada ... while "the rich" - the top 25% of filers - carry 86% of the load.

So what would satisfy you?


Just how many of these desperate weepy threads are you going to make?

By the way, thanks for the votes. People look at bedwetters like you and don't want to be associated with anything you have to do with.

Scared??? You should be. We're going to take this country back.

Take it back from who?
From Americans.

And give it to whom? Republicans??


Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Republicans in Congress are handling their job?

Approve: 12%
Disapprove: 83%

Congress: Republicans
And why do you think that matters?

Legislators enjoy an 80%+ reelection rate. They have hovered around that approval rating for a decade. IOW, that particular figure is utterly meaningless. It is, essentially, an outright lie by those taking the poll.
Actually, around election time in 2014, Republicans and Democrats polled evenly. Currently, Democrats enjoy a higher approval rating by a factor of 2 to 1.
I don't think it is going to matter in terms of congress. The system there is horribly broken. Incumbents are still going to win by a landslide. I assume that the dems are going to pick up seats in the senate though I am not so suer they are going to take it.
They always were.

Let's say we have a vote right here and now. We vote to take your money to give to the rest of us. You call that an accomplishment?
Better yet, let's say people in America pay the cost to live in America. That's not robbery. No one is forcing you to live here.

The problem is half of our country is not paying. In fact, the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay close to 70% of all collected income taxes.

If 70% is not enough for them to pay, then what is?
That's your problem? :eusa_doh:

You said paying taxes is "robbery." Are you saying now it's only robbery depending on who pays taxes? Roughly 1/3 of people in the U.S. don't work and don't pay income tax. The vast majority of folks pay taxes as most states charge sales tax. Some pay more than others.

The point remains that 49% of all American filers pay no federal personal income tax while the top 25% carry 86% of that load.

As currently configured, state and sales taxes do not cover any of the federal budget and, as already noted, neither do the bottom 49% of American earners.

So what % should "the rich" be made to carry?


I'm fine with the current levels of 39.6% for the top bracket.

Current tax and spend levels not only repay none of our debt, they grow it so unless you believe that paradigm is sustainable something has to change.

Reduced spending alone will not cover the federal deficit (nor touch existing debt) so some tax increases are inevitable.

Will you be OK with 39.6% when tax rates in the lower brackets increase?

As mentioned numerous times, the top 25% already carry 86% of the federal income tax load while the bottom 49% of earners pay nothing.
They always were.

Let's say we have a vote right here and now. We vote to take your money to give to the rest of us. You call that an accomplishment?
Better yet, let's say people in America pay the cost to live in America. That's not robbery. No one is forcing you to live here.

The problem is half of our country is not paying. In fact, the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay close to 70% of all collected income taxes.

If 70% is not enough for them to pay, then what is?
That's your problem? :eusa_doh:

You said paying taxes is "robbery." Are you saying now it's only robbery depending on who pays taxes? Roughly 1/3 of people in the U.S. don't work and don't pay income tax. The vast majority of folks pay taxes as most states charge sales tax. Some pay more than others.

Our government goodies don't come from FICA, State taxes, City taxes and so on. Nearly your entire social program system is out of federal income taxes, just like our military is from federal income taxes, and roads, and bridges and.......

And you're wrong about one-third. Nearly half of Americans pay no federal income taxes. In essence, one half of our country is supporting the other half. Yet when you complain about who's paying what, you want the half that is paying to pay even more.
I said 1/3 don't work, therefore, don't pay income taxes. That's not wrong. I said nothing about the total number of people paying no federal taxes. Who do you expect to pay income taxes if not those earning money?

We're not talking about just those that earn money. If that was the case, I would have no objection. We're talking about people with a lot of money--people that have been supporting the rest of the country for many years now.

Personally I'm for a progressive consumption tax, that way everybody pays. When our politicians spend more, our consumption tax increases. Everybody has skin in the game.

That's what we have in the county I live in. In Cuyahoga County, we pay 7.75 cents on every dollar that changes hands. The rich pay this tax, the middle-class pay this tax, and the poor pay this tax.

It's so invitingly easy when government says "I'm going to give you this, I'm going to give you that, I'm going to give you a lot of between" and then foots the bill to somebody else.
I believe there were similar results before Republicans expanded their leadership in Congress and took leadership of the Senate as well.

Dems here are increasingly whistling past the graveyard. :beer:

The electoral results since 2010 - a direct reflection of Obama's "leadership" - have been catastrophic for the Dems. They have lost seats in State and Federal legislatures as well as governorships. Both 2014 and 2015 elections were bloodbaths and virtually every Dem that didn't manage to distance himself/herself from the Prez and his policies lost.

If the Repubs nominate an electable candidate the trend should continue in 2016 as it will be difficult to stop or turn a Dem careening ship on a dime (see: Titanic).

Unfortunately Repubs haven't exactly exhibited "leadership" in the House and Senate despite their majorities.

Correct but look at who we are facing! The top candidate for the Democrats is one of those one-percenters who is under investigation by the FBI. She's not well liked, and that helps our position.
The top candidates are always one percenters. It is interesting how much the left claims to hate one percenters and yet votes for those same rich one percenters. Of course one of the common charges against Trump is that he is a one percenter.

Democrats really can't figure it out. When a politician says things like they are against themselves, the clueless sheep never question their motives.

At least with Republicans they are somewhat honest. I forget his exact words, but when Bush announced he was cutting taxes, he went through the brackets. When he got to the 5% bracket, he jokingly said "I'm told I'm one of those people."

But of course Democrats are the people that believe if you take away guns, the criminals would gladly surrender them. They are the people that think Democrat politicians really care if you have healthcare insurance or not. And of course, they are the people who think that when you take money away from somebody, they will just open their wallets and gladly hand it over.
Better yet, let's say people in America pay the cost to live in America. That's not robbery. No one is forcing you to live here.

The problem is half of our country is not paying. In fact, the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay close to 70% of all collected income taxes.

If 70% is not enough for them to pay, then what is?
That's your problem? :eusa_doh:

You said paying taxes is "robbery." Are you saying now it's only robbery depending on who pays taxes? Roughly 1/3 of people in the U.S. don't work and don't pay income tax. The vast majority of folks pay taxes as most states charge sales tax. Some pay more than others.

Our government goodies don't come from FICA, State taxes, City taxes and so on. Nearly your entire social program system is out of federal income taxes, just like our military is from federal income taxes, and roads, and bridges and.......

And you're wrong about one-third. Nearly half of Americans pay no federal income taxes. In essence, one half of our country is supporting the other half. Yet when you complain about who's paying what, you want the half that is paying to pay even more.
I said 1/3 don't work, therefore, don't pay income taxes. That's not wrong. I said nothing about the total number of people paying no federal taxes. Who do you expect to pay income taxes if not those earning money?

The conversation is about the 49% of all American earners who pay no federal personal income tax (as opposed to the top 25% who carry 86% of that tax load).

I believe you to be bright enough to know that figure does not include non-filers - the 2/3 of Americans who don't work, so I'm forced to conclude you are trying to fudge the facts and derail the discussion.

The problem is half of our country is not paying. In fact, the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay close to 70% of all collected income taxes.

If 70% is not enough for them to pay, then what is?
That's your problem? :eusa_doh:

You said paying taxes is "robbery." Are you saying now it's only robbery depending on who pays taxes? Roughly 1/3 of people in the U.S. don't work and don't pay income tax. The vast majority of folks pay taxes as most states charge sales tax. Some pay more than others.

Our government goodies don't come from FICA, State taxes, City taxes and so on. Nearly your entire social program system is out of federal income taxes, just like our military is from federal income taxes, and roads, and bridges and.......

And you're wrong about one-third. Nearly half of Americans pay no federal income taxes. In essence, one half of our country is supporting the other half. Yet when you complain about who's paying what, you want the half that is paying to pay even more.

Faun has fudged the issue a bit. It isn't that half of all Americans pay no federal income tax but rather that 49% of all earners - those filing tax returns - pay none.
I said 1/3 of Americans don't work, and therefore, pay no taxes. What part of that do you imagine is fudged?

Actually over 2/3 of all Americans don't work but again you attempt to fudge the topic.

The discussion, as you well know, was about just those who work, file tax returns, and pay no federal personal income tax. As Ray correctly noted, nearly half of all filers pay no fed income tax.

None ... Zilch ... Nada ... while "the rich" - the top 25% of filers - carry 86% of the load.

So what would satisfy you?


First, it was Ray who said half of Americans don't pay taxes. Secondly, with 100 million not working out of a civilian noninstitutional population of 250 million is 40%. Thirdly, while the top 50% of income workers pay 97%, they don't pay all of the taxes. Fourthly, who should pay the bulk of the taxes if not the highest wage earners? Fifthly, the answer to your question is about 96%.
Better yet, let's say people in America pay the cost to live in America. That's not robbery. No one is forcing you to live here.

The problem is half of our country is not paying. In fact, the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay close to 70% of all collected income taxes.

If 70% is not enough for them to pay, then what is?
That's your problem? :eusa_doh:

You said paying taxes is "robbery." Are you saying now it's only robbery depending on who pays taxes? Roughly 1/3 of people in the U.S. don't work and don't pay income tax. The vast majority of folks pay taxes as most states charge sales tax. Some pay more than others.

Our government goodies don't come from FICA, State taxes, City taxes and so on. Nearly your entire social program system is out of federal income taxes, just like our military is from federal income taxes, and roads, and bridges and.......

And you're wrong about one-third. Nearly half of Americans pay no federal income taxes. In essence, one half of our country is supporting the other half. Yet when you complain about who's paying what, you want the half that is paying to pay even more.
I said 1/3 don't work, therefore, don't pay income taxes. That's not wrong. I said nothing about the total number of people paying no federal taxes. Who do you expect to pay income taxes if not those earning money?

We're not talking about just those that earn money. If that was the case, I would have no objection. We're talking about people with a lot of money--people that have been supporting the rest of the country for many years now.

Personally I'm for a progressive consumption tax, that way everybody pays. When our politicians spend more, our consumption tax increases. Everybody has skin in the game.

That's what we have in the county I live in. In Cuyahoga County, we pay 7.75 cents on every dollar that changes hands. The rich pay this tax, the middle-class pay this tax, and the poor pay this tax.

It's so invitingly easy when government says "I'm going to give you this, I'm going to give you that, I'm going to give you a lot of between" and then foots the bill to somebody else.
A consumption tax is not an awful idea, but it does shift too much of the overall tax burden upon the lower income workers.
I do. I really do feel sorry for Democrats. The last couple of days have been devastating to the Democrat Party. On Saturday night, their candidates came off silly, inept, and without substance in their national debate, which only drew a viewership of 8.5 million. Although the debate was geared toward ISIS and the Paris attacks, none of the Democrat candidates came off as being a viable candidate for Commander-in-Chief.

France, today launched an attack upon the very stronghold of ISIS, something our impotent President has either failed or refused to do. Russia's Putin is in Syria alongside Iran's military shoring up the Assad regime which our President spent millions of our tax dollars trying to oust.

Coupled with the Democrat candidates' failures to offer the American voter anything other than job killing policies and the same old boogeymen they trot out at every election and the total lack of a candidate that exhibits any real qualities of leadership as required and becoming of an aspirant to hold authority over the world's most powerful military, I see the American people turning yet again to a Republican President to put a final end to ISIS. The American people have done it before and will do it again.

There is more to being President than tax and spend.

Oh, by the way. I really DON'T feel sorry for the Democrats. I lied.

Feel better Glum Beck?


Here's some help with a link


France launches air strikes in Syria; Paris investigation widens

French warplanes pounded Islamic State positions in Syria on Sunday as police in Europe widened their investigations into coordinated attacks in Paris that killed more than 130 people.

Islamic State has claimed responsibility for Friday's suicide bombings and shootings, which have re-ignited a row over Europe's refugee crisis and drawn calls to block a huge influx of Muslim asylum-seekers.

French police have launched an international hunt for a Belgian-born man they believe helped organize the assaults with two of his brothers. One of the brothers died in the attacks, while the second one is under arrest in Belgium, a judicial source said.

A further two French suicide attackers have been identified, police said, while the identity of four other assailants, who all died in the violence, was still under review.

France has been bombing Islamic State positions in Iraq and Syria for months as part of a U.S.-led operation. Following Friday's mayhem, Paris vowed to destroy the group. Underlining its resolve, French jets on Sunday launched their biggest raids in Syria to date, hitting its stronghold in Raqqa.

"The raid ... including 10 fighter jets, was launched simultaneously from the United Arab Emirates and Jordan. Twenty bombs were dropped," the Defence Ministry said. Among the targets were a munitions depot and training camp, it said.

WOW 10 aircraft.... Fucking amazing

US Count
On 21 July 2015, it was reported that nearly 44,000 sorties have flown since August 2014

That's like, a 120 a day , dude.... And they would have work Christmas Day and Thanksgiving....
Leading Republican contenders to retake the White House


Not kidding, Republicans have their strongest field of contenders in a generation and this is what th come up with to defeat Hillary
I would also feel sorry for Democrats until I saw the occupants of the GOP clown car

Their leading candidate is a birther
Number 2 is a creationist

Your leading candidate is under investigation by the FBI. Your second in line is an admitted Socialist. And you want to compare these two to ours?

A birther and a religious nut who says he tried to hit his mother with a hammer?
Republicans don't seem to have a problem with that. After all, if you want to push grandma off a cliff, what's the big deal about a hammer?
The problem is half of our country is not paying. In fact, the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay close to 70% of all collected income taxes.

If 70% is not enough for them to pay, then what is?
That's your problem? :eusa_doh:

You said paying taxes is "robbery." Are you saying now it's only robbery depending on who pays taxes? Roughly 1/3 of people in the U.S. don't work and don't pay income tax. The vast majority of folks pay taxes as most states charge sales tax. Some pay more than others.

Our government goodies don't come from FICA, State taxes, City taxes and so on. Nearly your entire social program system is out of federal income taxes, just like our military is from federal income taxes, and roads, and bridges and.......

And you're wrong about one-third. Nearly half of Americans pay no federal income taxes. In essence, one half of our country is supporting the other half. Yet when you complain about who's paying what, you want the half that is paying to pay even more.
I said 1/3 don't work, therefore, don't pay income taxes. That's not wrong. I said nothing about the total number of people paying no federal taxes. Who do you expect to pay income taxes if not those earning money?

We're not talking about just those that earn money. If that was the case, I would have no objection. We're talking about people with a lot of money--people that have been supporting the rest of the country for many years now.

Personally I'm for a progressive consumption tax, that way everybody pays. When our politicians spend more, our consumption tax increases. Everybody has skin in the game.

That's what we have in the county I live in. In Cuyahoga County, we pay 7.75 cents on every dollar that changes hands. The rich pay this tax, the middle-class pay this tax, and the poor pay this tax.

It's so invitingly easy when government says "I'm going to give you this, I'm going to give you that, I'm going to give you a lot of between" and then foots the bill to somebody else.
A consumption tax is not an awful idea, but it does shift too much of the overall tax burden upon the lower income workers.

If they're such low income, it means they can't consume as much, therefore, not paying as much.

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