I Feel Sympathy For Bill Clinton

Well, I am new to this forum and know you are supposed to just deal in facts. So here is the link to the Washington Post article where they caught Hillary in that big lie about being under sniper fire in Bosnia. Turns out a pretty blatant lie that was caught on video and more than 100 newspapers covered the event and not a single one knew about the alleged sniper attack. Recalling Hillary Clinton’s claim of ‘landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia. The point of this is that it is similar to Bill's public lies about Monica when he testified under oath and was disbarred by the Arkansas Bar Association for perjury. Next I give a link to a Psychology Today article in which the writer comments last year, that we just had an election in which both candidates had engaged in a lifetime of learning dishonest habits. Read it for yourself. Learning to Be Dishonest. The point is people like Hillary and Bill and Trump, have become desensitized to telling lies. Not saying they did just repeating his analysis. The more important point of this link is that people who lie or cheat or steal, will likely do it more and more. No I do not feel sorry for any of them or myself when I choose to do wrong stuff. Now as I recall, Monica engaged in something like 13 sexual events. Not sure that she is all that innocent after the first dozen. Just my observation. I do believe she had her potential career snuffed out at an early age which I do have some sympathy for. Not really for me to judge any of them, just my own self righteous comments, I suppose.
Clinton lies my ass nothing nothing compared to Trump or your media or you... Laugh out loud!
Please Prove ONE LIE, that you believe The President told.
You can't but you will regurgitate your talking points and Russian Propaganda from CNN and The DNC.

View attachment 175040
I think he meant that it was the highest rated and also the most number of people to ever watch a State of The Union on a single network- Fox.

You people make me laugh. You pour over every crossed "t", and dotted "i" and try to make mountains out of Molehills, meanwhile you look the other way when Clinton & The DNC & FBI Collude with THE KGB to propagate Russian Propaganda and use it to try to Nullify an Election in a COUP planned in McCabe's Office and no doubt with The DNC's, Clinton's and Obama's help.

FNC Marks Highest-Rated State of the Union Address in the History of Cable News

Combined FNC Properties Beat All NBC Properties

Last edited:
Well, I am new to this forum and know you are supposed to just deal in facts. So here is the link to the Washington Post article where they caught Hillary in that big lie about being under sniper fire in Bosnia. Turns out a pretty blatant lie that was caught on video and more than 100 newspapers covered the event and not a single one knew about the alleged sniper attack. Recalling Hillary Clinton’s claim of ‘landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia. The point of this is that it is similar to Bill's public lies about Monica when he testified under oath and was disbarred by the Arkansas Bar Association for perjury. Next I give a link to a Psychology Today article in which the writer comments last year, that we just had an election in which both candidates had engaged in a lifetime of learning dishonest habits. Read it for yourself. Learning to Be Dishonest. The point is people like Hillary and Bill and Trump, have become desensitized to telling lies. Not saying they did just repeating his analysis. The more important point of this link is that people who lie or cheat or steal, will likely do it more and more. No I do not feel sorry for any of them or myself when I choose to do wrong stuff. Now as I recall, Monica engaged in something like 13 sexual events. Not sure that she is all that innocent after the first dozen. Just my observation. I do believe she had her potential career snuffed out at an early age which I do have some sympathy for. Not really for me to judge any of them, just my own self righteous comments, I suppose.
As if that stupid story she told about Yugoslavia give me a break means anything. The plane landed under sniper protocol and that was no typical first lady of the United States greeting, dupes.

No, she didn't. Why must you lie Che?

Hillary Clinton's Bosnia sniper story exposed
I am sorry Rustic but I cannot agree that he is/was a sex trafficker. The reason is that crime requires, "recruitment, transportation, exploitation, harboring, etc." While some highway patrol guys may have brought some lady to him a few time in Arkansas, I do not think other than that one lady, that he transported any of them. And that lady went willingly as I recall. And I am pretty sure to harbor someone they must stay overnight. So I must disagree. But I could be wrong.
Jeffrey Epsteins sex islands... loook it up
Pure GOP b*******... No evidence Against bill at all.

Really? With what do you take issue? I thought it payed out the stuff pretty good. Gave a real good look to all the background players. If you can keep an open mind, you might change your opinion
Every Clinton scandal is phony and a put-up job by the GOP...
Well, I am new to this forum and know you are supposed to just deal in facts. So here is the link to the Washington Post article where they caught Hillary in that big lie about being under sniper fire in Bosnia. Turns out a pretty blatant lie that was caught on video and more than 100 newspapers covered the event and not a single one knew about the alleged sniper attack. Recalling Hillary Clinton’s claim of ‘landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia. The point of this is that it is similar to Bill's public lies about Monica when he testified under oath and was disbarred by the Arkansas Bar Association for perjury. Next I give a link to a Psychology Today article in which the writer comments last year, that we just had an election in which both candidates had engaged in a lifetime of learning dishonest habits. Read it for yourself. Learning to Be Dishonest. The point is people like Hillary and Bill and Trump, have become desensitized to telling lies. Not saying they did just repeating his analysis. The more important point of this link is that people who lie or cheat or steal, will likely do it more and more. No I do not feel sorry for any of them or myself when I choose to do wrong stuff. Now as I recall, Monica engaged in something like 13 sexual events. Not sure that she is all that innocent after the first dozen. Just my observation. I do believe she had her potential career snuffed out at an early age which I do have some sympathy for. Not really for me to judge any of them, just my own self righteous comments, I suppose.
As if that stupid story she told about Yugoslavia give me a break means anything. The plane landed under sniper protocol and that was no typical first lady of the United States greeting, dupes.

No, she didn't. Why must you lie Che?

Hillary Clinton's Bosnia sniper story exposed
She didn't what?
I am sorry Rustic but I cannot agree that he is/was a sex trafficker. The reason is that crime requires, "recruitment, transportation, exploitation, harboring, etc." While some highway patrol guys may have brought some lady to him a few time in Arkansas, I do not think other than that one lady, that he transported any of them. And that lady went willingly as I recall. And I am pretty sure to harbor someone they must stay overnight. So I must disagree. But I could be wrong.
Jeffrey Epsteins sex islands... loook it up
Pure GOP b*******... No evidence Against bill at all.

Really? With what do you take issue? I thought it payed out the stuff pretty good. Gave a real good look to all the background players. If you can keep an open mind, you might change your opinion
Every Clinton scandal is phony and a put-up job by the GOP...
...and you must be a brain surgeon.
Willy Jeff deserves a NOOSE for selling our missile telemetry secrets to the Chi-Coms for campaign money. Every zipperhead ICBM aimed at a US city will hit it's mark thanks to that traitorous piece of shit.
Well, I am new to this forum and know you are supposed to just deal in facts. So here is the link to the Washington Post article where they caught Hillary in that big lie about being under sniper fire in Bosnia. Turns out a pretty blatant lie that was caught on video and more than 100 newspapers covered the event and not a single one knew about the alleged sniper attack. Recalling Hillary Clinton’s claim of ‘landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia. The point of this is that it is similar to Bill's public lies about Monica when he testified under oath and was disbarred by the Arkansas Bar Association for perjury. Next I give a link to a Psychology Today article in which the writer comments last year, that we just had an election in which both candidates had engaged in a lifetime of learning dishonest habits. Read it for yourself. Learning to Be Dishonest. The point is people like Hillary and Bill and Trump, have become desensitized to telling lies. Not saying they did just repeating his analysis. The more important point of this link is that people who lie or cheat or steal, will likely do it more and more. No I do not feel sorry for any of them or myself when I choose to do wrong stuff. Now as I recall, Monica engaged in something like 13 sexual events. Not sure that she is all that innocent after the first dozen. Just my observation. I do believe she had her potential career snuffed out at an early age which I do have some sympathy for. Not really for me to judge any of them, just my own self righteous comments, I suppose.
As if that stupid story she told about Yugoslavia give me a break means anything. The plane landed under sniper protocol and that was no typical first lady of the United States greeting, dupes.
You're a bonafide dupe. Possibly, you never watch or read the news. A CBS (Clinton Broadcasting System) correspondent was on the aircraft with her. She wrote her own version of the landing and reception.

Here's the story behind Hillary Clinton's claim about landing under 'sniper fire' in Bosnia

Wake up and smell the lies from the left!
Don’t forget also that Bill Clinton is why North Korea is Nuclear.

Willy Jeff deserves a NOOSE for selling our missile telemetry secrets to the Chi-Coms for campaign money. Every zipperhead ICBM aimed at a US city will hit it's mark thanks to that traitorous piece of shit.
Hear me out. It’s not a lot of sympathy but I do have sympathy for him.

I’ve been watching the Scandolous series and reading articles about The Clinton Administration, and one recurrent theme keeps coming up.

Hillary Clinton!

Linda Tripp even said it that nearly every scandal that hit that White House and all The Scandals In Arkansas were Hillary Clinton’s doing.

Bill could not divorce her. He had to have a full time staff to keep her out of trouble. She also hated sex, and according to rumors was actually a lesbian and had an open marriage with Bill because of it.

She was constantly scheming corrupt schemes to leverage power for profit and there was no limit to the depths she’d sink to to gain power and then convert it to cash.

Bill’s weakness was women and trying to keep his wife from torpedoing his political career. Granted he was not entirely innocent because Hillary’s Scheming did net him benefits at times, but The Risk was never worth The Dividend.

She would have been nothing without him. He, however, could have been president without her and maybe even a better man but that ship sailed back in Arkansas when he was elected as Governor.

Her M.O. and all I know about her fits with this narrative. This woman is like a Bizarro Midas and she corrupts everything and everyone she touches.

So yah, I feel a little bad for Bill Clinton because without Hillary’s Corrupt dealings no Investigations in To White Water Happen, or Trial Gate or FBI File Gate and Bill doesn’t have all these affairs because of a sexless, loveless marriage.

I have disagree on the part about him not cheating because he is a dog!

I believe he marries Hillary for the reasons why many hate her. I also believe most of the women thay Bill was with were approved by Hillary and their marriage is freaky!

I feel no sympathy for that leg humping dog!
Well, I am new to this forum and know you are supposed to just deal in facts. So here is the link to the Washington Post article where they caught Hillary in that big lie about being under sniper fire in Bosnia. Turns out a pretty blatant lie that was caught on video and more than 100 newspapers covered the event and not a single one knew about the alleged sniper attack. Recalling Hillary Clinton’s claim of ‘landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia. The point of this is that it is similar to Bill's public lies about Monica when he testified under oath and was disbarred by the Arkansas Bar Association for perjury. Next I give a link to a Psychology Today article in which the writer comments last year, that we just had an election in which both candidates had engaged in a lifetime of learning dishonest habits. Read it for yourself. Learning to Be Dishonest. The point is people like Hillary and Bill and Trump, have become desensitized to telling lies. Not saying they did just repeating his analysis. The more important point of this link is that people who lie or cheat or steal, will likely do it more and more. No I do not feel sorry for any of them or myself when I choose to do wrong stuff. Now as I recall, Monica engaged in something like 13 sexual events. Not sure that she is all that innocent after the first dozen. Just my observation. I do believe she had her potential career snuffed out at an early age which I do have some sympathy for. Not really for me to judge any of them, just my own self righteous comments, I suppose.
Clinton lies my ass nothing nothing compared to Trump or your media or you... Laugh out loud!
Please Prove ONE LIE, that you believe The President told.
You can't but you will regurgitate your talking points and Russian Propaganda from CNN and The DNC.

View attachment 175040
I think he meant that it was the highest rated and also the most number of people to ever watch a State of The Union on a single network- Fox.

You people make me laugh. You pour over every crossed "t", and dotted "i" and try to make mountains out of Molehills, meanwhile you look the other way when Clinton & The DNC & FBI Collude with THE KGB to propagate Russian Propaganda and use it to try to Nullify an Election in a COUP planned in McCabe's Office and no doubt with The DNC's, Clinton's and Obama's help.

FNC Marks Highest-Rated State of the Union Address in the History of Cable News

Combined FNC Properties Beat All NBC Properties

Fox is the only station on your imaginary planet, GOP dupes, that's why.
Well, I am new to this forum and know you are supposed to just deal in facts. So here is the link to the Washington Post article where they caught Hillary in that big lie about being under sniper fire in Bosnia. Turns out a pretty blatant lie that was caught on video and more than 100 newspapers covered the event and not a single one knew about the alleged sniper attack. Recalling Hillary Clinton’s claim of ‘landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia. The point of this is that it is similar to Bill's public lies about Monica when he testified under oath and was disbarred by the Arkansas Bar Association for perjury. Next I give a link to a Psychology Today article in which the writer comments last year, that we just had an election in which both candidates had engaged in a lifetime of learning dishonest habits. Read it for yourself. Learning to Be Dishonest. The point is people like Hillary and Bill and Trump, have become desensitized to telling lies. Not saying they did just repeating his analysis. The more important point of this link is that people who lie or cheat or steal, will likely do it more and more. No I do not feel sorry for any of them or myself when I choose to do wrong stuff. Now as I recall, Monica engaged in something like 13 sexual events. Not sure that she is all that innocent after the first dozen. Just my observation. I do believe she had her potential career snuffed out at an early age which I do have some sympathy for. Not really for me to judge any of them, just my own self righteous comments, I suppose.
Clinton lies my ass nothing nothing compared to Trump or your media or you... Laugh out loud!
Please Prove ONE LIE, that you believe The President told.
You can't but you will regurgitate your talking points and Russian Propaganda from CNN and The DNC.

View attachment 175040
I think he meant that it was the highest rated and also the most number of people to ever watch a State of The Union on a single network- Fox.

You people make me laugh. You pour over every crossed "t", and dotted "i" and try to make mountains out of Molehills, meanwhile you look the other way when Clinton & The DNC & FBI Collude with THE KGB to propagate Russian Propaganda and use it to try to Nullify an Election in a COUP planned in McCabe's Office and no doubt with The DNC's, Clinton's and Obama's help.

FNC Marks Highest-Rated State of the Union Address in the History of Cable News

Combined FNC Properties Beat All NBC Properties

Fox is the only station on your imaginary planet, GOP dupes, that's why.

Gee, not everyone want's to get news from Facebook, dumbass.
I am sorry Rustic but I cannot agree that he is/was a sex trafficker. The reason is that crime requires, "recruitment, transportation, exploitation, harboring, etc." While some highway patrol guys may have brought some lady to him a few time in Arkansas, I do not think other than that one lady, that he transported any of them. And that lady went willingly as I recall. And I am pretty sure to harbor someone they must stay overnight. So I must disagree. But I could be wrong.
Jeffrey Epsteins sex islands... loook it up
Pure GOP b*******... No evidence Against bill at all.

Really? With what do you take issue? I thought it payed out the stuff pretty good. Gave a real good look to all the background players. If you can keep an open mind, you might change your opinion
Every Clinton scandal is phony and a put-up job by the GOP...
...and you must be a brain surgeon.
So let's have a real Clinton scandal, Dupe. They are all crap.
Jeffrey Epsteins sex islands... loook it up
Pure GOP b*******... No evidence Against bill at all.

Really? With what do you take issue? I thought it payed out the stuff pretty good. Gave a real good look to all the background players. If you can keep an open mind, you might change your opinion
Every Clinton scandal is phony and a put-up job by the GOP...
...and you must be a brain surgeon.
So let's have a real Clinton scandal, Dupe. They are all crap.
We had one ...err several and we have another one now.
The DNC-Clinton-Obama Colluded with the KGB and Kremlin to Nullify Our Election using Putin-Clinton-Obama Dupes in the FBI & DOJ

How does it feel to know you are Putin's Butt Plug?
Pure GOP b*******... No evidence Against bill at all.

Really? With what do you take issue? I thought it payed out the stuff pretty good. Gave a real good look to all the background players. If you can keep an open mind, you might change your opinion
Every Clinton scandal is phony and a put-up job by the GOP...
...and you must be a brain surgeon.
So let's have a real Clinton scandal, Dupe. They are all crap.
We had one ...err several and we have another one now.
The DNC-Clinton-Obama Colluded with the KGB and Kremlin to Nullify Our Election using Putin-Clinton-Obama Dupes in the FBI & DOJ

How does it feel to know you are Putin's Butt Plug?
All Pure BS. Putin loves Trump cuz he can blackmail him. Let's see a link to that from a respectable source. LOL as if you know what one is... Conspiracy nutjob like most GOP voters.
Really? With what do you take issue? I thought it payed out the stuff pretty good. Gave a real good look to all the background players. If you can keep an open mind, you might change your opinion
Every Clinton scandal is phony and a put-up job by the GOP...
...and you must be a brain surgeon.
So let's have a real Clinton scandal, Dupe. They are all crap.
We had one ...err several and we have another one now.
The DNC-Clinton-Obama Colluded with the KGB and Kremlin to Nullify Our Election using Putin-Clinton-Obama Dupes in the FBI & DOJ

How does it feel to know you are Putin's Butt Plug?
All Pure BS. Putin loves Trump cuz he can blackmail him. Let's see a link to that from a respectable source. LOL as if you know what one is... Conspiracy nutjob like most GOP voters.
Blackmail him over what? Pissing on Crooked Clinton's Election chances in a Russian Hotel?

  • Did Trump take $145 Million from Putin like Clinton did?
  • Did Trump take $64 Million from Putin like Obama did?
  • Did Trump sell 20% of our Uranium to Russian like Obama and Clinton did?
  • Did Trump look the other way, wink at Putin and told him we could make a deal and Putin can have The Crimea "after the election" like Obama did?
  • Did Trump pay Russian Spies $15 Million for Russian Propaganda Packages like Obama & Clinton did?
  • Did Trump hire Pakistani Hackers to break in to Congressional Files and Spy on Congress like Clinton and Schultz did?
  • Did Trump's Party give Russian Propaganda to Trump's KGB Stooges in THE FBI and DOJ to File False Affidavits with, Make False Statements with and Improperly and Illegally file for FISA Warrants to spy on HIllary Clinton?
  • Did Trump delete 33,000 Emails, and try to conceal 50,000 text messages to conceal the truth like Clinton and The FBI did?
  • Did Trump break 17 electronic devices with a hammer and tell Congress he only ever had one device like Hillary Clinton did?
Last edited:
Jeffrey Epsteins sex islands... loook it up
Pure GOP b*******... No evidence Against bill at all.

Really? With what do you take issue? I thought it payed out the stuff pretty good. Gave a real good look to all the background players. If you can keep an open mind, you might change your opinion
Every Clinton scandal is phony and a put-up job by the GOP...
...and you must be a brain surgeon.
So let's have a real Clinton scandal, Dupe. They are all crap.

You could be shown a photo of Hillary sticking her penis in Putin's ass and you deny her collusion.
Jeffrey Epsteins sex islands... loook it up
Pure GOP b*******... No evidence Against bill at all.

Really? With what do you take issue? I thought it payed out the stuff pretty good. Gave a real good look to all the background players. If you can keep an open mind, you might change your opinion
Every Clinton scandal is phony and a put-up job by the GOP...
...and you must be a brain surgeon.
So let's have a real Clinton scandal, Dupe. They are all crap.
In your feeble mind, yes they are. In reality, the truth will come out in a fair investigation. Pay for play will be the easiest to prove. It is already obvious. The Clinton Crime Family Foundation and the $500,000 speech fees of Slick Willy are the conduits through which the Clintons laundered the payoffs.
Whatever one thinks of Bill, I think most people can see that Hillary is orders of magnitude worse; if I had to make a choice, I would prefer 8 years of Bill over one day of Hillary. Bill wasn't the Obama-clone spewing dehumanizing, snobby, elitist hatred of the white working class. If anything, I'm glad he made that bitch the most cuckolded wife in America. I've never seen someone with a more heroin-like addiction to power and a more violent, psychotic, anti-social reaction to being denied that power. She is a natural born psychopath (covering all 15 of the AMA's parameters for a diagnosis of anti-social disorder) who spent her life whoring and using people to get to the top. Bill was only slimy, Hillary is demonic.

Has anyone seen how horrible, sickly and moldy Bill looks in recent years? He looks like one of those rotting corpses that were exploding out of the ground at the end of Poltergeist. That proves that Hillary is an energy vampire who spent decades sucking the life-energy out of him.
Hear me out. It’s not a lot of sympathy but I do have sympathy for him.

I’ve been watching the Scandolous series and reading articles about The Clinton Administration, and one recurrent theme keeps coming up.

Hillary Clinton!

Linda Tripp even said it that nearly every scandal that hit that White House and all The Scandals In Arkansas were Hillary Clinton’s doing.

Bill could not divorce her. He had to have a full time staff to keep her out of trouble. She also hated sex, and according to rumors was actually a lesbian and had an open marriage with Bill because of it.

She was constantly scheming corrupt schemes to leverage power for profit and there was no limit to the depths she’d sink to to gain power and then convert it to cash.

Bill’s weakness was women and trying to keep his wife from torpedoing his political career. Granted he was not entirely innocent because Hillary’s Scheming did net him benefits at times, but The Risk was never worth The Dividend.

She would have been nothing without him. He, however, could have been president without her and maybe even a better man but that ship sailed back in Arkansas when he was elected as Governor.

Her M.O. and all I know about her fits with this narrative. This woman is like a Bizarro Midas and she corrupts everything and everyone she touches.

So yah, I feel a little bad for Bill Clinton because without Hillary’s Corrupt dealings no Investigations in To White Water Happen, or Trial Gate or FBI File Gate and Bill doesn’t have all these affairs because of a sexless, loveless marriage.
I Feel Sympathy For Bill Clinton

I feel more sorry for the country.
Awesome. Loved it and dead on!

Whatever one thinks of Bill, I think most people can see that Hillary is orders of magnitude worse; if I had to make a choice, I would prefer 8 years of Bill over one day of Hillary. Bill wasn't the Obama-clone spewing dehumanizing, snobby, elitist hatred of the white working class. If anything, I'm glad he made that bitch the most cuckolded wife in America. I've never seen someone with a more heroin-like addiction to power and a more violent, psychotic, anti-social reaction to being denied that power. She is a natural born psychopath (covering all 15 of the AMA's parameters for a diagnosis of anti-social disorder) who spent her life whoring and using people to get to the top. Bill was only slimy, Hillary is demonic.

Has anyone seen how horrible, sickly and moldy Bill looks in recent years? He looks like one of those rotting corpses that were exploding out of the ground at the end of Poltergeist. That proves that Hillary is an energy vampire who spent decades sucking the life-energy out of him.

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