I Feel Sympathy For Bill Clinton

I don't feel sympathy for Bill Clinton.

He was/is perfectly aware of the Clinton body count....of every and each of the Arkancides.

He is guilty as Hell too, as much as the Witch.
Another brainwashed ignoramus dupe of the greedy idiot GOP. You no so much detail of pure crap. You are a conspiracy nut
by definition. You believe the US Justice system is a conspiracy. Right-wing idiocy.

:th_smiley_emoticons_gaehn: boring ^
Here is a typical right-wing piece of s*** conspiracy piece..
FACT CHECK: Did a Surgeon Who Exposed 'Clinton Foundation Corruption' in Haiti Die a Suspicious Death?

Lie upon lie upon lie, dupe. Just like all the rest. All of them.
Lie upon lie upon lie...that's what Snopes does...lies for the liberals.
The Clinton Foundation donated less than 10% of its income to charitable causes. The bulk of it (hundreds of millions of dollars) went to salaries, parties, "expenses", and to "charities set up by the Clinton Foundation...which basically is a Clinton bank account.

The Clintons also used Canada to circumvent the reporting of donors names. The Clintons are both ROTTEN TO THE CORE!

Clinton Foundation Involved in Bribery, Kickbacks, Money Laundering to Grow Russia's Energy Program - Mish Talk

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow

...and another Clinton money scam:

The Anatomy Of Hillary Clinton's $84 Million Money-Laundering Scheme | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
The foundation is the charity dumbass. It's a conspiracy!! Only fake news knows the truth!
A charity? A charity would have built a hospital in Haiti like that sleazy bastard Slick Willy said he would. Go to Haiti and tell them the Clintons run a fine charity.

Check on the % of income that actually goes to a charitable cause. You are so naive and uneducated. You should stick to Play Dough and pink pussy hats.
Haiti is a corrupt s*******. The Clinton Foundation is rated a and is the charity. Really stupid stuff you believe... All discredited totally in the real world.
Discredited? You're a fucking idiot! Watch and listen to the fucking news. Google Clinton and the Haiti hospital. I don't give a fuck who rates the Clinton Foundation as an A scale charity. The Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative are both fuckin' scams!
Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go? - FactCheck.org

You believe everything you are told by bought off High School grad ex Coke head pundits, super duper dupe.
Try to find a credible link. FactCheck is a shill for liberals, especially the Clintons. I would not doubt that FactCheck recieves millions from the Clinton "Charitable" Foundation.
What scum the Clintons are! My GOD!

What scum all of them!:puke:
Cur dogs is what I call 'em. Bill is sleazy, has been sleazy ever since before he was Governor of Arkansas. He imposes his power on little girls, the younger the better. However, I doubt his dick still works.
The foundation is the charity dumbass. It's a conspiracy!! Only fake news knows the truth!
A charity? A charity would have built a hospital in Haiti like that sleazy bastard Slick Willy said he would. Go to Haiti and tell them the Clintons run a fine charity.

Check on the % of income that actually goes to a charitable cause. You are so naive and uneducated. You should stick to Play Dough and pink pussy hats.
Haiti is a corrupt s*******. The Clinton Foundation is rated a and is the charity. Really stupid stuff you believe... All discredited totally in the real world.
Discredited? You're a fucking idiot! Watch and listen to the fucking news. Google Clinton and the Haiti hospital. I don't give a fuck who rates the Clinton Foundation as an A scale charity. The Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative are both fuckin' scams!
Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go? - FactCheck.org

You believe everything you are told by bought off High School grad ex Coke head pundits, super duper dupe.
Try to find a credible link. FactCheck is a shill for liberals, especially the Clintons. I would not doubt that FactCheck recieves millions from the Clinton "Charitable" Foundation.
The only people who agree with you are GOP propaganda Outlets, dupe.
What scum the Clintons are! My GOD!

What scum all of them!:puke:
Cur dogs is what I call 'em. Bill is sleazy, has been sleazy ever since before he was Governor of Arkansas. He imposes his power on little girls, the younger the better. However, I doubt his dick still works.

They are a a big part of the swamp....green, dirty, stinky waters.....

I want to see them in handcuffs....I want to see them in jail .... to suffer...like they made others suffered...

I want them to pay.
So let's have a real Clinton scandal, Dupe. They are all crap.
We had one ...err several and we have another one now.
The DNC-Clinton-Obama Colluded with the KGB and Kremlin to Nullify Our Election using Putin-Clinton-Obama Dupes in the FBI & DOJ

How does it feel to know you are Putin's Butt Plug?
All Pure BS. Putin loves Trump cuz he can blackmail him. Let's see a link to that from a respectable source. LOL as if you know what one is... Conspiracy nutjob like most GOP voters.
Blackmail him over what? Pissing on Crooked Clinton's Election chances in a Russian Hotel?

  • Did Trump take $145 Million from Putin like Clinton did?
  • Did Trump take $64 Million from Putin like Obama did?
  • Did Trump sell 20% of our Uranium to Russian like Obama and Clinton did?
  • Did Trump look the other way, wink at Putin and told him we could make a deal and Putin can have The Crimea "after the election" like Obama did?
  • Did Trump pay Russian Spies $15 Million for Russian Propaganda Packages like Obama & Clinton did?
  • Did Trump hire Pakistani Hackers to break in to Congressional Files and Spy on Congress like Clinton and Schultz did?
  • Did Trump's Party give Russian Propaganda to Trump's KGB Stooges in THE FBI and DOJ to File False Affidavits with, Make False Statements with and Improperly and Illegally file for FISA Warrants to spy on HIllary Clinton?
  • Did Trump delete 33,000 Emails, and try to conceal 50,000 text messages to conceal the truth like Clinton and The FBI did?
  • Did Trump break 17 electronic devices with a hammer and tell Congress he only ever had one device like Hillary Clinton did?
All crap propaganda. People outside the GOP b******* and character assassination propaganda bubble have no idea what you're talking about. Also known as real journalism. Propagandist s love asking BS questions...
Hillary deleted personal emails asshe is allowed to do as Secretary of State. There is nothing for her to cover up, super dupe. Except on your imaginary dupe planet.

You are either one of the more rabid liars here, or you are a melon head.
What scum the Clintons are! My GOD!

What scum all of them!:puke:
Cur dogs is what I call 'em. Bill is sleazy, has been sleazy ever since before he was Governor of Arkansas. He imposes his power on little girls, the younger the better. However, I doubt his dick still works.

They are a a big part of the swamp....green, dirty, stinky waters.....

I want to see them in handcuffs....I want to see them in jail .... to suffer...like they made others suffered...

I want them to pay.
And of course you idiots have to arrest most of the FBI and the US justice department LOL! The swamp is also known as the GOP.
We had one ...err several and we have another one now.
The DNC-Clinton-Obama Colluded with the KGB and Kremlin to Nullify Our Election using Putin-Clinton-Obama Dupes in the FBI & DOJ

How does it feel to know you are Putin's Butt Plug?
All Pure BS. Putin loves Trump cuz he can blackmail him. Let's see a link to that from a respectable source. LOL as if you know what one is... Conspiracy nutjob like most GOP voters.
Blackmail him over what? Pissing on Crooked Clinton's Election chances in a Russian Hotel?

  • Did Trump take $145 Million from Putin like Clinton did?
  • Did Trump take $64 Million from Putin like Obama did?
  • Did Trump sell 20% of our Uranium to Russian like Obama and Clinton did?
  • Did Trump look the other way, wink at Putin and told him we could make a deal and Putin can have The Crimea "after the election" like Obama did?
  • Did Trump pay Russian Spies $15 Million for Russian Propaganda Packages like Obama & Clinton did?
  • Did Trump hire Pakistani Hackers to break in to Congressional Files and Spy on Congress like Clinton and Schultz did?
  • Did Trump's Party give Russian Propaganda to Trump's KGB Stooges in THE FBI and DOJ to File False Affidavits with, Make False Statements with and Improperly and Illegally file for FISA Warrants to spy on HIllary Clinton?
  • Did Trump delete 33,000 Emails, and try to conceal 50,000 text messages to conceal the truth like Clinton and The FBI did?
  • Did Trump break 17 electronic devices with a hammer and tell Congress he only ever had one device like Hillary Clinton did?
All crap propaganda. People outside the GOP b******* and character assassination propaganda bubble have no idea what you're talking about. Also known as real journalism. Propagandist s love asking BS questions...
Hillary deleted personal emails asshe is allowed to do as Secretary of State. There is nothing for her to cover up, super dupe. Except on your imaginary dupe planet.

You are either one of the more rabid liars here, or you are a melon head.
The 33,000 deleted emails are all personal, super dupe. Only You Dupes start with Hillary being a crook, not the Secretary of State.
We had one ...err several and we have another one now.
The DNC-Clinton-Obama Colluded with the KGB and Kremlin to Nullify Our Election using Putin-Clinton-Obama Dupes in the FBI & DOJ

How does it feel to know you are Putin's Butt Plug?
All Pure BS. Putin loves Trump cuz he can blackmail him. Let's see a link to that from a respectable source. LOL as if you know what one is... Conspiracy nutjob like most GOP voters.
Blackmail him over what? Pissing on Crooked Clinton's Election chances in a Russian Hotel?

  • Did Trump take $145 Million from Putin like Clinton did?
  • Did Trump take $64 Million from Putin like Obama did?
  • Did Trump sell 20% of our Uranium to Russian like Obama and Clinton did?
  • Did Trump look the other way, wink at Putin and told him we could make a deal and Putin can have The Crimea "after the election" like Obama did?
  • Did Trump pay Russian Spies $15 Million for Russian Propaganda Packages like Obama & Clinton did?
  • Did Trump hire Pakistani Hackers to break in to Congressional Files and Spy on Congress like Clinton and Schultz did?
  • Did Trump's Party give Russian Propaganda to Trump's KGB Stooges in THE FBI and DOJ to File False Affidavits with, Make False Statements with and Improperly and Illegally file for FISA Warrants to spy on HIllary Clinton?
  • Did Trump delete 33,000 Emails, and try to conceal 50,000 text messages to conceal the truth like Clinton and The FBI did?
  • Did Trump break 17 electronic devices with a hammer and tell Congress he only ever had one device like Hillary Clinton did?
All crap propaganda. People outside the GOP b******* and character assassination propaganda bubble have no idea what you're talking about. Also known as real journalism. Propagandist s love asking BS questions...
Hillary deleted personal emails asshe is allowed to do as Secretary of State. There is nothing for her to cover up, super dupe. Except on your imaginary dupe planet.

You are either one of the more rabid liars here, or you are a melon head.
She also turned back 30 thousand emails to the state department which were no problem either. Except of course on Fox etc etc etc
What scum the Clintons are! My GOD!

What scum all of them!:puke:
Cur dogs is what I call 'em. Bill is sleazy, has been sleazy ever since before he was Governor of Arkansas. He imposes his power on little girls, the younger the better. However, I doubt his dick still works.

They are a a big part of the swamp....green, dirty, stinky waters.....

I want to see them in handcuffs....I want to see them in jail .... to suffer...like they made others suffered...

I want them to pay.
For what, again? LOL! Name one and I'll prove that wrong and total BS...
I would be forever in Hillary's debt if she would only set her evil ugly ass on fire.
I feel no sympathy whatsoever for that despicable piece of shit rapist.
But love and admiration for your serial sex offending president, right?
That is typical, liberal, unsubstantiated bullshit. Trump's worst known transgression is using locker room talk about pussies. Slick Willy is the serial predator. Slick Willy as Governor Clinton cruised Arkansas high schools looking for hot chicks to impress with his crooked dick. Slick Willy took trips sans Secret Service agents with his perverted sex fiend friend to a private orgy island where underage girls were plentiful. Slick Willy dupes a starstruck young lady into giving him head in the Oval Office. Slick Willy uses cigars as dildos. Slick Willy is a goddamned piece of shit.
I feel no sympathy whatsoever for that despicable piece of shit rapist.
But love and admiration for your serial sex offending president, right?
Trump's only known transgression is using locker room talk on a bus full of men talking about pussy. Slick Willy is a serial predator. Governor Clinton cruised Arkansas high schools looking for hot chicks half his age. Slick Willy duped a young lady in a blue dress into giving him head in the Oval Office. Slick Willy used cigars as dildos. Slick Willy and Bitchillary paid his accusers to keep quiet. Slick Willy made trips (without Secret Service agents) on a private jet to Orgy Island where underage girls were plentiful. Slick Willy is a goddamned piece of shit.

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