I finally had a talk with my Trump supporter co worker, it was interesting

the GOP has used and abused them for decades and Trump is the guy to make it all worth while....never mind the man is a con, never mind ol George is struggling to make ends meet like the rest of us, if he feels good that's all that matters, eh?
The lack of self-awareness and introspection here is breathtaking.PExchange "Trump" with "Obama" and it reads exactly the same, but moonbats like you will never admit it.
If you think Obama and Trump are equal in anyway, too lost for me to even go there...you're hopeless
That's not what I said at all...You're too stupid for words.

Point of order, Captain Oddy!!!!

Calling them stupid is far too kind to the low-lives.

They follow the precepts of Georges Sorel.

Georges Eugène Sorel …was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth [lies] in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered. Georges Sorel - Wikipedia

Sorel’s contribution was simple: it need not be true, as long as it was useful. We saw Sorel’s greatest disciple, Hillary Clinton.

But, many have simply found it simpler to substitute ‘useful’ for ‘truthful’…even when it also involves ‘hateful.’

It’s what Aquinas called 'ignorantia affectata - a cultivated ignorance'.
And they have no problem doing so because a central doctrine of Leftist, Liberalism, Democrat politics is that they despise religion, and, therefore, morality.
Me and George haven't spoke since the man baby Trump defended the Klan that killed that white chic with his car. Before that, we was cool cool cool, he hated Obama, I hated Trump, but we could still talk, cause Obama wasn't crazy like his boy....but when I found out he still supported Trump after that shit, I'm like dude is secretly a card carrying white klucker and I was done.

Well, I've eased up a bit on ol George since the Dems took the election and while on a smoke break, he and I had a short but interesting conversation...prior to this, I'd take my smoke break after his...that's how divided we became.

Smiling from ear to ear and George too, I think we secretly missed debating each other with our political opinions, so it was kinda nice..anyways, I kidded G and said, ya boy is now being checked, how you feel about that and without missing a beat, he said, "can I tell you why I supported Trump and will vote for the guy if he was to run again" and I said, sure....
He said, Trump is the only GOP candidate he's ever ever voted for that actually said what he was gonna do and did it. I've been voting the GOP ticket my whole life and they get in there and all they do is focus on them rich motherfuckers, never on me and I feel Trump is focusing on me"....unquote!! I'm floored, but I get it. Even though Trump ain't doing a damn thing for this idiot George, in his heart, in his gut, Trump has listened to him and that's what he likes about the guy. I didn't go in on George, I just listened. Its hard to penetrate people with concrete slapped between their brains and its dangerous trying to awaken someone who clearly is sleep walking the Trump dream, so I listened.
I know people think he's racist and all that, but I don't care about that stuff, all i care about is what he's doing for me, getting rid of them illegals, making people pay us fairly, just looking out for me....unquote!!
As our 15 minutes came to an end, I looked up at ol George the white guy and said, hey, do what's best for you man, I don't get the guy, but hey, if you do, more power....we both smiled at each other and went back in to work and for the first time, I get the Georges' of this country....the GOP has used and abused them for decades and Trump is the guy to make it all worth while....never mind the man is a con, never mind ol George is struggling to make ends meet like the rest of us, if he feels good that's all that matters, eh?
Trump’s fucking him, but he feels good and that’s all that matters. Makes sense to me now.
Lol, says the guy that spent the eight years of Obama on all 4's.
Me and George haven't spoke since the man baby Trump defended the Klan that killed that white chic with his car. Before that, we was cool cool cool, he hated Obama, I hated Trump, but we could still talk, cause Obama wasn't crazy like his boy....but when I found out he still supported Trump after that shit, I'm like dude is secretly a card carrying white klucker and I was done.

Well, I've eased up a bit on ol George since the Dems took the election and while on a smoke break, he and I had a short but interesting conversation...prior to this, I'd take my smoke break after his...that's how divided we became.

Smiling from ear to ear and George too, I think we secretly missed debating each other with our political opinions, so it was kinda nice..anyways, I kidded G and said, ya boy is now being checked, how you feel about that and without missing a beat, he said, "can I tell you why I supported Trump and will vote for the guy if he was to run again" and I said, sure....
He said, Trump is the only GOP candidate he's ever ever voted for that actually said what he was gonna do and did it. I've been voting the GOP ticket my whole life and they get in there and all they do is focus on them rich motherfuckers, never on me and I feel Trump is focusing on me"....unquote!! I'm floored, but I get it. Even though Trump ain't doing a damn thing for this idiot George, in his heart, in his gut, Trump has listened to him and that's what he likes about the guy. I didn't go in on George, I just listened. Its hard to penetrate people with concrete slapped between their brains and its dangerous trying to awaken someone who clearly is sleep walking the Trump dream, so I listened.
I know people think he's racist and all that, but I don't care about that stuff, all i care about is what he's doing for me, getting rid of them illegals, making people pay us fairly, just looking out for me....unquote!!
As our 15 minutes came to an end, I looked up at ol George the white guy and said, hey, do what's best for you man, I don't get the guy, but hey, if you do, more power....we both smiled at each other and went back in to work and for the first time, I get the Georges' of this country....the GOP has used and abused them for decades and Trump is the guy to make it all worth while....never mind the man is a con, never mind ol George is struggling to make ends meet like the rest of us, if he feels good that's all that matters, eh?
Trump’s fucking him, but he feels good and that’s all that matters. Makes sense to me now.
Lol, says the guy that spent the eight years of Obama on all 4's.
You were in the fetal position shitting your diapers then. I was doing great during the Obama years, snowflake.
Me and George haven't spoke since the man baby Trump defended the Klan that killed that white chic with his car. Before that, we was cool cool cool, he hated Obama, I hated Trump, but we could still talk, cause Obama wasn't crazy like his boy....but when I found out he still supported Trump after that shit, I'm like dude is secretly a card carrying white klucker and I was done.

Well, I've eased up a bit on ol George since the Dems took the election and while on a smoke break, he and I had a short but interesting conversation...prior to this, I'd take my smoke break after his...that's how divided we became.

Smiling from ear to ear and George too, I think we secretly missed debating each other with our political opinions, so it was kinda nice..anyways, I kidded G and said, ya boy is now being checked, how you feel about that and without missing a beat, he said, "can I tell you why I supported Trump and will vote for the guy if he was to run again" and I said, sure....
He said, Trump is the only GOP candidate he's ever ever voted for that actually said what he was gonna do and did it. I've been voting the GOP ticket my whole life and they get in there and all they do is focus on them rich motherfuckers, never on me and I feel Trump is focusing on me"....unquote!! I'm floored, but I get it. Even though Trump ain't doing a damn thing for this idiot George, in his heart, in his gut, Trump has listened to him and that's what he likes about the guy. I didn't go in on George, I just listened. Its hard to penetrate people with concrete slapped between their brains and its dangerous trying to awaken someone who clearly is sleep walking the Trump dream, so I listened.
I know people think he's racist and all that, but I don't care about that stuff, all i care about is what he's doing for me, getting rid of them illegals, making people pay us fairly, just looking out for me....unquote!!
As our 15 minutes came to an end, I looked up at ol George the white guy and said, hey, do what's best for you man, I don't get the guy, but hey, if you do, more power....we both smiled at each other and went back in to work and for the first time, I get the Georges' of this country....the GOP has used and abused them for decades and Trump is the guy to make it all worth while....never mind the man is a con, never mind ol George is struggling to make ends meet like the rest of us, if he feels good that's all that matters, eh?
Trump’s fucking him, but he feels good and that’s all that matters. Makes sense to me now.
Lol, says the guy that spent the eight years of Obama on all 4's.
You were in the fetal position shitting your diapers then. I was doing great during the Obama years, snowflake.
Lol, I'm 48 and I'm doing just fine. You loons crack me up, you know when Obama got elected. I didn't sport a pussy hat, nor did I yell at the sky. I just went on with my life. Maybe you should try it.
Me and George haven't spoke since the man baby Trump defended the Klan that killed that white chic with his car. Before that, we was cool cool cool, he hated Obama, I hated Trump, but we could still talk, cause Obama wasn't crazy like his boy....but when I found out he still supported Trump after that shit, I'm like dude is secretly a card carrying white klucker and I was done.

Well, I've eased up a bit on ol George since the Dems took the election and while on a smoke break, he and I had a short but interesting conversation...prior to this, I'd take my smoke break after his...that's how divided we became.

Smiling from ear to ear and George too, I think we secretly missed debating each other with our political opinions, so it was kinda nice..anyways, I kidded G and said, ya boy is now being checked, how you feel about that and without missing a beat, he said, "can I tell you why I supported Trump and will vote for the guy if he was to run again" and I said, sure....
He said, Trump is the only GOP candidate he's ever ever voted for that actually said what he was gonna do and did it. I've been voting the GOP ticket my whole life and they get in there and all they do is focus on them rich motherfuckers, never on me and I feel Trump is focusing on me"....unquote!! I'm floored, but I get it. Even though Trump ain't doing a damn thing for this idiot George, in his heart, in his gut, Trump has listened to him and that's what he likes about the guy. I didn't go in on George, I just listened. Its hard to penetrate people with concrete slapped between their brains and its dangerous trying to awaken someone who clearly is sleep walking the Trump dream, so I listened.
I know people think he's racist and all that, but I don't care about that stuff, all i care about is what he's doing for me, getting rid of them illegals, making people pay us fairly, just looking out for me....unquote!!
As our 15 minutes came to an end, I looked up at ol George the white guy and said, hey, do what's best for you man, I don't get the guy, but hey, if you do, more power....we both smiled at each other and went back in to work and for the first time, I get the Georges' of this country....the GOP has used and abused them for decades and Trump is the guy to make it all worth while....never mind the man is a con, never mind ol George is struggling to make ends meet like the rest of us, if he feels good that's all that matters, eh?
Trump’s fucking him, but he feels good and that’s all that matters. Makes sense to me now.
Lol, says the guy that spent the eight years of Obama on all 4's.
You were in the fetal position shitting your diapers then. I was doing great during the Obama years, snowflake.
Lol, I'm 48 and I'm doing just fine. You loons crack me up, you know when Obama got elected. I didn't sport a pussy hat, nor did I yell at the sky. I just went on with my life. Maybe you should try it.
I would love to go with my life, as I did with both Reagan the war whore and both Bush's the idiots, but Trump sadly is covered 2000000 hours a fuckin day. The sight of this bitch makes me sick...I'd love to put the bitch on ignore and move on, but the media won't let me
Me and George haven't spoke since the man baby Trump defended the Klan that killed that white chic with his car. Before that, we was cool cool cool, he hated Obama, I hated Trump, but we could still talk, cause Obama wasn't crazy like his boy....but when I found out he still supported Trump after that shit, I'm like dude is secretly a card carrying white klucker and I was done.

Well, I've eased up a bit on ol George since the Dems took the election and while on a smoke break, he and I had a short but interesting conversation...prior to this, I'd take my smoke break after his...that's how divided we became.

Smiling from ear to ear and George too, I think we secretly missed debating each other with our political opinions, so it was kinda nice..anyways, I kidded G and said, ya boy is now being checked, how you feel about that and without missing a beat, he said, "can I tell you why I supported Trump and will vote for the guy if he was to run again" and I said, sure....
He said, Trump is the only GOP candidate he's ever ever voted for that actually said what he was gonna do and did it. I've been voting the GOP ticket my whole life and they get in there and all they do is focus on them rich motherfuckers, never on me and I feel Trump is focusing on me"....unquote!! I'm floored, but I get it. Even though Trump ain't doing a damn thing for this idiot George, in his heart, in his gut, Trump has listened to him and that's what he likes about the guy. I didn't go in on George, I just listened. Its hard to penetrate people with concrete slapped between their brains and its dangerous trying to awaken someone who clearly is sleep walking the Trump dream, so I listened.
I know people think he's racist and all that, but I don't care about that stuff, all i care about is what he's doing for me, getting rid of them illegals, making people pay us fairly, just looking out for me....unquote!!
As our 15 minutes came to an end, I looked up at ol George the white guy and said, hey, do what's best for you man, I don't get the guy, but hey, if you do, more power....we both smiled at each other and went back in to work and for the first time, I get the Georges' of this country....the GOP has used and abused them for decades and Trump is the guy to make it all worth while....never mind the man is a con, never mind ol George is struggling to make ends meet like the rest of us, if he feels good that's all that matters, eh?
Trump’s fucking him, but he feels good and that’s all that matters. Makes sense to me now.
Lol, says the guy that spent the eight years of Obama on all 4's.
You were in the fetal position shitting your diapers then. I was doing great during the Obama years, snowflake.
We all was doing great, even the Obama haters....and they know it. By the time Trump gets through draggin us through the swamp, we'll be lucky to have our shirts on our backs....he's destroying us all for the sake of racist hillbillies and Fox fuckin news.
Me and George haven't spoke since the man baby Trump defended the Klan that killed that white chic with his car. Before that, we was cool cool cool, he hated Obama, I hated Trump, but we could still talk, cause Obama wasn't crazy like his boy....but when I found out he still supported Trump after that shit, I'm like dude is secretly a card carrying white klucker and I was done.

Well, I've eased up a bit on ol George since the Dems took the election and while on a smoke break, he and I had a short but interesting conversation...prior to this, I'd take my smoke break after his...that's how divided we became.

Smiling from ear to ear and George too, I think we secretly missed debating each other with our political opinions, so it was kinda nice..anyways, I kidded G and said, ya boy is now being checked, how you feel about that and without missing a beat, he said, "can I tell you why I supported Trump and will vote for the guy if he was to run again" and I said, sure....
He said, Trump is the only GOP candidate he's ever ever voted for that actually said what he was gonna do and did it. I've been voting the GOP ticket my whole life and they get in there and all they do is focus on them rich motherfuckers, never on me and I feel Trump is focusing on me"....unquote!! I'm floored, but I get it. Even though Trump ain't doing a damn thing for this idiot George, in his heart, in his gut, Trump has listened to him and that's what he likes about the guy. I didn't go in on George, I just listened. Its hard to penetrate people with concrete slapped between their brains and its dangerous trying to awaken someone who clearly is sleep walking the Trump dream, so I listened.
I know people think he's racist and all that, but I don't care about that stuff, all i care about is what he's doing for me, getting rid of them illegals, making people pay us fairly, just looking out for me....unquote!!
As our 15 minutes came to an end, I looked up at ol George the white guy and said, hey, do what's best for you man, I don't get the guy, but hey, if you do, more power....we both smiled at each other and went back in to work and for the first time, I get the Georges' of this country....the GOP has used and abused them for decades and Trump is the guy to make it all worth while....never mind the man is a con, never mind ol George is struggling to make ends meet like the rest of us, if he feels good that's all that matters, eh?
Trump’s fucking him, but he feels good and that’s all that matters. Makes sense to me now.
Lol, says the guy that spent the eight years of Obama on all 4's.
You were in the fetal position shitting your diapers then. I was doing great during the Obama years, snowflake.
Lol, I'm 48 and I'm doing just fine. You loons crack me up, you know when Obama got elected. I didn't sport a pussy hat, nor did I yell at the sky. I just went on with my life. Maybe you should try it.
I would love to go with my life, as I did with both Reagan the war whore and both Bush's the idiots, but Trump sadly is covered 2000000 hours a fuckin day. The sight of this bitch makes me sick...I'd love to put the bitch on ignore and move on, but the media won't let me
Me and George haven't spoke since the man baby Trump defended the Klan that killed that white chic with his car. Before that, we was cool cool cool, he hated Obama, I hated Trump, but we could still talk, cause Obama wasn't crazy like his boy....but when I found out he still supported Trump after that shit, I'm like dude is secretly a card carrying white klucker and I was done.

Well, I've eased up a bit on ol George since the Dems took the election and while on a smoke break, he and I had a short but interesting conversation...prior to this, I'd take my smoke break after his...that's how divided we became.

Smiling from ear to ear and George too, I think we secretly missed debating each other with our political opinions, so it was kinda nice..anyways, I kidded G and said, ya boy is now being checked, how you feel about that and without missing a beat, he said, "can I tell you why I supported Trump and will vote for the guy if he was to run again" and I said, sure....
He said, Trump is the only GOP candidate he's ever ever voted for that actually said what he was gonna do and did it. I've been voting the GOP ticket my whole life and they get in there and all they do is focus on them rich motherfuckers, never on me and I feel Trump is focusing on me"....unquote!! I'm floored, but I get it. Even though Trump ain't doing a damn thing for this idiot George, in his heart, in his gut, Trump has listened to him and that's what he likes about the guy. I didn't go in on George, I just listened. Its hard to penetrate people with concrete slapped between their brains and its dangerous trying to awaken someone who clearly is sleep walking the Trump dream, so I listened.
I know people think he's racist and all that, but I don't care about that stuff, all i care about is what he's doing for me, getting rid of them illegals, making people pay us fairly, just looking out for me....unquote!!
As our 15 minutes came to an end, I looked up at ol George the white guy and said, hey, do what's best for you man, I don't get the guy, but hey, if you do, more power....we both smiled at each other and went back in to work and for the first time, I get the Georges' of this country....the GOP has used and abused them for decades and Trump is the guy to make it all worth while....never mind the man is a con, never mind ol George is struggling to make ends meet like the rest of us, if he feels good that's all that matters, eh?
Trump’s fucking him, but he feels good and that’s all that matters. Makes sense to me now.
Lol, says the guy that spent the eight years of Obama on all 4's.
You were in the fetal position shitting your diapers then. I was doing great during the Obama years, snowflake.
Lol, I'm 48 and I'm doing just fine. You loons crack me up, you know when Obama got elected. I didn't sport a pussy hat, nor did I yell at the sky. I just went on with my life. Maybe you should try it.
Yeah you all were so chill then :rolleyes:

Good fucking grief
Me and George haven't spoke since the man baby Trump defended the Klan that killed that white chic with his car. Before that, we was cool cool cool, he hated Obama, I hated Trump, but we could still talk, cause Obama wasn't crazy like his boy....but when I found out he still supported Trump after that shit, I'm like dude is secretly a card carrying white klucker and I was done.

Well, I've eased up a bit on ol George since the Dems took the election and while on a smoke break, he and I had a short but interesting conversation...prior to this, I'd take my smoke break after his...that's how divided we became.

Smiling from ear to ear and George too, I think we secretly missed debating each other with our political opinions, so it was kinda nice..anyways, I kidded G and said, ya boy is now being checked, how you feel about that and without missing a beat, he said, "can I tell you why I supported Trump and will vote for the guy if he was to run again" and I said, sure....
He said, Trump is the only GOP candidate he's ever ever voted for that actually said what he was gonna do and did it. I've been voting the GOP ticket my whole life and they get in there and all they do is focus on them rich motherfuckers, never on me and I feel Trump is focusing on me"....unquote!! I'm floored, but I get it. Even though Trump ain't doing a damn thing for this idiot George, in his heart, in his gut, Trump has listened to him and that's what he likes about the guy. I didn't go in on George, I just listened. Its hard to penetrate people with concrete slapped between their brains and its dangerous trying to awaken someone who clearly is sleep walking the Trump dream, so I listened.
I know people think he's racist and all that, but I don't care about that stuff, all i care about is what he's doing for me, getting rid of them illegals, making people pay us fairly, just looking out for me....unquote!!
As our 15 minutes came to an end, I looked up at ol George the white guy and said, hey, do what's best for you man, I don't get the guy, but hey, if you do, more power....we both smiled at each other and went back in to work and for the first time, I get the Georges' of this country....the GOP has used and abused them for decades and Trump is the guy to make it all worth while....never mind the man is a con, never mind ol George is struggling to make ends meet like the rest of us, if he feels good that's all that matters, eh?
Trump’s fucking him, but he feels good and that’s all that matters. Makes sense to me now.
Lol, says the guy that spent the eight years of Obama on all 4's.
You were in the fetal position shitting your diapers then. I was doing great during the Obama years, snowflake.
Lol, I'm 48 and I'm doing just fine. You loons crack me up, you know when Obama got elected. I didn't sport a pussy hat, nor did I yell at the sky. I just went on with my life. Maybe you should try it.
Yeah you all were so chill then :rolleyes:

Good fucking grief
I wasn't make thread after thread daily about him. I was just amazed of what you didn't know about him, and still kissed his ass.
Why is it always about race with you fucking black people? Everything is race. I didn't vote FOR Trump because he was white any more than I voted against Obama because he was black. I voted against Obama because he was a moron with no experience even with a private sector job. I voted for Trump because he would run the country like a business and actually put America first.

Trump is by no means close to perfect, but he is one SOB who keeps his word whenever possible. He can't FORCE Mexico to pay for the wall so I can't hold him to that. But he's kept more campaign promises than any other president.
I can't wait until you rightwing bastards have to deal with a leftwing President who intends on keeping all THEIR promises no matter what.

Something tells me your current retorts will change into something else. Just like how EOs were cool, until the black guy was in Office, then they suddenly become unconstitutional, then they became cool again once you put that orange baboon in there.

All we need is time, it'll happen.
Trump’s fucking him, but he feels good and that’s all that matters. Makes sense to me now.
Lol, says the guy that spent the eight years of Obama on all 4's.
You were in the fetal position shitting your diapers then. I was doing great during the Obama years, snowflake.
Lol, I'm 48 and I'm doing just fine. You loons crack me up, you know when Obama got elected. I didn't sport a pussy hat, nor did I yell at the sky. I just went on with my life. Maybe you should try it.
Yeah you all were so chill then :rolleyes:

Good fucking grief
I wasn't make thread after thread daily about him. I was just amazed of what you didn't know about him, and still kissed his ass.
Like how he wanted to kill us with Ebola and turn us all into Muslims? You dumb fucking retard. Want to tell me more about his birth certificate? Idiot.
Like how he wanted to kill us with Ebola and turn us all into Muslims? You dumb fucking retard. Want to tell me more about his birth certificate? Idiot.
All of a sudden every USMB far rightwinger were cool, calm and collected all throughout the Obama years.


Why is it always about race with you fucking black people? Everything is race. I didn't vote FOR Trump because he was white any more than I voted against Obama because he was black. I voted against Obama because he was a moron with no experience even with a private sector job. I voted for Trump because he would run the country like a business and actually put America first.

Trump is by no means close to perfect, but he is one SOB who keeps his word whenever possible. He can't FORCE Mexico to pay for the wall so I can't hold him to that. But he's kept more campaign promises than any other president.
Dude, on that note, I rest my case....listen, mf' I don't make the fuckin news, I just report it...you don't like the way I fuckin flow, than gotdamnit put my black ass on ignore and let it go else kiss my black ass, white man!!

The problem isn't whether or not you make the news nor report it. It's the fact your stupid ass believes all that shit and let's it sculpt the way you view life, opportunity, ambition and direction that will forever keep you in the hole you keep digging for yourself.
You were in the fetal position shitting your diapers then. I was doing great during the Obama years, snowflake.
All the parasites were. It was a great time for people with food stamps, an Obama phone and who sucked off the government teat. Obama Was First President to Spend More on Welfare Than Defense
Wow you think needing those things is a great time? What a retard you are. Maybe try not collapsing the economy like your boy Dubya did. And oh look Trump who bragged about making money from the peasantry losing their homes in 2008/9 is going bonkers on deregulating banks. MAGA

Me and George haven't spoke since the man baby Trump defended the Klan that killed that white chic with his car. Before that, we was cool cool cool, he hated Obama, I hated Trump, but we could still talk, cause Obama wasn't crazy like his boy....but when I found out he still supported Trump after that shit, I'm like dude is secretly a card carrying white klucker and I was done.

Well, I've eased up a bit on ol George since the Dems took the election and while on a smoke break, he and I had a short but interesting conversation...prior to this, I'd take my smoke break after his...that's how divided we became.

Smiling from ear to ear and George too, I think we secretly missed debating each other with our political opinions, so it was kinda nice..anyways, I kidded G and said, ya boy is now being checked, how you feel about that and without missing a beat, he said, "can I tell you why I supported Trump and will vote for the guy if he was to run again" and I said, sure....
He said, Trump is the only GOP candidate he's ever ever voted for that actually said what he was gonna do and did it. I've been voting the GOP ticket my whole life and they get in there and all they do is focus on them rich motherfuckers, never on me and I feel Trump is focusing on me"....unquote!! I'm floored, but I get it. Even though Trump ain't doing a damn thing for this idiot George, in his heart, in his gut, Trump has listened to him and that's what he likes about the guy. I didn't go in on George, I just listened. Its hard to penetrate people with concrete slapped between their brains and its dangerous trying to awaken someone who clearly is sleep walking the Trump dream, so I listened.
I know people think he's racist and all that, but I don't care about that stuff, all i care about is what he's doing for me, getting rid of them illegals, making people pay us fairly, just looking out for me....unquote!!
As our 15 minutes came to an end, I looked up at ol George the white guy and said, hey, do what's best for you man, I don't get the guy, but hey, if you do, more power....we both smiled at each other and went back in to work and for the first time, I get the Georges' of this country....the GOP has used and abused them for decades and Trump is the guy to make it all worth while....never mind the man is a con, never mind ol George is struggling to make ends meet like the rest of us, if he feels good that's all that matters, eh?
Trump’s fucking him, but he feels good and that’s all that matters. Makes sense to me now.
Lol, says the guy that spent the eight years of Obama on all 4's.
You were in the fetal position shitting your diapers then. I was doing great during the Obama years, snowflake.

I see that free Obama-phone really impressed you.
The problem isn't whether or not you make the news nor report it. It's the fact your stupid ass believes all that shit and let's it sculpt the way you view life, opportunity, ambition and direction that will forever keep you in the hole you keep digging for yourself.
You know that white George and Tiger are most likely doing the same and/or similar work right?

You know they're most likely at the same station in life right?

You know that you're damning his fellow-worker, white George, with those words right?

Last edited:
Me and George haven't spoke since the man baby Trump defended the Klan that killed that white chic with his car. Before that, we was cool cool cool, he hated Obama, I hated Trump, but we could still talk, cause Obama wasn't crazy like his boy....but when I found out he still supported Trump after that shit, I'm like dude is secretly a card carrying white klucker and I was done.

Well, I've eased up a bit on ol George since the Dems took the election and while on a smoke break, he and I had a short but interesting conversation...prior to this, I'd take my smoke break after his...that's how divided we became.

Smiling from ear to ear and George too, I think we secretly missed debating each other with our political opinions, so it was kinda nice..anyways, I kidded G and said, ya boy is now being checked, how you feel about that and without missing a beat, he said, "can I tell you why I supported Trump and will vote for the guy if he was to run again" and I said, sure....
He said, Trump is the only GOP candidate he's ever ever voted for that actually said what he was gonna do and did it. I've been voting the GOP ticket my whole life and they get in there and all they do is focus on them rich motherfuckers, never on me and I feel Trump is focusing on me"....unquote!! I'm floored, but I get it. Even though Trump ain't doing a damn thing for this idiot George, in his heart, in his gut, Trump has listened to him and that's what he likes about the guy. I didn't go in on George, I just listened. Its hard to penetrate people with concrete slapped between their brains and its dangerous trying to awaken someone who clearly is sleep walking the Trump dream, so I listened.
I know people think he's racist and all that, but I don't care about that stuff, all i care about is what he's doing for me, getting rid of them illegals, making people pay us fairly, just looking out for me....unquote!!
As our 15 minutes came to an end, I looked up at ol George the white guy and said, hey, do what's best for you man, I don't get the guy, but hey, if you do, more power....we both smiled at each other and went back in to work and for the first time, I get the Georges' of this country....the GOP has used and abused them for decades and Trump is the guy to make it all worth while....never mind the man is a con, never mind ol George is struggling to make ends meet like the rest of us, if he feels good that's all that matters, eh?
Trump’s fucking him, but he feels good and that’s all that matters. Makes sense to me now.
Lol, says the guy that spent the eight years of Obama on all 4's.
You were in the fetal position shitting your diapers then. I was doing great during the Obama years, snowflake.

I see that free Obama-phone really impressed you.
^ too stupid
You do realize that you're damning his fellow-worker, white George, do you? You do realize that George and Tiger are most likely doing the same and/or similar work do you? You do realize they're at the same station in life do you?


I don't damn anyone. I laugh at those who damn themselves. It is far more productive to leave people like George, Tiger and yourself to your own folly than to try and convince you that your left/right side political pandering driven by your dualistic puppet masters is worth anything more than ridicule.

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