I find it odd republicans have such a hardline stance on immigration yet think corporations...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...should be able to do whatever they want with no regulatory oversight. Not only that, but corporate crime is either not punished or the punishment is meager fines that achieve nothing to correct behavior.

Republicans just like to pretend this kind of stuff doesn’t matter.

They might as well grow some balls and admit they are hardline on immigration because they are just racist.
...should be able to do whatever they want with no regulatory oversight. Not only that, but corporate crime is either not punished or the punishment is meager fines that achieve nothing to correct behavior.

Republicans just like to pretend this kind of stuff doesn’t matter.

They might as well grow some balls and admit they are hardline on immigration because they are just racist.
Are you listening to Rachel Madcow again?
They complain if Mexicans come here and take jobs

But if a corporation sends those jobs overseas.......they celebrate and slash their taxes
...should be able to do whatever they want with no regulatory oversight. Not only that, but corporate crime is either not punished or the punishment is meager fines that achieve nothing to correct behavior.

Republicans just like to pretend this kind of stuff doesn’t matter.

They might as well grow some balls and admit they are hardline on immigration because they are just racist.

I’m not a Republican but I am a conservative. I’m just curious however, just which republicans have advocated for no regulations on corporations. Start naming them with links, or you will be exposed as the limp wrist straw man.
Good grief, first you dumb ass liberals explain why we should fork over BILLIONS of dollars in government handouts to illegals when you people bitch daily that we need to raise taxes to help our own poor people.
And not a single one of them will support going after the companies that do the hiring of the illegals. They are given a free pass because they are the true overlords of the party.
Good grief, first you dumb ass liberals explain why we should fork over BILLIONS of dollars in government handouts to illegals when you people bitch daily that we need to raise taxes to help our own poor people.
If they get government handouts it's because they have fake SS ID cards that the GOP refuses to fix forever. We only b****that the rich should pay their fair share, certainly not the Non rich. Meanwhile you silly Dupes believe they pay 2 much LOL!
...should be able to do whatever they want with no regulatory oversight. Not only that, but corporate crime is either not punished or the punishment is meager fines that achieve nothing to correct behavior.

Republicans just like to pretend this kind of stuff doesn’t matter.

They might as well grow some balls and admit they are hardline on immigration because they are just racist.

I favor mandating E-Verify and providing jail time and hefty fines for companies that hire illegals. I'm not a Republican myself. I know none who disagree with me.

BTW, Mexican is not a race. Nor is Salvadoran or any other national designation.
Lets test the limits of the bleeding heart's generosity shall we. Why don't you Dem bleeding hearts sponsor an illegal so they can stay in their home country? Say $12,000 a year that's only $1,000 a month. If 100 million Dem's sponsor an illegal there you go 100 million illegals saved. Then you can strut around like peacocks patting yourselves on the back.
Good grief, first you dumb ass liberals explain why we should fork over BILLIONS of dollars in government handouts to illegals when you people bitch daily that we need to raise taxes to help our own poor people.
If they get government handouts it's because they have fake SS ID cards that the GOP refuses to fix forever. We only b****that the rich should pay their fair share, certainly not the Non rich. Meanwhile you silly Dupes believe they pay 2 much LOL!

No franco, they sneak into our country pop out an anchor baby then get welfare for the anchor baby. Try to keep up okay.
and I find it hard to believe that Democrats held the House and Senate for 4 years, and the Oval office for 2 of them, and didn't do anything about it.
...should be able to do whatever they want with no regulatory oversight. Not only that, but corporate crime is either not punished or the punishment is meager fines that achieve nothing to correct behavior.

Republicans just like to pretend this kind of stuff doesn’t matter.

They might as well grow some balls and admit they are hardline on immigration because they are just racist.
Who is telling you these things.............

You need better people to give you advice....................
...should be able to do whatever they want with no regulatory oversight. Not only that, but corporate crime is either not punished or the punishment is meager fines that achieve nothing to correct behavior.

Republicans just like to pretend this kind of stuff doesn’t matter.

They might as well grow some balls and admit they are hardline on immigration because they are just racist.

And I have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell to you. As usual you are way off target. Conservatives with some exceptions use what I call the FFH rule in terms of regulations. Force, Fraud, Health. And you ignored of course left wing leaning high tech firms like Facebook who abuse HB-1 with impunity. Try again.
...should be able to do whatever they want with no regulatory oversight. Not only that, but corporate crime is either not punished or the punishment is meager fines that achieve nothing to correct behavior.

Republicans just like to pretend this kind of stuff doesn’t matter.

They might as well grow some balls and admit they are hardline on immigration because they are just racist.

I favor mandating E-Verify and providing jail time and hefty fines for companies that hire illegals. I'm not a Republican myself. I know none who disagree with me.

BTW, Mexican is not a race. Nor is Salvadoran or any other national designation.
You idiot. I didn’t say Mexican was a race.
...should be able to do whatever they want with no regulatory oversight. Not only that, but corporate crime is either not punished or the punishment is meager fines that achieve nothing to correct behavior.

Republicans just like to pretend this kind of stuff doesn’t matter.

They might as well grow some balls and admit they are hardline on immigration because they are just racist.

Most Democrats are racist demagogues who constantly accuse others of being racist.
All countries control their border crossings.
All countries control their immigration.
There is nothing racist about it.
...should be able to do whatever they want with no regulatory oversight. Not only that, but corporate crime is either not punished or the punishment is meager fines that achieve nothing to correct behavior.

Republicans just like to pretend this kind of stuff doesn’t matter.

They might as well grow some balls and admit they are hardline on immigration because they are just racist.
If you don't like how penalties are dolled out to corporate offenders, pack up your bags and go to your socialist dream location, China. There, they actually execute company leaders.
I am relatively conservative. I think companies should not only be fined, but if they are found to have a certain number of illegals in their company, it should automatically trigger an IRS audit.
You start sicking the IRS on companies and those hires will drop to nothing.
Newsflash corporation have regulations, illegals are illegal and Trump is still president.
Good grief, first you dumb ass liberals explain why we should fork over BILLIONS of dollars in government handouts to illegals when you people bitch daily that we need to raise taxes to help our own poor people.
If they get government handouts it's because they have fake SS ID cards that the GOP refuses to fix forever. We only b****that the rich should pay their fair share, certainly not the Non rich. Meanwhile you silly Dupes believe they pay 2 much LOL!

No franco, they sneak into our country pop out an anchor baby then get welfare for the anchor baby. Try to keep up okay.

Do you mean like the current Mrs. Rump did with anchor baby Baron?

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