I guess if Tramp doesn't want any of the trampers testifying

Forget the past-I was not there then, and this is NOW. Transparency for EVERYBODY-YES OR NO?

Right, forget history since 2011 and the horrendous way those House Republicans treated the last Democrat President. So you think criminal investigations need to be transparent and open to the public during the evidence gathering phase of the investigations? (You must be a criminal defense lawyer.) Republican members of the House are on the Committees taking the depositions and testimony, so it is transparent to those Republicans. When will the WH become transparent, stop obstructing Congress and let their people answer the subpoenas?
Never. The best outcome of this for all concerned is to just let the dems present the facts they have learned before Christmas, and let McConnell have a one day "trial" following by a same day vote to not remove Trump. And get on with it.

Not that there's no importance in showing Trump tried to strong arm Ukraine and abused his office. But that's only going to affect maybe 2% in battleground states and it will energize Trump's base.

Never is too absolute. I think the courts are going to expedite the matter of the subpoenas the House has issued this term. Then of course they will be getting a chance to review all the evidence Mueller gathered too. But probably not before Christmas.
I don't see an upside for the dems in prolonging this to get more evidence.

The dems have to present a vision of where they want the country to go economically, and less importantly in for policy.

Personally, I find the debt levels terrifying for my child, and think everyone else should too. The other goper candidates in 16 all mentioned this as an issue. Trump views default and renegotiation a valid strategy.

And, Trump will support Facebook. Facebook should be subject to regulation the same as any other form of media transmission. Anyone broadcasting on radio or TV has to comply with restrictions. NBC may not be liable for known lies locally broadcast on bandwidth assigned to it, but it can have it's bandwidth taken away. Or, the local broadcaster may be removed from the medium.

I guess I'm being cynical. Weaponizing political investigations worked in 2016. Taking the high road didn't. But I feel dirty, like a Trumpublican now.

Fakebook and the information war is a .... broad topic.
Well, you realize the dems weaponized the investigations, right?
Doesn't change the fact that the Democrats in the House are operating under the very same rules Republicans used in the investigations of Obama and the Impeachment of Clinton.

So basically your nut crunch tactic is just to lob the same lies the Trumpublicans are spreading?
Does not change the fact that dems are NOT transparent-isn't that more important than your revenge quest?

They are no less transparent than the Republicans were when they were trying to extract their revenge on Obama with endless investigations. Trumpublicans don't want a level playing field.
Forget the past-I was not there then, and this is NOW. Transparency for EVERYBODY-YES OR NO?

Right, forget history since 2011 and the horrendous way those House Republicans treated the last Democrat President. So you think criminal investigations need to be transparent and open to the public during the evidence gathering phase of the investigations? (You must be a criminal defense lawyer.) Republican members of the House are on the Committees taking the depositions and testimony, so it is transparent to those Republicans. When will the WH become transparent, stop obstructing Congress and let their people answer the subpoenas?
Did not see the 2011 hearings-those should have been transparent too. This is not about dems and reps, this is about the American people and THEIR right to have open government. All should be open including white house info

Dems and Reps are Americans. It is an open system. Both parties are privy to the testimony. It will all become public soon enough.
Does not change the fact that dems are NOT transparent-isn't that more important than your revenge quest?

They are no less transparent than the Republicans were when they were trying to extract their revenge on Obama with endless investigations. Trumpublicans don't want a level playing field.
Forget the past-I was not there then, and this is NOW. Transparency for EVERYBODY-YES OR NO?

Right, forget history since 2011 and the horrendous way those House Republicans treated the last Democrat President. So you think criminal investigations need to be transparent and open to the public during the evidence gathering phase of the investigations? (You must be a criminal defense lawyer.) Republican members of the House are on the Committees taking the depositions and testimony, so it is transparent to those Republicans. When will the WH become transparent, stop obstructing Congress and let their people answer the subpoenas?
Did not see the 2011 hearings-those should have been transparent too. This is not about dems and reps, this is about the American people and THEIR right to have open government. All should be open including white house info

Dems and Reps are Americans. It is an open system. Both parties are privy to the testimony. It will all become public soon enough.
Sooner IS better
Right, forget history since 2011 and the horrendous way those House Republicans treated the last Democrat President. So you think criminal investigations need to be transparent and open to the public during the evidence gathering phase of the investigations? (You must be a criminal defense lawyer.) Republican members of the House are on the Committees taking the depositions and testimony, so it is transparent to those Republicans. When will the WH become transparent, stop obstructing Congress and let their people answer the subpoenas?
Never. The best outcome of this for all concerned is to just let the dems present the facts they have learned before Christmas, and let McConnell have a one day "trial" following by a same day vote to not remove Trump. And get on with it.

Not that there's no importance in showing Trump tried to strong arm Ukraine and abused his office. But that's only going to affect maybe 2% in battleground states and it will energize Trump's base.

Never is too absolute. I think the courts are going to expedite the matter of the subpoenas the House has issued this term. Then of course they will be getting a chance to review all the evidence Mueller gathered too. But probably not before Christmas.
I don't see an upside for the dems in prolonging this to get more evidence.

The dems have to present a vision of where they want the country to go economically, and less importantly in for policy.

Personally, I find the debt levels terrifying for my child, and think everyone else should too. The other goper candidates in 16 all mentioned this as an issue. Trump views default and renegotiation a valid strategy.

And, Trump will support Facebook. Facebook should be subject to regulation the same as any other form of media transmission. Anyone broadcasting on radio or TV has to comply with restrictions. NBC may not be liable for known lies locally broadcast on bandwidth assigned to it, but it can have it's bandwidth taken away. Or, the local broadcaster may be removed from the medium.

I guess I'm being cynical. Weaponizing political investigations worked in 2016. Taking the high road didn't. But I feel dirty, like a Trumpublican now.

Fakebook and the information war is a .... broad topic.
Well, you realize the dems weaponized the investigations, right?

Not yet. I'd like to see them investigate the Mueller loose ends all the way through to the convention and release their findings piecemeal during the RNC convention. But that wouldn't be playing nice would it? It will never happen.

Of course they'll need a few October Surprises in the bag in case ol'Trumpybear lobs a few bombs their way too.......
They are no less transparent than the Republicans were when they were trying to extract their revenge on Obama with endless investigations. Trumpublicans don't want a level playing field.
Forget the past-I was not there then, and this is NOW. Transparency for EVERYBODY-YES OR NO?

Right, forget history since 2011 and the horrendous way those House Republicans treated the last Democrat President. So you think criminal investigations need to be transparent and open to the public during the evidence gathering phase of the investigations? (You must be a criminal defense lawyer.) Republican members of the House are on the Committees taking the depositions and testimony, so it is transparent to those Republicans. When will the WH become transparent, stop obstructing Congress and let their people answer the subpoenas?
Did not see the 2011 hearings-those should have been transparent too. This is not about dems and reps, this is about the American people and THEIR right to have open government. All should be open including white house info

Dems and Reps are Americans. It is an open system. Both parties are privy to the testimony. It will all become public soon enough.
Sooner IS better

I prefer accuracy.
Wow, who knew there were that many morons in Kentucky?

I hear some are so dumb they vote democrat.
Sure you do, that's why they are at a tRump rally.


Smart people vote Republican. You should know that by just looking in the mirror.
what's so smart about supporting and lying for a world class ass like trump?

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