I guess I'm going to Hell. I think the Pope's a dork.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
This is the Pope that everyone is so thrilled about? He sounds like he has some brain damage and when I can make out what he says he sounds like he is running for some high government office. Lecturing our government and business leaders, what the heck? The Catholic Church is the biggest fattest most tax exempted business in the world that produces nothing and takes in billions from little old ladies estates.
This is the Pope that everyone is so thrilled about? He sounds like he has some brain damage and when I can make out what he says he sounds like he is running for some high government office. Lecturing our government and business leaders, what the heck? The Catholic Church is the biggest fattest most tax exempted business in the world that produces nothing and takes in billions from little old ladies estates.

OMG!!! Have you not heard of the Vatican Mafia? You're toast.
This is the Pope that everyone is so thrilled about? He sounds like he has some brain damage and when I can make out what he says he sounds like he is running for some high government office. Lecturing our government and business leaders, what the heck? The Catholic Church is the biggest fattest most tax exempted business in the world that produces nothing and takes in billions from little old ladies estates.

He's lecturing our government and other nations of the world because he thinks he is the ruler above all of them. He has already claimed Temporal Powers. You should look that up some time. According to the Vatican - their Pope is the Supreme ruler over the world - over all kings, queens, presidents, rulers, you name it. They claim his authority reigns supreme.
considering we have a separation between church and state, why do we need 24/7 coverage of his visit on every damn channel?

Can't seem to get away from it apart from the kids shows or the animal channel. Thank goodness for Pandora and amazon prime

Most people in the US are not even catholic. OK, I understand the coverage of the UN visit, but everything else?
considering we have a separation between church and state, why do we need 24/7 coverage of his visit on every damn channel?

Can't seem to get away from it apart from the kids shows or the animal channel. Thank goodness for Pandora and amazon prime

Most people in the US are not even catholic. OK, I understand the coverage of the UN visit, but everything else?
They were hoping for an assassination attempt....
This is the Pope that everyone is so thrilled about? He sounds like he has some brain damage and when I can make out what he says he sounds like he is running for some high government office. Lecturing our government and business leaders, what the heck? The Catholic Church is the biggest fattest most tax exempted business in the world that produces nothing and takes in billions from little old ladies estates.

Watch this and you get the real picture on what Jorge Mario Bergoglio aka Pope Francis is all about. This Christian man, Richard Bennett is a former Roman Catholic Priest for 22 years - was Catholic for over 40 years and was trained by the Jesuits. He knows precisely what he is talking about.

This is the Pope that everyone is so thrilled about? He sounds like he has some brain damage and when I can make out what he says he sounds like he is running for some high government office. Lecturing our government and business leaders, what the heck? The Catholic Church is the biggest fattest most tax exempted business in the world that produces nothing and takes in billions from little old ladies estates.

OMG!!! Have you not heard of the Vatican Mafia? You're toast.
This is the Pope that everyone is so thrilled about? He sounds like he has some brain damage and when I can make out what he says he sounds like he is running for some high government office. Lecturing our government and business leaders, what the heck? The Catholic Church is the biggest fattest most tax exempted business in the world that produces nothing and takes in billions from little old ladies estates.

Watch this and you get the real picture on what Jorge Mario Bergoglio aka Pope Francis is all about. This Christian man, Richard Bennett is a former Roman Catholic Priest for 22 years - was Catholic for over 40 years and was trained by the Jesuits. He knows precisely what he is talking about.

MarathonMike , note the wording that Bennett quotes from the Catholic Catechism paragraph 882 - that Francis used these words to remind the people of HIS "Petrine Ministry"... HIS authority as having Supreme and Universal power - unhindered -over all - did you get that? Unhindered - the arrogance of this cult and this man is truly incredible! Listen to the entire video and you'll see the true colors of this Pope and humble? It isn't one of his traits. It's an act. He's a Jesuit. They are Masters of Deceit. And they are murderers. They murdered the ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera because he exposed their secrets. They have a history of murdering people who oppose them. If they cannot ruin them by reputation, financially, false imprisonment, trumped up charges - they will murder them.
It was not bad enough that every channel is carry the pope's visit but fios gave his visit its own channel

Most American are not catholic. Nice guy and all but I didn't see so many hours for Pope JP II funeral and conclave. Him I really liked. He had a wonderful smile that seemed to genuinely come from the heart. I returned the ring of Pius VII to him after researching the providence. That was a nice tax deduction, and expense paid trip. My grandmother had met him years before in Europe when he was a cardinal during a trip to rome. I think she actually met three of the pope in total though not all as popes
Even though Pope JP was a Michaeline Pope, he stuck his feet in the Holy land where it ought not be and ended up interfering with a peace plan Arafat was about to sign & after that it fell through because the Vatican did not want Israel to control Jerusalem, they suggested an international city to prevent a 3rd temple spelling the end of the imposters farce.
Basically all the messes afterwards, like in the world today, can be assumed his fault.
This is the Pope that everyone is so thrilled about? He sounds like he has some brain damage and when I can make out what he says he sounds like he is running for some high government office. Lecturing our government and business leaders, what the heck? The Catholic Church is the biggest fattest most tax exempted business in the world that produces nothing and takes in billions from little old ladies estates.

with the sale of one painting the vatican could feed 5,000 families for a year.

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