I guess it isn't time for the oceans to rise or fall anymore, huh Obama?

Obama promotes modest American dream
This time around, President Barack Obama's message can sound decidedly down-to-earth.

Four years after winning the White House, Obama is dealing with a different economic and political reality as he seeks re-election. He's focused less on a lofty vision for overcoming divisions and remaking Washington, and more on the most basic building blocks of middle-class economic security: a job, a house, a college education for the kids, health care, money for retirement.

What Obama describes as the American Dream can seem a spare, fundamental aspiration, tailored for a campaign that looks to be fought over who is best equipped to safeguard the interests of middle-class Americans.
Obama promotes modest American dream

This is interesting! What did Obama promise use the last time?

Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth. This was the moment—this was the time—when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves and our highest ideals.
Text of Obama's speech Tuesday

I find this interesting. We go from Obama thinking he's Moses and can basically split the Red Sea or "heal the oceans" to modest Obama who's downturned from healing the oceans to making sure we all have a bare modest future. Because that's really all we want, right?

Because IF YOU DARE WANT MORE then Obama will burn you good with taxes taxes taxes just to make it "fair."

This is Obamaville people. Aren't you glad it's less than 300 days until we vote his skinny butt back to Chicago?

This time Obama has to run as himself and on his record. Not a phantom "hope and change" Hollywood version of the perfect candidate for America.

Consequently, he has to morph into a more mediocre and practical candidate who at this point will be begging for another four more years. His faux humbleness and Mr. Main Street America routine is nauseating.

What next? Instead of being surrounded by Ionic Greek pillars will his stylists attempt to portray him as more "ranch style"?


And judging from the crop of GOP candidates I'm guessing that Obama will cruise into another term. And that Obama's record will be superior to anything the GOP candiadates will offer.

Obama promotes modest American dream

This is interesting! What did Obama promise use the last time?

Text of Obama's speech Tuesday

I find this interesting. We go from Obama thinking he's Moses and can basically split the Red Sea or "heal the oceans" to modest Obama who's downturned from healing the oceans to making sure we all have a bare modest future. Because that's really all we want, right?

Because IF YOU DARE WANT MORE then Obama will burn you good with taxes taxes taxes just to make it "fair."

This is Obamaville people. Aren't you glad it's less than 300 days until we vote his skinny butt back to Chicago?

This time Obama has to run as himself and on his record. Not a phantom "hope and change" Hollywood version of the perfect candidate for America.

Consequently, he has to morph into a more mediocre and practical candidate who at this point will be begging for another four more years. His faux humbleness and Mr. Main Street America routine is nauseating.

What next? Instead of being surrounded by Ionic Greek pillars will his stylists attempt to portray him as more "ranch style"?


And judging from the crop of GOP candidates I'm guessing that Obama will cruise into another term. And that Obama's record will be superior to anything the GOP candiadates will offer.

All I can say to that is:


Delusional! Thy name is liberal.


How's that hope and change working out for ya all?



We because we don't need the oceans to heal and those good jobs you promised. We just need a tent where we can settle down and get raped.
whatever supposed evil Obama represents, the Republican candidates are eating each other alive and end whoever is left as the nominee will lose.

whatever supposed evil Obama represents, the Republican candidates are eating each other alive and end whoever is left as the nominee will lose.

Judge kitty has been hittuing the catnip a bit much. Case NOT closed.
"Exceptional" for conservatives means that this country can do what ever the fuck it wants. It means it's an empire with an elite class of people that can screw just about anyone out of anything.

"Exceptional" for liberals means that we are exceptional because of our rule of law, respect for humanity, liberty and justice.

See the difference?
No. Exceptional for all. All one has to do with thier liberty is use it wisely and responsibly instead of whining when they fail to have government pick them up.

Try again.

Have an exceptional Conservative Day, Sallow.

You always say that.

Message was fine the first time..no need to try again.

And have a fine liberal day..T.
Fuck off Swallow. YOU need to try again.
whatever supposed evil Obama represents, the Republican candidates are eating each other alive and end whoever is left as the nominee will lose.

Judge kitty has been hittuing the catnip a bit much. Case NOT closed.

Well, Kitty luvz her katnip. Still, after watching the debate, it's not clear who'd actually be able to defeat Obama--who has considerable resources.

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