I guess it's God or Hell


Apr 27, 2011
I work in a gas station and I meet some fairly colorful individuals, one of my regular customers very recently decided to spark a conversation on religion. Normally I try to avoid these conversations as most people don't like to hear that someone believes in something other than they do. Anyway, to the important stuff... I decided this time maybe if I try a few things I don't feel are too offensive it should go okay, so I say: I personally believe I don't need to go to church to be a good person. It's simple, when I see I am about to do something other people wouldn't like or could potentially harm someone else I just don't do it. His exact reply was this: It doesn't matter what you do in life, if you don't believe in God and trust in Him, you WILL go to hell. Now this sparks my curiosity, I was under the impression that God loved all his children and that was all he wanted from them, was for you to be kind to your neighbors and help those in need, and he would allow you entrance into his kingdom. But here's this guy is telling me no matter what I do, if I don't believe in God, I have no future except punishment. How are those the beliefs of a just and true God. So I wonder am I going to hell, simply because I don't go to church?
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God isn't worried about idolization, the demand for idolization is a human concept of God. God doesn't care about your love or worship, the need to be loved, the need to be idolized, is entirely human. When I think about God's personality traits, I think of all-PKG. God is all powerful, all knowing, and all good. If the trait in question doesn't fit an all-PKG being, it isn't a Godly trait.

The only reason I can figure for an all-PKG God to put us in a place of the survival of the fittest, is simply to see the way we treat ourselves, the way we treat one another, and the way we treat the planet. The scriptures were written by ancient human beings. The scriptures were compiled by Christian bishops and politicians at the first council of Nicaea in 325 AD. The Old Testament is a Hebrew document, also written by ancient human beings. The Bible is little more than blasphemy in the eyes of the true God.

You needn't worry about going to church, the true God would understand. The true God didn't speak to you, he didn't personally explain to you what he expected, and if there is an afterlife then that was the point entirely. It's not about whether or not we are submissive to Him, it's about if we do unto others as we'd have done unto ourselves. It's about finding love for ourselves, and loving others the same. It's about finding respect for humanity and nature.
I work in a gas station and I meet some fairly colorful individuals, one of my regular customers very recently decided to spark a conversation on religion. Normally I try to avoid these conversations as most people don't like to hear that someone believes in something other than they do. Anyway, to the important stuff... I decided this time maybe if I try a few things I don't feel are too offensive it should go okay, so I say: I personally believe I don't need to go to church to be a good person. It's simple, when I see I am about to do something other people wouldn't like or could potentially harm someone else I just don't do it. His exact reply was this: It doesn't matter what you do in life, if you don't believe in God and trust in Him, you WILL go to hell. Now this sparks my curiosity, I was under the impression that God loved all his children and that was all he wanted from them, was for you to be kind to your neighbors and help those in need, and he would allow you entrance into his kingdom. But here's this guy is telling me no matter what I do, if I don't believe in God, I have no future except punishment. How are those the beliefs of a just and true God. So I wonder am I going to hell, simply because I don't go to church?

Not going to church won't send you to "Hell". Instead of going off on a long explanation of this I'll just say the following: the vast, vast majority of people who choose to share their religious opinions with you do not have the faintest clue what they are talking about. It sounds to me like you ran into someone who has recently been "born again", they can be very annoying.
Not going to church won't send you to "Hell". Instead of going off on a long explanation of this I'll just say the following: the vast, vast majority of people who choose to share their religious opinions with you do not have the faintest clue what they are talking about. It sounds to me like you ran into someone who has recently been "born again", they can be very annoying.

In many cases they are simply lonely people, born again because it injects them into a community where they are able to meet a social gratification. Sure, they can be annoying at times, but who honestly can't be? The determining factor is the way in which they treat those they see as "heathens", and based upon what this man had to say I would assume it was with little more than contempt.

That is the way of the world, though. Some blindly follow and others see.
I work in a gas station and I meet some fairly colorful individuals, one of my regular customers very recently decided to spark a conversation on religion. Normally I try to avoid these conversations as most people don't like to hear that someone believes in something other than they do. Anyway, to the important stuff... I decided this time maybe if I try a few things I don't feel are too offensive it should go okay, so I say: I personally believe I don't need to go to church to be a good person. It's simple, when I see I am about to do something other people wouldn't like or could potentially harm someone else I just don't do it. His exact reply was this: It doesn't matter what you do in life, if you don't believe in God and trust in Him, you WILL go to hell. Now this sparks my curiosity, I was under the impression that God loved all his children and that was all he wanted from them, was for you to be kind to your neighbors and help those in need, and he would allow you entrance into his kingdom. But here's this guy is telling me no matter what I do, if I don't believe in God, I have no future except punishment. How are those the beliefs of a just and true God. So I wonder am I going to hell, simply because I don't go to church?

That guy thinks GOD is a liberal.

Some people (often the well off, I notice) believe that GOD play favorites (called THE ELECT) and if you not on that team and CHOSEN BY GOD, then it really does not matter what YOU BELIEVE, you are going to hell.

The Puritans believed this CLASSIST nonsense by the way.

You know...the ancestors of many of today's MASTERS?
I work in a gas station and I meet some fairly colorful individuals, one of my regular customers very recently decided to spark a conversation on religion. Normally I try to avoid these conversations as most people don't like to hear that someone believes in something other than they do. Anyway, to the important stuff... I decided this time maybe if I try a few things I don't feel are too offensive it should go okay, so I say: I personally believe I don't need to go to church to be a good person. It's simple, when I see I am about to do something other people wouldn't like or could potentially harm someone else I just don't do it. His exact reply was this: It doesn't matter what you do in life, if you don't believe in God and trust in Him, you WILL go to hell. Now this sparks my curiosity, I was under the impression that God loved all his children and that was all he wanted from them, was for you to be kind to your neighbors and help those in need, and he would allow you entrance into his kingdom. But here's this guy is telling me no matter what I do, if I don't believe in God, I have no future except punishment. How are those the beliefs of a just and true God. So I wonder am I going to hell, simply because I don't go to church?

That guy thinks GOD is a liberal.

Some people (often the well off, I notice) believe that GOD play favorites (called THE ELECT) and if you not on that team and CHOSEN BY GOD, then it really does not matter what YOU BELIEVE, you are going to hell.

The Puritans believed this CLASSIST nonsense by the way.

You know...the ancestors of many of today's MASTERS?

Calvinism is a theology that I have been working on disproving for years.
I'm going to read the writings of Charles Wesley someday to help me further disprove Calvinism.
Anyone read the Institutes of Calvinism? The one volume version isn't enough information.
I work in a gas station and I meet some fairly colorful individuals, one of my regular customers very recently decided to spark a conversation on religion. Normally I try to avoid these conversations as most people don't like to hear that someone believes in something other than they do. Anyway, to the important stuff... I decided this time maybe if I try a few things I don't feel are too offensive it should go okay, so I say: I personally believe I don't need to go to church to be a good person. It's simple, when I see I am about to do something other people wouldn't like or could potentially harm someone else I just don't do it. His exact reply was this: It doesn't matter what you do in life, if you don't believe in God and trust in Him, you WILL go to hell. Now this sparks my curiosity, I was under the impression that God loved all his children and that was all he wanted from them, was for you to be kind to your neighbors and help those in need, and he would allow you entrance into his kingdom. But here's this guy is telling me no matter what I do, if I don't believe in God, I have no future except punishment. How are those the beliefs of a just and true God. So I wonder am I going to hell, simply because I don't go to church?

All us saints warn our believers that there would be many false prophets ( Christian liars ), who have no idea who our invisible Creator is, that would try scare you into their false religion called Christianity, the earthly kingdom that came out of the fourth kingdom called the Roman Empire. God used the prophet Daniel to write about this false kingdom that would carry these lies throughout the world before God ends this age. Don't listen to them, they don't understand any of the prophecies that God had His prophets write. The prophecies show us that ALL God's people are saved from their flesh and this world as we die. On the last day of this age, ALL the rest of God's people will perish in the flesh with a total destruction of the crust of this earth. The magma will blow through the crust and melt it all to start a new age where ALL God's people will get new flesh and live forever. We will never understand religion, death. governments, or taxes in the next age.
I work in a gas station and I meet some fairly colorful individuals, one of my regular customers very recently decided to spark a conversation on religion. Normally I try to avoid these conversations as most people don't like to hear that someone believes in something other than they do. Anyway, to the important stuff... I decided this time maybe if I try a few things I don't feel are too offensive it should go okay, so I say: I personally believe I don't need to go to church to be a good person. It's simple, when I see I am about to do something other people wouldn't like or could potentially harm someone else I just don't do it. His exact reply was this: It doesn't matter what you do in life, if you don't believe in God and trust in Him, you WILL go to hell. Now this sparks my curiosity, I was under the impression that God loved all his children and that was all he wanted from them, was for you to be kind to your neighbors and help those in need, and he would allow you entrance into his kingdom. But here's this guy is telling me no matter what I do, if I don't believe in God, I have no future except punishment. How are those the beliefs of a just and true God. So I wonder am I going to hell, simply because I don't go to church?

That guy thinks GOD is a liberal.

Some people (often the well off, I notice) believe that GOD play favorites (called THE ELECT) and if you not on that team and CHOSEN BY GOD, then it really does not matter what YOU BELIEVE, you are going to hell.

The Puritans believed this CLASSIST nonsense by the way.

You know...the ancestors of many of today's MASTERS?

Calvinism is a theology that I have been working on disproving for years.
I'm going to read the writings of Charles Wesley someday to help me further disprove Calvinism.
Anyone read the Institutes of Calvinism? The one volume version isn't enough information.

Christianity is a false religion that is used by God to teach men how to build false gods, not to teach men who God is.
That guy thinks GOD is a liberal.

Some people (often the well off, I notice) believe that GOD play favorites (called THE ELECT) and if you not on that team and CHOSEN BY GOD, then it really does not matter what YOU BELIEVE, you are going to hell.

The Puritans believed this CLASSIST nonsense by the way.

You know...the ancestors of many of today's MASTERS?

Calvinism is a theology that I have been working on disproving for years.
I'm going to read the writings of Charles Wesley someday to help me further disprove Calvinism.
Anyone read the Institutes of Calvinism? The one volume version isn't enough information.

Christianity is a false religion that is used by God to teach men how to build false gods, not to teach men who God is.

God must be bored.
Calvinism is a theology that I have been working on disproving for years.
I'm going to read the writings of Charles Wesley someday to help me further disprove Calvinism.
Anyone read the Institutes of Calvinism? The one volume version isn't enough information.

Christianity is a false religion that is used by God to teach men how to build false gods, not to teach men who God is.

God must be bored.

Yes, but if you would only eat a Brad sandwich you too could push around a shopping cart in the name of the Lord until the magma comes.
It's not so much what you do or even what you believe but who you become.

You can believe in God and yet completely ignore what Christ taught and the commandments and the inspiration from the Spirit. Even the devils believe. But that belief leads to despair and misery.

You can do the commandments without believing. This is usually done to somehow prove you are better than others. Faith without works is dead. Works without faith is likewise.

What matters is who you become. You either remain in your fallen sinful state or you become born again through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. That requires Living Faith and obedience to the Lord's commands. When you have living faith in Christ everyday you grow and become more refined. Everyday you grow grace to grace.

Maybe you have a temper, today you can control it with the power and grace of God and tomorrow, because of Christ, you become a calm peacemaker.

Maybe you have an issue with sexual sin or pornography. With the Atonement you overcome it day by day until you no longer have an issue with it. Instead of being tempted in that way, you become respecful of yourself, women, and all others.

Maybe you are a drunkard or a drug addict today. With the Atonement you can be freed from those addictions so that you become a sober saint.

Christ offers us the hope to be more than we've let ourselves become. And whether we have decades to live or 5 minutes, the Atonement of Christ will give us the power to change who we are. To put off the natural fallen man we are and yield to the enticings of the Holy Spirit. Because of the power of Christ we can not only depart our lives of sorrow and sin but we can become Saints through Him.

If we don't use the Atonement of Christ to become Saints, we will remain in our fallen natural state. We won't be born again. We will reap what we have sown. That's what justice demands.
It's not so much what you do or even what you believe but who you become.

You can believe in God and yet completely ignore what Christ taught and the commandments and the inspiration from the Spirit. Even the devils believe. But that belief leads to despair and misery.

You can do the commandments without believing. This is usually done to somehow prove you are better than others. Faith without works is dead. Works without faith is likewise.

What matters is who you become. You either remain in your fallen sinful state or you become born again through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. That requires Living Faith and obedience to the Lord's commands. When you have living faith in Christ everyday you grow and become more refined. Everyday you grow grace to grace.

Maybe you have a temper, today you can control it with the power and grace of God and tomorrow, because of Christ, you become a calm peacemaker.

Maybe you have an issue with sexual sin or pornography. With the Atonement you overcome it day by day until you no longer have an issue with it. Instead of being tempted in that way, you become respecful of yourself, women, and all others.

Maybe you are a drunkard or a drug addict today. With the Atonement you can be freed from those addictions so that you become a sober saint.

Christ offers us the hope to be more than we've let ourselves become. And whether we have decades to live or 5 minutes, the Atonement of Christ will give us the power to change who we are. To put off the natural fallen man we are and yield to the enticings of the Holy Spirit. Because of the power of Christ we can not only depart our lives of sorrow and sin but we can become Saints through Him.

If we don't use the Atonement of Christ to become Saints, we will remain in our fallen natural state. We won't be born again. We will reap what we have sown. That's what justice demands.

You have become a very hardened unbeliever by interpreting the scriptures without God interpreting them for you. Your flesh will die before you ever know who our Creator is or how He created us all.
The Dingo and I had a conversation; she explained to me that she must be god. Pointing out that I feed her, water her, buy her toys. Play when she wants, act as her personal doorman, and practically worship her.

It was then that she looked at the book I was thumbing through and declared, "what a pretty gip" at the sight of the porcine creature in the picture - confirming that she is dyslexic and this was the basis of her confusion.
Every human born is born onto death and hell. Satan is the god of this world and only when we choose God with the free will that God gave us can we become the children of God. God could have created us all to love him continually, but were would the true love of God be in that? It is through free will and submission to Him and to His only begotten Son who gave himself as a ransom for us that leads to eternal life. Faith without works is dead.

If you truly seek a relationship with God than go to Him in prayer and except the free gift of salvation through Christ Jesus. Asked God to forgive you your sins, and to change you from the inside out. If you are sincere than God will hear you. God Bless!
Every human born is born onto death and hell. Satan is the god of this world and only when we choose God with the free will that God gave us can we become the children of God. God could have created us all to love him continually, but were would the true love of God be in that? It is through free will and submission to Him and to His only begotten Son who gave himself as a ransom for us that leads to eternal life. Faith without works is dead.

If you truly seek a relationship with God than go to Him in prayer and except the free gift of salvation through Christ Jesus. Asked God to forgive you your sins, and to change you from the inside out. If you are sincere than God will hear you. God Bless!

No Christian has ever known what true faith is. Only us sinless saints understand what faith means and the works that we do is actually the work of our Creator who forces our flesh to obey Him. We don't make any decisions to follow our Creator. We can only obey His commandments.

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