"I Had an Abortion"

It really bothers you when truthful comparisons are made doesn't it?

No, it's a retarded comparison.

Mengele tortured people at a prison camp.

Women FREELY make the decision to end unwatned pregnancies, or pregnancies where the resulting children WOULD be severely deformed if they came to term.

And here's the kicker. 91% of women who get a diagnosis of Down Syndrome or Tay-Sachs abort. Including Conservative, Republican and Christian Women. Put the rubber to the road, and those "Values" vanish pretty quickly.

I find the act of infanticide a very good comparison with Nazi's I mean hell we all know you socialists have this need to KILL all you feel is UNWORTHY.

I'm sure you do find that.

But you didn't answer the question.

Do you really think a woman who decides to end a pregnancy she probably wanted to be the equivlent of a Nazi?

I mean, I could post pictures of what some of these kids look like, but the Mods would sanction me, so I won't. But I would suggest you goodle images of "Spina Bifida" or "Brittle Bone Disease"... and then tell me how this God's plan and how anyone wanting to avoid inflicting this on their child is a "Nazi".

Thankfully, I've never had to make a decision like this. I'd hope you'd never have to.

spinida bifida is an operable syndrome and has variable degrees of expression - some are absolutely normal kids after the operation, some have minor deficiencies.
But you would murder them, right?
And yea, you will tear the baby in utero to pieces inflicting the horrible pain to the baby ( and the mother, eventually), because there US is suspicious for the spina bifida or any other defect ( which is almost never a 100% sure).
Spina bifida is corrected in the realm of fetal surgery nowadays.

But you will murder those babies, cutting them to pieces inside the womb, not even letting them be born via C-section - God forbid they might be alive and a neurosurgeon can actually evaluate the baby and might actually want to correct the defect - no, cut them to pieces in utero - even if it is exponentially more dangerous to the mother than a c-section!!!

You would be a good assistant of Dr. mengele.
And all the vaginas with vocal cords parading around their abortions - too.

Okay, here's the thing. The only reason why the mother would feel pain is because you religous busy-bodies keep laying a guilt trip on her.

The problem with your, "Let's do a C-section and see if it's okay" mentality is what if it isn't okay? If you nuts won't let a woman have an abortion at 18 weeks, you aren't going to let they euthanize a fetus at 25 weeks.

Again, here's a simple enough solution. If you don't like abortions, don't have one, but otherwise, mind your own business.

Sounds reasonable to me.

In other words, Joe/Dr. Mengele wants to murder the babies cutting them in pieces no matter what - - and that is exactly what I had proven - you, leftards, are the nazis of modern times.
So you should totally take those babies with Spina Bifida, with Brittle Bone Syndrome, with all the other horrible deadly diseases- Just cut that lady open to get it out so it can live a few hours in horrific pain because, Gosh Darn It, My Invisible Friend in The Sky says Abortion is murder, even though he never, ever bothered to write it down in his big book of rules....

Unlike the important rules about not picking up sticks on Sunday and making sure your clothes have nice blue borders.

spinida bifida is an operable syndrome and has variable degrees of expression - some are absolutely normal kids after the operation, some have minor deficiencies.
But you would murder them, right?
And yea, you will tear the baby in utero to pieces inflicting the horrible pain to the baby ( and the mother, eventually), because there US is suspicious for the spina bifida or any other defect ( which is almost never a 100% sure).
Spina bifida is corrected in the realm of fetal surgery nowadays.

But you will murder those babies, cutting them to pieces inside the womb, not even letting them be born via C-section - God forbid they might be alive and a neurosurgeon can actually evaluate the baby and might actually want to correct the defect - no, cut them to pieces in utero - even if it is exponentially more dangerous to the mother than a c-section!!!

You would be a good assistant of Dr. mengele.
And all the vaginas with vocal cords parading around their abortions - too.
We both know progressives want all that is different killed.

It is not simply killed - they want them TORTURED and killed.
Cutting the baby into pieces while knowing she is suffering the unimaginable pain while there is an option of delivering the baby and if the baby has an untreatable condition - let that baby die humanly - including in the mothers hands - is not an option for the leftard nazis.
they want the baby to SUFFER.

spinida bifida is an operable syndrome and has variable degrees of expression - some are absolutely normal kids after the operation, some have minor deficiencies.
But you would murder them, right?
And yea, you will tear the baby in utero to pieces inflicting the horrible pain to the baby ( and the mother, eventually), because there US is suspicious for the spina bifida or any other defect ( which is almost never a 100% sure).
Spina bifida is corrected in the realm of fetal surgery nowadays.

But you will murder those babies, cutting them to pieces inside the womb, not even letting them be born via C-section - God forbid they might be alive and a neurosurgeon can actually evaluate the baby and might actually want to correct the defect - no, cut them to pieces in utero - even if it is exponentially more dangerous to the mother than a c-section!!!

You would be a good assistant of Dr. mengele.
And all the vaginas with vocal cords parading around their abortions - too.

Okay, here's the thing. The only reason why the mother would feel pain is because you religous busy-bodies keep laying a guilt trip on her.

The problem with your, "Let's do a C-section and see if it's okay" mentality is what if it isn't okay? If you nuts won't let a woman have an abortion at 18 weeks, you aren't going to let they euthanize a fetus at 25 weeks.

Again, here's a simple enough solution. If you don't like abortions, don't have one, but otherwise, mind your own business.

Sounds reasonable to me.

In other words, Joe/Dr. Mengele wants to murder the babies cutting them in pieces no matter what - - and that is exactly what I had proven - you, leftards, are the nazis of modern times.

Wow, I want to remind you of this every time you Conservatards complain that liberals act out of "emotion".

Eggs aren't chickens
Acorns aren't Trees
Fetuses aren't "babies".
No, it's a retarded comparison.

Mengele tortured people at a prison camp.

Women FREELY make the decision to end unwatned pregnancies, or pregnancies where the resulting children WOULD be severely deformed if they came to term.

And here's the kicker. 91% of women who get a diagnosis of Down Syndrome or Tay-Sachs abort. Including Conservative, Republican and Christian Women. Put the rubber to the road, and those "Values" vanish pretty quickly.

I find the act of infanticide a very good comparison with Nazi's I mean hell we all know you socialists have this need to KILL all you feel is UNWORTHY.

I'm sure you do find that.

But you didn't answer the question.

Do you really think a woman who decides to end a pregnancy she probably wanted to be the equivlent of a Nazi?

I mean, I could post pictures of what some of these kids look like, but the Mods would sanction me, so I won't. But I would suggest you goodle images of "Spina Bifida" or "Brittle Bone Disease"... and then tell me how this God's plan and how anyone wanting to avoid inflicting this on their child is a "Nazi".

Thankfully, I've never had to make a decision like this. I'd hope you'd never have to.

spina bifida or brittle bone disease does not mean that baby has to be tortured and cut in pieces so you can satisfy your sadistic needs, modern mengele.
some babies can be treated the others - can be let die in a human way with mother and family mourning them and not tortured and cut in pieces and disposed as a waste.

clearly, leftards are modern nazis.

It is not simply killed - they want them TORTURED and killed.
Cutting the baby into pieces while knowing she is suffering the unimaginable pain while there is an option of delivering the baby and if the baby has an untreatable condition - let that baby die humanly - including in the mothers hands - is not an option for the leftard nazis.
they want the baby to SUFFER.

In 99% of abortions performed before 20 weeks, the abortion is performed before the pain receptors are even turned on.

Fetuses Feel Pain at 20 Weeks, and 4 Other Anti-Abortion Myths | Mother Jones

Where does this premise for a 20-week abortion ban come from? In the debate on Tuesday, House members repeatedly cited the research of Dr. Kanwaljeet "Sunny" Anand, a University of Tennessee professor of pediatrics, anesthesiology, and neurobiology who has promoted the idea that 20 weeks post-conception is the point when a fetus begins to feel pain. His work, which has been the go-to resource for anti-abortion groups, was mentioned at least four times on the House floor. Citing Anand's findings, Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) argued that "the baby responds the same way you and I respond to pain, by recoiling." She went on to claim that the pain of a fetus at 20 weeks is "possibly more intense than that felt by older newborns."

But Anand is an outlier. A 2005 paper in the Journal of the American Medical Association surveyed the medical literature and found little evidence to support his conclusions. There is an established body of evidence that finds that fetuses start developing the biological pathways related to pain sensation at this stage of gestation, but there is not enough evidence to suggest that they can actually experience pain as we do. The majority of the scientific literature on the subject finds that the brain connections required to feel pain are not formed until at least 24 weeks.

In short, this is another lie to try to scare women away from abortion.
Okay, here's the thing. The only reason why the mother would feel pain is because you religous busy-bodies keep laying a guilt trip on her.

The problem with your, "Let's do a C-section and see if it's okay" mentality is what if it isn't okay? If you nuts won't let a woman have an abortion at 18 weeks, you aren't going to let they euthanize a fetus at 25 weeks.

Again, here's a simple enough solution. If you don't like abortions, don't have one, but otherwise, mind your own business.

Sounds reasonable to me.

In other words, Joe/Dr. Mengele wants to murder the babies cutting them in pieces no matter what - - and that is exactly what I had proven - you, leftards, are the nazis of modern times.

Wow, I want to remind you of this every time you Conservatards complain that liberals act out of "emotion".

Eggs aren't chickens
Acorns aren't Trees
Fetuses aren't "babies".

I never said that - I do not consider leftards to have any emotions - and you demonstrate it very well - torture and cut the baby into pieces no matter how painful it is for her - because it is MY CONVENIENCE, which is at stake.

Modern nazis as you clearly demonstrate will dispose of any "human material" ( regardless of age, race, ethnic background or class) which they deem necessary - for the well being of the state - exactly as Nazis did.

you have just proven my point.
I find the act of infanticide a very good comparison with Nazi's I mean hell we all know you socialists have this need to KILL all you feel is UNWORTHY.

I'm sure you do find that.

But you didn't answer the question.

Do you really think a woman who decides to end a pregnancy she probably wanted to be the equivlent of a Nazi?

I mean, I could post pictures of what some of these kids look like, but the Mods would sanction me, so I won't. But I would suggest you goodle images of "Spina Bifida" or "Brittle Bone Disease"... and then tell me how this God's plan and how anyone wanting to avoid inflicting this on their child is a "Nazi".

Thankfully, I've never had to make a decision like this. I'd hope you'd never have to.

spina bifida or brittle bone disease does not mean that baby has to be tortured and cut in pieces so you can satisfy your sadistic needs, modern mengele.
some babies can be treated the others - can be let die in a human way with mother and family mourning them and not tortured and cut in pieces and disposed as a waste.

clearly, leftards are modern nazis.

Actually, most abortion methods are pretty quick, and are performed before pain receptors are even active.

And making a woman have a baby that is going to die in horrible pain or worse, live in horrible pain, is pretty much more sadistic than anything Mengele ever would have come up with.

I never said that - I do not consider leftards to have any emotions - and you demonstrate it very well - torture and cut the baby into pieces no matter how painful it is for her - because it is MY CONVENIENCE, which is at stake.

Modern nazis as you clearly demonstrate will dispose of any "human material" ( regardless of age, race, ethnic background or class) which they deem necessary - for the well being of the state - exactly as Nazis did.

you have just proven my point.

Women who are having late abortions aren't doing it for "convenience... they are doing it because something HAS gone horribly wrong. You ghouls like to fixate on this group of abortions because the fetus looks almost like a baby (if you ignore the horrible deformities and ignore scale) and you think it makes your point.
No, it's a retarded comparison.

Mengele tortured people at a prison camp.

Women FREELY make the decision to end unwatned pregnancies, or pregnancies where the resulting children WOULD be severely deformed if they came to term.

And here's the kicker. 91% of women who get a diagnosis of Down Syndrome or Tay-Sachs abort. Including Conservative, Republican and Christian Women. Put the rubber to the road, and those "Values" vanish pretty quickly.

I find the act of infanticide a very good comparison with Nazi's I mean hell we all know you socialists have this need to KILL all you feel is UNWORTHY.

I'm sure you do find that.

But you didn't answer the question.

Do you really think a woman who decides to end a pregnancy she probably wanted to be the equivlent of a Nazi?

I mean, I could post pictures of what some of these kids look like, but the Mods would sanction me, so I won't. But I would suggest you goodle images of "Spina Bifida" or "Brittle Bone Disease"... and then tell me how this God's plan and how anyone wanting to avoid inflicting this on their child is a "Nazi".

Thankfully, I've never had to make a decision like this. I'd hope you'd never have to.

These poor children
Such decisions should be in the hands of the state
These children would cost the state a lot of money

It is not simply killed - they want them TORTURED and killed.
Cutting the baby into pieces while knowing she is suffering the unimaginable pain while there is an option of delivering the baby and if the baby has an untreatable condition - let that baby die humanly - including in the mothers hands - is not an option for the leftard nazis.
they want the baby to SUFFER.

In 99% of abortions performed before 20 weeks, the abortion is performed before the pain receptors are even turned on.

In short, this is another lie to try to scare women away from abortion.[/QUOTE]

That is a LIE.

babies start to feel pain extremely early and that is why the fetal surgery involves fetal anesthesia.
If the baby in utero does not feel pain - as modern nazis want you to believe - why should anesthesia to the fetus being provided?
I find the act of infanticide a very good comparison with Nazi's I mean hell we all know you socialists have this need to KILL all you feel is UNWORTHY.

I'm sure you do find that.

But you didn't answer the question.

Do you really think a woman who decides to end a pregnancy she probably wanted to be the equivlent of a Nazi?

I mean, I could post pictures of what some of these kids look like, but the Mods would sanction me, so I won't. But I would suggest you goodle images of "Spina Bifida" or "Brittle Bone Disease"... and then tell me how this God's plan and how anyone wanting to avoid inflicting this on their child is a "Nazi".

Thankfully, I've never had to make a decision like this. I'd hope you'd never have to.

These poor children
Such decisions should be in the hands of the state
These children would cost the state a lot of money

Guy, where is the "State" even involved here? Seriously, man, if you aren't going to even have an honest debate, what's the point.

the VERY FEW Late abortions performed in this country are performed because a woman and her doctor decided to do so after some abnormality is discovered.

Where do you even get "the State" out of that equation? Unless you are some kind of absolute paranoid loon.... Oh, wait, I forgot who I was talking to.

I never said that - I do not consider leftards to have any emotions - and you demonstrate it very well - torture and cut the baby into pieces no matter how painful it is for her - because it is MY CONVENIENCE, which is at stake.

Modern nazis as you clearly demonstrate will dispose of any "human material" ( regardless of age, race, ethnic background or class) which they deem necessary - for the well being of the state - exactly as Nazis did.

you have just proven my point.

Women who are having late abortions aren't doing it for "convenience... they are doing it because something HAS gone horribly wrong. You ghouls like to fixate on this group of abortions because the fetus looks almost like a baby (if you ignore the horrible deformities and ignore scale) and you think it makes your point.

there is absolutely no reason to have "late abortion" - the woman can have an emergency c-section. and if the baby has inborn problems which can be corrected - they will be corrected, if the problems are incompatible with life - the baby will die, humanely, with the family around, not tortured and cut in pieces.
Why the heck do you want that baby to suffer so tremendously?

Late abortion is a torture and a painful murder to the baby - plus it is an extremely dangerous operation for the woman - way more dangerous than c-section.
yet you insist on this barbaric method, which is absolutely not necessary and is not being performed in the vast majority of the civilized countries.

That is a LIE.

babies start to feel pain extremely early and that is why the fetal surgery involves fetal anesthesia.
If the baby in utero does not feel pain - as modern nazis want you to believe - why should anesthesia to the fetus being provided?

Mostly to keep it flopping around while it's being cut on.

you idiot, the baby is not flopping around if the cutting is not painful

you clearly are a nazi.

and an uneducated one, on top of that

there is absolutely no reason to have "late abortion" - the woman can have an emergency c-section. and if the baby has inborn problems which can be corrected - they will be corrected, if the problems are incompatible with life - the baby will die, humanely, with the family around, not tortured and cut in pieces.
Why the heck do you want that baby to suffer so tremendously?

Late abortion is a torture and a painful murder to the baby - plus it is an extremely dangerous operation for the woman - way more dangerous than c-section.
yet you insist on this barbaric method, which is absolutely not necessary and is not being performed in the vast majority of the civilized countries.

So you want these babies to die horribly over long periodsd of time, and you consider yourself "humane"? Seriously?

The reason why they aren't peformed in most civilized countries is most civilized countries have universal health care and these problems are addressed a lot earlier.
.Giuntini, 2007, “It has also been shown that fetuses feel pain from week 18. This has given rise to the practice of using fetal anesthesia for surgery or invasive diagnostic procedures in utero.”

L. Giuntini & G. Amato, Analgesic Procedures in Newborns., in NEONATAL PAIN 73 (Giuseppe Buonocore & Carlo V. Bellieni ed., 2007).

. Van de Velde, 2005, p.256, col.2, para.2, “Therefore, it has been suggested that pain relief has to be provided during in utero interventions on the fetus from mid-gestation (20 weeks) on.32-34”

Van de Velde M, Van Schoubroeck DV, Lewi LE, Marcus MAE, Jani JC, Missant C, Teunkens A, Deprest J. Remifentanil for Fetal Immobilization and Maternal Sedation During Fetoscopic Surgery: A Randomized, Double-Blind Comparison with Diazepam. Anesthesia & Analgesia. 101 (2005) 251-258.

32Giannakoulopoulos X, Sepulveda W, Kourtis P, Glover V, Fisk NM. Fetal plasma cortisol and β-endorphin response to intrauterine needling Lancet. 344 (1994) 77-81.

33Giannakoulopoulos X, Teixeira J, Fisk N. Human fetal and maternal noradrenaline responses to invasive procedures. Pediatric Research. 45 (1999) 494-499.

34Anand KJS, Maze M. Fetuses, fentanyl, and the stress response. Anesthesiology. 95 (2001) 823-825.

there is absolutely no reason to have "late abortion" - the woman can have an emergency c-section. and if the baby has inborn problems which can be corrected - they will be corrected, if the problems are incompatible with life - the baby will die, humanely, with the family around, not tortured and cut in pieces.
Why the heck do you want that baby to suffer so tremendously?

Late abortion is a torture and a painful murder to the baby - plus it is an extremely dangerous operation for the woman - way more dangerous than c-section.
yet you insist on this barbaric method, which is absolutely not necessary and is not being performed in the vast majority of the civilized countries.

So you want these babies to die horribly over long periodsd of time, and you consider yourself "humane"? Seriously?

The reason why they aren't peformed in most civilized countries is most civilized countries have universal health care and these problems are addressed a lot earlier.

these babies do not "die horribly" - they die in a humane way if they can not be treated.

And you want these babies to be tortured and barbarically murdered just for your own convenience - where it has been PROVEN SCIENTIFICALLY that babies in utero can feel pain - and are being tortured by abortion - just because you do not want to 'see" them.
The reactionary left thinks it should be left in
the hands of experts


The majority of Americans believe in limits on late term abortions
allowing for the life of the mother.

Only the most extreme, don't

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