"I Had an Abortion"

"Does the majority of Americans have a medical degree?"
An ad hominem argument, so one can not know the truth

Have a degree like this guy?


The majority of Americans believe in limits on late term abortions
allowing for the life of the mother.

Only the most extreme, don't

Idiotic argument. Gosnell was a case of someone going very wrong.

Most Americans aren't qualified to tell a woman when she should or shouldn't abort.

But I have a great comprimise for you fuckwads who don't like abortion.

If you don't like abortion, don't have one.

Problem solved.

Polanski had sex with a 13 year old child. She was raped, as she was a child.

Only in liberal idiotic moronic land does is a 26 year old adult considered a child so they can remain on their parents health insurance plan but a 13 year old child is considered a 'young woman' who you can have sex with. :cuckoo:

Quotes without links?

So let me get this straight.

Trayvon Martin, although legally not an adult, was fully responsible for being murdered by Zimmerman, because he was old enough to know better,

But this woman, who says TODAY she doesn't think this was a big deal, and really didn't think so at the time, is a "child"?

Kind of a flexible definition, doncha think?

Pssst- It's from the Wikipedia article....
"Does the majority of Americans have a medical degree?"
An ad hominem argument, so one can not know the truth

Have a degree like this guy?


The majority of Americans believe in limits on late term abortions
allowing for the life of the mother.

Only the most extreme, don't

Idiotic argument. Gosnell was a case of someone going very wrong.

Most Americans aren't qualified to tell a woman when she should or shouldn't abort.

But I have a great comprimise for you fuckwads who don't like abortion.

If you don't like abortion, don't have one.

Problem solved.

He even had a medical degree which according to your prior post
qualifies his opinion on truth better than all

The majority of Americans believe in limits on late term abortions
allowing for the life of the mother.

Only the most extreme on the left , don't

the real, as you say, "fuckwads"
The radical left did not even support California from charging Scott Peterson, who killed his
pregnant wife, with the murder of his child.
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The vast majority of Americans clearly do not have any idea thathere is NEVER a reason to perform late-term ABORTION, as at that gestational age the baby can be delivered alive via emergency c-section which does not only spare the life of the baby but is also much safer than abortion performed at the advanced gestational age.

So you should totally take those babies with Spina Bifida, with Brittle Bone Syndrome, with all the other horrible deadly diseases- Just cut that lady open to get it out so it can live a few hours in horrific pain because, Gosh Darn It, My Invisible Friend in The Sky says Abortion is murder, even though he never, ever bothered to write it down in his big book of rules....

Unlike the important rules about not picking up sticks on Sunday and making sure your clothes have nice blue borders.

Polanski had sex with a 13 year old child. She was raped, as she was a child.

Only in liberal idiotic moronic land does is a 26 year old adult considered a child so they can remain on their parents health insurance plan but a 13 year old child is considered a 'young woman' who you can have sex with. :cuckoo:

Quotes without links?

So let me get this straight.

Trayvon Martin, although legally not an adult, was fully responsible for being murdered by Zimmerman, because he was old enough to know better,

But this woman, who says TODAY she doesn't think this was a big deal, and really didn't think so at the time, is a "child"?

Kind of a flexible definition, doncha think?

Pssst- It's from the Wikipedia article....

Trayvon Martin was killed by Zimmerman because he attacked Zimmerman.

Yes, Joe, 13 is a child. You should read the entire wiki article, not just cherry pick the parts that fit your deranged narrative that 13 somehow isn't a child. Well, as I pointed out above, 13 isn't a child in liberal land ... but 26 is. You guys are really strange.

Stop spinning.

Back on topic .... unborn fetus are human beings. Abortion kills a human being.

The vast majority of Americans clearly do not have any idea thathere is NEVER a reason to perform late-term ABORTION, as at that gestational age the baby can be delivered alive via emergency c-section which does not only spare the life of the baby but is also much safer than abortion performed at the advanced gestational age.

So you should totally take those babies with Spina Bifida, with Brittle Bone Syndrome, with all the other horrible deadly diseases- Just cut that lady open to get it out so it can live a few hours in horrific pain because, Gosh Darn It, My Invisible Friend in The Sky says Abortion is murder, even though he never, ever bothered to write it down in his big book of rules....

Unlike the important rules about not picking up sticks on Sunday and making sure your clothes have nice blue borders.

Thank you for the reminder. I came thisclose to picking up sticks on Sunday in clothes without blue borders.

The vast majority of Americans clearly do not have any idea thathere is NEVER a reason to perform late-term ABORTION, as at that gestational age the baby can be delivered alive via emergency c-section which does not only spare the life of the baby but is also much safer than abortion performed at the advanced gestational age.

So you should totally take those babies with Spina Bifida, with Brittle Bone Syndrome, with all the other horrible deadly diseases- Just cut that lady open to get it out so it can live a few hours in horrific pain because, Gosh Darn It, My Invisible Friend in The Sky says Abortion is murder, even though he never, ever bothered to write it down in his big book of rules....

Unlike the important rules about not picking up sticks on Sunday and making sure your clothes have nice blue borders.

spinida bifida is an operable syndrome and has variable degrees of expression - some are absolutely normal kids after the operation, some have minor deficiencies.
But you would murder them, right?
And yea, you will tear the baby in utero to pieces inflicting the horrible pain to the baby ( and the mother, eventually), because there US is suspicious for the spina bifida or any other defect ( which is almost never a 100% sure).
Spina bifida is corrected in the realm of fetal surgery nowadays.

But you will murder those babies, cutting them to pieces inside the womb, not even letting them be born via C-section - God forbid they might be alive and a neurosurgeon can actually evaluate the baby and might actually want to correct the defect - no, cut them to pieces in utero - even if it is exponentially more dangerous to the mother than a c-section!!!

You would be a good assistant of Dr. mengele.
And all the vaginas with vocal cords parading around their abortions - too.
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Just can't wait for the same quality of people that designed and implemented
Papa Obama care to do their wonderful work on the IPAB

Hopefully the Supreme Court will rule that their word is final
Just like in Canada now.

This way the gov't can tell women when to have abortions
after all, it will save the state money

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXzQD2SRESs]The Obsolete Man - YouTube[/ame]
oh, and how nice of our followers of Dr. mengele to be sooooo concerned about the babies being born and then die "in horrible pain" ( from what?) but somehow being absolutely content with the same babies being cut to pieces and inflicting that horrible pain they are supposedly sooooo concerned with (after birth) inside the mothers womb - how very "caring" and how very "bleedingheartedly"

leftards, you are the worst scum of the earth imaginable - you want to torture the viable baby worse than Nazis and Stalinists combined but you are very very "concerned" that the baby, if born, will
suffer "horrible pain" ( as if there are no narcotics and other methods to alleviate the pain in a newborn :rolleyes:) - and you want anybody to ever believe you have a heart?

that you don't have a brain is known a long time.
but you always pretend to have a heart and you have none.
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why stop with just end of life treatments to save the gov't money?

Why shouldn't the state tell women to have abortions of possible 'problem' children?
What somebody dying has less rights than some pregnant woman?

It would save the gov't money
As the reactionary left says "why pay for the welfare of those children"

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Polanski had sex with a 13 year old child. She was raped, as she was a child.

Only in liberal idiotic moronic land does is a 26 year old adult considered a child so they can remain on their parents health insurance plan but a 13 year old child is considered a 'young woman' who you can have sex with. :cuckoo:

Quotes without links?

So let me get this straight.

Trayvon Martin, although legally not an adult, was fully responsible for being murdered by Zimmerman, because he was old enough to know better,

But this woman, who says TODAY she doesn't think this was a big deal, and really didn't think so at the time, is a "child"?

Kind of a flexible definition, doncha think?

Pssst- It's from the Wikipedia article....

Trayvon Martin was killed by Zimmerman because he attacked Zimmerman.

Yes, Joe, 13 is a child. You should read the entire wiki article, not just cherry pick the parts that fit your deranged narrative that 13 somehow isn't a child. Well, as I pointed out above, 13 isn't a child in liberal land ... but 26 is. You guys are really strange.

Not spinning at all. The Right Wing fought for years to get people executed for crimes they committed as children as young as that young lady was.

I'm just not seeing it as a big deal because 1) The prosecutors at the time didn't and 2) the person involved doesn't.

So we are still goign after this guy 40 years later because, why, he offends your sense of decorum?

Stop spinning.

Back on topic .... unborn fetus are human beings. Abortion kills a human being.

No, they aren't.

The only reason you started caring about "fetuses" is because women got fed up with men telling them what to do.

The ironic thing is, you Pro-Lifers are the morons getting played. Do you really think the Koch Brothers give a fuck about abortion? Or Poor kids? Hell no. But they'll use your anger over it to get you to vote against your own economic interests.

spinida bifida is an operable syndrome and has variable degrees of expression - some are absolutely normal kids after the operation, some have minor deficiencies.
But you would murder them, right?
And yea, you will tear the baby in utero to pieces inflicting the horrible pain to the baby ( and the mother, eventually), because there US is suspicious for the spina bifida or any other defect ( which is almost never a 100% sure).
Spina bifida is corrected in the realm of fetal surgery nowadays.

But you will murder those babies, cutting them to pieces inside the womb, not even letting them be born via C-section - God forbid they might be alive and a neurosurgeon can actually evaluate the baby and might actually want to correct the defect - no, cut them to pieces in utero - even if it is exponentially more dangerous to the mother than a c-section!!!

You would be a good assistant of Dr. mengele.
And all the vaginas with vocal cords parading around their abortions - too.

Okay, here's the thing. The only reason why the mother would feel pain is because you religous busy-bodies keep laying a guilt trip on her.

The problem with your, "Let's do a C-section and see if it's okay" mentality is what if it isn't okay? If you nuts won't let a woman have an abortion at 18 weeks, you aren't going to let they euthanize a fetus at 25 weeks.

Again, here's a simple enough solution. If you don't like abortions, don't have one, but otherwise, mind your own business.

Sounds reasonable to me.

The vast majority of Americans clearly do not have any idea thathere is NEVER a reason to perform late-term ABORTION, as at that gestational age the baby can be delivered alive via emergency c-section which does not only spare the life of the baby but is also much safer than abortion performed at the advanced gestational age.

So you should totally take those babies with Spina Bifida, with Brittle Bone Syndrome, with all the other horrible deadly diseases- Just cut that lady open to get it out so it can live a few hours in horrific pain because, Gosh Darn It, My Invisible Friend in The Sky says Abortion is murder, even though he never, ever bothered to write it down in his big book of rules....

Unlike the important rules about not picking up sticks on Sunday and making sure your clothes have nice blue borders.

spinida bifida is an operable syndrome and has variable degrees of expression - some are absolutely normal kids after the operation, some have minor deficiencies.
But you would murder them, right?
And yea, you will tear the baby in utero to pieces inflicting the horrible pain to the baby ( and the mother, eventually), because there US is suspicious for the spina bifida or any other defect ( which is almost never a 100% sure).
Spina bifida is corrected in the realm of fetal surgery nowadays.

But you will murder those babies, cutting them to pieces inside the womb, not even letting them be born via C-section - God forbid they might be alive and a neurosurgeon can actually evaluate the baby and might actually want to correct the defect - no, cut them to pieces in utero - even if it is exponentially more dangerous to the mother than a c-section!!!

You would be a good assistant of Dr. mengele.
And all the vaginas with vocal cords parading around their abortions - too.
We both know progressives want all that is different killed.
We both know progressives want all that is different killed.

I think it's a matter of being more humane than to want something that is going to die slowly to be brought into this world.

But at the end of the day, it's usually the parents' decision, not "progressives".

I mean, you idiots all act like we've got the Abortion Mobile rolling down the street picking these women up.

Uh, no.

These women talk to their doctors and make an informed choice.
oh, and how nice of our followers of Dr. mengele...

He who references Mengele – as with Hitler or Nazis – has lost the argument.

It really bothers you when truthful comparisons are made doesn't it?

No, it's a retarded comparison.

Mengele tortured people at a prison camp.

Women FREELY make the decision to end unwatned pregnancies, or pregnancies where the resulting children WOULD be severely deformed if they came to term.

And here's the kicker. 91% of women who get a diagnosis of Down Syndrome or Tay-Sachs abort. Including Conservative, Republican and Christian Women. Put the rubber to the road, and those "Values" vanish pretty quickly.
He who references Mengele – as with Hitler or Nazis – has lost the argument.

It really bothers you when truthful comparisons are made doesn't it?

No, it's a retarded comparison.

Mengele tortured people at a prison camp.

Women FREELY make the decision to end unwatned pregnancies, or pregnancies where the resulting children WOULD be severely deformed if they came to term.

And here's the kicker. 91% of women who get a diagnosis of Down Syndrome or Tay-Sachs abort. Including Conservative, Republican and Christian Women. Put the rubber to the road, and those "Values" vanish pretty quickly.

I find the act of infanticide a very good comparison with Nazi's I mean hell we all know you socialists have this need to KILL all you feel is UNWORTHY.

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