"I Had an Abortion"


these babies do not "die horribly" - they die in a humane way if they can not be treated.

And you want these babies to be tortured and barbarically murdered just for your own convenience - where it has been PROVEN SCIENTIFICALLY that babies in utero can feel pain - and are being tortured by abortion - just because you do not want to 'see" them.

Actually, the Scientists are in disagreement when fetuses feel pain. Some say they don't until the 24th week.

(See above.)

And frankly, what I want is for you Anti-Abortionists to go away, because you are a bunch of stupid tools who help get idiots elected.

You are no closer to your goals than you were 40 years ago. And you never spend a minute wondering about the irony of that.

in the meantime, you've managed to destroy the middle class and probably cause MORE abortions to happen.
So let me get this straight.

Trayvon Martin, although legally not an adult, was fully responsible for being murdered by Zimmerman, because he was old enough to know better,

But this woman, who says TODAY she doesn't think this was a big deal, and really didn't think so at the time, is a "child"?

Kind of a flexible definition, doncha think?

Pssst- It's from the Wikipedia article....

Trayvon Martin was killed by Zimmerman because he attacked Zimmerman.

Yes, Joe, 13 is a child. You should read the entire wiki article, not just cherry pick the parts that fit your deranged narrative that 13 somehow isn't a child. Well, as I pointed out above, 13 isn't a child in liberal land ... but 26 is. You guys are really strange.

Not spinning at all. The Right Wing fought for years to get people executed for crimes they committed as children as young as that young lady was.

I'm just not seeing it as a big deal because 1) The prosecutors at the time didn't and 2) the person involved doesn't.

So we are still goign after this guy 40 years later because, why, he offends your sense of decorum?

Stop spinning.

Back on topic .... unborn fetus are human beings. Abortion kills a human being.

No, they aren't.

The only reason you started caring about "fetuses" is because women got fed up with men telling them what to do.

The ironic thing is, you Pro-Lifers are the morons getting played. Do you really think the Koch Brothers give a fuck about abortion? Or Poor kids? Hell no. But they'll use your anger over it to get you to vote against your own economic interests.

13 is not a 'young lady'. 13 is a child. Period. 26 is not a child. 26 is an adult. Period.

The fact that you don't see a 43 year old man drugging up, sexually forcing himself and sodomizing a 13 year old as a 'big deal' tells me all I need to know about you. :eusa_hand:

You brought Polanski into the discussion. And Trayvon Martin.

Where do you come up with this shit? :cuckoo:

Koch Brothers? wtf?

these babies do not "die horribly" - they die in a humane way if they can not be treated.

And you want these babies to be tortured and barbarically murdered just for your own convenience - where it has been PROVEN SCIENTIFICALLY that babies in utero can feel pain - and are being tortured by abortion - just because you do not want to 'see" them.

Actually, the Scientists are in disagreement when fetuses feel pain. Some say they don't until the 24th week.

(See above.)

And frankly, what I want is for you Anti-Abortionists to go away, because you are a bunch of stupid tools who help get idiots elected.

You are no closer to your goals than you were 40 years ago. And you never spend a minute wondering about the irony of that.

in the meantime, you've managed to destroy the middle class and probably cause MORE abortions to happen.

The goal being
putting abortion in a place that the majority of Americans support

A lot closer
36 states have bans on late-term abortions

13 states prohibit abortion after a certain number of weeks' gestation (usually 24, additional test
required if viability is in question)

9 states have laws that require a second physician to be present during late-term abortion procedures in order to treat a fetus if born alive

As you can see the extreme leftist position is a loser
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these babies do not "die horribly" - they die in a humane way if they can not be treated.

And you want these babies to be tortured and barbarically murdered just for your own convenience - where it has been PROVEN SCIENTIFICALLY that babies in utero can feel pain - and are being tortured by abortion - just because you do not want to 'see" them.

Actually, the Scientists are in disagreement when fetuses feel pain. Some say they don't until the 24th week.

the "above" are NOT scientists - the above is a political body whose opinions are irrelevant to the science. AMA was also supporting obamacare, contrary to the opinion of most doctors and researchers of the field. AMA has monetary dependency on the government decisions as the federal government allowed AMA to be the monopolist for the coding business - and that is hundreds of millions of dollars annually - so AMA is not going to oppose whatever the government wants - ever.

babies in utero can feel pain even as early as 7 or 10th week gestational age - as nociceptive receptors are fully developed by that time, but at that stage of fetal development it is extremely difficult to PROVE experimentally that they do feel pain.

It has been PROVEN experimentally that babies feel pain in utero at 18 weeks gestational age - PROVEN, not speculated - and there are many signs that the babies feel pain much earlier than that.

But for the ghouls like you - it is CONVENIENT to spread the lie of babies in utero "not feeling pain" as in this way you can dumb down more stupid vaginas to be under governmental control forever.

these babies do not "die horribly" - they die in a humane way if they can not be treated.

And you want these babies to be tortured and barbarically murdered just for your own convenience - where it has been PROVEN SCIENTIFICALLY that babies in utero can feel pain - and are being tortured by abortion - just because you do not want to 'see" them.

Actually, the Scientists are in disagreement when fetuses feel pain. Some say they don't until the 24th week.

(See above.)

And frankly, what I want is for you Anti-Abortionists to go away, because you are a bunch of stupid tools who help get idiots elected.

You are no closer to your goals than you were 40 years ago. And you never spend a minute wondering about the irony of that.

in the meantime, you've managed to destroy the middle class and probably cause MORE abortions to happen.

The goal being
putting abortion in a place that the majority of Americans support

A lot closer
36 states have bans on late-term abortions

13 states prohibit abortion after a certain number of weeks' gestation (usually 24, additional test
required if viability is in question)

9 states have laws that require a second physician to be present during late-term abortion procedures in order to treat a fetus if born alive

As you can see the extreme leftist position is a loser

it is barbaric and not supported anywhere else in the world except the US - after 22 weeks gestational age abortions are almost never performed anywhere in Europe - the very procedure is not even KNOWN in some countries and physicians would feel offended if anybody suggest they should barbarically dismember a totally viable baby in uterus, because the woman feels like it. If there is any reason for termination of pregnancy at that stage - it is done either by inducing the normal labor or ( much more often) - by emergency c-section - to save the baby, if possible.
The lefts heroes are Mao, Che, Lenin, and Stalin all mass murderers. Is it any wonder why they love abortions?

abortion is the means of control over the populace.
so you have to desensitize people and lie, lie, lie, that the baby in utero is just a "cluster of cells", that the baby does not experience pain and you can cut her in pieces without any remorse for your convenience, that the late term abortion is safe procedure for the mother, that the woman does not have any complications after abortions, because it is a benign procedure - ALL lies.

but repeated constantly by all the goebbels soldiers eventually makes the ignorant populace ( or at least part of it) believe the lies.
It has been PROVEN experimentally that babies feel pain in utero at 18 weeks gestational age - PROVEN, not speculated - and there are many signs that the babies feel pain much earlier than that.

Pure steaming bullshit. You're just making crap up, because you know jack about the actual science. But then, you're a pro-lifer, so that's a given. People who know the science become pro-choice.

I'll help you out. Plants show a stress response to injury, but that doesn't mean plants feel pain. Feeling pain requires a working conscious brain.

And I'd tell you when that happens, but I find it more amusing to watch you flail about and make more stuff up.
It has been PROVEN experimentally that babies feel pain in utero at 18 weeks gestational age - PROVEN, not speculated - and there are many signs that the babies feel pain much earlier than that.

Pure steaming bullshit. You're just making crap up, because you know jack about the actual science. But then, you're a pro-lifer, so that's a given. People who know the science become pro-choice.

I'll help you out. Plants show a stress response to injury, but that doesn't mean plants feel pain. Feeling pain requires a working conscious brain.

And I'd tell you when that happens, but I find it more amusing to watch you flail about and make more stuff up.

Why do you support infanticide?
I find the act of infanticide a very good comparison with Nazi's I mean hell we all know you socialists have this need to KILL all you feel is UNWORTHY.

You understand you're mentally ill, right?

What, has no one informed of that before?

Consider this to be your intervention. You need help. As do most of the pro-lifers on this thread. Y'all just aren't right in the head.

13 is not a 'young lady'. 13 is a child. Period. 26 is not a child. 26 is an adult. Period.

The fact that you don't see a 43 year old man drugging up, sexually forcing himself and sodomizing a 13 year old as a 'big deal' tells me all I need to know about you. :eusa_hand:

You brought Polanski into the discussion. And Trayvon Martin.

Where do you come up with this shit? :cuckoo:

Koch Brothers? wtf?

Yeah, I know like most puppets you don't know who pulls your strings...

No one calls 26 a "child"... they merely state that until you are 26, you can stay on your parents plan.. which is a pretty good deal, actually.

yeah, when that 13 year old says, "I don't see what all the fuss was about", I guess I have to wonder what all the fuss was about.

Boy, you Funditards are probably the dumbest people on the planet.

The goal being
putting abortion in a place that the majority of Americans support

A lot closer
36 states have bans on late-term abortions

13 states prohibit abortion after a certain number of weeks' gestation (usually 24, additional test
required if viability is in question)

9 states have laws that require a second physician to be present during late-term abortion procedures in order to treat a fetus if born alive

As you can see the extreme leftist position is a loser

Since no one actually has abortions after 20 weeks unless something has gone wrong, it's not a big deal.

It's even less of a big deal, as that law is pretty much unenforcable. Only look at Gosnell's prosecution, where they whittled down hundreds of charges to just 3. And that guy was a complete fuckup.

The goal being
putting abortion in a place that the majority of Americans support

A lot closer
36 states have bans on late-term abortions

13 states prohibit abortion after a certain number of weeks' gestation (usually 24, additional test
required if viability is in question)

9 states have laws that require a second physician to be present during late-term abortion procedures in order to treat a fetus if born alive

As you can see the extreme leftist position is a loser

Since no one actually has abortions after 20 weeks unless something has gone wrong, it's not a big deal.

It's even less of a big deal, as that law is pretty much unenforcable. Only look at Gosnell's prosecution, where they whittled down hundreds of charges to just 3. And that guy was a complete fuckup.

Of course that’s not the goal of the right, to ‘ban’ abortion – they couldn’t care less about ‘saving babies.’

It’s about empowering the state at the expense of individual liberty, compelling citizens to abide by their subjective morality, and undermining the rule of law.
13 is not a 'young lady'. 13 is a child. Period. 26 is not a child. 26 is an adult. Period.

The fact that you don't see a 43 year old man drugging up, sexually forcing himself and sodomizing a 13 year old as a 'big deal' tells me all I need to know about you. :eusa_hand:

You brought Polanski into the discussion. And Trayvon Martin.

Where do you come up with this shit? :cuckoo:

Koch Brothers? wtf?

Yeah, I know like most puppets you don't know who pulls your strings...

No one calls 26 a "child"... they merely state that until you are 26, you can stay on your parents plan.. which is a pretty good deal, actually.

Dems do! :lol:
How to get coverage for adult children
- https://www.healthcare.gov/can-i-keep-my-child-on-my-insurance-until-age-26/

yeah, when that 13 year old says, "I don't see what all the fuss was about", I guess I have to wonder what all the fuss was about.

Jesus, you don't find anything wrong with a 43 year old having sex with a 13 year old? What a sick bastard. Guess you missed where she also said this: "Geimer testified that Polanski provided champagne that they shared as well as part of a quaalude,[15] and despite her protests, he performed oral, vaginal, and anal sex acts upon her,[16][17] each time after being told 'no' and being asked to stop."; "Geimer has insisted that the sex was non-consensual"; "Geimer sued Polanski in 1988, alleging sexual assault, intentional infliction of emotional distress and seduction"; "In a 2003 interview,[13] Samantha Geimer said, "Straight up, what he did to me was wrong."; "decades of publicity as well as the prosecutor's focus on lurid details continues to traumatize her and her family."

He raped her.
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The goal being
putting abortion in a place that the majority of Americans support

A lot closer
36 states have bans on late-term abortions

13 states prohibit abortion after a certain number of weeks' gestation (usually 24, additional test
required if viability is in question)

9 states have laws that require a second physician to be present during late-term abortion procedures in order to treat a fetus if born alive

As you can see the extreme leftist position is a loser

Since no one actually has abortions after 20 weeks unless something has gone wrong, it's not a big deal.

It's even less of a big deal, as that law is pretty much unenforcable. Only look at Gosnell's prosecution, where they whittled down hundreds of charges to just 3. And that guy was a complete fuckup.

yes it is a big deal. there is no reason to have an abortion after 20 weeks, but a c-section.
If you are human, not dr. mengele.
It has been PROVEN experimentally that babies feel pain in utero at 18 weeks gestational age - PROVEN, not speculated - and there are many signs that the babies feel pain much earlier than that.

Pure steaming bullshit. You're just making crap up, because you know jack about the actual science. But then, you're a pro-lifer, so that's a given. People who know the science become pro-choice.

I'll help you out. Plants show a stress response to injury, but that doesn't mean plants feel pain. Feeling pain requires a working conscious brain.

And I'd tell you when that happens, but I find it more amusing to watch you flail about and make more stuff up.

you idiot vagina with vocal cords - I provided links that it has been PROVEN. :cuckoo:

but all you want is to murder the innocent children and murder them by torturing - cutting to pieces when they experience excruciating pain.

abort nazi like yourself would gladly murder babies postnatal as well

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