"I Had an Abortion"

There are millions of "unique individuals" who starve every day that you simply don't give a crap about.


This has never been about caring about people for you wingnuts... it's about keeping women in their place.


When you stop trying to cut food stamps and head start and WIC and such, then I will take your concern about "unique individuals" a bit more seriously.


I noticed you didn't disagree with the fact that abortion ends the life of another human being. Progress in small increments is still progress. Good for you, Joe.

Nope, I just don't take you guys seriously, because you don't give a fuck about poor children.

Leftist talking point and lie.

Thi sis about misogynists keeping women in their place.

Leftist talking point and lie.

When you idiots talk about "Legitimate Rape" and "Gift from God Rape", you show your contempt for women.

Please. :eusa_hand:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYt1gommsQY]Hollywood Defends Roman Polanski (Whoopi Goldberg Says He Did Not Commit "Rape-Rape") - YouTube[/ame]
I don't know how to post a picture so I have the link here. It's a picture of a so called feminist named Gloria Steinem, smiling face proudly wearing a t-shirt that reads "I Had an Abortion".

My first reaction was disbelief. Are you kidding me lady. Does she think that the picture glorifiying her Abortion makes her some type of heroine? This is what the picture really says.

Gloria Steinem is so irresponsible that she had unprotected sex,and they used a barbaric and obsolete practice to mercilessly hack to death an unborn child because she couldn't face the consequences of her actions. That's pro choice for you.

I want you to notice that pro choice advocates only give you one choice, abortion. A real feminist knows she has many choices and that abortion isn't one of them. A real feminist respects her body enough to not have it used as a "c*m dumptser". She chooses her man carefully and demands he uses a condom if they are not exclusive as extra protection against pregnancy and disease. She uses birthcontrol to ensure she doesn't have an unwanted pregnancy. She isn't Pro choice, she is pro choices,has a brain and uses it. Should she find herself pregnant she excepts the consequences of her actions. She knows from the start that if she isn't ready to except the consequences of her actions then maybe she isn't ready to have sex in the first place.

Gloria Steinem should hang her head in shame. She's a poor example for women to follow and too stupid to realize it.

gloria steinem i had an abortion - Bing Images

Too bad her mother didn't.
You as a taxpayer can stop the 'murder' of the fetus, simply by paying the woman's medical treatment, and any bills she needs paid, and adopting her baby once it is born.

But that won't happen, will it, because you care about fetuses, not about babies.

No, as a taxpayer I can simply go the other way and eventually get the murder of the innocent babies prosecuted - as it should be.

It might take a while - but it will happen. Rome was not built in a year as wel :D

Would you pay more in taxes to fund the legal system to prosecute these women, and pay for more prisons to house them?

if that is needed to stop the murder - yes.
You as a taxpayer can stop the 'murder' of the fetus, simply by paying the woman's medical treatment, and any bills she needs paid, and adopting her baby once it is born.

But that won't happen, will it, because you care about fetuses, not about babies.

No, as a taxpayer I can simply go the other way and eventually get the murder of the innocent babies prosecuted - as it should be.

It might take a while - but it will happen. Rome was not built in a year as wel :D

Would you pay more in taxes to fund the legal system to prosecute these women, and pay for more prisons to house them?

You're paying for their abortions, why not pay for their incarceration and/or tubal ligation?
Like Alice, I try to believe at least one impossible thing before breakfast.

That works. I'm going to try that.

I believe that women who are forced to incubate will make wonderful mothers.

No one is forcing a women to incubate, just live with the choices she made.

If a women doesn't want children then she shouldn't be out spreading her legs.

Do you often make the mistake of generalization? The misogynist are those that still believe in the population manipulation that Sanger put in place for race control.

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk

Maybe you should read a book about Sanger instead of accepting ANti-Abortion propaganda about her...

Lol, yeah I know, any of her true agendas must be denied by those in support today.

I would only give you back your own advice, as your suggestion reeks of projection.

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk
You as a taxpayer can stop the 'murder' of the fetus, simply by paying the woman's medical treatment, and any bills she needs paid, and adopting her baby once it is born.

But that won't happen, will it, because you care about fetuses, not about babies.

No, as a taxpayer I can simply go the other way and eventually get the murder of the innocent babies prosecuted - as it should be.

It might take a while - but it will happen. Rome was not built in a year as wel :D

Someone can’t be ‘prosecuted’ for ‘murder’ when he indeed has committed no ‘murder,’ as abortion is not ‘murder.’

But thank you for demonstrating the point that you and others on the right have nothing but contempt for individual liberty and the rule of law.
What did the baby do that you hate it so much to kill it?

No ‘baby’ is being ‘killed,’ that’s your personal, subjective contrivance, not a fact of law; it’s Constitutionally and legally irrelevant, thankfully.

And we indeed have a Constitution to protect citizens from the ignorance, hate, and arrogance you and others on the right exhibit, to safeguard each citizen’s individual liberty.

That's the only thing that brings me joy, in threads like this. The knowledge that the sickest among them has no bearing on a woman's right to choose. They're toothless old haters.

It is a sickness, there is really no other word for it.

A sickness afflicting conservatives brought on by their fear, hate, and ignorance.
You as a taxpayer can stop the 'murder' of the fetus, simply by paying the woman's medical treatment, and any bills she needs paid, and adopting her baby once it is born.

But that won't happen, will it, because you care about fetuses, not about babies.

No, as a taxpayer I can simply go the other way and eventually get the murder of the innocent babies prosecuted - as it should be.

It might take a while - but it will happen. Rome was not built in a year as wel :D

Someone can’t be ‘prosecuted’ for ‘murder’ when he indeed has committed no ‘murder,’ as abortion is not ‘murder.’

But thank you for demonstrating the point that you and others on the right have nothing but contempt for individual liberty and the rule of law.

Indeed. Always good to see their 'true colors.'
laughinReaper said:
My first reaction was disbelief. Are you kidding me lady. Does she think that the picture glorifiying her Abortion makes her some type of heroine?
Maybe she had 2nd thoughts about bringing a baby into this messed up world but in all fairness ITS A LITTLE TOO LATE I THINK TO THINK LIKE THAT MONTHS LATER!! (I didnt look @ the picture of her)
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And again. I didn't read what Gloria herself had to say about it, but since abortion was legitimate in many states before RvW, and all states after, I think it's safe to say that people will try to shame a woman for having an abortion. Hell, it's happened to me so I know this to be true.

I didn't do anything I should be ashamed of.

And I don't do secondhand shame.

So you all can have fits of the screaming mimi's here, but I won't suddenly have an epiphany that NO!! I really SHOULD be ashamed!
Like Alice, I try to believe at least one impossible thing before breakfast.

That works. I'm going to try that.

I believe that women who are forced to incubate will make wonderful mothers.

No one is forcing a women to incubate, just live with the choices she made.

If a women doesn't want children then she shouldn't be out spreading her legs.

Funny part
the leftists won't demand that men don't pay
if she chooses to keep the baby and the man
wants nothing to do with it

funny how that works

Do you often make the mistake of generalization? The misogynist are those that still believe in the population manipulation that Sanger put in place for race control.

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk

Maybe you should read a book about Sanger instead of accepting ANti-Abortion propaganda about her...

Lol, yeah I know, any of her true agendas must be denied by those in support today.

I would only give you back your own advice, as your suggestion reeks of projection.

as if a book can not be written by pro-abort propaganda.

leftists are amazingly oblivious to the rules of simple logic :rolleyes:
You as a taxpayer can stop the 'murder' of the fetus, simply by paying the woman's medical treatment, and any bills she needs paid, and adopting her baby once it is born.

But that won't happen, will it, because you care about fetuses, not about babies.

No, as a taxpayer I can simply go the other way and eventually get the murder of the innocent babies prosecuted - as it should be.

It might take a while - but it will happen. Rome was not built in a year as wel :D

Someone can’t be ‘prosecuted’ for ‘murder’ when he indeed has committed no ‘murder,’ as abortion is not ‘murder.’

But thank you for demonstrating the point that you and others on the right have nothing but contempt for individual liberty and the rule of law.

not YET.

But making a murder legal does not change it to liberation - it is still a MURDER OF THE BABY
No, as a taxpayer I can simply go the other way and eventually get the murder of the innocent babies prosecuted - as it should be.

It might take a while - but it will happen. Rome was not built in a year as wel :D

Someone can’t be ‘prosecuted’ for ‘murder’ when he indeed has committed no ‘murder,’ as abortion is not ‘murder.’

But thank you for demonstrating the point that you and others on the right have nothing but contempt for individual liberty and the rule of law.

not YET.

But making a murder legal does not change it to liberation - it is still a MURDER OF THE BABY

Not ever.

Not as long as citizens of good faith and good conscience respect the rule of law and the Constitution’s protection of individual liberty.

You’re allowed to bleat in ignorance about ‘murder’ and ‘babies’ to your heart’s content, but such opinions remain subjective, wrong, and irrelevant.
Someone can’t be ‘prosecuted’ for ‘murder’ when he indeed has committed no ‘murder,’ as abortion is not ‘murder.’

But thank you for demonstrating the point that you and others on the right have nothing but contempt for individual liberty and the rule of law.

not YET.

But making a murder legal does not change it to liberation - it is still a MURDER OF THE BABY

Not ever.

Not as long as citizens of good faith and good conscience respect the rule of law and the Constitution’s protection of individual liberty.

You’re allowed to bleat in ignorance about ‘murder’ and ‘babies’ to your heart’s content, but such opinions remain subjective, wrong, and irrelevant.


segregationists thought so also :badgrin:
Someone can’t be ‘prosecuted’ for ‘murder’ when he indeed has committed no ‘murder,’ as abortion is not ‘murder.’

But thank you for demonstrating the point that you and others on the right have nothing but contempt for individual liberty and the rule of law.

not YET.

But making a murder legal does not change it to liberation - it is still a MURDER OF THE BABY

Not ever.

Not as long as citizens of good faith and good conscience respect the rule of law and the Constitution’s protection of individual liberty.

You’re allowed to bleat in ignorance about ‘murder’ and ‘babies’ to your heart’s content, but such opinions remain subjective, wrong, and irrelevant.

Then don't ever let me catch you mourning for dead children in a school shooting. It's obvious you don't give a damn about them either way.
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