"I Had an Abortion"

There are millions of "unique individuals" who starve every day that you simply don't give a crap about.

This has never been about caring about people for you wingnuts... it's about keeping women in their place.

When you stop trying to cut food stamps and head start and WIC and such, then I will take your concern about "unique individuals" a bit more seriously.

It is not a responsibility of individual taxpayer to "feed the world" so raising the child is a sole responsibility of the parents.
It is a responsibility of individual taxpayer to stop murder of the innocents as murder is a violation of the human rights - in this case a right to life of the unborn child . If one can be prosecuted for a murder of the unborn in case of the harm to pregnant woman with a wanted child - that automatically elevates any murder of the "kidney bean" to the category of murder. You can not have it both ways, even if selective murder through abortion is NOW legal.
The key word here is "now"

You as a taxpayer can stop the 'murder' of the fetus, simply by paying the woman's medical treatment, and any bills she needs paid, and adopting her baby once it is born.

But that won't happen, will it, because you care about fetuses, not about babies.

It is not my responsibility as a taxpayer to pay for anybody's medical treatment ( though my taxes are paying for a lot of that as well) neither is it MY responsibility to pay her bills.
And if I would like to adopt the baby I won't ask your directives - you may want first to take care of yourself until you are not on a taxpayer's tab as you clearly are, before you are eligible to give an"advice" to anybody.
if the woman does not want a child - she can give her for adoption before she is even several weeks pregnant - and the willing people - and there are thousands of them - will take care of what needs to be done.
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Just for once I'd like a leftist to show some kind of sense that they even remotely understand the concept of personal responsibility and stop wanting someone else to pay your bills, raise your kids, carry you through life.

So...if you can't afford to have a baby, don't have sex?

listen, crazy vagina with vocal cords, obsessed with sex - there are plenty of birth control available and sex does not always involve pregnancy scare.

it's 2013 for goodness gracious, why are you so .... uneducated and unsatisfied?
You as a taxpayer can stop the 'murder' of the fetus, simply by paying the woman's medical treatment, and any bills she needs paid, and adopting her baby once it is born.

But that won't happen, will it, because you care about fetuses, not about babies.

No, as a taxpayer I can simply go the other way and eventually get the murder of the innocent babies prosecuted - as it should be.

It might take a while - but it will happen. Rome was not built in a year as wel :D

If you can't afford to have a baby, you probably have more pressing issues than getting laid. Do what people have done for MILLENIA....divert that sexual energy towards getting ahead..and then when you can afford to support a child in the off chance you create one, then go for it!

It seems, though, that in this particular instance, not getting laid is resulting in obsession :cool:
Just for once I'd like a leftist to show some kind of sense that they even remotely understand the concept of personal responsibility and stop wanting someone else to pay your bills, raise your kids, carry you through life.

So...if you can't afford to have a baby, don't have sex?

Yes.... I know it is hard for you progressives to understand that women are not there just to fuck.
Have you adopted a baby that would otherwise have been aborted?

No. Oh, I know I know ... in your world this somehow means I can have no say about abortion. :cuckoo:

Abortion supporters believe that death of a human being is better than life via adoption or, here's a novel idea ... the parents raising the child.
She in her quest for more babies dead ignores that there are millions of family's willing to adopt...

If you can't afford to have a baby, you probably have more pressing issues than getting laid. Do what people have done for MILLENIA....divert that sexual energy towards getting ahead..and then when you can afford to support a child in the off chance you create one, then go for it!

So if you do have sex, and get pregnant, you should be punished by being force to give birth?

Thanks for the honesty!

That sums up well the arrogance and authoritarianism of the social right, as well as the contempt most conservatives have for the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and most importantly the right to individual liberty – the right of each person to make personal, private decisions free from interference by the state, such as dictating to a woman whether she may have a child or not.

If you can't afford to have a baby, you probably have more pressing issues than getting laid. Do what people have done for MILLENIA....divert that sexual energy towards getting ahead..and then when you can afford to support a child in the off chance you create one, then go for it!

So if you do have sex, and get pregnant, you should be punished by being force to give birth?

Thanks for the honesty!

That sums up well the arrogance and authoritarianism of the social right, as well as the contempt most conservatives have for the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and most importantly the right to individual liberty – the right of each person to make personal, private decisions free from interference by the state, such as dictating to a woman whether she may have a child or not.

What did the baby do that you hate it so much to kill it?
So if you do have sex, and get pregnant, you should be punished by being force to give birth?

Thanks for the honesty!

That sums up well the arrogance and authoritarianism of the social right, as well as the contempt most conservatives have for the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and most importantly the right to individual liberty – the right of each person to make personal, private decisions free from interference by the state, such as dictating to a woman whether she may have a child or not.

What did the baby do that you hate it so much to kill it?

No ‘baby’ is being ‘killed,’ that’s your personal, subjective contrivance, not a fact of law; it’s Constitutionally and legally irrelevant, thankfully.

And we indeed have a Constitution to protect citizens from the ignorance, hate, and arrogance you and others on the right exhibit, to safeguard each citizen’s individual liberty.
That sums up well the arrogance and authoritarianism of the social right, as well as the contempt most conservatives have for the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and most importantly the right to individual liberty – the right of each person to make personal, private decisions free from interference by the state, such as dictating to a woman whether she may have a child or not.

What did the baby do that you hate it so much to kill it?

No ‘baby’ is being ‘killed,’ that’s your personal, subjective contrivance, not a fact of law; it’s Constitutionally and legally irrelevant, thankfully.

And we indeed have a Constitution to protect citizens from the ignorance, hate, and arrogance you and others on the right exhibit, to safeguard each citizen’s individual liberty.
Is a walrus being killed instead?
You as a taxpayer can stop the 'murder' of the fetus, simply by paying the woman's medical treatment, and any bills she needs paid, and adopting her baby once it is born.

But that won't happen, will it, because you care about fetuses, not about babies.

No, as a taxpayer I can simply go the other way and eventually get the murder of the innocent babies prosecuted - as it should be.

It might take a while - but it will happen. Rome was not built in a year as wel :D

Would you pay more in taxes to fund the legal system to prosecute these women, and pay for more prisons to house them?
That sums up well the arrogance and authoritarianism of the social right, as well as the contempt most conservatives have for the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and most importantly the right to individual liberty – the right of each person to make personal, private decisions free from interference by the state, such as dictating to a woman whether she may have a child or not.

What did the baby do that you hate it so much to kill it?

No ‘baby’ is being ‘killed,’ that’s your personal, subjective contrivance, not a fact of law; it’s Constitutionally and legally irrelevant, thankfully.

And we indeed have a Constitution to protect citizens from the ignorance, hate, and arrogance you and others on the right exhibit, to safeguard each citizen’s individual liberty.

That's the only thing that brings me joy, in threads like this. The knowledge that the sickest among them has no bearing on a woman's right to choose. They're toothless old haters.
No, they're not. They are human beings in the very early stages of development. They are human beings from the time the cells start dividing. They may not look like a 9 month old newborn but they are a human being, not just a 'blob of cells or tissue'; a human being in the very early stages of development. You can tap dance around all you want, spewing nonsense till the cows come home but the fact of the matter is that abortion terminates the life of that human being. It snuffs out the life of another unique individual. It ends the existence of another human being. They cease to be, they cease to exist, they cease to have a chance at life. That is what the 'choice' of abortion does.

There are millions of "unique individuals" who starve every day that you simply don't give a crap about.


This has never been about caring about people for you wingnuts... it's about keeping women in their place.


When you stop trying to cut food stamps and head start and WIC and such, then I will take your concern about "unique individuals" a bit more seriously.


I noticed you didn't disagree with the fact that abortion ends the life of another human being. Progress in small increments is still progress. Good for you, Joe.

Nope, I just don't take you guys seriously, because you don't give a fuck about poor children.

Thi sis about misogynists keeping women in their place.

When you idiots talk about "Legitimate Rape" and "Gift from God Rape", you show your contempt for women.
There are millions of "unique individuals" who starve every day that you simply don't give a crap about.


This has never been about caring about people for you wingnuts... it's about keeping women in their place.


When you stop trying to cut food stamps and head start and WIC and such, then I will take your concern about "unique individuals" a bit more seriously.


I noticed you didn't disagree with the fact that abortion ends the life of another human being. Progress in small increments is still progress. Good for you, Joe.

Nope, I just don't take you guys seriously, because you don't give a fuck about poor children.

Thi sis about misogynists keeping women in their place.

When you idiots talk about "Legitimate Rape" and "Gift from God Rape", you show your contempt for women.

Do you often make the mistake of generalization? The misogynist are those that still believe in the population manipulation that Sanger put in place for race control.

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Do you often make the mistake of generalization? The misogynist are those that still believe in the population manipulation that Sanger put in place for race control.

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Maybe you should read a book about Sanger instead of accepting ANti-Abortion propaganda about her...



"Snap out of it, Joe! You're dreaming!"

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