"I Had an Abortion"

What is with you racists and your compulsion to bring God into the abortion debate?

It's not about God. It's about human rights, and the violations that you maintain are *necessary*.


Women are the sole owners of their bodies and they have the right to decide when to reproduce.

So stop peeking in people's windows.

Mind your own business
What they kill isnt their body but the body of another human you evil fuck.
What is with you racists and your compulsion to bring God into the abortion debate?

It's not about God. It's about human rights, and the violations that you maintain are *necessary*.


Women are the sole owners of their bodies and they have the right to decide when to reproduce.

So stop peeking in people's windows.

Mind your own business
What they kill isnt their body but the body of another human you evil fuck.

In your subjective, personal opinion, not as a matter of fact or law.

You’re allowed to wallow in your own hate and ignorance; but are thankfully forbidden to attempt to codify that hate and ignorance.

Women are the sole owners of their bodies and they have the right to decide when to reproduce.

So stop peeking in people's windows.

Mind your own business
What they kill isnt their body but the body of another human you evil fuck.

In your subjective, personal opinion, not as a matter of fact or law.

You’re allowed to wallow in your own hate and ignorance; but are thankfully forbidden to attempt to codify that hate and ignorance.
LAW? Since when is law the defining factor of what is human or not? It isn't opinion that abortions kills humans.

Women are the sole owners of their bodies and they have the right to decide when to reproduce.

So stop peeking in people's windows.

Mind your own business
What they kill isnt their body but the body of another human you evil fuck.

In your subjective, personal opinion, not as a matter of fact or law.

You’re allowed to wallow in your own hate and ignorance; but are thankfully forbidden to attempt to codify that hate and ignorance.

Actually, as a matter of fact, it is a separate individual body.

And law does not dictate humanity.
Does anyone else find it wildly ironic that the moron says it's not an individual per fact or law...

When in fact, a fetus IS an individual, which is why it must be KILLED for an abortion to take place.
What is with you racists and your compulsion to bring God into the abortion debate?

It's not about God. It's about human rights, and the violations that you maintain are *necessary*.


Women are the sole owners of their bodies and they have the right to decide when to reproduce.

So stop peeking in people's windows.

Mind your own business

Now cry me a river of your crocodile tears over the victims of the latest shootings in the USA and expect anybody will believe your lies about oh, how deeply, how extremely sorry you are over those children killed in a shooting.
and what makes you think Pope's words are relevant for either of us?

They're applicable to any religion.

Your religion, of course, is anti-abortionism, and your devotion to that religion precludes any other religious beliefs on your parts.

no, they are not.

and what makes you think they will impress anybody if provided by an abortion crazie?

you are simply ridiculous.
Oh, and did you do your chore for today and cried crocodile tears over killed people in the shooting thread? No? oh, you ought to join the ranks of other lying leftards who are just shining there in their hypocrisy - for everybody to observe.
What is with you racists and your compulsion to bring God into the abortion debate?

It's not about God. It's about human rights, and the violations that you maintain are *necessary*.

if leftards are losing the debate they ALWAYS bring Jesus, God and Pope into the debate.

It is a signal - they have lost it.

One more of the typical hypocrisy of the left.
What they kill isnt their body but the body of another human you evil fuck.

In your subjective, personal opinion, not as a matter of fact or law.

You’re allowed to wallow in your own hate and ignorance; but are thankfully forbidden to attempt to codify that hate and ignorance.
LAW? Since when is law the defining factor of what is human or not? It isn't opinion that abortions kills humans.

The law is the defining factor of what is legal or not, such as the legal fact that abortion is not ‘murder,’ and it’s ignorant idiocy to argue otherwise.

The courts have wisely left the matter of when human life begins to each individual to decide in his own good faith and conscience, and the courts have just as wisely forbidden the state from getting involved in making such a determination; we do not want politicians and bureaucrats ‘deciding’ when human life begins.

If you believe abortion is ‘murder,’ then don’t have an abortion, but you have no legal grounds whatsoever upon which to attempt to foist that subjective opinion on fellow citizens through the authority of the law – and thankfully so.
In your subjective, personal opinion, not as a matter of fact or law.

You’re allowed to wallow in your own hate and ignorance; but are thankfully forbidden to attempt to codify that hate and ignorance.
LAW? Since when is law the defining factor of what is human or not? It isn't opinion that abortions kills humans.

The law is the defining factor of what is legal or not, such as the legal fact that abortion is not ‘murder,’ and it’s ignorant idiocy to argue otherwise.

The courts have wisely left the matter of when human life begins to each individual to decide in his own good faith and conscience, and the courts have just as wisely forbidden the state from getting involved in making such a determination; we do not want politicians and bureaucrats ‘deciding’ when human life begins.

If you believe abortion is ‘murder,’ then don’t have an abortion, but you have no legal grounds whatsoever upon which to attempt to foist that subjective opinion on fellow citizens through the authority of the law – and thankfully so.

Killing innocent human babies may be legal but it is still evil and people like you who cheer it are sick
They are not babies, and are not considered babies until they are born. And rightfully so.

Just because you lie to yourself about supporting infanticide doesn't hide the truth.

Kidney bean sized fetuses aren't "infants".

Infants are a lot bigger and they poop a lot.

No, they're not. They are human beings in the very early stages of development. They are human beings from the time the cells start dividing. They may not look like a 9 month old newborn but they are a human being, not just a 'blob of cells or tissue'; a human being in the very early stages of development. You can tap dance around all you want, spewing nonsense till the cows come home but the fact of the matter is that abortion terminates the life of that human being. It snuffs out the life of another unique individual. It ends the existence of another human being. They cease to be, they cease to exist, they cease to have a chance at life. That is what the 'choice' of abortion does.
Just because you lie to yourself about supporting infanticide doesn't hide the truth.

Kidney bean sized fetuses aren't "infants".

Infants are a lot bigger and they poop a lot.

No, they're not. They are human beings in the very early stages of development. They are human beings from the time the cells start dividing. They may not look like a 9 month old newborn but they are a human being, not just a 'blob of cells or tissue'; a human being in the very early stages of development. You can tap dance around all you want, spewing nonsense till the cows come home but the fact of the matter is that abortion terminates the life of that human being. It snuffs out the life of another unique individual. It ends the existence of another human being. They cease to be, they cease to exist, they cease to have a chance at life. That is what the 'choice' of abortion does.

There are millions of "unique individuals" who starve every day that you simply don't give a crap about.

This has never been about caring about people for you wingnuts... it's about keeping women in their place.

When you stop trying to cut food stamps and head start and WIC and such, then I will take your concern about "unique individuals" a bit more seriously.
Kidney bean sized fetuses aren't "infants".

Infants are a lot bigger and they poop a lot.

No, they're not. They are human beings in the very early stages of development. They are human beings from the time the cells start dividing. They may not look like a 9 month old newborn but they are a human being, not just a 'blob of cells or tissue'; a human being in the very early stages of development. You can tap dance around all you want, spewing nonsense till the cows come home but the fact of the matter is that abortion terminates the life of that human being. It snuffs out the life of another unique individual. It ends the existence of another human being. They cease to be, they cease to exist, they cease to have a chance at life. That is what the 'choice' of abortion does.

There are millions of "unique individuals" who starve every day that you simply don't give a crap about.


This has never been about caring about people for you wingnuts... it's about keeping women in their place.


When you stop trying to cut food stamps and head start and WIC and such, then I will take your concern about "unique individuals" a bit more seriously.


I noticed you didn't disagree with the fact that abortion ends the life of another human being. Progress in small increments is still progress. Good for you, Joe.
Just because you lie to yourself about supporting infanticide doesn't hide the truth.

Kidney bean sized fetuses aren't "infants".

Infants are a lot bigger and they poop a lot.

No, they're not. They are human beings in the very early stages of development. They are human beings from the time the cells start dividing. They may not look like a 9 month old newborn but they are a human being, not just a 'blob of cells or tissue'; a human being in the very early stages of development. You can tap dance around all you want, spewing nonsense till the cows come home but the fact of the matter is that abortion terminates the life of that human being. It snuffs out the life of another unique individual. It ends the existence of another human being. They cease to be, they cease to exist, they cease to have a chance at life. That is what the 'choice' of abortion does.

Well if that's the case, if the body they are living in chooses not to have them there..they gotta go.

It's like a rent thing.

I mean you folks are fine with landlords kicking out people if they can't pay the rent..even if that action means their death.

Or an Arizona governor denying health care to her citizens, even if that action means their death.

So what's the problem?

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