"I Had an Abortion"

rw's are just sick.
They say they don't want any responsibility and yet they want control.
And, if that's not sick enough, now they're saying a fetus isn't worth any more than an egg or an acorn. And, they vote for really sick fucks too. They threw a fit at the teenager who carried her dead baby around with her but praised Santorum for doing the same thing. And, of course, its okay with them that Karen Santorum had an abortion.

When you think these idiots can't get any worse, they trot out another radical religious right wing nutter.


Is there any part of our lives the rw's don't want to control? How big is their government gonna get before they stop peeking in bedroom windows?

Disgusting creeps.


Seriously, we pray every single day that you will please keep your depraved lifestyles in your own bedrooms, and your hands in your own pockets.

You may start any day now. We support you fully in that endeavor.

And THAT is the whole point. What consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes, their own lives, is none of your business.

Stop with the constant meddling.

Stay out of other people's business.
What is with you racists and your compulsion to bring God into the abortion debate?

It's not about God. It's about human rights, and the violations that you maintain are *necessary*.


Women are the sole owners of their bodies and they have the right to decide when to reproduce.

So stop peeking in people's windows.

Mind your own business
Good. We're agreed. No more public funding for the abortion industry, contraceptives, or *sex education* .

That's a direct contradiction of what you just said!
It's a life or it's not.
It depends on how I feel?
Feelings are not the basis of good governance.

It isn't a matter of governance, Double-Wide.

It's a matter of how people are going to run their lives.

WOmen who find themselves pregnant WILL have abortions. No matter what the law is.

And, the idea that doctors won't perform therapeutic d&c's is asssinine.

There have always been and will always be doctors who do not and will not but, by and large, doctors put their patient's welfare first. That's the way it was before Roe v Wade and that's the way it will always be.
Good. We're agreed. No more public funding for the abortion industry, contraceptives, or *sex education* .

Are you saying that you're one of the idiots who believes federal (tax) money has been used to fund abortion?

We already had this conversation but if you have forgotten, do some friggin research already.
Which is why we never needed legalized abortion in the first place.

Doctors have never failed to treat women appropriately when their health is truly in jeopardy. That, like everything else the death cultists spout, is a lie, along with the lie that if we don't have abortion clinics funded by the state, the few women who do actually require abortion for medical reasons will just DIE.
Good. We're agreed. No more public funding for the abortion industry, contraceptives, or *sex education* .

Are you saying that you're one of the idiots who believes federal (tax) money has been used to fund abortion?

We already had this conversation but if you have forgotten, do some friggin research already.

I've done my research. The feds fund Planned Parenthood up the ying yang.
Good. We're agreed. No more public funding for the abortion industry, contraceptives, or *sex education* .

Are you saying that you're one of the idiots who believes federal (tax) money has been used to fund abortion?

We already had this conversation but if you have forgotten, do some friggin research already.

And more to the point, I am guessing that if people could check off boxes on their 1040's, Planned Parenthood would get funded long before the War ON Terror.
Which is why we never needed legalized abortion in the first place.

Doctors have never failed to treat women appropriately when their health is truly in jeopardy. That, like everything else the death cultists spout, is a lie, along with the lie that if we don't have abortion clinics funded by the state, the few women who do actually require abortion for medical reasons will just DIE.

Too late.

Its legal and its none of your business unless its you who is having the abortion.

Deal with it.
I am dealing with it.

By publicly identifying it as the human rights violation it is.

And also pointing out, RvW was a bad law, established illegally, against the will of the people.

Not that it matters. Good law, bad law, it doesn't make any difference. Abortion is a human rights violation, and the industry protects those who abuse women and children.

Deal with that, baby killer.
Good. We're agreed. No more public funding for the abortion industry, contraceptives, or *sex education* .

Are you saying that you're one of the idiots who believes federal (tax) money has been used to fund abortion?

We already had this conversation but if you have forgotten, do some friggin research already.

And more to the point, I am guessing that if people could check off boxes on their 1040's, Planned Parenthood would get funded long before the War ON Terror.

Before the idiot tee potties did their lying smear campaign, I would agree. But, if this board is a microcosm, there are many rw's who have no friggin clue what PP actually does. Hell, some of these brain dead dummies believe their taxes have been paying for abortions.

It really is true that you can't cure stupid. The rw's are proof of that.
I am dealing with it.

By publicly identifying it as the human rights violation it is.

And also pointing out, RvW was a bad law, established illegally, against the will of the people.

Not that it matters. Good law, bad law, it doesn't make any difference. Abortion is a human rights violation, and the industry protects those who abuse women and children.

Deal with that, baby killer.

As usual, you are free to hold any opinion you wish.
I know intimately what PP does. I'm much, much better informed than you are, luddly.
Thank you, but I don't need your permission to hold my opinion, baby killer.
Sometimes I wish I was at the baby shower of some of the liberal leftard posters in here, I would leave a nice gift.


somthing for thier toolbox

So, its not abortion you're against. You'd love to see all fetuses of lib-rule women killed in the most horrendous way possible. Further, I'd bet you're in favor of killing the babies born to lib-rules as well.

I'd bet most rw's would agree and I'd bet they're more than happy to lie about it.

People Who Call Themselves "Pro-Life" Are Lying, Here Are 10 More Accurate Descriptions -
I am dealing with it.

By publicly identifying it as the human rights violation it is.

And also pointing out, RvW was a bad law, established illegally, against the will of the people.

Not that it matters. Good law, bad law, it doesn't make any difference. Abortion is a human rights violation, and the industry protects those who abuse women and children.

Deal with that, baby killer.

I agree, Roe v. Wade was a bad ruling because it found a right to one's body that doesn't exist in other areas of law while not clearly identifying when life begins.

I will even go further to say we'd have been better off had we had the national discussion in the 1970's and won legal abortion that way.

But the reality- Roe just legalized what everyone was already doing.
I am dealing with it.

By publicly identifying it as the human rights violation it is.

And also pointing out, RvW was a bad law, established illegally, against the will of the people.

Not that it matters. Good law, bad law, it doesn't make any difference. Abortion is a human rights violation, and the industry protects those who abuse women and children.

Deal with that, baby killer.

I agree, Roe v. Wade was a bad ruling because it found a right to one's body that doesn't exist in other areas of law while not clearly identifying when life begins.

I will even go further to say we'd have been better off had we had the national discussion in the 1970's and won legal abortion that way.

But the reality- Roe just legalized what everyone was already doing.

Did it reduce welfare rolls?
I am dealing with it.

By publicly identifying it as the human rights violation it is.

And also pointing out, RvW was a bad law, established illegally, against the will of the people.

Not that it matters. Good law, bad law, it doesn't make any difference. Abortion is a human rights violation, and the industry protects those who abuse women and children.

Deal with that, baby killer.

I agree, Roe v. Wade was a bad ruling because it found a right to one's body that doesn't exist in other areas of law while not clearly identifying when life begins.

I will even go further to say we'd have been better off had we had the national discussion in the 1970's and won legal abortion that way.

But the reality- Roe just legalized what everyone was already doing.

Did it reduce welfare rolls?

Read Freakonomics.

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