"I Had an Abortion"

Sometimes I wish I was at the baby shower of some of the liberal leftard posters in here, I would leave a nice gift.


somthing for thier toolbox

Then why does an egg hatch into a chicken, an acorn turn into a tree, or a fetus turn into a human being?

It's called DNA. Deal with it.

Most eggs end up at Denny's.

Most Acorns end up in a squirrel's nest for the winter.

2/3rd of zygotes never attach to the uterine wall.

You never cease to amaze me, Joe.

Should they survive, an acorn will grow into an oak, that latter third of the time the zygote WILL attach itself to the uterine wall, and the egg will become a chicken.

You make me chuckle with your idiotic facts, Joe. You didn't rebut my claim either. If you can't attribute a unborn human "fetus" to a human, or an acorn to a tree, or an egg to a chicken... what are they then?

And spare me your smart-assed responses, Joe. Your argument has been brushed to the wayside.
Sometimes I wish I was at the baby shower of some of the liberal leftard posters in here, I would leave a nice gift.


somthing for thier toolbox

And it’s this sort of ignorance and hate exhibited by the right that proves social conservatism is indeed the bane of America.

Geez... if I had a dollar for each time you said the word "ignorant" the national debt would be an afterthought.

Then why does an egg hatch into a chicken, an acorn turn into a tree, or a fetus turn into a human being?

It's called DNA. Deal with it.

Most eggs end up at Denny's.

Most Acorns end up in a squirrel's nest for the winter.

2/3rd of zygotes never attach to the uterine wall.

You never cease to amaze me, Joe.

Should they survive, an acorn will grow into an oak, that latter third of the time the zygote WILL attach itself to the uterine wall, and the egg will become a chicken.

You make me chuckle with your idiotic facts, Joe. You didn't rebut my claim either. If you can't attribute a unborn human "fetus" to a human, or an acorn to a tree, or an egg to a chicken... what are they then?

And spare me your smart-assed responses, Joe. Your argument has been brushed to the wayside.

But that's the problem. They aren't all designed to reach the finish line. That's kind of the point.

Natural Selection has given way to unnatural selection. Chickens that are fatter and tastier wouldn't live in the wild, but we've bred them like that. The eggs of the skinny chickens end up in omelets.

The point is, I don't really want the fetus born to a woman who looks at it with a "You fucked up my life, you lttle bastard" to reach the finish line. The prisons are full of those people.

Then why does an egg hatch into a chicken, an acorn turn into a tree, or a fetus turn into a human being?

It's called DNA. Deal with it.

Most eggs end up at Denny's.

Most Acorns end up in a squirrel's nest for the winter.

2/3rd of zygotes never attach to the uterine wall.

So are you saying we should eat our unborn you sick fuck?

Unborn is a made up word. Either you are born or you aren't.
An egg is not a chicken
an acorn is not a tree
A fetus is not a baby...
Just because you lie about to yourself about a fetus doesn't make you less of a sick fuck

Who taught you how to structure a sentence?

Fetuses aren't babies, dude. We don't have funerals for miscarriages.

Who says?
I have Freinds who have.
You don't get to decide.

Ariel Castro, liberal hero, was charged with murder of an unborn.
I guess you liberals change the rules to suit you.
When liberals attempted to murder Douglas Kennedy's newborn( more than 24 hours after full seperation from the mother and the cord cut) it was not a crime.
I guess that was Barbera boxers interpretation, not fully born until the child gets home from Hospital!!

If there were clear rules rather than today's garbled interpretations, things might help.
Most eggs end up at Denny's.

Most Acorns end up in a squirrel's nest for the winter.

2/3rd of zygotes never attach to the uterine wall.

You never cease to amaze me, Joe.

Should they survive, an acorn will grow into an oak, that latter third of the time the zygote WILL attach itself to the uterine wall, and the egg will become a chicken.

You make me chuckle with your idiotic facts, Joe. You didn't rebut my claim either. If you can't attribute a unborn human "fetus" to a human, or an acorn to a tree, or an egg to a chicken... what are they then?

And spare me your smart-assed responses, Joe. Your argument has been brushed to the wayside.

But that's the problem. They aren't all designed to reach the finish line. That's kind of the point.

Natural Selection has given way to unnatural selection. Chickens that are fatter and tastier wouldn't live in the wild, but we've bred them like that. The eggs of the skinny chickens end up in omelets.

The point is, I don't really want the fetus born to a woman who looks at it with a "You fucked up my life, you lttle bastard" to reach the finish line. The prisons are full of those people.

So it's a spartan thing your going for.

Throw the weak to the wolves?

Beat the strong until they are void of humanity?
More liberal voters then!!
Just because you lie about to yourself about a fetus doesn't make you less of a sick fuck

Who taught you how to structure a sentence?

Fetuses aren't babies, dude. We don't have funerals for miscarriages.

Who says?
I have Freinds who have.
You don't get to decide.

Ariel Castro, liberal hero, was charged with murder of an unborn.
I guess you liberals change the rules to suit you.
When liberals attempted to murder Douglas Kennedy's newborn( more than 24 hours after full seperation from the mother and the cord cut) it was not a crime.
I guess that was Barbera boxers interpretation, not fully born until the child gets home from Hospital!!

If there were clear rules rather than today's garbled interpretations, things might help.

They would have charged Castro with Witchcraft if they thought they could get away with it. I mean, it's easy to throw the kitchen sink at someone if they are already guilty of so much you can sneak in some bogus charge. The day you charge a woman with aborting her own fetus, that's the day you guys can be taken seriously. But they didn't even do that when Abortion was "illegal".

I agree, the rules are garbled. If a woman wants it, it's a "baby". If she doesn't, it's "that thing I need to take care of."

So it's a spartan thing your going for.

Throw the weak to the wolves?

Beat the strong until they are void of humanity?
More liberal voters then!!

I'll take the "humanity" of the right more seriously when you care about the kids who already here, and not the potential ones.

Maybe if you stop trying to cut food stamps and education and head start and day care, that'd be a good start.

So it's a spartan thing your going for.

Throw the weak to the wolves?

Beat the strong until they are void of humanity?
More liberal voters then!!

I'll take the "humanity" of the right more seriously when you care about the kids who already here, and not the potential ones.

Maybe if you stop trying to cut food stamps and education and head start and day care, that'd be a good start.

So since Roe vs Wade the welfare rolls have shrunk?

Let me repeat, for the thousandth time.

If they wanna fuck , let em.
If they don't want kids , birth control.
Or Abortion.
If they have bastards, they should raise them.

Show me where I hold any responsibility for their choices ?

Easy question, easy points, now go with them.

My kids are well raised.
I give to many charities( recently stopped donating to domestic violence charities since noomi informed me it didn't exist.
I stopped giving to breast cancer too, noomi told me breast cancer was harmless, no one died from it.
I work in my community to improve it.
I am a humane caring person.

I gave more to the jimmy fund last year than you earned!

So it's a spartan thing your going for.

Throw the weak to the wolves?

Beat the strong until they are void of humanity?
More liberal voters then!!

I'll take the "humanity" of the right more seriously when you care about the kids who already here, and not the potential ones.

Maybe if you stop trying to cut food stamps and education and head start and day care, that'd be a good start.

You need to work on your grammar.
A third grader would be ashamed of that one!!

Not long since you attacked someone for their use of English?

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Who taught you how to structure a sentence?

Fetuses aren't babies, dude. We don't have funerals for miscarriages.

Who says?
I have Freinds who have.
You don't get to decide.

Ariel Castro, liberal hero, was charged with murder of an unborn.
I guess you liberals change the rules to suit you.
When liberals attempted to murder Douglas Kennedy's newborn( more than 24 hours after full seperation from the mother and the cord cut) it was not a crime.
I guess that was Barbera boxers interpretation, not fully born until the child gets home from Hospital!!

If there were clear rules rather than today's garbled interpretations, things might help.

They would have charged Castro with Witchcraft if they thought they could get away with it. I mean, it's easy to throw the kitchen sink at someone if they are already guilty of so much you can sneak in some bogus charge. The day you charge a woman with aborting her own fetus, that's the day you guys can be taken seriously. But they didn't even do that when Abortion was "illegal".

I agree, the rules are garbled. If a woman wants it, it's a "baby". If she doesn't, it's "that thing I need to take care of."

That's a direct contradiction of what you just said!
It's a life or it's not.
It depends on how I feel?
Feelings are not the basis of good governance.
abortion is safer than childbirth...

Abortion Safer for Women Than Childbirth, Study Claims - US News and World Report

Koch-er Girl's response. "This is all a plot by the Porn Industry to keep their stars looking good...or something!!!"
Only to sick fucks like you who celebrate every baby killed.

An egg is not a chicken
an acorn is not a tree
A fetus is not a baby...

Yes, a fetus IS a baby :)

no matter how much you hate those babies - the fetus IS A BABY. and abortion IS a MURDER of that BABY
Not that this applies to anyone here ... oh wait, it does ...

Pope Francis at Mass calls for greater openness
October 17, 2013: If a Christian “becomes a disciple of the ideology, he has lost the faith.”
This was the theme of Pope Francis’ homily during his Thursday morning Mass at the Domus Sanctae Marthae. During his homily, the Pope warned Christians against behaving as though the “key is in [their] pocket, and the door closed.” He reiterated that without prayer, one abandons the faith and descends into ideology and moralism. “Woe to you, scholars of the law! You have taken away the key of knowledge!” (Luke 11: 52)
“The faith passes, so to speak, through a distiller and becomes ideology. And ideology does not beckon [people]. In ideologies there is not Jesus: in his tenderness, his love, his meekness. And ideologies are rigid, always. Of every sign: rigid. And when a Christian becomes a disciple of the ideology, he has lost the faith: he is no longer a disciple of Jesus, he is a disciple of this attitude of thought…
Not that this applies to anyone here ... oh wait, it does ...

Pope Francis at Mass calls for greater openness
October 17, 2013: If a Christian “becomes a disciple of the ideology, he has lost the faith.”
This was the theme of Pope Francis’ homily during his Thursday morning Mass at the Domus Sanctae Marthae. During his homily, the Pope warned Christians against behaving as though the “key is in [their] pocket, and the door closed.” He reiterated that without prayer, one abandons the faith and descends into ideology and moralism. “Woe to you, scholars of the law! You have taken away the key of knowledge!” (Luke 11: 52)
“The faith passes, so to speak, through a distiller and becomes ideology. And ideology does not beckon [people]. In ideologies there is not Jesus: in his tenderness, his love, his meekness. And ideologies are rigid, always. Of every sign: rigid. And when a Christian becomes a disciple of the ideology, he has lost the faith: he is no longer a disciple of Jesus, he is a disciple of this attitude of thought…


This is relevant to this discussion..how?

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