"I Had an Abortion"

That is what they refer to as PAS. But watch as the anti lifers deny this. Why they hate women I will never understand. Their claim that they care about a woman's health is a lie, that has continued since Doe v. Bolton

The anti lifers will either ignore the following or call it a lie. They are calling millions of women liars when they do this

Symptoms of Post Abortion Stress

Emotionally cold and unresponsive
Suicidal impulses
Alcohol and/or drug use
Eating disorders
Anxiety over fertility and childbearing issues
Loss of interest in sex OR promiscuity
Avoidance of baby reminders (like baby showers, baby stores, etc.)
Control issues
Over-protection of living children
Pre-occupation with becoming pregnant again
Strained relationship with living children even abuse
Resentment toward those who were involved in the abortion decision
"Anniversary" syndrome--an increase in symptoms around the time of the anniversary of the abortion or due date of the child

There is the whole plethora of problems after abortion - both physical and mental.
Denying it is a simple mechanism of defense but it does not mean it works.

The very ones, who are supposedly "liberated" and "empowered" and "elevated" by the availability of abortion anytime, anywhere, at any gestational age and on the taxpayer's tab are the most ignorant on the anatomy, on physiology, on basic pathology, on the very sex that they are supposedly enjoying so much, and the whole life purpose.

how can this happen?
where is the "liberation"?
where is the "empowerment"?
where is the "freedom" as all they can think is a pregnancy scare while having sex - as in the prehistoric era :rolleyes:

My husband will tell you that the way to heal is to name the child you aborted and pray for him or her.

There are many ways of healing and the one you describe requires the person to be a believer in God - and that alone will help - finding Our Lord.

However, the healing part can start only if the deed is understood as it is - a murder.
You can not heal if you are in denial.
Those that say that abortion does not hurt the soul well they don't understand this. Haven't been thru it.

I've talked to men who want to sob at what has happened. I dont think any of us understand what has all been happening to all of us.

That is partially what I can not understand about those whole "my body/privacy/choice" issue in this country - everywhere else in the world where abortion is legal it is still a shameful,and regrettable option and it is unthinkable to parade it around with pride.
It is also very well known and propagated the risks and complications and inevitable problems connected to it, as the options for avoidance are offered as well - unlike here, in the US. The vast majority of American women ( and men) consider abortion's seriousness to be not more than smoking a cigarette :rolleyes:
Those that say that abortion does not hurt the soul well they don't understand this. Haven't been thru it.

I've talked to men who want to sob at what has happened. I dont think any of us understand what has all been happening to all of us.

That is partially what I can not understand about those whole "my body/privacy/choice" issue in this country - everywhere else in the world where abortion is legal it is still a shameful,and regrettable option and it is unthinkable to parade it around with pride.
It is also very well known and propagated the risks and complications and inevitable problems connected to it, as the options for avoidance are offered as well - unlike here, in the US. The vast majority of American women ( and men) consider abortion's seriousness to be not more than smoking a cigarette :rolleyes:

Shit to them smoking is more dangerous.
Plus there are the women and girls who die from abortions...that the left studiously ignores and pretends don't exist.

Because they're all about female *empowerment* and *health*.


abortion is safer than childbirth...

Abortion Safer for Women Than Childbirth, Study Claims - US News and World Report

The risk of death associated with a full-term pregnancy and delivery is 8.8 deaths per 100,000, while the risk of death linked to legal abortion is 0.6 deaths per 100,000 women, according to the study. That means a woman carrying a baby to term is 14 times more likely to die than a woman who chooses to have a legal abortion, the study finds.

"Regardless of one's sentiments about abortion, legal abortion is very safe, and dramatically safer than continuing the pregnancy," said the study's lead author, Dr. David Grimes, a clinical professor in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine at Chapel Hill.

Koch-er Girl's response. "This is all a plot by the Porn Industry to keep their stars looking good...or something!!!"
That would mean something if we had real numbers.

But we don't. It's all made up stuff, by ghouls who are motivated to exploit women and kill children.
Health care providers are failing to detail abortion complications to the state as required by law, one of many gaps in a surveillance system viewed as crucial to protecting patients, a Tribune review has found.
The state's system for tracking abortions is so broken that regulators also may be missing more than 7,000 of the procedures per year."

And that ^^ was in Illinois alone.

State's abortion records woefully incomplete - Chicago Tribune
Plus there are the women and girls who die from abortions...that the left studiously ignores and pretends don't exist.

Because they're all about female *empowerment* and *health*.


abortion is safer than childbirth...

Abortion Safer for Women Than Childbirth, Study Claims - US News and World Report

The risk of death associated with a full-term pregnancy and delivery is 8.8 deaths per 100,000, while the risk of death linked to legal abortion is 0.6 deaths per 100,000 women, according to the study. That means a woman carrying a baby to term is 14 times more likely to die than a woman who chooses to have a legal abortion, the study finds.

"Regardless of one's sentiments about abortion, legal abortion is very safe, and dramatically safer than continuing the pregnancy," said the study's lead author, Dr. David Grimes, a clinical professor in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine at Chapel Hill.

Koch-er Girl's response. "This is all a plot by the Porn Industry to keep their stars looking good...or something!!!"
Only to sick fucks like you who celebrate every baby killed.
"Induced abortions are often severely underreported in national surveys, hampering the estimation and analysis of unintended pregnancies"

"Underreporting of induced abortions has rendered surveys such as the NSFG virtually unusable for description or analysis of unintended pregnancy and induced abortion, items of key social and policy interest in the United States. "

"only about six in 10 abortions were reported in 1995, so the usefulness of the NSFG for analyses using abortion data remains extremely limited.†† "

Measuring the Extent of Abortion Underreporting In the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth
abortion-related maternal mortality is generally underreported.
One reason for this is that codes in hospitals report
only the presenting cause of death, not the underlying reason
which, for example, in the case of abortion-related
death, might be hemorrhage, infection, embolism, or ectopic
pregnancy. In fact, the reporting systems in Canada, the
United States and in the World Health Organization are so
imprecise that deaths related to a previous abortion are hard
to track: Death certificates are inaccurately completed and,
either to protect the privacy of the woman and her family
or to avoid a possible lawsuit, hospital staff or doctors may
deliberately avoid coding an abortion-related death.
Another reason for underreporting bias is that many of the
statistics provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
come from unreliable hospital and clinic records. Statistics
from abortion providers in both Canada and the United
States tend to underreport negative findings, presumably so
that abortion will be seen as a safe procedure. At highest
risk of death related to abortion are African-American and
other minority women.
A recent authoritative Scandinavian study has established
that women who undergo induced abortion experience, over
the following twelve months, a death rate nearly four times​
greater than women who give birth to their children."

WHO’s claim
that legal abortion (an abortion procedure performed by a
licensed practitioner) is safe depends on a voluntary system
of death certification which has been shown to be inherently
unreliable. WHO’s statistics come from physicians who are
not told that they must specify the type of abortion that led
to maternal death – spontaneous, induced, legal or illegal.​

Physicians are not even told that they must specify that the
terminal illness (e.g. sepsis) followed an abortion.
In addition, the July 1999 CDC Surveillance on Abortion
noted that official statistics show twelve per cent fewer
abortions than does the Alan Guttmacher Institute, the
research arm of Planned Parenthood.​
7 Before raising this
issue, Surveillance reports maternal death rates as if their

own numbers are accurate, with no further explanation."

Plus there are the women and girls who die from abortions...that the left studiously ignores and pretends don't exist.

Because they're all about female *empowerment* and *health*.


abortion is safer than childbirth...

Abortion Safer for Women Than Childbirth, Study Claims - US News and World Report

The risk of death associated with a full-term pregnancy and delivery is 8.8 deaths per 100,000, while the risk of death linked to legal abortion is 0.6 deaths per 100,000 women, according to the study. That means a woman carrying a baby to term is 14 times more likely to die than a woman who chooses to have a legal abortion, the study finds.

"Regardless of one's sentiments about abortion, legal abortion is very safe, and dramatically safer than continuing the pregnancy," said the study's lead author, Dr. David Grimes, a clinical professor in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine at Chapel Hill.

Koch-er Girl's response. "This is all a plot by the Porn Industry to keep their stars looking good...or something!!!"
Only to sick fucks like you who celebrate every baby killed.

An egg is not a chicken
an acorn is not a tree
A fetus is not a baby...
1. In the United States, 93 per cent of all abortions
are performed in free-standing abortion clinics. A
woman whose post-abortion condition is lifethreatening
will be admitted to a general hospital
through an emergency department. The attending
emergency room doctor will not be the physician
who performed the abortion and may not record a
subsequent death as resulting from an abortion.
2. If the woman dies, it is not usually the abortion
provider but a casualty officer or the family doctor
who must complete the death certificate, and it is
this information upon which the death may or may
not be reported to the CDC.​
10 In 1995, Statistics
Canada noted that “if complications ensue after a
patient has been discharged from hospital, the
condition is treated as a separate case and does not
appear in the original abortion record”.

3. Inadequate information may be provided on the​
physician’s or coroner’s report."

Obviously, you have never had to make that decision. You have never been forced to do the one thing you did not want to do.

Attacking someone you know nothing about is nothing more than cyber-bullying. If you met her in real life, you would not say this to her face.

Shut up until you have some frikken clue what you're preaching about.

Also Luddly
have you "ever been in a position to make the decision" whether to invest
your income directly into health services, education and training to serve the public
or paying insurance or fines into a system that is not proven to work yet or ever.

you call this cyberbullying, to mock or preach against people for wanting certain choices

what about insulting the intelligence and intent of people
who would rather invest in OTHER CHOICES besides ACA insurance or fines

you defend this choice
what about that one?
abortion is safer than childbirth...

Abortion Safer for Women Than Childbirth, Study Claims - US News and World Report

Koch-er Girl's response. "This is all a plot by the Porn Industry to keep their stars looking good...or something!!!"
Only to sick fucks like you who celebrate every baby killed.

An egg is not a chicken
an acorn is not a tree
A fetus is not a baby...

Then why does an egg hatch into a chicken, an acorn turn into a tree, or a fetus turn into a human being? Would you care to answer that little conundrum?

It's called DNA. And insomuch as it makes them what they are, they belong to the species their genetic design dictates. An egg is a chicken, an acorn is a tree, and a fetus is a baby. Deal with it.
Last edited:
I would love to hear the testimony of all these women that have been "forced" to give birth against their will.
Oh, Koch-er Girl, your threats of dangerous abortions are about as serious as your threats of Eternal Damnation and Fire.

Hey, maybe instead of threatening women with things that don't happen - death, breat cancer, Hell - you could try to give them incentives to either have their babies or not get pregnant to start with.

What a novel idea.
1. In the United States, 93 per cent of all abortions
are performed in free-standing abortion clinics. A
woman whose post-abortion condition is lifethreatening
will be admitted to a general hospital
through an emergency department. The attending
emergency room doctor will not be the physician
who performed the abortion and may not record a
subsequent death as resulting from an abortion.
2. If the woman dies, it is not usually the abortion
provider but a casualty officer or the family doctor
who must complete the death certificate, and it is
this information upon which the death may or may
not be reported to the CDC.​
10 In 1995, Statistics
Canada noted that “if complications ensue after a
patient has been discharged from hospital, the
condition is treated as a separate case and does not
appear in the original abortion record”.

3. Inadequate information may be provided on the​
physician’s or coroner’s report."


Dear KG: major problem with abortion legislation is holding the men equally responsible for either the unwanted pregnancy or coercing the woman to have an abortion. That is not taken into consideration, but all the burden legally and financially is on the woman.

laws would need to hold men equally accountable, like policing at the point
that abuse of the sex or abuse of the relationship OCCURS which is BOTH people's
responsibility equally. So that would require health related protections against abuse on another level of law, not criminalizing abortion after the fact, when it's all on the woman.
abortion is safer than childbirth...

Abortion Safer for Women Than Childbirth, Study Claims - US News and World Report

Koch-er Girl's response. "This is all a plot by the Porn Industry to keep their stars looking good...or something!!!"
Only to sick fucks like you who celebrate every baby killed.

An egg is not a chicken
an acorn is not a tree
A fetus is not a baby...
Just because you lie about to yourself about a fetus doesn't make you less of a sick fuck

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