"I Had an Abortion"


I'm not surprised it doesn't spring immediately to your mind.

Read what the doctor wrote, KG. He said 100% pregnancy free SEX. Last time I checked abstinence meant not having sex.
I asked if the doctor meant Anal, but the doctor didn't answer.

Don't feel bad.

I asked for men to say they would not mind if the state took control of their reproduction and not one has answered.


Me neither.

The state does control men's reproductive rights.
Read what the doctor wrote, KG. He said 100% pregnancy free SEX. Last time I checked abstinence meant not having sex.
I asked if the doctor meant Anal, but the doctor didn't answer.

Don't feel bad.

I asked for men to say they would not mind if the state took control of their reproduction and not one has answered.


Me neither.

The state does control men's reproductive rights.

Point flew right over your head.
Read what the doctor wrote, KG. He said 100% pregnancy free SEX. Last time I checked abstinence meant not having sex.
I asked if the doctor meant Anal, but the doctor didn't answer.

Don't feel bad.

I asked for men to say they would not mind if the state took control of their reproduction and not one has answered.


Me neither.

The state does control men's reproductive rights.

I'd go so far as to argue the state has more control over a man's reproductive rights than a woman's just based on the fact that if a woman wants to opt out of a baby, she can get scrapped and hoover away the burden, but if a man wants to opt out of a baby, tough shit. Pay support or enjoy prison.
Don't feel bad.

I asked for men to say they would not mind if the state took control of their reproduction and not one has answered.


Me neither.

The state does control men's reproductive rights.

I'd go so far as to argue the state has more control over a man's reproductive rights than a woman's just based on the fact that if a woman wants to opt out of a baby, she can get scrapped and hoover away the burden, but if a man wants to opt out of a baby, tough shit. Pay support or enjoy prison.

Post the law that forces you to reproduce.
Can someone please answer my question that is yet to be answered?

If a woman would have an abortion if she became pregnant, should she refrain from ever having sex, even if it meant never having sex with her husband?

Wifey can get a tubal ligation, or hubby can get fixed. I thought you people were all educated and stuff on all this "reproductive health" and shit
You said: "Keep your promiscuous behavior out of my wallet' - a woman who has sex once in her life could get pregnant, so if she has an abortion, you obviously believe she's a slut.
No, I believe it's nothing to do with me, unless I'm the dope who knocked her up.
Why should I pay?

Would you prefer to pay her welfare check, and the welfare for her children?

Pick your poison.
Except Wikipedia article is a LIE. There is a direct connection.

there IS a connection between cancer and induced abortion and numerous Chinese studies, where abortion is an everyday reality because of one-child policy and the sample of women can be much bigger ( and therefore the study - much reliable) than any American or European combined.

Chinese Study: “Women With a Previous Induced Abortion Had a Significant Increased Risk of Breast Cancer”

The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer notes that a Chinese study consisting of 1,351 subjects published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention in February, 2012 reported a very statistically significant increased risk of breast cancer for women with previous induced abortions (IAs) in comparison with women without previous IAs. [1]Researchers led by Ai-Ren Jiang reported a statistically significant 1.52-fold elevation in risk for women with IAs and a “significant dose-response relationship between (the risk) for breast cancer and number of (IAs),” meaning that risk climbed with number of IAs.

For premenopausal women with IAs, the numbers were relatively small, and the observed 16% risk elevation was not statistically significant. However, for those with three or more IAs, the risk climbed to a statistically significant 1.55-fold elevation.

By contrast, postmenopausal women with IAs experienced a statistically significant 1.82-fold elevation in risk, compared to those with no IAs. Risk climbed with number of IAs from a statistically significant 1.79-fold increased risk for one IA and a statistically significant 1.85-fold elevation for two IAs, to a non-statistically significant 2.14-fold elevated risk for three or more IAs.

A Chinese study in 1995 by L. Bu and colleagues, including Janet Daling of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, reported a statistically significant 4.5-fold elevated risk among women with IAs who developed breast cancer at or before age 35, compared to older women (who experienced a statistically significant 2.5-fold elevated risk).

Four of seven Chinese studies report statistically significant risk increases for women with IAs.Fifty-three of sixty-nineepidemiological studies dating from 1957 report risk elevations for women with previous IAs. Biological and experimental research supports an abortion-breast cancer link.


Jiang AR, Gao CM, Ding JH, Li SP, Liu YT, Cao HX, Wu JZ, Tang JH, Qian Y, Tajima K. Abortions and breast cancer risk in premenopausal and postmenopausal women in Jiangsu Province of China. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev 2012;13:33-35. Available at: <http://www.apjcpcontrol.org/page/popup_paper_file_view.php?pno=MzMtMzUgMTIuMiZrY29kZT0yNzAxJmZubz0w&pgubun=i>.
Bu L, Voigt L, Yu Z, Malone K, Daling J. Risk of breast cancer associated with induced abortion in a population at low risk of breast cancer. Am J Epidemiol 1995;141:S85. (abstract).
Ye Z, Gao DL, Qin Q, Ray RM, Thomas DB. Breast cancer in relation to induced abortions in a cohort of Chinese women. Br J Cancer 2002;87:977-981.
Sanderson M, Shu X-O, Jin F, Dai Q, Wen W, Hua Y, Gao Y-T, Zheng W. Abortion history and breast cancer risk: results from the Shanghai breast cancer study. Int J Cancer 2001;92:899-905.

For a list of 68 of those epidemiological studies, see: <http://bcpinstitute.org/epidemiology_studies_bcpi.htm>. One study excluded from this list was: Carroll, P. The breast cancer epidemic: modeling and forecasts based on abortion and other risk factors." J Am Phys Surg Vol. 12, No. 3 (Fall 2007) 72-78. Available at: <http://www.jpands.org/vol12no3/carroll.pdf

A karmic quality so to speak.........

a karmic quality is even bigger - women who have had abortions are on a very high risk for suicide and depression when compared to those who did not.

That is what they refer to as PAS. But watch as the anti lifers deny this. Why they hate women I will never understand. Their claim that they care about a woman's health is a lie, that has continued since Doe v. Bolton

The anti lifers will either ignore the following or call it a lie. They are calling millions of women liars when they do this

Symptoms of Post Abortion Stress

Emotionally cold and unresponsive
Suicidal impulses
Alcohol and/or drug use
Eating disorders
Anxiety over fertility and childbearing issues
Loss of interest in sex OR promiscuity
Avoidance of baby reminders (like baby showers, baby stores, etc.)
Control issues
Over-protection of living children
Pre-occupation with becoming pregnant again
Strained relationship with living children even abuse
Resentment toward those who were involved in the abortion decision
"Anniversary" syndrome--an increase in symptoms around the time of the anniversary of the abortion or due date of the child
A karmic quality so to speak.........

a karmic quality is even bigger - women who have had abortions are on a very high risk for suicide and depression when compared to those who did not.

That is what they refer to as PAS. But watch as the anti lifers deny this. Why they hate women I will never understand. Their claim that they care about a woman's health is a lie, that has continued since Doe v. Bolton

The anti lifers will either ignore the following or call it a lie. They are calling millions of women liars when they do this

Symptoms of Post Abortion Stress

Emotionally cold and unresponsive
Suicidal impulses
Alcohol and/or drug use
Eating disorders
Anxiety over fertility and childbearing issues
Loss of interest in sex OR promiscuity
Avoidance of baby reminders (like baby showers, baby stores, etc.)
Control issues
Over-protection of living children
Pre-occupation with becoming pregnant again
Strained relationship with living children even abuse
Resentment toward those who were involved in the abortion decision
"Anniversary" syndrome--an increase in symptoms around the time of the anniversary of the abortion or due date of the child

Thank god you guys are around to tell women how they feel after having an abortion.

a karmic quality is even bigger - women who have had abortions are on a very high risk for suicide and depression when compared to those who did not.

That is what they refer to as PAS. But watch as the anti lifers deny this. Why they hate women I will never understand. Their claim that they care about a woman's health is a lie, that has continued since Doe v. Bolton

The anti lifers will either ignore the following or call it a lie. They are calling millions of women liars when they do this

Symptoms of Post Abortion Stress

Emotionally cold and unresponsive
Suicidal impulses
Alcohol and/or drug use
Eating disorders
Anxiety over fertility and childbearing issues
Loss of interest in sex OR promiscuity
Avoidance of baby reminders (like baby showers, baby stores, etc.)
Control issues
Over-protection of living children
Pre-occupation with becoming pregnant again
Strained relationship with living children even abuse
Resentment toward those who were involved in the abortion decision
"Anniversary" syndrome--an increase in symptoms around the time of the anniversary of the abortion or due date of the child

Thank god you guys are around to tell women how they feel after having an abortion.

I didn't tell them, they old me, and thousands of others who are there for them after the fact. They are seeking help and you guys are clueless. So freaking sad
That is what they refer to as PAS. But watch as the anti lifers deny this. Why they hate women I will never understand. Their claim that they care about a woman's health is a lie, that has continued since Doe v. Bolton

The anti lifers will either ignore the following or call it a lie. They are calling millions of women liars when they do this

Symptoms of Post Abortion Stress

Emotionally cold and unresponsive
Suicidal impulses
Alcohol and/or drug use
Eating disorders
Anxiety over fertility and childbearing issues
Loss of interest in sex OR promiscuity
Avoidance of baby reminders (like baby showers, baby stores, etc.)
Control issues
Over-protection of living children
Pre-occupation with becoming pregnant again
Strained relationship with living children even abuse
Resentment toward those who were involved in the abortion decision
"Anniversary" syndrome--an increase in symptoms around the time of the anniversary of the abortion or due date of the child

Thank god you guys are around to tell women how they feel after having an abortion.

I didn't tell them, they old me, and thousands of others who are there for them after the fact. They are seeking help and you guys are clueless. So freaking sad

They told you?
What is sad, is someone who pretends to know how someone else feels.
I will give you a clue. None of you understand what it's like to make that decision or what it feels like afterwards. So please don't post some list that you probably got off some website explaining how SOMEONE ELSE feels after having an abortion. If you didn't have an abortion, don't lecture me or others on how one might feel or why the chose to have an abortion,
How do you know "none of you" knows?

What is with the presumption that you're the only person who "knows" what it feels like?

My primary objection to abortion, aside from the flagrant human rights violations it represents, is that it feeds on an ignorant, vulnerable, mislead and abused population of women and girls.

Girls like you, who believe everything they're told by this machine that COUNTS on your stupidity, that COUNTS on your victimization, that COUNTS on coercion, and DISMISSES the risk that abortion represents, are the ones who suffer the most. Their bodies suffer, their souls suffer and their minds suffer, because they are told that they are nothing but sexual creatures, and that it is a sign of their *STRENGTH* that they be allowed to put themselves at risk for the sake of sexual urges that they are convinced is their RIGHT to be subjected to/succumb to.

It's disgusting. You support the monster that most demeans you, and best protects the ones who do the worst damage to your sex, and pose the greatest threat to women in general.
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Thank god you guys are around to tell women how they feel after having an abortion.

I didn't tell them, they old me, and thousands of others who are there for them after the fact. They are seeking help and you guys are clueless. So freaking sad

They told you?
What is sad, is someone who pretends to know how someone else feels.
I will give you a clue. None of you understand what it's like to make that decision or what it feels like afterwards. So please don't post some list that you probably got off some website explaining how SOMEONE ELSE feels after having an abortion. If you didn't have an abortion, don't lecture me or others on how one might feel or why the chose to have an abortion,

I don't need to pretend. I have a real life and reach out to real people.

How do you know that none of us know what it feels like? You know what they say about assumption.
How do you know "none of you" knows?

What is with the presumption that you're the only person who "knows" what it feels like?

My primary objection to abortion, aside from the flagrant human rights violations it represents, is that it feeds on an ignorant, vulnerable, mislead and abused population of women and girls.

Girls like you, who believe everything they're told by this machine that COUNTS on your stupidity, that COUNTS on your victimization, that COUNTS on coercion, and DISMISSES the risk that abortion represents, are the ones who suffer the most. Their bodies suffer, their souls suffer and their minds suffer, because they are told that they are nothing but sexual creatures, and that it is a sign of their *STRENGTH* that they be allowed to put themselves at risk for the sake of sexual urges that they are convinced is their RIGHT to be subjected to/succumb to.

It's disgusting. You support the monster that most demeans you, and best protects the ones who do the worst damage to your sex, and pose the greatest threat to women in general.

With the guilt that the woman carries brought on by her abortion.. Also carries into her actions to her future family. .

Not only that, but she will feel she does not deserve any help with her issues, because she "chose" to have an abortion. In her mind with all the pro abortion rhetoric, she feels she has no right to get any help for her psychological issues.

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...woman can get 100% pregnancy-free sex if she wants to...

If you know of a 100% guaranteed form of birth control, you need to share that with the world.

Last I knew, there was no such thing.

When you grow up and actually have sex, you will learn that no form of birth control is 100% "pregnancy free".

don't LIE.

I am not talking about birth control :D
How do you know "none of you" knows?

What is with the presumption that you're the only person who "knows" what it feels like?

My primary objection to abortion, aside from the flagrant human rights violations it represents, is that it feeds on an ignorant, vulnerable, mislead and abused population of women and girls.

Girls like you, who believe everything they're told by this machine that COUNTS on your stupidity, that COUNTS on your victimization, that COUNTS on coercion, and DISMISSES the risk that abortion represents, are the ones who suffer the most. Their bodies suffer, their souls suffer and their minds suffer, because they are told that they are nothing but sexual creatures, and that it is a sign of their *STRENGTH* that they be allowed to put themselves at risk for the sake of sexual urges that they are convinced is their RIGHT to be subjected to/succumb to.

It's disgusting. You support the monster that most demeans you, and best protects the ones who do the worst damage to your sex, and pose the greatest threat to women in general.

So you and Pixie have had an abortion?
If so I would hope you would dial down the judgments towards Boop.. Or maybe call out Vox.

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