"I Had an Abortion"

Plus I am pretty sure when my doctor put me on birth control he told me it wasn't 100% effective.
So it's weird a doctor would say that. Do you know about a birth control that is? That my OBGYN hasn't heard about it?
And if I google, won't it tell me that any form of birth control is not 100%?


I'm not surprised it doesn't spring immediately to your mind.

she is changing the subject, as usually leftard liars do.

there are tons of ways a woman can have sex and not even involve birth control - and she is pretending she has never heard of it.

or, maybe, she did not - that is why she is so angry always :lol:
And if I google, won't it tell me that any form of birth control is not 100%?


I'm not surprised it doesn't spring immediately to your mind.

Read what the doctor wrote, KG. He said 100% pregnancy free SEX. Last time I checked abstinence meant not having sex.
I asked if the doctor meant Anal, but the doctor didn't answer.
100% pregnancy free sex? Like Anal?
Because it would be weird if a doctor said that about birth control.

go buy a cheap brochure about sex and educate yourself. or search google for that matter.

your dire need to get laid is all too obvious.

abortion is not about having sex - it is about murdering innocent children.

I thought I was a slut? If I was a slut wouldn't that mean I was getting laid all the time? Shit, make up your mind.

you are a slut - you are advertising murder as a method of birth control.
And if I google, won't it tell me that any form of birth control is not 100%?


I'm not surprised it doesn't spring immediately to your mind.

Read what the doctor wrote, KG. He said 100% pregnancy free SEX. Last time I checked abstinence meant not having sex.
I asked if the doctor meant Anal, but the doctor didn't answer.

But what you said was 100 percent effective birth control.

Last I checked, the #1 purpose of sex is to create offspring.
I mean, that's why animals do it. That's the biological purpose of the activity in our species.

It is not necessary for maintaining life...
So why do you maintain that people should never abstain? Did someone tell you that you have no other purpose in life except to spread your legs for people you don't want to have children with, and who don't want children with you?
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go buy a cheap brochure about sex and educate yourself. or search google for that matter.

your dire need to get laid is all too obvious.

abortion is not about having sex - it is about murdering innocent children.

I thought I was a slut? If I was a slut wouldn't that mean I was getting laid all the time? Shit, make up your mind.

you are a slut - you are advertising murder as a method of birth control.

I am? I had no idea stating I am pro choice was an advertisement for abortion. I thought it just meant I was Pro Choice.
I am learning all kinds of stuff today. There is birth control that is 100% effective, you don't have sex while having an abortion, and that even if you aren't having sex you are still a slut.
This all too much.
No, your pro choice stance doesn't make you a slut.

Your online litany of sexual activity does.

I'm not surprised it doesn't spring immediately to your mind.

Read what the doctor wrote, KG. He said 100% pregnancy free SEX. Last time I checked abstinence meant not having sex.
I asked if the doctor meant Anal, but the doctor didn't answer.

But what you said was 100 percent effective birth control.

Last I checked, the #1 purpose of sex is to create offspring.
I mean, that's why animals do it. That's the biological purpose of the activity in our species.

It is not necessary for maintaining life...
So why do you maintain that people should never abstain? Did someone tell you that you have no other purpose in life except to spread your legs for people you don't want to have children with, and who don't want children with you?

It is too early for you to not make any sense at all.
But your apparent belief that women are incapable of resisting their own sexual urges, and your obvious belief that no woman should ever say no to a man, combined with your stated belief that it's okay to kill the offspring of these unions, leaves one with the impression that you probably are slutty, if *no* is so seldom an option.
...woman can get 100% pregnancy-free sex if she wants to...

If you know of a 100% guaranteed form of birth control, you need to share that with the world.

Last I knew, there was no such thing.

When you grow up and actually have sex, you will learn that no form of birth control is 100% "pregnancy free".
But your apparent belief that women are incapable of resisting their own sexual urges, and your obvious belief that no woman should ever say no to a man, combined with your stated belief that it's okay to kill the offspring of these unions, leaves one with the impression that you probably are slutty, if *no* is so seldom an option.

You got all that from me stating birth control is not 100% effective?
I guess 2+2=1000
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Read what the doctor wrote, KG. He said 100% pregnancy free SEX. Last time I checked abstinence meant not having sex.
I asked if the doctor meant Anal, but the doctor didn't answer.

But what you said was 100 percent effective birth control.

Last I checked, the #1 purpose of sex is to create offspring.
I mean, that's why animals do it. That's the biological purpose of the activity in our species.

It is not necessary for maintaining life...
So why do you maintain that people should never abstain? Did someone tell you that you have no other purpose in life except to spread your legs for people you don't want to have children with, and who don't want children with you?

It is too early for you to not make any sense at all.

She must have had Really Bad sex for her to never want to have it again, and nobody else should, either.

I can't even imagine sex that was that horrific.
And if I google, won't it tell me that any form of birth control is not 100%?


I'm not surprised it doesn't spring immediately to your mind.

Read what the doctor wrote, KG. He said 100% pregnancy free SEX. Last time I checked abstinence meant not having sex.
I asked if the doctor meant Anal, but the doctor didn't answer.

Don't feel bad.

I asked for men to say they would not mind if the state took control of their reproduction and not one has answered.


Me neither.
And if I google, won't it tell me that any form of birth control is not 100%?


I'm not surprised it doesn't spring immediately to your mind.

she is changing the subject, as usually leftard liars do.

there are tons of ways a woman can have sex and not even involve birth control - and she is pretending she has never heard of it.

or, maybe, she did not - that is why she is so angry always :lol:

I didn't change the subject. A doctor would realize that.

And just wait, KG is going to explain women shouldn't be doing what you speak of. Sex is for procreation, not pleasure. Come on, Vox. You are a doctor.
No, I believe it's nothing to do with me, unless I'm the dope who knocked her up.
Why should I pay?

Would you prefer to pay her welfare check, and the welfare for her children?

Not my responsibility.
Hers and his.
Up to them.
They fuck, it's all them!!
They choose to be irresponsible? It's all them!!
If they choose abortion, great!
If they don't, great!
Where am I at fault in any of this?
Why should I pay?

YOU have not paid for abortion.

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