"I Had an Abortion"

Nobody is going to address the question because it's a retarded question. It's irrelevant, and the *wtf are you talking about* factor is off the scale.

Stick to the fucking subject or take your toys and go home. If you can't make your point without asking completely senseless questions, then you don't have a point to make.

Why is it an irrelevant question? And why do you refuse to answer it?

Should a woman never have sex if she would have an abortion if she became pregnant? It requires a yes or a no answer.

I assume you refuse to answer because your answer would be no, she shouldn't have sex, which would mean that you want women punished for having sex.

Surely I am not the only one here who knows there was a time women were told they need to make it clear to their husbands "No more sex. Another pregnancy will kill me."

Surely not.

That's between you and your violent abusive partner.
You chose him!!
You said: "Keep your promiscuous behavior out of my wallet' - a woman who has sex once in her life could get pregnant, so if she has an abortion, you obviously believe she's a slut.
No, I believe it's nothing to do with me, unless I'm the dope who knocked her up.
Why should I pay?

Would you prefer to pay her welfare check, and the welfare for her children?

Not my responsibility.
Hers and his.
Up to them.
They fuck, it's all them!!
They choose to be irresponsible? It's all them!!
If they choose abortion, great!
If they don't, great!
Where am I at fault in any of this?
Why should I pay?
You said: "Keep your promiscuous behavior out of my wallet' - a woman who has sex once in her life could get pregnant, so if she has an abortion, you obviously believe she's a slut.
No, I believe it's nothing to do with me, unless I'm the dope who knocked her up.
Why should I pay?

Would you prefer to pay her welfare check, and the welfare for her children?

Told ya.

Oh look, another completely irrelevant question, meant to imply the lie that abortion somehow reduces welfare.

So we have fewer women on welfare now, and we're supporting fewer children on welfare now, than we were before legalized abortion, right?

Oh snap...guess not. Whoops. Just another dishonest diversion attempt.
The abortion–breast cancer hypothesis posits that induced abortion increases the risk of developing breast cancer.[1] In early pregnancy, l[

Nothing ironic to see here, kids. No connection. I am perfectly free to be pro-choice AND a supporter of finding a cure.

Also, I'd post a lovely picture of my daughter and her three kids, but she'd be pissed if she thought she was being used to insinuate her beauty meant women should lose the right to choose.

Except Wikipedia article is a LIE. There is a direct connection.

there IS a connection between cancer and induced abortion and numerous Chinese studies, where abortion is an everyday reality because of one-child policy and the sample of women can be much bigger ( and therefore the study - much reliable) than any American or European combined.

Chinese Study: “Women With a Previous Induced Abortion Had a Significant Increased Risk of Breast Cancer”

The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer notes that a Chinese study consisting of 1,351 subjects published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention in February, 2012 reported a very statistically significant increased risk of breast cancer for women with previous induced abortions (IAs) in comparison with women without previous IAs. [1]Researchers led by Ai-Ren Jiang reported a statistically significant 1.52-fold elevation in risk for women with IAs and a “significant dose-response relationship between (the risk) for breast cancer and number of (IAs),” meaning that risk climbed with number of IAs.

For premenopausal women with IAs, the numbers were relatively small, and the observed 16% risk elevation was not statistically significant. However, for those with three or more IAs, the risk climbed to a statistically significant 1.55-fold elevation.

By contrast, postmenopausal women with IAs experienced a statistically significant 1.82-fold elevation in risk, compared to those with no IAs. Risk climbed with number of IAs from a statistically significant 1.79-fold increased risk for one IA and a statistically significant 1.85-fold elevation for two IAs, to a non-statistically significant 2.14-fold elevated risk for three or more IAs.

A Chinese study in 1995 by L. Bu and colleagues, including Janet Daling of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, reported a statistically significant 4.5-fold elevated risk among women with IAs who developed breast cancer at or before age 35, compared to older women (who experienced a statistically significant 2.5-fold elevated risk).

Four of seven Chinese studies report statistically significant risk increases for women with IAs.Fifty-three of sixty-nineepidemiological studies dating from 1957 report risk elevations for women with previous IAs. Biological and experimental research supports an abortion-breast cancer link.


Jiang AR, Gao CM, Ding JH, Li SP, Liu YT, Cao HX, Wu JZ, Tang JH, Qian Y, Tajima K. Abortions and breast cancer risk in premenopausal and postmenopausal women in Jiangsu Province of China. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev 2012;13:33-35. Available at: <http://www.apjcpcontrol.org/page/popup_paper_file_view.php?pno=MzMtMzUgMTIuMiZrY29kZT0yNzAxJmZubz0w&pgubun=i>.
Bu L, Voigt L, Yu Z, Malone K, Daling J. Risk of breast cancer associated with induced abortion in a population at low risk of breast cancer. Am J Epidemiol 1995;141:S85. (abstract).
Ye Z, Gao DL, Qin Q, Ray RM, Thomas DB. Breast cancer in relation to induced abortions in a cohort of Chinese women. Br J Cancer 2002;87:977-981.
Sanderson M, Shu X-O, Jin F, Dai Q, Wen W, Hua Y, Gao Y-T, Zheng W. Abortion history and breast cancer risk: results from the Shanghai breast cancer study. Int J Cancer 2001;92:899-905.

For a list of 68 of those epidemiological studies, see: <http://bcpinstitute.org/epidemiology_studies_bcpi.htm>. One study excluded from this list was: Carroll, P. The breast cancer epidemic: modeling and forecasts based on abortion and other risk factors." J Am Phys Surg Vol. 12, No. 3 (Fall 2007) 72-78. Available at: <http://www.jpands.org/vol12no3/carroll.pdf
So to paraphrase the liberals.
Some people are immoral and irresponsible.
They need to be rewarded.

The good, responsible people should be subjected to punitive taxation to raise funds to reward the immoral and irresponsible.

The good are bad and the bad are good!!
Liberal logic, brilliant!!
The abortion–breast cancer hypothesis posits that induced abortion increases the risk of developing breast cancer.[1] In early pregnancy, l[

Nothing ironic to see here, kids. No connection. I am perfectly free to be pro-choice AND a supporter of finding a cure.

Also, I'd post a lovely picture of my daughter and her three kids, but she'd be pissed if she thought she was being used to insinuate her beauty meant women should lose the right to choose.

Except Wikipedia article is a LIE. There is a direct connection.

there IS a connection between cancer and induced abortion and numerous Chinese studies, where abortion is an everyday reality because of one-child policy and the sample of women can be much bigger ( and therefore the study - much reliable) than any American or European combined.

Chinese Study: “Women With a Previous Induced Abortion Had a Significant Increased Risk of Breast Cancer”

The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer notes that a Chinese study consisting of 1,351 subjects published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention in February, 2012 reported a very statistically significant increased risk of breast cancer for women with previous induced abortions (IAs) in comparison with women without previous IAs. [1]Researchers led by Ai-Ren Jiang reported a statistically significant 1.52-fold elevation in risk for women with IAs and a “significant dose-response relationship between (the risk) for breast cancer and number of (IAs),” meaning that risk climbed with number of IAs.

For premenopausal women with IAs, the numbers were relatively small, and the observed 16% risk elevation was not statistically significant. However, for those with three or more IAs, the risk climbed to a statistically significant 1.55-fold elevation.

By contrast, postmenopausal women with IAs experienced a statistically significant 1.82-fold elevation in risk, compared to those with no IAs. Risk climbed with number of IAs from a statistically significant 1.79-fold increased risk for one IA and a statistically significant 1.85-fold elevation for two IAs, to a non-statistically significant 2.14-fold elevated risk for three or more IAs.

A Chinese study in 1995 by L. Bu and colleagues, including Janet Daling of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, reported a statistically significant 4.5-fold elevated risk among women with IAs who developed breast cancer at or before age 35, compared to older women (who experienced a statistically significant 2.5-fold elevated risk).

Four of seven Chinese studies report statistically significant risk increases for women with IAs.Fifty-three of sixty-nineepidemiological studies dating from 1957 report risk elevations for women with previous IAs. Biological and experimental research supports an abortion-breast cancer link.


Jiang AR, Gao CM, Ding JH, Li SP, Liu YT, Cao HX, Wu JZ, Tang JH, Qian Y, Tajima K. Abortions and breast cancer risk in premenopausal and postmenopausal women in Jiangsu Province of China. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev 2012;13:33-35. Available at: <http://www.apjcpcontrol.org/page/popup_paper_file_view.php?pno=MzMtMzUgMTIuMiZrY29kZT0yNzAxJmZubz0w&pgubun=i>.
Bu L, Voigt L, Yu Z, Malone K, Daling J. Risk of breast cancer associated with induced abortion in a population at low risk of breast cancer. Am J Epidemiol 1995;141:S85. (abstract).
Ye Z, Gao DL, Qin Q, Ray RM, Thomas DB. Breast cancer in relation to induced abortions in a cohort of Chinese women. Br J Cancer 2002;87:977-981.
Sanderson M, Shu X-O, Jin F, Dai Q, Wen W, Hua Y, Gao Y-T, Zheng W. Abortion history and breast cancer risk: results from the Shanghai breast cancer study. Int J Cancer 2001;92:899-905.

For a list of 68 of those epidemiological studies, see: <http://bcpinstitute.org/epidemiology_studies_bcpi.htm>. One study excluded from this list was: Carroll, P. The breast cancer epidemic: modeling and forecasts based on abortion and other risk factors." J Am Phys Surg Vol. 12, No. 3 (Fall 2007) 72-78. Available at: <http://www.jpands.org/vol12no3/carroll.pdf

A karmic quality so to speak.........
Nothing ironic to see here, kids. No connection. I am perfectly free to be pro-choice AND a supporter of finding a cure.

Also, I'd post a lovely picture of my daughter and her three kids, but she'd be pissed if she thought she was being used to insinuate her beauty meant women should lose the right to choose.

Except Wikipedia article is a LIE. There is a direct connection.

there IS a connection between cancer and induced abortion and numerous Chinese studies, where abortion is an everyday reality because of one-child policy and the sample of women can be much bigger ( and therefore the study - much reliable) than any American or European combined.

Chinese Study: &#8220;Women With a Previous Induced Abortion Had a Significant Increased Risk of Breast Cancer&#8221;

The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer notes that a Chinese study consisting of 1,351 subjects published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention in February, 2012 reported a very statistically significant increased risk of breast cancer for women with previous induced abortions (IAs) in comparison with women without previous IAs. [1]Researchers led by Ai-Ren Jiang reported a statistically significant 1.52-fold elevation in risk for women with IAs and a &#8220;significant dose-response relationship between (the risk) for breast cancer and number of (IAs),&#8221; meaning that risk climbed with number of IAs.

For premenopausal women with IAs, the numbers were relatively small, and the observed 16% risk elevation was not statistically significant. However, for those with three or more IAs, the risk climbed to a statistically significant 1.55-fold elevation.

By contrast, postmenopausal women with IAs experienced a statistically significant 1.82-fold elevation in risk, compared to those with no IAs. Risk climbed with number of IAs from a statistically significant 1.79-fold increased risk for one IA and a statistically significant 1.85-fold elevation for two IAs, to a non-statistically significant 2.14-fold elevated risk for three or more IAs.

A Chinese study in 1995 by L. Bu and colleagues, including Janet Daling of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, reported a statistically significant 4.5-fold elevated risk among women with IAs who developed breast cancer at or before age 35, compared to older women (who experienced a statistically significant 2.5-fold elevated risk).

Four of seven Chinese studies report statistically significant risk increases for women with IAs.Fifty-three of sixty-nineepidemiological studies dating from 1957 report risk elevations for women with previous IAs. Biological and experimental research supports an abortion-breast cancer link.


Jiang AR, Gao CM, Ding JH, Li SP, Liu YT, Cao HX, Wu JZ, Tang JH, Qian Y, Tajima K. Abortions and breast cancer risk in premenopausal and postmenopausal women in Jiangsu Province of China. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev 2012;13:33-35. Available at: <http://www.apjcpcontrol.org/page/popup_paper_file_view.php?pno=MzMtMzUgMTIuMiZrY29kZT0yNzAxJmZubz0w&pgubun=i>.
Bu L, Voigt L, Yu Z, Malone K, Daling J. Risk of breast cancer associated with induced abortion in a population at low risk of breast cancer. Am J Epidemiol 1995;141:S85. (abstract).
Ye Z, Gao DL, Qin Q, Ray RM, Thomas DB. Breast cancer in relation to induced abortions in a cohort of Chinese women. Br J Cancer 2002;87:977-981.
Sanderson M, Shu X-O, Jin F, Dai Q, Wen W, Hua Y, Gao Y-T, Zheng W. Abortion history and breast cancer risk: results from the Shanghai breast cancer study. Int J Cancer 2001;92:899-905.

For a list of 68 of those epidemiological studies, see: <http://bcpinstitute.org/epidemiology_studies_bcpi.htm>. One study excluded from this list was: Carroll, P. The breast cancer epidemic: modeling and forecasts based on abortion and other risk factors." J Am Phys Surg Vol. 12, No. 3 (Fall 2007) 72-78. Available at: <http://www.jpands.org/vol12no3/carroll.pdf

A karmic quality so to speak.........

a karmic quality is even bigger - women who have had abortions are on a very high risk for suicide and depression when compared to those who did not.
and nobody to my knowledge has studied the connection between induced abortion and endometrial cancer or induced abortion and ovarian cancer. or maybe they did, let me check :)

This is easily explained by pure physiology - pregnancy is a natural state of increased levels of different hormones and sudden interruption of the slowly built remake of the bodily function is an extreme stress to the whole endocrinological system of the body - and some aspects of the system never recover form that.
There is an increased risk of ovarian cancer after induced abortions:

Reproductive factors in relation to ovarian cancer: a case?control study in Northern Vietnam

The risk of ovarian cancer was significantly lower in parous women than nulliparous women. Use of an intrauterine contraceptive device was also associated with a reduced risk. In contrast, induced abortion, late menopause and years of ovulation were significantly associated with an increased risk of cancer.

oh, one more study proving a direct connection between abortions and breast cancer - a French one:
plus this particular study shows that there is a significant risk increase of breast cancer connected to the age the woman had abortion - the younger the age - the higher the risk.

and having children and breastfeeding them lowers the risk for all three GYN cancers - breast, endometrial and ovarian.
No, I believe it's nothing to do with me, unless I'm the dope who knocked her up.
Why should I pay?

Would you prefer to pay her welfare check, and the welfare for her children?

Told ya.

Oh look, another completely irrelevant question, meant to imply the lie that abortion somehow reduces welfare.

So we have fewer women on welfare now, and we're supporting fewer children on welfare now, than we were before legalized abortion, right?

Oh snap...guess not. Whoops. Just another dishonest diversion attempt.

It does not. But it is a perfect give away of all those followers of eugenics - they consider only the "low classes" will murder their babies and that this is their population control method for the poverty.
Eugenics of Sanger ( poor and disadvantaged have to be controlled)- their prophet though she, personally, objected to murder of the innocent and knew perfectly well how detrimental to the woman abortion is.
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and nobody to my knowledge has studied the connection between induced abortion and endometrial cancer or induced abortion and ovarian cancer. or maybe they did, let me check :)

This is easily explained by pure physiology - pregnancy is a natural state of increased levels of different hormones and sudden interruption of the slowly built remake of the bodily function is an extreme stress to the whole endocrinological system of the body - and some aspects of the system never recover form that.

Like how I was issued and ordered to ingest naiads to protect against nerve agents on some deployments.
Now I suffer all manner of tendon issues in one foot and both legs?

You fuck with the natural order of things, nature bites back.
I see it, it is logical!
Like I always said.
Keep your promiscuous behaviour( fucking around, birth control , condoms, abortion and bastards) out of my wallet!
It's your promiscuity, you pay for it.

So women who have abortions are sluts?

For social conservatives, in essence, yes.

They don’t have the courage to admit it, of course, but most on the social right believe that a woman should have sex only in the context of marriage, and with the intent of having a child.

A woman who engages in ‘recreational sex’ with someone not her husband is ‘immoral’ and ‘irresponsible,’ with abortion the manifestation of that ‘immorality.’

And as authoritarians conservatives fear individual liberty and dissent, they seek to codify their ‘morality,’ to compel others to abide by their subjective religious beliefs. Hence the demagogic references to ‘murder,’ ‘infanticide,’ and ‘baby killing.’
and nobody to my knowledge has studied the connection between induced abortion and endometrial cancer or induced abortion and ovarian cancer. or maybe they did, let me check :)

This is easily explained by pure physiology - pregnancy is a natural state of increased levels of different hormones and sudden interruption of the slowly built remake of the bodily function is an extreme stress to the whole endocrinological system of the body - and some aspects of the system never recover form that.

Like how I was issued and ordered to ingest naiads to protect against nerve agents on some deployments.
Now I suffer all manner of tendon issues in one foot and both legs?

You fuck with the natural order of things, nature bites back.
I see it, it is logical!

yep. that exactly as it is.

and since the murder of the innocent babies is the worst crime against natural order of things - it is actually punished the most - in all possible directions.
By mother nature - and that is GOOD.

Murder SHOULD be punished.
Can someone please answer my question that is yet to be answered?

If a woman would have an abortion if she became pregnant, should she refrain from ever having sex, even if it meant never having sex with her husband?

Nobody is going to address the question because it's a retarded question. It's irrelevant, and the *wtf are you talking about* factor is off the scale.

Stick to the fucking subject or take your toys and go home. If you can't make your point without asking completely senseless questions, then you don't have a point to make.

Why is it an irrelevant question? And why do you refuse to answer it?

Should a woman never have sex if she would have an abortion if she became pregnant? It requires a yes or a no answer.

I assume you refuse to answer because your answer would be no, she shouldn't have sex, which would mean that you want women punished for having sex.

^^^^senseless drivel.
No, I believe it's nothing to do with me, unless I'm the dope who knocked her up.
Why should I pay?

Would you prefer to pay her welfare check, and the welfare for her children?

Not my responsibility.
Hers and his.
Up to them.
They fuck, it's all them!!
They choose to be irresponsible? It's all them!!
If they choose abortion, great!
If they don't, great!
Where am I at fault in any of this?
Why should I pay?
Of course there is an easy solution to all of this, one proposed nearly three hundred years ago and not taken seriously. Now is the time to take it seriously. It will solve the problem of poor women having too many children they cannot support, of children not being cared for and turning to crime to survive, of poor fathers turning to crime to support their children (or simply running out on them),& of welfare for the poor (especially single mothers). Jonathan Swift - A Modest Proposal &#8221;I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled ...&#8221;

"Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana
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Nobody is going to address the question because it's a retarded question. It's irrelevant, and the *wtf are you talking about* factor is off the scale.

Stick to the fucking subject or take your toys and go home. If you can't make your point without asking completely senseless questions, then you don't have a point to make.

Why is it an irrelevant question? And why do you refuse to answer it?

Should a woman never have sex if she would have an abortion if she became pregnant? It requires a yes or a no answer.

I assume you refuse to answer because your answer would be no, she shouldn't have sex, which would mean that you want women punished for having sex.

^^^^senseless drivel.

Answer the question.

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