"I hate everyone", Trump seethes as advisers fear he is unravelling

Trump wants business minded people who know how to compete, win and get results. All leeches and activists should leave government in work at a non profit.

Trump is a con artist not a businessman. He thinks he can run this country like a reality tv show. Going bankrupt is no way to run a business.
Snowflakes / libs could have solved this entire problem by now if they would have just produced their evidence proving 'Collusion' and Impeached Trump...

What are you assholes waiting for? Produce the evidence already...
Snowflakes / libs could have solved this entire problem by now if they would have just produced their evidence proving 'Collusion' and Impeached Trump...

What are you assholes waiting for? Produce the evidence already...

BREAKING NEWS: Mueller discovers devastating evidence of Trump/Russia collusion; Trump invited a Russian NHL Penguins player to the White House

Trump never said that. Somebody named Gabriel Sherman did. The truth of the matter is that the MSM is unravelling and lefties are so full of psychotic hatred that they grasp at every bit of fake news and pretend it's true.
MSM claim Trump is unstable, unraveling, consumed by dark moods. For an example of that behavior turn on CNN or MSNBC.
Trump is learning why every president that has ever taken office hated the experience.

Thomas Jefferson hated it so much that he had it left off of his tombstone.

When you learn what the swamp consists of and how much the other side despises you, and the level of corruption and the way people get away with lies along with the conniving ways, you would hate it too.

Especially when you find out just how many could not care less about this country making are decisions.
Trump unleashes himself from would-be handlers, lashing out mornings, nights and weekends

“The president has started to call people more on the weekends, from the cellphone, which he didn’t used to do,” the person said, noting that Trump often calls Hannity after the Fox News host’s nightly show. The person spoke on condition of anonymity to preserve relations with Trump.

“Every time it says on MSNBC or CNN, which you know he watches, ‘This is the adult.… Thank God they stopped him,’ it all gets to him.”

“I can’t think of a president who behaves like he does; there’s really no immediate comparison,” said John A. Farrell, author of the book “Richard Nixon: The Life,” about the president whom Trump has increasingly been compared with,

“Trump is a guy whose inner thoughts are on his sleeve, for better or worse,” said Stanley Renshon, a psychoanalyst and a political scientist at the City University of New York.

“That’s the model Donald Trump has had his whole life: If someone blusters at you you’ve got to be able to stand up to them,” Renshon said, adding, “He had a whole adulthood of doing what he thought best and saying what he thought — that’s what you see here.”

Give us the name of one who has made such a statement to any so-called journalist. Just one!

In recent days, I spoke with a half dozen prominent Republicans and Trump advisers, and they all describe a White House in crisis as advisers struggle to contain a president who seems to be increasingly unfocused and consumed by dark moods. Trump’s ire is being fueled by his stalled legislative agenda and, to a surprising degree, by his decision last month to back the losing candidate Luther Strange in the Alabama Republican primary. “Alabama was a huge blow to his psyche,” a person close to Trump said. “He saw the cult of personality was broken.

Nowhere in any article does it cite an actual source.
"I hate everyone", Trump seethes as advisers fear he is unravelling

For once I agree with trump, it's easy to understand why he hates everyone in this White House...

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