I Hate Pride Month

I keep saying it over and over. I and at least the large majority of my gay friends speak out against biological males coming into women's public restrooms and locker rooms, taking women's sports records and scholarships, the vulgar and even obscene displays in gay pride parades and events that children attend, the drag queen entertainment targeting kids, the in your face aspect of gay pride merchandizing etc.

If the activist LGBTQX people want to be accepted as 'normal' then why don't they behave as normal and just live their lives as they choose and leave the rest of us alone? I may think they look ridiculous, but I don't care what sexual orientation a person has or what gender they identify with so long as they stay out of my face with it, don't demand that I agree with their choices, and leave the kids out of it altogether.

You would never know my homosexual friends are gay or that my heterosexual friends are straight in most public arenas unless they happened to have reason to tell somebody. And none of my gay friends have ever had an experience in which they were attacked or even discriminated against for being gay. All have had or are having success careers in their respective careers.

Morgan Freeman says the best way to combat racism is to stop talking about it. The best way to combat phobias against sexual orientation or alternate gender identification is to stop flaunting them. And then I'm pretty sure pretty much everybody will be allowed to live in peace.
The victimhood mentality starts at the top.

“It’s wrong that a person can be married in the morning in the United States and fired in the afternoon by their employer because they’re gay."

No. Stop lying. But, of course that would be true in religious schools/churches............they would be groomed by pedos protected by the hierarchy................that has been going on for centuries.
No. Stop lying. But, of course that would be true in religious schools/churches............they would be groomed by pedos protected by the hierarchy................that has been going on for centuries.
Oh bullshit, Florida passes a law that says teachers cannot teach sex to young kids and you loons say it's a you can't say gay law. Quit your lying.

Of course there has been some abuse by the clergy of all faiths, but it is so apparent that suddenly the leftists jump on "THE PRIESTS! THE PRIESTS!" always at the precise time as if to say, "You let the priests get away with it, so now you MUST let US get away with it"!

Nothing could be more transparent. They KNOW what they are doing is wrong because they're telling you that the clergy doing it was wrong, in an attempt to distract you.


Of course there has been some abuse by the clergy of all faiths, but it is so apparent that suddenly the leftists jump on "THE PRIESTS! THE PRIESTS!" always at the precise time as if to say, "You let the priests get away with it, so now you MUST let US get away with it"!

Nothing could be more transparent. They KNOW what they are doing is wrong because they're telling you that the clergy doing it was wrong, in an attempt to distract you.

Show where ANYONE has said that because priests get away with grooming children that gays should too. Link those statements for us.

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