I Hate Pride Month

The victimhood mentality starts at the top.

“It’s wrong that a person can be married in the morning in the United States and fired in the afternoon by their employer because they’re gay."

I agree unless the person was being activist about it in a way that disrupted the workplace or offended customers. But that happens in very few cases just as cases of real racism are isolated and infrequent.

There are people with ideas, values, principles that I find offensive, but their number is relatively small just as the numbers of those who are in our faces with lewd, obscene, vulgar, militant, inappropriate content, entertainment, etc. are few.
So, you believe your religion gives you license to disparage others as you see fit.

"I'm an independent male and I don't suffer fools. So unless you have anything else to drop out of your empty head via your slack jawed maw, I'd suggest you keep on truckin, snowflake"

"Trolls. Now there are two. Let's see who can play the bigger victim"

"I don't see it that way. I see whining."

"Holy fuck, you magaturds are useless."

"Garth Brooks is right. You're an asshole. Cry more about it, magaturd."

"You're not. You're just a random douchebag ranting on the innert00bz."

"Really? Is absolutely everyone in the room with you right now, weirdo?"

"You are another superficial fucking extremist"

"SassyIrishTroll, ladies and gentlemen."

"You can find the answers to your hayseed, magaturd questions rather easily."

" Don't behave like a fucking child."

"You're nothing but predictable in your state of magaturd conditioning."

" Your heroes are garbage people. Three guesses what that makes you."

"HackAgain is the snot rag in this place."

"I think you're stupid too."

Gee, I could go on forever.

I don't trust God he is the one who created this mess in the first place. He shoulda stuck to dinosaurs.
Dude stfu already, seriously. Fcking flaming sissy boy
I'm just trying to help you with your obvious obsession with anal sex.
Obviously no one in your life is able to penetrate enough to alleviate your tension.

Ya see...
You're attempt to insult me are laughable because I know who I am and it pleases me.
You on the other hand hate who you are and that hate is reflected back to everyone around you.
quite pitiful actually. Think how happy you could be just by admitting who you are.
I just wish you fags would stop annoying me....and leave children alone
I'm just responding to your hate
It is people you support who go after kids...
Private religious schools...

Check your own yard before looking elsewhere.
So by that reasoning God “created” murder, so murdering people should be celebrated?


Oh wait, you guys do celebrate murder. You call it “pro-choice”.
I don't believe in "god"
and I see you're a firm believer in deflecting.
I imagine you've been the piece.... you've bit the pillow huh? Just admit it
Never ever been invited or wished to...
Unlike you and your fellows who can't seem to get the fantasy of getting butt-flucked out of your heads.
We had one here for years EXACTLY like that. Ranting and raving about gays...........in monthly cycles....like he'd come here and rant when the "urges" got strong.......sure enough, he finally came out after his wife divorced him.
It is a pitiful thing actually.
Being taught to hate oneself by their parents.
Is it any wonder many LGBTQ+ people suffer serious PTSD?

This is worthy of a thread but you know they're incapable of rational discussion of the topic.

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