I Hate Trump, But I Don't See Myself Voting Biden Either

I can not vote for Biden either and will not vote for Trump, and forget Sanders, Beto, Harris and Warren...

Only a egotistical maniac would want that job, and yes I am one but still not that damn crazy!

Also the only Canadian that can run for President in the U.S. is Ted Cruz and that clown is not running again...
Climate change is real and has been happening naturally for eons. Man made climate change is a HOAX and scam.
It absolutely is not a hoax. There is clear evidence. A buddy of mine is a climate scientist for the navy and has spent years in the field and also in the pentagon researching the subject. I’ve had in depth conversations with him about climate change. The projected timelines till the end of the world are BS, but the fact that man is having an effect on climate change is not disputable.

What’s your source telling you it’s a hoax?

5? Ice ages came and went all on their own. Nothing man is doing or could do would move the needle like that.
Climate change is real and has been happening naturally for eons. Man made climate change is a HOAX and scam.
It absolutely is not a hoax. There is clear evidence. A buddy of mine is a climate scientist for the navy and has spent years in the field and also in the pentagon researching the subject. I’ve had in depth conversations with him about climate change. The projected timelines till the end of the world are BS, but the fact that man is having an effect on climate change is not disputable.

What’s your source telling you it’s a hoax?

5? Ice ages came and went all on their own. Nothing man is doing or could do would move the needle like that.
Yes climate change is a natural phenomenon, but how do you dispute that man has an impact on the rate of change as we dump pollutants into our atmosphere?
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I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.

You have no idea WHY you hate Trump do you? I can tell, you are just a hateful moron that has no idea when he has it good, for a change.
I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.

You have no idea WHY you hate Trump do you? I can tell, you are just a hateful moron that has no idea when he has it good, for a change.

I don't have time to list all the reasons I hate Trump. I'll give you the top 3:

#1. He lies ALL THE TIME. He even lies about stupid shit like the size of his inauguration crowd. ALL politicians lie, but it's like he took that as a contest to see if he could lie the most. Even his old lawyer called him a fucking liar to Bob Woodward.

#2. He treats women unfairly. Not only has me made several misogynist statements, It's been reported he paid his female campaign staff less than the men despite the women being told at the time they were getting equal pay. Soon they are going to find out if that is also true with his current White House Staff.

#3. He's dangerous. He does not know how to be diplomatic, and he treats the military like it his play thing. He did it so much so that Gen. Mattis quit and so did John Kelly. Numerous other people quit for similar reasons. Supposedly former Sec. of State Rex Tillerson called Trump a moron.

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I actually watch and read A LOT about politics.
I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.

You have no idea WHY you hate Trump do you? I can tell, you are just a hateful moron that has no idea when he has it good, for a change.

I don't have time to list all the reasons I hate Trump. I'll give you the top 3:

#1. He lies ALL THE TIME. He even lies about stupid shit like the size of his inauguration crowd. ALL politicians lie, but it's like he took that as a contest to see if he could lie the most. Even his old lawyer called him a fucking liar to Bob Woodward.

#2. He treats women unfairly. Not only has me made several misogynist statements, It's been reported he paid his female campaign staff less than the men despite the women being told at the time they were getting equal pay. Soon they are going to find out if that is also true with his current White House Staff.

#3. He's dangerous. He does not know how to be diplomatic, and he treats the military like it his play thing. He did it so much so that Gen. Mattis quit and so did John Kelly. Numerous other people quit for similar reasons. Supposedly former Sec. of State Rex Tillerson called Trump a moron.

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I actually watch and read A LOT about politics.

Come on Lew you posted "nothing of value"

1. The MSM lies. Trump fights back. An exaggeration or embellishment is not a lie.

2. "Soon" we will find out he shorts women and lies about it? Huh? Is that all you got? Take your medication. Nothing there?

3. So what? Three lifer GOVT deep state actors quit? Lol! Good! Weed out the panty liners, check cashers, pension builders, RINOs and Phony DemWitts like Mattis. Tillerson was apparently an out-of-box failed hire. Need about 100,000 more quitters. He let Rosie stay on to the end.
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Climate change is real and has been happening naturally for eons. Man made climate change is a HOAX and scam.
It absolutely is not a hoax. There is clear evidence. A buddy of mine is a climate scientist for the navy and has spent years in the field and also in the pentagon researching the subject. I’ve had in depth conversations with him about climate change. The projected timelines till the end of the world are BS, but the fact that man is having an effect on climate change is not disputable.

What’s your source telling you it’s a hoax?

5? Ice ages came and went all on their own. Nothing man is doing or could do would move the needle like that.
Yes climate change is a natural phenomenon, but how do you dispute that man has an impact on the rate of change as we dump pollutants into our atmosphere?

Now it is "maybe man affects rate of change"? More unproven hogwash. Again the scale is from Glacier ICE to ALA to 120deg in Montana. 0.5degC ain't in that ballpark. Wake me up when Canada has no snow.
I can not vote for Biden either and will not vote for Trump, and forget Sanders, Beto, Harris and Warren...

Only a egotistical maniac would want that job, and yes I am one but still not that damn crazy!

Also the only Canadian that can run for President in the U.S. is Ted Cruz and that clown is not running again...
It's getting tougher and tougher every single freakin' day to understand how anyone can attach themselves to one of these freakin' parties.

It just doesn't make sense to me.
Climate change is real and has been happening naturally for eons. Man made climate change is a HOAX and scam.
It absolutely is not a hoax. There is clear evidence. A buddy of mine is a climate scientist for the navy and has spent years in the field and also in the pentagon researching the subject. I’ve had in depth conversations with him about climate change. The projected timelines till the end of the world are BS, but the fact that man is having an effect on climate change is not disputable.

What’s your source telling you it’s a hoax?

5? Ice ages came and went all on their own. Nothing man is doing or could do would move the needle like that.
Yes climate change is a natural phenomenon, but how do you dispute that man has an impact on the rate of change as we dump pollutants into our atmosphere?

Now it is "maybe man affects rate of change"? More unproven hogwash. Again the scale is from Glacier ICE to ALA to 120deg in Montana. 0.5degC ain't in that ballpark. Wake me up when Canada has no snow.
No it’s man absolutely affects the rate of change. That is proven.
I can not vote for Biden either and will not vote for Trump, and forget Sanders, Beto, Harris and Warren...

Only a egotistical maniac would want that job, and yes I am one but still not that damn crazy!

Also the only Canadian that can run for President in the U.S. is Ted Cruz and that clown is not running again...
It's getting tougher and tougher every single freakin' day to understand how anyone can attach themselves to one of these freakin' parties.

It just doesn't make sense to me.

One way causes a quicker death for American Citizen Taxpayers, more poverty for millions. One side slows the rate of decline. One side better promotes growth and prosperity.
I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.

You have no idea WHY you hate Trump do you? I can tell, you are just a hateful moron that has no idea when he has it good, for a change.

I don't have time to list all the reasons I hate Trump. I'll give you the top 3:

#1. He lies ALL THE TIME. He even lies about stupid shit like the size of his inauguration crowd. ALL politicians lie, but it's like he took that as a contest to see if he could lie the most. Even his old lawyer called him a fucking liar to Bob Woodward.

#2. He treats women unfairly. Not only has me made several misogynist statements, It's been reported he paid his female campaign staff less than the men despite the women being told at the time they were getting equal pay. Soon they are going to find out if that is also true with his current White House Staff.

#3. He's dangerous. He does not know how to be diplomatic, and he treats the military like it his play thing. He did it so much so that Gen. Mattis quit and so did John Kelly. Numerous other people quit for similar reasons. Supposedly former Sec. of State Rex Tillerson called Trump a moron.

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I actually watch and read A LOT about politics.

Come on Lew you posted "nothing of value"

1. The MSM lies. Trump fights back. An exenteration or embelishment is not a lie.

2. "Soon" we will find out he shorts women and lies about it? Huh? Is that all you got? Take your medication. Nothing there?

3. So what? Three lifer GOVT deep state actors quit? Lol! Good! Weed out the panty liners, check cashers, pension builders, RINOs and Phony DemWitts like Mattis. Tillerson was apparently an out-of-box failued hire. Need about 100,000 more quitters. He let Rosie stay on to the end.

#1. Trump lies about EVERY THING. He had his doctor lie about his height and weight. It's ridiculous.

#2. It was proven that there was a pay disparity between the women and men of Trump's campaign team.

Lawsuit alleges Trump campaign paid women less than men

The same people that discovered this are going to move on to the women staff members of the White House. Those people are government workers which means their wages can be viewed by the public.

#3. The number wasn't three. Trump has had the highest amount of turn over in his cabinet in the HISTORY of the White House. This doesn't even include all the positions he's NEVER FILLED like a Ambassador to South Korea, one of the most important Ambassadorships of them all, because of the issues with North Korea.

Here is an example of just the first year. How Trump White House turnover compares with Bush, Obama
Climate change is real and has been happening naturally for eons. Man made climate change is a HOAX and scam.
It absolutely is not a hoax. There is clear evidence. A buddy of mine is a climate scientist for the navy and has spent years in the field and also in the pentagon researching the subject. I’ve had in depth conversations with him about climate change. The projected timelines till the end of the world are BS, but the fact that man is having an effect on climate change is not disputable.

What’s your source telling you it’s a hoax?

5? Ice ages came and went all on their own. Nothing man is doing or could do would move the needle like that.
Yes climate change is a natural phenomenon, but how do you dispute that man has an impact on the rate of change as we dump pollutants into our atmosphere?

Now it is "maybe man affects rate of change"? More unproven hogwash. Again the scale is from Glacier ICE to ALA to 120deg in Montana. 0.5degC ain't in that ballpark. Wake me up when Canada has no snow.
No it’s man absolutely affects the rate of change. That is proven.

Show meaningful proof. Not 0.5C change over small sample size like 10 years. Hogwash. Even if true? Man has to live. We cant use woodstoves and horse-buggy in LA. Man could do nothing about it if it was true? They cant predict simple rainfall or Tornadoes 100%.

Go after real pollution. Packaging waste. Landfill fill. Enforce recycling if possible. Some of what CA does is actually good on new home building codes. Get off the GW nonsense. The GOVT can do nothing but confiscate money!
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If it looks too much like Bite-Me is headed for the nomination opposing Hillary he still won't be on the November ballot. That's because though dead Democrats routinely vote (multiple times if they're dead enough) Dead Democrats don't get to be on the final ballot.
#3. He's dangerous. He does not know how to be diplomatic, and he treats the military like it his play thing.
President Trump has great respect for the military and the veterans. I guess you have not been paying attention. What happened to Flynn was democrat influenced.
Lewdog said:
#2. He treats women unfairly.
Trump appointed many women including a variety of types of women to high level posts in our government.
Climate change is real and has been happening naturally for eons. Man made climate change is a HOAX and scam.
It absolutely is not a hoax. There is clear evidence. A buddy of mine is a climate scientist for the navy and has spent years in the field and also in the pentagon researching the subject. I’ve had in depth conversations with him about climate change. The projected timelines till the end of the world are BS, but the fact that man is having an effect on climate change is not disputable.

What’s your source telling you it’s a hoax?

5? Ice ages came and went all on their own. Nothing man is doing or could do would move the needle like that.
Yes climate change is a natural phenomenon, but how do you dispute that man has an impact on the rate of change as we dump pollutants into our atmosphere?

Now it is "maybe man affects rate of change"? More unproven hogwash. Again the scale is from Glacier ICE to ALA to 120deg in Montana. 0.5degC ain't in that ballpark. Wake me up when Canada has no snow.
No it’s man absolutely affects the rate of change. That is proven.
Of the actual change that has occurred, what percentage is directly due to Man's activities?
It absolutely is not a hoax. There is clear evidence. A buddy of mine is a climate scientist for the navy and has spent years in the field and also in the pentagon researching the subject. I’ve had in depth conversations with him about climate change. The projected timelines till the end of the world are BS, but the fact that man is having an effect on climate change is not disputable.

What’s your source telling you it’s a hoax?

5? Ice ages came and went all on their own. Nothing man is doing or could do would move the needle like that.
Yes climate change is a natural phenomenon, but how do you dispute that man has an impact on the rate of change as we dump pollutants into our atmosphere?

Now it is "maybe man affects rate of change"? More unproven hogwash. Again the scale is from Glacier ICE to ALA to 120deg in Montana. 0.5degC ain't in that ballpark. Wake me up when Canada has no snow.
No it’s man absolutely affects the rate of change. That is proven.

Show meaningful proof. Not 0.5C change over small sample size like 10 years. Hogwash. Even if true? Man has to live. We cant use woodstoves and horse-buggy in LA. Man could do nothing about it if it was true? They cant predict simple rainfall or Tornadoes 100%.

Go after real pollution. Packaging waste. Landfill fill. Enforce recycling if possible. Some of what CA does is actually good on new home building codes. Get off the GW nonsense. The GOVT can do nothing but confiscate money!
Promoting recycling and cleaner living is great, but CO2 emissions are the largest factor in climate change so it needs to be discussed. I agree we don’t need to be banning air travel and hamburgers but we need to all get on the same team to innovate. Calling something that is scientifically proven a hoax does nothing to help the situation
It absolutely is not a hoax. There is clear evidence. A buddy of mine is a climate scientist for the navy and has spent years in the field and also in the pentagon researching the subject. I’ve had in depth conversations with him about climate change. The projected timelines till the end of the world are BS, but the fact that man is having an effect on climate change is not disputable.

What’s your source telling you it’s a hoax?

5? Ice ages came and went all on their own. Nothing man is doing or could do would move the needle like that.
Yes climate change is a natural phenomenon, but how do you dispute that man has an impact on the rate of change as we dump pollutants into our atmosphere?

Now it is "maybe man affects rate of change"? More unproven hogwash. Again the scale is from Glacier ICE to ALA to 120deg in Montana. 0.5degC ain't in that ballpark. Wake me up when Canada has no snow.
No it’s man absolutely affects the rate of change. That is proven.
Of the actual change that has occurred, what percentage is directly due to Man's activities?
I asked my buddy who is a climate scientist the same thing and he gave a pretty detailed and complicated answer about the science involved in analyzing those things but the bottom line was that they don’t know the exact percentages and can’t accurately predict future events. So if you hear people saying 12 years or throwing out other numbers they are likely full of shit. Fact remains that mans activity has a definite effect on the rate of climate change and CO2 is the largest factor.

He is an ex navy guy who loves making fun of liberals but he knows his shit when it comes to the environment and it is defiantly something that needs to be taken seriously... not a hoax
It absolutely is not a hoax. There is clear evidence. A buddy of mine is a climate scientist for the navy and has spent years in the field and also in the pentagon researching the subject. I’ve had in depth conversations with him about climate change. The projected timelines till the end of the world are BS, but the fact that man is having an effect on climate change is not disputable.

What’s your source telling you it’s a hoax?

5? Ice ages came and went all on their own. Nothing man is doing or could do would move the needle like that.
Yes climate change is a natural phenomenon, but how do you dispute that man has an impact on the rate of change as we dump pollutants into our atmosphere?

Now it is "maybe man affects rate of change"? More unproven hogwash. Again the scale is from Glacier ICE to ALA to 120deg in Montana. 0.5degC ain't in that ballpark. Wake me up when Canada has no snow.
No it’s man absolutely affects the rate of change. That is proven.
Of the actual change that has occurred, what percentage is directly due to Man's activities?

Exactly. Normal weather patterns do not = man caused GW? I dont know who has real proof but i have not seen it? Easy for the "bribed" Scientist to compilcate and confuse the issue. Politics and Science don't mix. Any real Scientist would not. Obama put NASA on GW, they produced no understandable simple proof. CO2 from plants is huge along the Equator.

Edit: Good! If man can cause GW due to cars-power, then we can slow the next ice age from killing America. Everyone could buy a bigger motor.
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#3. He's dangerous. He does not know how to be diplomatic, and he treats the military like it his play thing.
President Trump has great respect for the military and the veterans. I guess you have not been paying attention. What happened to Flynn was democrat influenced.
Lewdog said:
#2. He treats women unfairly.
Trump appointed many women including a variety of types of women to high level posts in our government.

Trump has so much respect for the military that his dad paid a doctor to lie so he wouldn't have to go. He respects the military so much he made a few thousand of them go stand on a border where they couldn't do anything... as a political stunt, that kept those national guardsmen from spending the holidays with their families. Trump respects the military so much he wanted them to spend time to get ready to do a parade for himself, just so he could try to do a better parade than the one in France while he was with Macron.

What I said has nothing to do with hiring women. It is about them getting paid less than the men who they work with.
I can not vote for Biden either and will not vote for Trump, and forget Sanders, Beto, Harris and Warren...

Only a egotistical maniac would want that job, and yes I am one but still not that damn crazy!

Also the only Canadian that can run for President in the U.S. is Ted Cruz and that clown is not running again...
It's getting tougher and tougher every single freakin' day to understand how anyone can attach themselves to one of these freakin' parties.

It just doesn't make sense to me.

Well too many people believe what their TV or talk radio tell them and how you either vote for the two big political parties that pretend to be different from each other and if you vote third party you are the enemy...

It amazes me how many voters vote straight ticket or will reject a third party candidate while bashing people about being close minded...

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