I Hate Trump, But I Don't See Myself Voting Biden Either

He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.

Sounds like a poor excuse & reach to vote for Biden. The sharp division was built primarily by progs and the Obama admin. By a large measure Trump is breaking that down, and has been since he ran for POTUS. If you want unity, progs need to stop preaching that up is down, wrong is right, and everyone is a victim. In a nutshell, they need to stop their attack on reason, nature and country.
Sorry but I completely disagree with your statement which in my mind is a complete “up is down” statement. If you actually think Trump is improving division then you’re delusional.

Kind of like "Trump said white supremacists are good people" huh snowflake?
Huh? What point are you failing to make?
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.

I don't want to vote for Biden either. I agree, he has been on the wrong side of a lot of issues. Plus the man is old. We already have an old geezer as president. We don't need another one. We need someone who is younger, who can do 2 terms and actually have his own views instead of just repeating what he thinks people want to hear.

However, if Biden is the nominee for democrats, I'll vote for Biden over trump any day.

Bill Weld is running as a challenger to trump in the Republican Party but we both know he won't get the nomination. Which is too bad.

I'm going to put the nation, constitution and future generations first. For the second time in my life, I don't care who the democrats nominate. I will hold my nose and vote for that democrat. I won't vote third party this time. It's more important to me to get this communist puppet criminal out of our White House and government.

Yep no way Weld can win because he is only known in his home state of Maryland, and he won't get very much money to campaign, as the Republican party has already said that as long as Trump runs, he's their candidate and all of the money will go to him.

I think his home state is Massachusetts. But you're right. The republicans won't nominate him. trump is their guy.

Which means I will have to hold my nose and vote for the democratic nominee. If it's not Biden I won't have to hold my nose as much.

It would be nice to be able to vote for the person who most shares my views. A lot of us won't have that choice in 2020.

Yeah, sorry I got him mixed up because the Governor of Maryland Larry Hogan was talking about running.

No problem.
Democrats must NOT subject their presidential candidates to a purity test - like they did with Hillary. Any Democratic candidate would be far superior to Trump. I'm not a Biden fan - but I wouldn't hesitate to vote for him. It's early yet - but right now Biden appears favored to beat Trump. Anyone but Trump!
I think by nature the two sides are very different. Conservatives tend to resist change while progressives push change. Now there are many different complex layers involved but the fact remains that change is harder than maintaining... it presents more risk, effort and energy.

You also have the fiscal, social and bureaucracy aspects. Bottom line is both sides have extreme wings. Dumbed down you have tea party conservatives and democratic socialists fighting it out on the wings. I believe most Americans fall in the middle. I’m liberal but I respect some conservative values, especially when it comes to fiscal policy and regulations. I also respect many people who are conservative and would not want a leader in there who’s message is a big fuck you. That’s what Trump is doing to the left and it is an embarrassment.

I noticed you totally sidestepped my valid question, which was, "have you ever seen any Republican ever, talking about going to the center when they're running for Office?

This was in response to your statement...

"Why should only the far left be represented, that doesn’t make sense to me."

As if to say no party should be going to extremes of their party and/or pushing for extremes. Yet, this is all the right ever does. And you know it's true, otherwise you would not have sidestepped my statement.

Now, are you ready to answer that question? Or are you going to continue to sidestep it?
I don’t like labels as I prefer taking on issues one at a time but for the sake of this discussion... what exactly do you consider “far left”?
You tell me, you're the one who introduced that term.

I don't know what "far left" is, as it's never been instituted by anyone, ever, in this country.
If they pulled my toenails off with needle nose pliers, i would never check the box for any of these pathetic DemWiited loons. Don't you have any good ones? What happened to that StarBucks dude?
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.

Sounds like a poor excuse & reach to vote for Biden. The sharp division was built primarily by progs and the Obama admin. By a large measure Trump is breaking that down, and has been since he ran for POTUS. If you want unity, progs need to stop preaching that up is down, wrong is right, and everyone is a victim. In a nutshell, they need to stop their attack on reason, nature and country.
Sorry but I completely disagree with your statement which in my mind is a complete “up is down” statement. If you actually think Trump is improving division then you’re delusional.

I suppose these snowflake positions, which cause division:

"Trump said white supremacists are good people" It was a fabricated prog. tale.

Trump doesn't think turn-genders should serve in military. Neither do I.

Trump won't release his tax returns and financial reports. I wouldn't either.

Trump said Obama admin. infiltrated into his campaign and Clinton is corrupt. Nothing like calling things as they are.

Trump calls it fake news. Nothing like calling things as they are.

Trump thinks Comey is a scumbag. Same with many in DC. Go figure Obama surrounded himself with deep-state partisan thought-police. It's the same program that launched a fabricated Trump investigation, all while it was Democrats who "colluded". Trump named it a witch-hunt. Nothing like calling things as they are.

So far Trump is the only POTUS in MANY decades to not enter war.

Trump wants what's best for our country, including limitations on immigration, which is vital to our well-being.

I still don’t see your point. Yes progs talk shit and sew division too. I never claimed they didn’t. Trump has taken their games, lit a match, and then continues to pour gas on it.
I think by nature the two sides are very different. Conservatives tend to resist change while progressives push change. Now there are many different complex layers involved but the fact remains that change is harder than maintaining... it presents more risk, effort and energy.

You also have the fiscal, social and bureaucracy aspects. Bottom line is both sides have extreme wings. Dumbed down you have tea party conservatives and democratic socialists fighting it out on the wings. I believe most Americans fall in the middle. I’m liberal but I respect some conservative values, especially when it comes to fiscal policy and regulations. I also respect many people who are conservative and would not want a leader in there who’s message is a big fuck you. That’s what Trump is doing to the left and it is an embarrassment.

I noticed you totally sidestepped my valid question, which was, "have you ever seen any Republican ever, talking about going to the center when they're running for Office?

This was in response to your statement...

"Why should only the far left be represented, that doesn’t make sense to me."

As if to say no party should be going to extremes of their party and/or pushing for extremes. Yet, this is all the right ever does. And you know it's true, otherwise you would not have sidestepped my statement.

Now, are you ready to answer that question? Or are you going to continue to sidestep it?
Yes... John McCain was all about moderation and working with the other side.

I also don’t care much for the ol “since they do it we should do it” argument
"Working with the other side" really means cave to DemWitted loons to prevent pending riots. You really need to read Ray from Cleve dossier.
"Working with the other side" really means cave to DemWitted loons to prevent pending riots. You really need to read Ray from Cleve dossier.

Ray spends too much time writing a dossier about his neighbors to ever write one about anything else.
Fact remains that half of your fellow Americans are Right leaning. Do you think it’s healthy to have our countries leader not represent or respect their values and point of view? Why should only the far left be represented, that doesn’t make sense to me.

Sounds like you are promoting the same kind of person that Trump represents. An Anti-Trump. It’s only going to perpetuate the hate and division

Have you ever seen folks talking about Republicans should run to the center anytime they're running for Office, ever?

At no point does this ever get mentioned.

If so, please point out where/when, cause I've never observed this.

I've been paying attention since about 2000.

Instead, we see Republicans ever constantly trying to outright themselves. Who could be more far right, aka "conservative."

So much so that Donald Trump made the logical conclusion to state that the woman should be punished for having an abortion, when asked by Chris Matthews during the 2016 Presidential campaign.

It wasn't until a day or two later,when some Republican must have sat him down and said "No Trump, we don't actually say that we'll punish the women." Was when he walked that back. However, he did ACCURATELY come to that conclusion based on the far rightwing rhetoric espoused by Republicans.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
"tingle up my leg" Crissy Matthews, MSNBC's resident piss-head set Trump up. Crissy said: "If it's against the law to have an abortion in a certain state should there be a punishment if she goes ahead and breaks the law?'".
Trump responded by saying: "if it's against the law there should be some form of punishment".
See how you Trump haters can twist and take things Trump says negatively to suit your own agenda?
No very fucking bright pal.

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