I Hate Trump, But I Don't See Myself Voting Biden Either

He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.

Biden is not the unity candidate, he's the old guard candidate. The supposed "union" guy, who won't let the union guys work. No pipelines, no manufacturing, no drilling for oil or gas. Besides, I bet he will not even get the dem nomination. We'll see after the Super-Tuesday primary and who wins the CA delegates. The old dems will split between Biden and the rest, the young dems will split their votes over 10 names, then when their guy/gal loses they will be dejected and stay home on election day.
There is no "new era of civil war", its a continuation of the Bush-43 hatred, remember "chimp"? Remember hating Cheney? Trump is just the next GOP president that the socialists can't beat, so they whine about him constantly.
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.

Are you libs really going to nominate another candidate who will be under investigation?
Is there any candidate that wouldn’t be under “investigation” during this tit for tat era? Biden has been vetted and elected and is fresh off 8 years as VP. He is fine. All these accusations are political and will be ignored by the non partisan hacks.
He's too old and he's a nice guy but he's boring. I agree he would be the most rational choice at the moment, but if you think our nation is full of rational voters, you are wrong. Look who they elected last time.

You mean Trump, who we are going to re-elect?
Best ticket right now in my opinion would be Kasich and Hickenlooper. A more realistic ticket would be Sanders and Kamala Harris with Bernie agreeing to only one term and then supporting Harris for office in 2024.

I also wouldn't mind Sanders and Sherrod Brown or Hickenlooper and Sherrod Brown.

To hell with that, Bernie Sanders and Sheila Jackson would rock.
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.

I haven't voted for a major party candidate for POTUS since 1980; I voted Ronny RayGun that time.

I vote 'third' party for POTUS but in 2020 I will vote for the one candidate that has the best odds of beating Trump.

If a party puts up a pedophile Catholic priest & he has the best odds of winning over Trump, then I will be voting for a pedophile.

That's how BAD Trump is; worse than a pedophile.
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.

Biden is not the unity candidate, he's the old guard candidate. The supposed "union" guy, who won't let the union guys work. No pipelines, no manufacturing, no drilling for oil or gas. Besides, I bet he will not even get the dem nomination. We'll see after the Super-Tuesday primary and who wins the CA delegates. The old dems will split between Biden and the rest, the young dems will split their votes over 10 names, then when their guy/gal loses they will be dejected and stay home on election day.
There is no "new era of civil war", its a continuation of the Bush-43 hatred, remember "chimp"? Remember hating Cheney? Trump is just the next GOP president that the socialists can't beat, so they whine about him constantly.
I disagree. Trump has poured gas on the hate and division taking it to new levels. Plus the hyperbole and lies coming from both sides trying to demonize political opponents seems to be more common than truth and facts. It’s a dangerous time and something needs to change the path we are on
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.

. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government.

You seriously believe that?

I think you're dead wrong.

The last candidate that could have done that was McCain, he worked with, and was liked on both sides of the aisle.

Biden isn't.

Add to that the very credible evidence of corruption from the House of Biden, what with his getting the Ukrainian DA fired who was investigating hunter biden, and the flight they took on Air Force Two to china where hunter, with no record to his name, landing a billion dollar deal with the chinese and there are some pretty hefty skeletons in the biden family closet.
Oh you mean the Ukrainian hoax?! That is nothing but a witch hunt. He had nothing to do with Ukraine. It’s just Republicans scared to lose an election... see how this is gonna go??

What hoax is that? Here he is talking about getting the guy fired. This is from the CFR not exactly a rightwing source. Looks like you are wrong, yet again....

Begin watching at the 51:40 mark
Foreign Affairs Issue Launch with Former Vice President Joe Biden
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.

. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government.

You seriously believe that?

I think you're dead wrong.

The last candidate that could have done that was McCain, he worked with, and was liked on both sides of the aisle.

Biden isn't.

Add to that the very credible evidence of corruption from the House of Biden, what with his getting the Ukrainian DA fired who was investigating hunter biden, and the flight they took on Air Force Two to china where hunter, with no record to his name, landing a billion dollar deal with the chinese and there are some pretty hefty skeletons in the biden family closet.
Oh you mean the Ukrainian hoax?! That is nothing but a witch hunt. He had nothing to do with Ukraine. It’s just Republicans scared to lose an election... see how this is gonna go??

What hoax is that? Here he is talking about getting the guy fired. This is from the CFR not exactly a rightwing source. Looks like you are wrong, yet again....

Begin watching at the 51:40 mark
Foreign Affairs Issue Launch with Former Vice President Joe Biden
No you’re wrong, it’s all a big hoax made up by republicans who are scared to lose an election
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.

. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government.

You seriously believe that?

I think you're dead wrong.

The last candidate that could have done that was McCain, he worked with, and was liked on both sides of the aisle.

Biden isn't.

Add to that the very credible evidence of corruption from the House of Biden, what with his getting the Ukrainian DA fired who was investigating hunter biden, and the flight they took on Air Force Two to china where hunter, with no record to his name, landing a billion dollar deal with the chinese and there are some pretty hefty skeletons in the biden family closet.
Oh you mean the Ukrainian hoax?! That is nothing but a witch hunt. He had nothing to do with Ukraine. It’s just Republicans scared to lose an election... see how this is gonna go??

What hoax is that? Here he is talking about getting the guy fired. This is from the CFR not exactly a rightwing source. Looks like you are wrong, yet again....

Begin watching at the 51:40 mark
Foreign Affairs Issue Launch with Former Vice President Joe Biden
No you’re wrong, it’s all a big hoax made up by republicans who are scared to lose an election

Aaaand with this idiotic post you confine yourself to the lunatic left. I hate to break it to ya, dear, but his own WORDS convict him. You may go crawl under your rock now. You are too batshit crazy to waste time with.
You seriously believe that?

I think you're dead wrong.

The last candidate that could have done that was McCain, he worked with, and was liked on both sides of the aisle.

Biden isn't.

Add to that the very credible evidence of corruption from the House of Biden, what with his getting the Ukrainian DA fired who was investigating hunter biden, and the flight they took on Air Force Two to china where hunter, with no record to his name, landing a billion dollar deal with the chinese and there are some pretty hefty skeletons in the biden family closet.
Oh you mean the Ukrainian hoax?! That is nothing but a witch hunt. He had nothing to do with Ukraine. It’s just Republicans scared to lose an election... see how this is gonna go??

What hoax is that? Here he is talking about getting the guy fired. This is from the CFR not exactly a rightwing source. Looks like you are wrong, yet again....

Begin watching at the 51:40 mark
Foreign Affairs Issue Launch with Former Vice President Joe Biden
No you’re wrong, it’s all a big hoax made up by republicans who are scared to lose an election

Aaaand with this idiotic post you confine yourself to the lunatic left. I hate to break it to ya, dear, but his own WORDS convict him. You may go crawl under your rock now. You are too batshit crazy to waste time with.
I must admit I’m just messing with you. Ive heard two years of the Russia hoax witch hunt Dems can’t get over the election talking points in response to the Mueller probe, well these retorts are now baked in. Looks like the pendulum is swinging.

As for Biden Ukraine thing, I honestly haven’t looked into it at all.
Add to that the very credible evidence of corruption from the House of Biden, what with his getting the Ukrainian DA fired who was investigating hunter biden, and the flight they took on Air Force Two to china where hunter, with no record to his name, landing a billion dollar deal with the chinese and there are some pretty hefty skeletons in the biden family closet.
Oh you mean the Ukrainian hoax?! That is nothing but a witch hunt. He had nothing to do with Ukraine. It’s just Republicans scared to lose an election... see how this is gonna go??

What hoax is that? Here he is talking about getting the guy fired. This is from the CFR not exactly a rightwing source. Looks like you are wrong, yet again....

Begin watching at the 51:40 mark
Foreign Affairs Issue Launch with Former Vice President Joe Biden
No you’re wrong, it’s all a big hoax made up by republicans who are scared to lose an election

Aaaand with this idiotic post you confine yourself to the lunatic left. I hate to break it to ya, dear, but his own WORDS convict him. You may go crawl under your rock now. You are too batshit crazy to waste time with.
I must admit I’m just messing with you. Ive heard two years of the Russia hoax witch hunt Dems can’t get over the election talking points in response to the Mueller probe, well these retorts are now baked in. Looks like the pendulum is swinging.

As for Biden Ukraine thing, I honestly haven’t looked into it at all.

You should. There is actual, real, evidence of corruption there.
Oh you mean the Ukrainian hoax?! That is nothing but a witch hunt. He had nothing to do with Ukraine. It’s just Republicans scared to lose an election... see how this is gonna go??

What hoax is that? Here he is talking about getting the guy fired. This is from the CFR not exactly a rightwing source. Looks like you are wrong, yet again....

Begin watching at the 51:40 mark
Foreign Affairs Issue Launch with Former Vice President Joe Biden
No you’re wrong, it’s all a big hoax made up by republicans who are scared to lose an election

Aaaand with this idiotic post you confine yourself to the lunatic left. I hate to break it to ya, dear, but his own WORDS convict him. You may go crawl under your rock now. You are too batshit crazy to waste time with.
I must admit I’m just messing with you. Ive heard two years of the Russia hoax witch hunt Dems can’t get over the election talking points in response to the Mueller probe, well these retorts are now baked in. Looks like the pendulum is swinging.

As for Biden Ukraine thing, I honestly haven’t looked into it at all.

You should. There is actual, real, evidence of corruption there.
Maybe, I just don’t trust most things that are reported. I don’t really care much about Biden/Ukraine and to be honest I didn’t really care much about Trump Russia. All the lies trump was telling about it is what bothered me and poured fuel on the fire. If Biden starts lying about Ukraine nonstop then I’d react the same way.
Oh you mean the Ukrainian hoax?! That is nothing but a witch hunt. He had nothing to do with Ukraine. It’s just Republicans scared to lose an election... see how this is gonna go??

What hoax is that? Here he is talking about getting the guy fired. This is from the CFR not exactly a rightwing source. Looks like you are wrong, yet again....

Begin watching at the 51:40 mark
Foreign Affairs Issue Launch with Former Vice President Joe Biden
No you’re wrong, it’s all a big hoax made up by republicans who are scared to lose an election

Aaaand with this idiotic post you confine yourself to the lunatic left. I hate to break it to ya, dear, but his own WORDS convict him. You may go crawl under your rock now. You are too batshit crazy to waste time with.
I must admit I’m just messing with you. Ive heard two years of the Russia hoax witch hunt Dems can’t get over the election talking points in response to the Mueller probe, well these retorts are now baked in. Looks like the pendulum is swinging.

As for Biden Ukraine thing, I honestly haven’t looked into it at all.

You should. There is actual, real, evidence of corruption there.
From what I heard, it's about as horrible as the FISA warrants. Nothing burgers all around folks.

In March 2016, then-vice president Biden successfully strong-armed Ukraine to fire prosecutor general Viktor Shokin. Biden, who flew into Kiev dangling the promise of a one billion dollar loan guarantee, told Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko the loan wouldn’t be authorized unless Shokin was ousted.

Here’s how Biden himself recounted it: “I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

At the time, Shokin was allegedly investigating corruption at Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company. Joe Biden’s son Hunter happened to sit on Burisma’s board, a lucrative position which was netting him millions of dollars.

That’s where the accusations come in. Biden claims he forced Kiev to fire Shokin – who was widely seen as a corrupt Poroshenko loyalist – for the good of the country, not because of investigations into Burisma. Shokin, meanwhile, insists his firing was politically motivated by his investigation of Burisma.

Shokin should be taken with a pound of salt. The man was infamously corrupt; his attempt to frame himself as an honest prosecutor punished for tackling shady dealings doesn’t hold water. Additionally, as Bloomberg reported, the Burisma case was utterly dormant. Biden didn’t need to protect Burisma because the company wasn’t under active investigation.

Joe Biden’s Conflict of Interest on Ukraine

As for the article's suggestion that Biden free himself of any conflicts of interest before running for President, makes sense in this hyperpartisan day and age.
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.
Will enough people vote for a moderate?
The primaries are going to be the tough spot. In the general election a moderate is golden this time around. Independents want one, the left will rally support plus the conservative anti trumpers will vote that way. Should be a landslide
Biden is falling among D primary voters and I suspect Sanders will beat him like a drum.
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.
Will enough people vote for a moderate?

Will enough people vote for a moderate?

is one running?
Biden is moderate.

No he's not. He knows the Party has moved Far Left, and he is now calling himself the most PROGRESSIVE candidate running for President, and for every KOOK policy the others are pushing. He is trying to out Commie the other Commies and would certainly govern that way.
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.
Will enough people vote for a moderate?
The primaries are going to be the tough spot. In the general election a moderate is golden this time around. Independents want one, the left will rally support plus the conservative anti trumpers will vote that way. Should be a landslide
Biden is falling among D primary voters and I suspect Sanders will beat him like a drum.
I don’t think so. Sanders is an activist not a leader. The fringe loves him... hell, I think he is great. But would never want him to actually be president.
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.
Will enough people vote for a moderate?

Will enough people vote for a moderate?

is one running?
Biden is moderate.

No he's not. He knows the Party has moved Far Left, and he is now calling himself the most PROGRESSIVE candidate running for President, and for every KOOK policy the others are pushing. He is trying to out Commie the other Commies and would certainly govern that way.
You’re just making that stuff up but reality and facts don’t back up anything youre saying. He is nowhere near the left and socialist policy’s that other progressives are proposing.
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.
Will enough people vote for a moderate?
You lie to much. Up until 2016 most of you spouted moderation and as soon as the election was over ChaimanMao's redbook showed up. Then you admitted to be socialist as the communist in your party made them look moderate. When in full power and the economy is in massive decline most of your agendas will be jettisoned and most of your conquests eliminated by necessity. And so will people.
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.
Will enough people vote for a moderate?

Will enough people vote for a moderate?

is one running?
Biden is moderate.

No he's not. He knows the Party has moved Far Left, and he is now calling himself the most PROGRESSIVE candidate running for President, and for every KOOK policy the others are pushing. He is trying to out Commie the other Commies and would certainly govern that way.
You’re just making that stuff up but reality and facts don’t back up anything youre saying. He is nowhere near the left and socialist policy’s that other progressives are proposing.

"I'm told I get criticized by the new left," Biden said, referring to claims that he would occupy a moderate lane should he join the presidential race. "I have the most progressive record for anybody running."

Joe Biden slips, hints about 2020 presidential run
Best ticket right now in my opinion would be Kasich and Hickenlooper. A more realistic ticket would be Sanders and Kamala Harris with Bernie agreeing to only one term and then supporting Harris for office in 2024.

I also wouldn't mind Sanders and Sherrod Brown or Hickenlooper and Sherrod Brown.

All Fruitcakes. Not one ounce of common sense amongst the lot of them.

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