I Hate Trump, But I Don't See Myself Voting Biden Either

He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.
Will enough people vote for a moderate?
You lie to much. Up until 2016 most of you spouted moderation and as soon as the election was over ChaimanMao's redbook showed up. Then you admitted to be socialist as the communist in your party made them look moderate. When in full power and the economy is in massive decline most of your agendas will be jettisoned and most of your conquests eliminated by necessity. And so will people.
Are you calling her a liar because of your perceived actions done by a generalized group of people? Sounds like a pretty dishonest argument to me.
Best ticket right now in my opinion would be Kasich and Hickenlooper. A more realistic ticket would be Sanders and Kamala Harris with Bernie agreeing to only one term and then supporting Harris for office in 2024.

I also wouldn't mind Sanders and Sherrod Brown or Hickenlooper and Sherrod Brown.

All Fruitcakes. Not one ounce of common sense amongst the lot of them.

Freak show, clown car, whatever. It is the nuttiest entourage of candidates I have ever seen, and Creepy, Senile, "Pedophile Joe" Biden is the icing on the cake.
Will enough people vote for a moderate?

Will enough people vote for a moderate?

is one running?
Biden is moderate.

No he's not. He knows the Party has moved Far Left, and he is now calling himself the most PROGRESSIVE candidate running for President, and for every KOOK policy the others are pushing. He is trying to out Commie the other Commies and would certainly govern that way.
You’re just making that stuff up but reality and facts don’t back up anything youre saying. He is nowhere near the left and socialist policy’s that other progressives are proposing.

"I'm told I get criticized by the new left," Biden said, referring to claims that he would occupy a moderate lane should he join the presidential race. "I have the most progressive record for anybody running."

Joe Biden slips, hints about 2020 presidential run
So what? He called himself a progressive. Look at his actual policies compared to most the others. He is much more moderate. You can’t make as case to prove otherwise.
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.
You act like Biden doesn’t have a long history of partisan politics
Anyone voting for a democrat and some republicans is voting for fail.
is one running?
Biden is moderate.

No he's not. He knows the Party has moved Far Left, and he is now calling himself the most PROGRESSIVE candidate running for President, and for every KOOK policy the others are pushing. He is trying to out Commie the other Commies and would certainly govern that way.
You’re just making that stuff up but reality and facts don’t back up anything youre saying. He is nowhere near the left and socialist policy’s that other progressives are proposing.

"I'm told I get criticized by the new left," Biden said, referring to claims that he would occupy a moderate lane should he join the presidential race. "I have the most progressive record for anybody running."

Joe Biden slips, hints about 2020 presidential run
So what? He called himself a progressive. Look at his actual policies compared to most the others. He is much more moderate. You can’t make as case to prove otherwise.

To compete with the other kooks he will talk about all the fixes for man made climate change, call for amnesty for illegals, college debt forgiveness, more Obamacare. He touts all of Obama's policies which were FAR LEFT.

Just one example. What do you think he will say about climate. Let me guess. Taxes, cap and trade, fees, fines, etc. More bureaucracy and growing government over a hoax.

Biden has promised a major speech on climate by the end of the month. A rollout of his health care proposals is also imminent. On Saturday, Biden said the first step of his climate plan would be to “beat Trump.”

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.

Are you libs really going to nominate another candidate who will be under investigation?

"under investigation"?

or "spied on"?
Biden can only be considered a moderate by factoring in the enormous shift to the hard left by the Democratic party .10 years ago, he was solid liberal and for the same views
I will vote for any Democrat that is nominated , I will hold my nose though if its Bernie.
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.
You act like Biden doesn’t have a long history of partisan politics
Of course he does, all politicians do. Some are worse than others and I don’t think Biden is as bad as most. Plus I think he recognizes the damage that the “Trump divide” is causing and my hope is that he puts a large focus into rectifying it.
Biden is moderate.

No he's not. He knows the Party has moved Far Left, and he is now calling himself the most PROGRESSIVE candidate running for President, and for every KOOK policy the others are pushing. He is trying to out Commie the other Commies and would certainly govern that way.
You’re just making that stuff up but reality and facts don’t back up anything youre saying. He is nowhere near the left and socialist policy’s that other progressives are proposing.

"I'm told I get criticized by the new left," Biden said, referring to claims that he would occupy a moderate lane should he join the presidential race. "I have the most progressive record for anybody running."

Joe Biden slips, hints about 2020 presidential run
So what? He called himself a progressive. Look at his actual policies compared to most the others. He is much more moderate. You can’t make as case to prove otherwise.

To compete with the other kooks he will talk about all the fixes for man made climate change, call for amnesty for illegals, college debt forgiveness, more Obamacare. He touts all of Obama's policies which were FAR LEFT.

Just one example. What do you think he will say about climate. Let me guess. Taxes, cap and trade, fees, fines, etc. More bureaucracy and growing government over a hoax.

Biden has promised a major speech on climate by the end of the month. A rollout of his health care proposals is also imminent. On Saturday, Biden said the first step of his climate plan would be to “beat Trump.”

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Climate change isn’t a hoax. There is indisputable evidence that 1. The climate is changing (as it always has) and 2. Man is having an effect on the rate of change.

Yes many on the left are hyperbolizing it. But it is not a hoax. And it deserves an honest conversation
Climate change is real and has been happening naturally for eons. Man made climate change is a HOAX and scam.
Climate change is real and has been happening naturally for eons. Man made climate change is a HOAX and scam.
It absolutely is not a hoax. There is clear evidence. A buddy of mine is a climate scientist for the navy and has spent years in the field and also in the pentagon researching the subject. I’ve had in depth conversations with him about climate change. The projected timelines till the end of the world are BS, but the fact that man is having an effect on climate change is not disputable.

What’s your source telling you it’s a hoax?
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.
Just vote for me.

Percy 2020

My entire administration will be USMB members.

I will even let Toro be ambassador to Canaduh.
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.

Are you libs really going to nominate another candidate who will be under investigation?

"under investigation"?

or "spied on"?

Obama's gone
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.

What about the Montana Governor?
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.

What about the Montana Governor?

You mean the only Democratic governor to win a state that Trump won? He says that EVERY chance he gets. :21:
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.

. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government.

You seriously believe that?

I think you're dead wrong.

The last candidate that could have done that was McCain, he worked with, and was liked on both sides of the aisle.

Biden isn't.

I felt Romney was the last one...
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.

What about the Montana Governor?

You mean the only Democratic governor to win a state that Trump won? He says that EVERY chance he gets. :21:

That tis tha uno...

Could he be the one that win the nomination?

I can not vote for Biden either and will not vote for Trump, and forget Sanders, Beto, Harris and Warren...

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