I Hate Trump, But I Don't See Myself Voting Biden Either

I can not vote for Biden either and will not vote for Trump, and forget Sanders, Beto, Harris and Warren...

Only a egotistical maniac would want that job, and yes I am one but still not that damn crazy!

Also the only Canadian that can run for President in the U.S. is Ted Cruz and that clown is not running again...
It's getting tougher and tougher every single freakin' day to understand how anyone can attach themselves to one of these freakin' parties.

It just doesn't make sense to me.

Well too many people believe what their TV or talk radio tell them and how you either vote for the two big political parties that pretend to be different from each other and if you vote third party you are the enemy...

It amazes me how many voters vote straight ticket or will reject a third party candidate while bashing people about being close minded...
Bingo, yep.

I think they're just being defensive. People who choose to (or have the ability to) think for themselves expose these people for what they are. So their first impulse is to get defensive and attack. Human nature.
I can not vote for Biden either and will not vote for Trump, and forget Sanders, Beto, Harris and Warren...

Only a egotistical maniac would want that job, and yes I am one but still not that damn crazy!

Also the only Canadian that can run for President in the U.S. is Ted Cruz and that clown is not running again...
It's getting tougher and tougher every single freakin' day to understand how anyone can attach themselves to one of these freakin' parties.

It just doesn't make sense to me.

Well too many people believe what their TV or talk radio tell them and how you either vote for the two big political parties that pretend to be different from each other and if you vote third party you are the enemy...

It amazes me how many voters vote straight ticket or will reject a third party candidate while bashing people about being close minded...
Bingo, yep.

I think they're just being defensive. People who choose to (or have the ability to) think for themselves expose these people for what they are. So their first impulse is to get defensive and attack. Human nature.

If the American Public would vote third party for about three election cycles the Democrats and Republicans would learn that it is time to offer real solutions and not political theatrics, but alas today voter need participation trophies so getting them to vote third party is as likely me waking with Ana De Armas...
It absolutely is not a hoax. There is clear evidence. A buddy of mine is a climate scientist for the navy and has spent years in the field and also in the pentagon researching the subject. I’ve had in depth conversations with him about climate change. The projected timelines till the end of the world are BS, but the fact that man is having an effect on climate change is not disputable.

What’s your source telling you it’s a hoax?

5? Ice ages came and went all on their own. Nothing man is doing or could do would move the needle like that.
Yes climate change is a natural phenomenon, but how do you dispute that man has an impact on the rate of change as we dump pollutants into our atmosphere?

Now it is "maybe man affects rate of change"? More unproven hogwash. Again the scale is from Glacier ICE to ALA to 120deg in Montana. 0.5degC ain't in that ballpark. Wake me up when Canada has no snow.
No it’s man absolutely affects the rate of change. That is proven.
Of the actual change that has occurred, what percentage is directly due to Man's activities?

They can't tell you what % of whatever change they claim is due to man. Also, the years they measure are a blink of an eye compared to history. Temperature naturally and normally goes up and down over decades, and millennia.

They also can't tell you what the tax dollars, and fees, fines, and additional costs due to cap and trade will go and how the money will "fix" man's influence on climate.

They also say the science is settled and the debate is over just to shut YOU up. Why? Who would do that unless they are hiding the truth.

5? Ice ages came and went all on their own. Nothing man is doing or could do would move the needle like that.
Yes climate change is a natural phenomenon, but how do you dispute that man has an impact on the rate of change as we dump pollutants into our atmosphere?

Now it is "maybe man affects rate of change"? More unproven hogwash. Again the scale is from Glacier ICE to ALA to 120deg in Montana. 0.5degC ain't in that ballpark. Wake me up when Canada has no snow.
No it’s man absolutely affects the rate of change. That is proven.
Of the actual change that has occurred, what percentage is directly due to Man's activities?

They can't tell you what % of whatever change they claim is due to man. Also, the years they measure are a blink of an eye compared to history. Temperature naturally and normally goes up and down over decades, and millennia.

They also can't tell you what the tax dollars, and fees, fines, and additional costs due to cap and trade will go and how the money will "fix" man's influence on climate.

They also say the science is settled and the debate is over just to shut YOU up. Why? Who would do that unless they are hiding the truth.

See now you’re moving away from what the science says and going about what the activists say. That’s not an honest argument. I gave my source and why I believe the science. What’s yours?
When you think 'Biden', think:

- OLD Creepy White Guy

- 'Gaffe Machine'

- Barak Obama & his failed policies

- Him telling Pa their factory jobs were gone forever

- Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton

- His threatening / blackmailing the Ukrainian President to protect his crooked son

Are young Milenials really going to be happy about the DNC screwing them, Bernie supporters, and Bernie - AGAIN - when they GIVE the nomination to Old fart Deep State, Washington Establishment, hair-sniffing, 'Moderate' Sleepy Joe Biden?

I don't think so....this ought to be fun to watch...
Yes climate change is a natural phenomenon, but how do you dispute that man has an impact on the rate of change as we dump pollutants into our atmosphere?

Now it is "maybe man affects rate of change"? More unproven hogwash. Again the scale is from Glacier ICE to ALA to 120deg in Montana. 0.5degC ain't in that ballpark. Wake me up when Canada has no snow.
No it’s man absolutely affects the rate of change. That is proven.
Of the actual change that has occurred, what percentage is directly due to Man's activities?

They can't tell you what % of whatever change they claim is due to man. Also, the years they measure are a blink of an eye compared to history. Temperature naturally and normally goes up and down over decades, and millennia.

They also can't tell you what the tax dollars, and fees, fines, and additional costs due to cap and trade will go and how the money will "fix" man's influence on climate.

They also say the science is settled and the debate is over just to shut YOU up. Why? Who would do that unless they are hiding the truth.

See now you’re moving away from what the science says and going about what the activists say. That’s not an honest argument. I gave my source and why I believe the science. What’s yours?

What percentage is Man?

Where will the money go being siphoned from the economy?

How will the money "fix" the problem of MAN's portion of the change?
I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.

Let me put that as kindly and respectfully as I can, Lew. Whoever thinks that Trump is the problem, and removing him solves it, should kindly cancel his voter registration. Trump is but the logical, almost inevitable product of what the GOP in its entirety has become since Nixon - that is, an entity devoted to scientific crankery, religious bigotry, misogyny, racism, making the lives of the less fortunate as miserable, brutish and short as possible, while serving the plutocracy at the expense of everybody else.

There really is no excuse for any kind of support for this to-the-bones corrupt entity that provides a home for the most despicable of low-lives of the country, and the ignorance, denial, and mendacity required to support that stance is really off the charts. That was already clear in 2016, and not to have learned anything since betrays mental incapacity at the most basic level.
Now it is "maybe man affects rate of change"? More unproven hogwash. Again the scale is from Glacier ICE to ALA to 120deg in Montana. 0.5degC ain't in that ballpark. Wake me up when Canada has no snow.
No it’s man absolutely affects the rate of change. That is proven.
Of the actual change that has occurred, what percentage is directly due to Man's activities?

They can't tell you what % of whatever change they claim is due to man. Also, the years they measure are a blink of an eye compared to history. Temperature naturally and normally goes up and down over decades, and millennia.

They also can't tell you what the tax dollars, and fees, fines, and additional costs due to cap and trade will go and how the money will "fix" man's influence on climate.

They also say the science is settled and the debate is over just to shut YOU up. Why? Who would do that unless they are hiding the truth.

See now you’re moving away from what the science says and going about what the activists say. That’s not an honest argument. I gave my source and why I believe the science. What’s yours?

What percentage is Man?

Where will the money go being siphoned from the economy?

How will the money "fix" the problem of MAN's portion of the change?
I already answered that. They don’t know the exact percentage but they know it is having an effect speeding up the change. Your other questions are political ones not scientific
But that's the point, Slade.....they don't know. How much of our economy should be at risk
on an unknown? Also, we have reduced our carbon footprint significantly. China, and Russia
will not do it. We're spinning our wheels.
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.
Will enough people vote for a moderate?
You lie to much. Up until 2016 most of you spouted moderation and as soon as the election was over ChaimanMao's redbook showed up. Then you admitted to be socialist as the communist in your party made them look moderate. When in full power and the economy is in massive decline most of your agendas will be jettisoned and most of your conquests eliminated by necessity. And so will people.
I tremble in fear.
I don't know what you think I am lying about. You want to rant against Dems or whatever, do it, but don't include me personally in all that bullshit.
I guess if you grew up on video games and rely on emotion for issues that call for intelligent thinking you might run for prom queen the next time around and "hate" a President in times of relative peace and record prosperity.
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.
Biden has the opportunity to do something very important. Dampen the partisan division and bring some unity to our government. He has the relationships and moderate attitude to do this. Yes it will piss off both bases but it is so needed, something needs to change or we are headed towards a new era civil war.
Will enough people vote for a moderate?

Considering what we have now, with pleasure. Biden isn't my first, second or tenth choice, but not a problem voting for him in the general.
The only ‘science’ saying anything supporting it, is first- manipulated, then second has all sorts of caveat’s added to it, which no one reports on.
Yes climate change is a natural phenomenon, but how do you dispute that man has an impact on the rate of change as we dump pollutants into our atmosphere?

Now it is "maybe man affects rate of change"? More unproven hogwash. Again the scale is from Glacier ICE to ALA to 120deg in Montana. 0.5degC ain't in that ballpark. Wake me up when Canada has no snow.
No it’s man absolutely affects the rate of change. That is proven.
Of the actual change that has occurred, what percentage is directly due to Man's activities?

They can't tell you what % of whatever change they claim is due to man. Also, the years they measure are a blink of an eye compared to history. Temperature naturally and normally goes up and down over decades, and millennia.

They also can't tell you what the tax dollars, and fees, fines, and additional costs due to cap and trade will go and how the money will "fix" man's influence on climate.

They also say the science is settled and the debate is over just to shut YOU up. Why? Who would do that unless they are hiding the truth.

See now you’re moving away from what the science says and going about what the activists say. That’s not an honest argument. I gave my source and why I believe the science. What’s yours?
No it’s man absolutely affects the rate of change. That is proven.
Of the actual change that has occurred, what percentage is directly due to Man's activities?

They can't tell you what % of whatever change they claim is due to man. Also, the years they measure are a blink of an eye compared to history. Temperature naturally and normally goes up and down over decades, and millennia.

They also can't tell you what the tax dollars, and fees, fines, and additional costs due to cap and trade will go and how the money will "fix" man's influence on climate.

They also say the science is settled and the debate is over just to shut YOU up. Why? Who would do that unless they are hiding the truth.

See now you’re moving away from what the science says and going about what the activists say. That’s not an honest argument. I gave my source and why I believe the science. What’s yours?

What percentage is Man?

Where will the money go being siphoned from the economy?

How will the money "fix" the problem of MAN's portion of the change?
I already answered that. They don’t know the exact percentage but they know it is having an effect speeding up the change. Your other questions are political ones not scientific

If they don't know what percentage is caused by Man, how can they tell what percentage to "fix"? Absolutely ridiculous.
what are Biden's accomplishments? its easy getting elected Senator From Delaware, its even easier to ride Obama's coattails and get elected VP!
I guess if you grew up on video games and rely on emotion for issues that call for intelligent thinking you might run for prom queen the next time around and "hate" a President in times of relative peace and record prosperity.

"Relative peace?" His diplomatic work has has Guam and Hawaii walking on egg shells to the point that the island of Hawaii freaked out when there alarms went off signaling an incoming missile attack. If not for how Trump was fighting with Jong Un they wouldn't have done that.

You should be more worried about the fact you don't question a President who on top of many other things can change the stock market change by a 1,000 points just by saying a couple of things to the press. After this has happened a few times, have you ever stopped to wonder why he continues to do it? Well I have no doubt he has friends that are making TONS of money from it, being a bull or a bear right on key.
The only ‘science’ saying anything supporting it, is first- manipulated, then second has all sorts of caveat’s added to it, which no one reports on.
Now it is "maybe man affects rate of change"? More unproven hogwash. Again the scale is from Glacier ICE to ALA to 120deg in Montana. 0.5degC ain't in that ballpark. Wake me up when Canada has no snow.
No it’s man absolutely affects the rate of change. That is proven.
Of the actual change that has occurred, what percentage is directly due to Man's activities?

They can't tell you what % of whatever change they claim is due to man. Also, the years they measure are a blink of an eye compared to history. Temperature naturally and normally goes up and down over decades, and millennia.

They also can't tell you what the tax dollars, and fees, fines, and additional costs due to cap and trade will go and how the money will "fix" man's influence on climate.

They also say the science is settled and the debate is over just to shut YOU up. Why? Who would do that unless they are hiding the truth.

See now you’re moving away from what the science says and going about what the activists say. That’s not an honest argument. I gave my source and why I believe the science. What’s yours?
You’re just making shit up! How in the world would you even know that? You couldn’t.

I know a climate scientist. Somebody who spent years in the field gathering and analyzing data about the subject. What do you have? Some right wing news articles and trump tweets?
Of the actual change that has occurred, what percentage is directly due to Man's activities?

They can't tell you what % of whatever change they claim is due to man. Also, the years they measure are a blink of an eye compared to history. Temperature naturally and normally goes up and down over decades, and millennia.

They also can't tell you what the tax dollars, and fees, fines, and additional costs due to cap and trade will go and how the money will "fix" man's influence on climate.

They also say the science is settled and the debate is over just to shut YOU up. Why? Who would do that unless they are hiding the truth.

See now you’re moving away from what the science says and going about what the activists say. That’s not an honest argument. I gave my source and why I believe the science. What’s yours?

What percentage is Man?

Where will the money go being siphoned from the economy?

How will the money "fix" the problem of MAN's portion of the change?
I already answered that. They don’t know the exact percentage but they know it is having an effect speeding up the change. Your other questions are political ones not scientific

If they don't know what percentage is caused by Man, how can they tell what percentage to "fix"? Absolutely ridiculous.
It’s not an A+B situation, there are tons of factors involved. Just because you don’t know the exact percent doesn’t mean data telling us that man has effected the rate of change is a hoax. The fact you are calling it a hoax shows your true colors as a political actor
Biden would not be a good choice at all. Yet, things are so bad, he'd s till be 10 times better than the Orange Buffoon. Yes, America, you political system has gotten that bad!
He's been on the wrong side of just about any wrong-doing or wrong vote in Congress... and let's be honest, being a Vice-President doesn't exactly mean much anymore. I think the last VP that mattered was George H.W. Bush. If Al Gore hadn't jumped the shark so many times... he might have meant something despite being a Democrat.

If the Democrats put Biden up as the candidate, he may win but in the long run I think it will only hurt the Democratic base. Not only will Biden's past hurt them, but he undoubtedly be a one-term President which isn't long enough to actually pass meaningful legislation. The only benefit of Biden over Trump would be him naming a replacement for Ginsburg and keeping the Supreme Court fairly even. Things will be even closer to even if Biden would be able to pick Clarence Thomas's replacement when he retires.

I'd vote for almost any Republican candidate over Trump... so far however it seems only one is willing to run and the Republican Party has already said they are supporting Trump and will not help fund any other candidates.

Solution: vote Trump for Potus and Democrats for Congress.

He'll get impeached if he wins and you'll have Pence as POTUS.

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