I have a problem with some of the rhetoric the left uses when talking about the wall

Yeah! How many years do you think it will be before we’ve totalled $1 trillion on wall spending, and there are still millions of illegals in the country and more still coming in?

Considering the construction is estimated to be like 30-40 billion I think it'd take a long time to reach a trillion dollars spent on the wall. Cost arguments aside, do you accept that a well built border wall would serve as a potentially strong deterrent to illegal immigrants?
Potentially strong? No. Not over 2,000 miles of widely varying terrain.

Factor in maintenance, staffing, and all costs that go with that and I say we spend a trillion within 10 years. And there will still be a over 11 million illegals in the country.

You so totally full of shit your eyes are brown. A border with a wall requires less staff than a border with a wall. We already have pleny of staff on the border. We don't have to had more because of the wall. That's just open-borders propaganda. maintenance of a prestressed wall will be virtually zero. How much maintenance do you see them doing on all the overpasses in your city? That's right, none.
Are you stupid? What do you call road paving? And all the inspections they do? And that’s without even having to check if people are breaking through anything or finding ways under or over anything.

God you’re dumb.
Road paving is road paving. It's laying on the ground, which freezes and thaws, and millions of cars drive over it every year. Aside from a little rain, what kind of wear is the wall going to experience? Answer: none.

You obviously don't know jack about any engineering issue. You should shut the fuck up before you make a total fucking fool of yourself.

Whoops, to late!
Sometimes walls get holes in them or holes underneath them
So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.

They know that, they are just lying scum.
I can't really say for sure one way or the other. Can you? It seems to me that it could be a pretty effective deterrent if it's built right.
Yeah! How many years do you think it will be before we’ve totalled $1 trillion on wall spending, and there are still millions of illegals in the country and more still coming in?

Can you PROVE there will still be millions of illegals in the country and more still coming in?
Can you PROVE there won’t be? Fucking idiot.

So, you just make claims and provide NO foundation for the claim but I'm an idiot? Your performance in this thread reinforces the idea that you aren't worth the attention it takes to read your posts. Oh, and profanity in that context merely indicates an inferior vocabulary. Next time, try something like "idiotic buffoon", you uneducated twit.

Throughout history walls have consistently failed and been abandoned.

Trump's wall of bigotry and hate is no different.
Especially when we tear down the Great Wall of Trump
So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.

It would work if people were just walking across the border, but they aren’t. The majority of illegal immigration is by people who arrive legally and overstay their visas.

The border would keep drugs out if it blocked low flying planes, or boats along the coast.
Wrong. overstays account for 40% of illegals. The other 60% walked accross. Anyone who says preventing 60% is a waste of money simply isn't serious about controlling illegal immigration. They are open-borders douche bags who want to flood this country with illegals.
Waste of a post. The poster you are responding to is Canadian and lives in Canada. They wouldn't be having any of their money wasted or their security threatened either way.
Considering the construction is estimated to be like 30-40 billion I think it'd take a long time to reach a trillion dollars spent on the wall. Cost arguments aside, do you accept that a well built border wall would serve as a potentially strong deterrent to illegal immigrants?
Potentially strong? No. Not over 2,000 miles of widely varying terrain.

Factor in maintenance, staffing, and all costs that go with that and I say we spend a trillion within 10 years. And there will still be a over 11 million illegals in the country.

You so totally full of shit your eyes are brown. A border with a wall requires less staff than a border with a wall. We already have pleny of staff on the border. We don't have to had more because of the wall. That's just open-borders propaganda. maintenance of a prestressed wall will be virtually zero. How much maintenance do you see them doing on all the overpasses in your city? That's right, none.
Are you stupid? What do you call road paving? And all the inspections they do? And that’s without even having to check if people are breaking through anything or finding ways under or over anything.

God you’re dumb.
Road paving is road paving. It's laying on the ground, which freezes and thaws, and millions of cars drive over it every year. Aside from a little rain, what kind of wear is the wall going to experience? Answer: none.

You obviously don't know jack about any engineering issue. You should shut the fuck up before you make a total fucking fool of yourself.

Whoops, to late!
Sometimes walls get holes in them or holes underneath them

Sometimes, dumbasses get so caught up with "what ifs" that they stand in the way of progress.
We don't really patrol the whole border 24/7 idiot. If we did, then no illegals would be getting through, and a wall wouldn't be required. But, because the border is so long, and there aren't enough border patrols to cover the whole thing without huge gaps and a long response time, that is why people are able to cross. If the wall is built, what is to stop cartels and coyotes from blowing holes in it in remote areas?

What stops them now from simply driving accross? The wall reduces the need for manpower. It gives the border patrol time to reach the location where someone is trying to cross. If they blow holes in it, we fix them, dumbass. If we built the wall in the first place, what is so difficult about patching a hole in it?

You are some special kind of dumbass.

If they blew repeated holes in it, the cost of rebuilding and repair is going to be a hell of a lot more than the explosives that blew the hole. And, if a person does the right calculations, they can bring down sizeable portions of it.

So you think the government is so incompetent that it can't castch people who commit the same crime over and over and over? Really?

You're trying to make it sound like just a couple of people would do that. Hate to tell you but the cartels hate Trump, and blowing holes in the wall would be good entertainment for them while they see him spending money for repairs.

There are a lot of cartels down there dude.
I would support trump if he moved where we train our troops from wherever we do it now to the border. While they are training they can also patrol the border.

What better place to train to fight ISIS? It’s tough living in the desert

Sealy, you are a special kind of ignorant if you think that a solution like that is even possible. Boot camp (military training), is around 8 weeks long and filled with classes and instruction. Yes, they march to everywhere they go, but they aren't yet qualified for border patrols.

Besides that, where are you going to house and feed them? There is over 2,000 miles of border, and you can't have just one or two places for training and expect it to cover the whole border.

There are a lot of logistics you aren't considering.

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